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Τρίτη 3 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com,

Immune-Modulation in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Current Concepts and Future Strategies...
Immune-Modulation in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Current Concepts and Future StrategiesChronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is caused by the chronic inhalation of toxic particles and gases that are primarily but not exclusively derived from cigarette smoke that may be either actively or passively inhaled, which initiates a persistent innate and adaptive immune response in the lung. This immune response is associated with an aberrant tissue repair and remodeling process that results...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Semi-automatic PD-L1 Characterization and Enumeration of Circulating Tumor Cells from Non-small...
Semi-automatic PD-L1 Characterization and Enumeration of Circulating Tumor Cells from Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patients by Immunofluorescence.Related ArticlesSemi-automatic PD-L1 Characterization and Enumeration of Circulating Tumor Cells from Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Patients by Immunofluorescence. J Vis Exp. 2019 Aug 14;(150): Authors: Garcia J, Barthelemy D, Geiguer F, Ballandier J, Li KW, Aurel JP, Le Breton F, Rodriguez-Lafrasse C, Manship B, Couraud S, Payen L Abstract Circulating tumor...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
First-Line Selective Internal Radiation Therapy in Patient with Uveal Melanoma Liver Metastases...
First-Line Selective Internal Radiation Therapy in Patient with Uveal Melanoma Liver MetastasesSurvival of patients with uveal melanoma liver metastases is strongly correlated with disease control in the liver. Unfortunately, there are no standardized treatments for this chemo-resistant disease. Selective Internal Radiation Therapy (SIRT) has been tested as salvage therapy but no data exist about its use as first-line therapy. The purpose of this study was to investigate the safety and efficacy of...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Dimerization of the Sodium/Iodide Symporter Thyroid, Ahead of Print. liebertpub1 Fri Aug...
Dimerization of the Sodium/Iodide SymporterThyroid, Ahead of Print.liebertpub1Fri Aug 30, 2019 10:00Allergy promotes alopecia areata in a subset of patientsAbstract In this commentary, we focus on allergy as a facilitating factor in the pathogenesis of alopecia areata (AA). From previous studies on AA, it is well known that subsets of patients can have one or more of; seasonal relapse, comorbid atopic rhinitis, asthma and dermatitis, lesional infiltrating eosinophils and plasma cells, high levels...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
High-Definition Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation to Improve Verbal Retrieval Deficits in...
High-Definition Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation to Improve Verbal Retrieval Deficits in Chronic Traumatic Brain InjuryJournal of Neurotrauma, Ahead of Print.Journal of NeurotraumaTue Sep 03, 2019 10:00Endovascular treatment of acute intracranial vertebrobasilar artery occlusion: a multicenter retrospective observational studyAbstract Purpose This study aimed to evaluate prognostic parameters associated with favorable clinical prognosis and assess the feasibility and safety of three different...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Olaparib in the treatment of ovarian cancer Future Oncology, Ahead of Print. Future Oncology...
Olaparib in the treatment of ovarian cancerFuture Oncology, Ahead of Print.Future OncologyTue Sep 03, 2019 05:56Diagnosis and Treatment of ALK Aberrations in Metastatic NSCLCOpinion statement There has been rapid progress in the use of targeted therapies for ALK-positive which has led to improve dramatically PFS and OS in the metastatic ALK-rearranged NSCLC patients. There are several molecules now available (crizotinib, ceritinib, brigatinib, alectinib, and lorlatinib) and others in development....
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Clonal evolution of acute myeloid leukemia from diagnosis to relapse Abstract Based on the individual...
Clonal evolution of acute myeloid leukemia from diagnosis to relapseAbstract Based on the individual genetic profile, acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients are classified into clinically meaningful molecular subtypes. However, the mutational profile within these groups is highly heterogeneous and multiple AML subclones may exist in a single patient in parallel. Distinct alterations of single cells may be key factors in providing the fitness to survive in this highly competitive environment. Although...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Deep convolutional neural network Inception-v3 model for differential diagnosing of lymph node...
Deep convolutional neural network Inception-v3 model for differential diagnosing of lymph node in cytological images: a pilot study.Related ArticlesDeep convolutional neural network Inception-v3 model for differential diagnosing of lymph node in cytological images: a pilot study. Ann Transl Med. 2019 Jul;7(14):307 Authors: Guan Q, Wan X, Lu H, Ping B, Li D, Wang L, Zhu Y, Wang Y, Xiang J Abstract Background: In this study, we exploited the Inception-v3 deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) model...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Nutrients, Vol. 11, Pages 2073: A Review of Dietary (Phyto)Nutrients for Glutathione Support Nutrients,...
Nutrients, Vol. 11, Pages 2073: A Review of Dietary (Phyto)Nutrients for Glutathione SupportNutrients, Vol. 11, Pages 2073: A Review of Dietary (Phyto)Nutrients for Glutathione Support Nutrients doi: 10.3390/nu11092073 Authors: Deanna M. Minich Benjamin I. Brown Glutathione is a tripeptide that plays a pivotal role in critical physiological processes resulting in effects relevant to diverse disease pathophysiology such as maintenance of redox balance, reduction of oxidative stress, enhancement of...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
 Membranes Membranes, Vol. 9, Pages 114: Preliminary Study on Enzymatic-Based Cleaning of Cation-Exchange...
 MembranesMembranes, Vol. 9, Pages 114: Preliminary Study on Enzymatic-Based Cleaning of Cation-Exchange Membranes Used in Electrodialysis System in Red Wine ProductionMembranes, Vol. 9, Pages 114: Preliminary Study on Enzymatic-Based Cleaning of Cation-Exchange Membranes Used in Electrodialysis System in Red Wine Production Membranes doi: 10.3390/membranes9090114 Authors: Bdiri Bensghaier Chaabane Kozmai Baklouti Larchet The use of enzymatic agents as biological solutions for cleaning ion-exchange...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health IJERPH, Vol. 16, Pages 3231:...
 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public HealthIJERPH, Vol. 16, Pages 3231: Determinants of Maternal Health-Related Quality of Life after Childbirth: The Generation R StudyIJERPH, Vol. 16, Pages 3231: Determinants of Maternal Health-Related Quality of Life after Childbirth: The Generation R Study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph16183231 Authors: Guannan Bai Ida J Korfage Eva Mautner Hein Raat Having good health-related quality...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Antioxidants, Vol. 8, Pages 371: Chrysophanol, Physcion, Hesperidin and Curcumin Modulate the...
Antioxidants, Vol. 8, Pages 371: Chrysophanol, Physcion, Hesperidin and Curcumin Modulate the Gene Expression of Pro-Inflammatory Mediators Induced by LPS in HepG2: In Silico and Molecular StudiesAntioxidants, Vol. 8, Pages 371: Chrysophanol, Physcion, Hesperidin and Curcumin Modulate the Gene Expression of Pro-Inflammatory Mediators Induced by LPS in HepG2: In Silico and Molecular Studies Antioxidants doi: 10.3390/antiox8090371 Authors: Selim Elgazar Abdel-Hamid El-Magd Yasri Hefnawy Sobeh Hepatitis...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com,
 Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Αλέξανδρος Γ. ΣφακιανάκηςAcquiring skills of airway management: The grandpa–granddaughter model! Rakesh Kumar Journal of Anaesthesiology...Acquiring skills of airway management: The grandpa–granddaughter model!Rakesh KumarJournal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology 2019 35(3):287-288Optimal position for laryngoscopy – Time for individualization?Sheila Nainan MyatraJournal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology 2019 35(3):289-291Digital future in perioperative...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Acquiring skills of airway management: The grandpa–granddaughter model! Rakesh Kumar Journal of Anaesthesiology...
Acquiring skills of airway management: The grandpa–granddaughter model!Rakesh KumarJournal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology 2019 35(3):287-288Optimal position for laryngoscopy – Time for individualization?Sheila Nainan MyatraJournal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology 2019 35(3):289-291Digital future in perioperative medicine: Are we there yet?Umakanth Panchagnula, Mohan Shanmugam, Biyyam Meghna RaoJournal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology 2019 35(3):292-294Beyond the borders:...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Can yoga practice minimize cancer risks to Indian women? Govindasamy Agoramoorthy International Journal...
Can yoga practice minimize cancer risks to Indian women?Govindasamy AgoramoorthyInternational Journal of Yoga 2019 12(3):177-178Niyantrita Madhumeha Bharata 2017, methodology for a nationwide diabetes prevalence estimate: Part 1HR Nagendra, R Nagarathna, SK Rajesh, S Amit, S Telles, A HankeyInternational Journal of Yoga 2019 12(3):179-192Background: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) poses an ever-increasing threat to people's health worldwide. India has reported high rates of incidence of T2DM. The...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Drug misuse in India: Where do we stand & where to go from here? Ajit Avasthi, Abhishek Ghosh Indian...
Drug misuse in India: Where do we stand & where to go from here?Ajit Avasthi, Abhishek GhoshIndian Journal of Medical Research 2019 149(6):689-692Progress in multiple myelomaReinhold Munker, Gregory MonohanIndian Journal of Medical Research 2019 149(6):693-694Overnutrition: Current scenario & combat strategiesPrashant Mathur, Rakesh PillaiIndian Journal of Medical Research 2019 149(6):695-705Large population-based surveys by the Government of India and several other regional studies have...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Neglect and abandonment of persons with dementia in India: Urgent need for residential and day-care...
Neglect and abandonment of persons with dementia in India: Urgent need for residential and day-care facilitiesOm Prakash SinghIndian Journal of Psychiatry 2019 61(5):429-430Patterns and predictors of self-harm in patients with substance-use disorderRishi Gupta, Shubham Narnoli, Nileshwar Das, Siddharth Sarkar, Yatan Pal Singh BalharaIndian Journal of Psychiatry 2019 61(5):431-438Background: Suicide is a growing health concern and causes significant health burden. Patients with substance use disorders...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Au revoir Ashish Kumar Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology 2019 23(5):389-390 Dream it, believe...
Au revoirAshish KumarJournal of Indian Society of Periodontology 2019 23(5):389-390Dream it, believe it, and build itAnil MelathJournal of Indian Society of Periodontology 2019 23(5):391-392Concluding note: Time to look back and move aheadAbhay KolteJournal of Indian Society of Periodontology 2019 23(5):393-39444-year journey of palatal connective tissue graft harvest: A narrative reviewKomal Puri, Ashish Kumar, Manish Khatri, Mansi Bansal, Mohd Rehan, Srinivasa Tenkasale SiddeshappaJournal of Indian...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
My Magic Wand Publication date: Available online 3 September 2019 Source: Academic Pediatrics Author(s):...
My Magic WandPublication date: Available online 3 September 2019Source: Academic PediatricsAuthor(s): Moira SzilagyiGrace amid turmoil: Death in the delivery roomPublication date: Available online 3 September 2019Source: Academic PediatricsAuthor(s): Sarah Mongiello BernsteinParental Dual Use of e-Cigarettes and Traditional CigarettesPublication date: September–October 2019Source: Academic Pediatrics, Volume 19, Issue 7Author(s): Emara Nabi-Burza, Susan Regan, Bethany Hipple Walters, Jeremy E. Drehmer,...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Walnut and Sulphites Undeclared or Incorrectly Declared in Staffords Bakery Carrot Cake and Luxury...
Walnut and Sulphites Undeclared or Incorrectly Declared in Staffords Bakery Carrot Cake and Luxury Coffee Gateau--
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Added therapeutic benefit and drug licensing     Hans-Georg Eichler, Harald Enzmann & Guido Rasi...
Added therapeutic benefit and drug licensing    Hans-Georg Eichler, Harald Enzmann & Guido Rasi pp651 - 652 | doi:10.1038/d41573-019-00068-x One aspect of the ongoing debate about drug pricing is the added therapeutic benefit of new drugs compared with existing — and potentially cheaper — therapies. Here, we discuss the merits and pitfalls of proposals that are being discussed with regard to the role of regulatory agencies in establishing added therapeutic benefit. Full Text | PDF NEWS &...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Cutaneous Pathology Accepted Articles Accepted, unedited articles published online and citable. The...
Cutaneous PathologyAccepted ArticlesAccepted, unedited articles published online and citable. The final edited and typeset Version of Record will appear in the future.BRIEF COMMUNICATIONA variant in FTO gene shows association with histological ulceration in cutaneous melanomaEric Kalo, Canan Güvenç, Vivien Marasigan, Diether Lambrechts, Joost Van den Oord, Marjan GarmynFirst Published: 30 August 2019CASE REPORTSNovel CARD9 mutation in a patient with chronic invasive dermatophyte infection (tinea...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
CFIA staffing still varies, but its no longer an issueBy Dan Flynn on Sep 03, 2019 12:05 am Back in...
CFIA staffing still varies, but its no longer an issueBy Dan Flynn on Sep 03, 2019 12:05 am Back in the day, that being before 2015, Canadian politics made much of minor fluxations in numbers of staff assigned to food safety. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) was often defending its staffing levels when Conservative Ron Harper ran the government from the capital in Ottawa. Usually, charges that inspection personnel was being cutback... Continue Reading  FDA sends warnings to companies in...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Geroscience: The Intersection of Basic Aging Biology, Chronic Disease, and Health No abstract available...
Geroscience: The Intersection of Basic Aging Biology, Chronic Disease, and HealthNo abstract availableThe Influence of Presurgical Factors on the Rehabilitation Outcome of Patients Following Hip ArthroplastyPurpose The aims of this study were to evaluate the relationship between sociodemographic information, anthropometric values, clinical and presurgery factors, and length of stay (LOS) in older adult patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty (THA) and to predict which factors can delay the start...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Retrospective Analysis of Contrast-enhanced Ultrasonography Effectiveness in Reducing Time to Diagnosis...
Retrospective Analysis of Contrast-enhanced Ultrasonography Effectiveness in Reducing Time to Diagnosis and Imaging-related Expenditures at a Single Large United States County HospitalHepatic and renal lesions detected during ultrasound examinations frequently require subsequent contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for characterization, delaying time to imaging diagnosis and increasing overall health care expenditures. Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS)...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Postdonation eGFR and New-Onset Antihypertensive Medication Use After Living Kidney Donation Background....
Postdonation eGFR and New-Onset Antihypertensive Medication Use After Living Kidney DonationBackground. Limited data are available regarding clinical implications of lower renal function after living kidney donation. We examined a novel integrated database to study associations between postdonation estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and use of antihypertensive medication (AHM) treatment after living kidney donation. Methods. Study data were assembled by linking national U.S. transplant registry...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Non-HDL cholesterol should not generally replace LDL cholesterol in the management of hyperlipidaemia...
Non-HDL cholesterol should not generally replace LDL cholesterol in the management of hyperlipidaemiaPurpose of review Non-HDL cholesterol was originally conceived as a therapeutic target for statin treatment in hypertriglyceridaemia when apolipoprotein B100 assays were not widely available. Recently non-HDL cholesterol has been recommended to replace LDL cholesterol in the clinical management of dyslipidaemia routinely in general medical practice. This is misguided. Recent findings Non-HDL cholesterol...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
The interaction between estradiol change and the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTTLPR) polymorphism...
The interaction between estradiol change and the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTTLPR) polymorphism is associated with postpartum depressive symptomsAlthough estrogenic fluctuation is considered a major risk factor for postpartum depression (PPD), the effects of the interactions between the genetic background and estradiol (E2) change on PPD are not well understood. Here, a cohort study with 437 postpartum women was carried out to evaluate the role of a serotonin transporter gene polymorphism (5-HTTLPR)...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Cancer Research September 2019; 79 (17)  Breaking InsightsHighlights from Recent Cancer Literature...
Cancer Research September 2019; 79 (17) Breaking InsightsHighlights from Recent Cancer LiteratureReviewsMapping and Making Sense of Noncoding Mutations in the GenomeJiekun Yang et al.A Tribute to John Mendelsohn: A Pioneer in Targeted Cancer TherapyRakesh Kumar et al.Cancer Research HighlightsKnow Thy PDX ModelTerrence F. MeehanControversy and ConsensusAuthorChoice Recent Developments and Therapeutic Strategies against Hepatocellular CarcinomaMark Yarchoan et al.Priority ReportTemozolomide Sensitizes...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Development and validation of the short-form Ryff's psychological well-being scale for clinical nurses...
Development and validation of the short-form Ryff's psychological well-being scale for clinical nurses in TaiwanTony Szu-Hsien Lee, Huey-Fang Sun, Hui-Hsun ChiangJournal of Medical Sciences 2019 39(4):157-162Background: Research into clinical nurses' psychological well-being (PWB) is limited and fragmented. A reliable and valid measure is needed to advance the field of nurses' mental health. Objective: To examine the psychometric validity of Short-Form PWB Scale (PWBSs) among clinical nurses. Methods:...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Stay at the forefront of implementing best practices to prevent opioid misuse and abuse with our complimentary...
Stay at the forefront of implementing best practices to prevent opioid misuse and abuse with our complimentary course, ASA Pain: Considerations When Using Opioid Analgesics. Browse our two learning formats and earn CME.Perioperative Methadone: This Clinical Focus Review provides an assessment of clinical investigations that have evaluated the effect of intraoperative methadone on postoperative outcomes. Postoperative pain and need for analgesics can be significantly reduced with intraoperative methadone. Perioperative...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis

Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου
