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Πέμπτη 13 Μαΐου 2021

Novel Concept, Design and Feasibility Test of Hybrid Temporal Bone and Sheep Head Holder

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We present a first feasibility and usability assessment of a novel commercial hybrid temporal and sheep head holder. Feasibility tests were conducted on human cadaveric and sheep temporal bone based on common otologic procedures. Overall practicality of using this device for cadaveric temporal bone dissections was evaluated. Beneficial aspects included ease of usage, handling, fixing and stability, inbuilt irrigation system, compartments for instrument placement, ergonomics and overall satisfaction. The novel hybrid Temporal and sheep bone holder bears the potential to provide benefits for cadaveric and sheep bone dissections.

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Endoscopic Transnasal Management of Giant Paediatric Sinonasal Ossifying Fibroma

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The ossifying fibroma is a rare fibro-osseous benign lesion of bone in the head and neck region. The mandible is the most common site reported followed by maxilla and other bones of the skull. A paediatric male presented with protrusion of the right eyeball for one-month duration. Further evaluation by diagnostic nasal endoscopy revealed a smooth mass confined to the superior and middle meatus on the right side. Computed tomography of paranasal sinus showed a large heterogenous bony lesion involving the ethmoid and sphenoid sinus and extending laterally into the orbit and superiorly into anterior skull base. Endoscopic biopsy was suggestive of ossifying fibroma. Transnasal endoscopic excision of the lesion was done and the patient is currently on follow-up. This case is reported for the rarity of presentation and the difficulties in management.

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Performance of a Closed Set Picture Identification Test in Tamil for Children with Cochlear Implant

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The study attempted to assess the closed set word identification abilities in children with cochlear implant (CI) with a picture identification test developed in Tamil. The test was validated on typically developing children with normal hearing (NH) to build a reference for comparison. Participants for the study included 205 children with NH between the age range of 3–6 years and 45 children with cochlear implant within the age range of 3–11 years. The picture identification test was developed using bisyllabic words with corresponding pictures in Tamil. Two lists were created with 25 words each and administered to the children with NH and CI. The scores of both the groups were analysed. The results indicated that the mean scores improved as age increased for children in the NH group. Also, there was no significant difference in performance between the two-word lists. Significant difference in scores was noted between the CI and the NH group (p < ; 0.01). However, the mean scores in the CI group increased as the experience with CI increased. The picture identification test in Tamil is deemed appropriate to elicit closed set word identification responses for children with CI between the age of 3–6 years. The test will provide supplemental information for mapping and to plan habilitation for children with CI.

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A longitudinal study of changes of congenital auricular deformity regarding self-correction

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J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2021 Mar 28:S1748-6815(21)00113-3. doi: 10.1016/j.bjps.2021.03.023. Online ahead of print.


This study aimed to investigate the factors associated with congenital auricular deformities and evaluate the long-term frequency of their self-correction. Ninety newborns were enrolled in the study, and data were collected within 2 weeks after birth and at 1 year. The shape of the auricle was classified into seven categories using a digital image. At 2 weeks after birth, several birth-related factors were evaluated in the auricular deformity and normal groups. At 1 year after birth, the images of auricles were compared with the images at birth, and the changes in the auricle shape were investigated. Congenital auricular deformities were observed in 139 out of 180 ears, and the major type noted was helix rim deformity (47 ears), followed by normal ears (41 ears), and cup ears (33 ears). Male sex was found t o have a statistically significant association with the occurrence of auricular deformity. In the longitudinal study, among 43 neonates (86 ears) followed-up 12 months later, the self-correction rate was approximately 50%. The normal auricle and prominent ear increased, helix rim deformity and cup ear decreased significantly. The prognosis of deformity varied depending on the type of deformity. Considering the low self-correction rate in the prominent and cup ears, newborns with these deformities might be recommended to undergo management such as auricle molding technique, as required.

PMID:33972198 | DOI:10.1016/j.bjps.2021.03.023

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BreastImplantAnalyzer: An easy-to-use, validated tool for calculating breast implant volume from MRI data

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J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2021 Apr 8:S1748-6815(21)00158-3. doi: 10.1016/j.bjps.2021.03.068. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: Given the prevalence of breast augmentation and prosthetic-based breast reconstruction, it is common for the plastic surgeon to see patients presenting for revisional implant surgery. A frequent issue encountered in such procedures is uncertainty of implant size, which presents numerous challenges and may lead to undesired outcomes for both the patient and the surgeon. There is currently no tool available with the purpose of measuring implant volume from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data. In this study, such a program was designed and tested.

METHODS: An open-source software was developed that provides volume measurement of a chosen breast implant with minimal interaction from the user, allowing for precision in the planning of breast implant revisional surgery. It was developed to be a s easy to use as possible for clinicians who may not have experience with imaging analysis platforms. The program was tested on patients who underwent revisional implant surgery and had documented implant volumes and pre-operative breast MRIs. Twenty-two implants were tested in total, including saline and both smooth and textured silicone implants.

RESULTS: The software has shown to be highly accurate with an average accuracy of 98.6%. A Spearman correlation coefficient of 0.967 was obtained. The software also performed faster than previously proposed methods.

CONCLUSION: Plastic surgeons can easily calculate breast implant volume pre-operatively using BreastImplantAnalyzer, which is available to download for free from www.BreastImplantAnalyzer.com or as an extension for the popular medical imaging platform 3D Slicer.

PMID:33972201 | DOI:10.1016/j.bjps.2021.03.068

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Quantitative laryngoscopy with computer-aided diagnostic system for laryngeal lesions

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Via Polyps

Sci Rep. 2021 May 12;11(1):10147. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-89680-9.


Laryngoscopes are widely used in the clinical diagnosis of laryngeal lesions, but such diagnosis relies heavily on the physician's subjective experience. The purpose of this study was to develop a computer-aided diagnostic system for the detection of laryngeal lesions based on objective criteria. This study used the distinct features of the image contour to find the clearest image in the laryngoscopic video. First to reduce the illumination problem caused by the laryngoscope lens, which could not fix the position of the light source, this study proposed image compensation to provide the image with a consistent brightness range for better performance. Second, we also proposed a method to automatically screen clear images from laryngoscopic film. Third, we used ACM to segment automatically them based on structural features of the pharynx and larynx, using hue and geomet ric analysis in the vocal cords and other zones. Finally, the support vector machine was used to classify laryngeal lesions based on a decision tree. This study evaluated the performance of the proposed system by assessing the laryngeal images of 284 patients. The accuracy of the detection for vocal cord polyps, cysts, leukoplakia, tumors, and healthy vocal cords were 93.15%, 95.16%, 100%, 96.42%, and 100%, respectively. The cross-validation accuracy for the five classes were 93.1%, 94.95%, 99.4%, 96.01% and 100%, respectively, and the average test accuracy for the laryngeal lesions was 93.33%. Our results showed that it was feasible to take the hue and geometric features of the larynx as signs to identify laryngeal lesions and that they could effectively assist physicians in diagnosing laryngeal lesions.

PMID:33980940 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-021-89680-9

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