Δευτέρα 18 Απριλίου 2022

Evaluation of Clinical Significance of Lymphovascular Space Invasion in Stage IA Endometrial Cancer

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Via Oncology
Conclusion: LVSI was not a prognostic factor of not only stage IA endometrial cancer, but also stage IA low-grade cancer. (Source: Oncology)
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Evaluation of Clinical Significance of Lymphovascular Space Invasion in Stage IA Endometrial Cancer

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Via Oncology
CONCLUSION: LVSI was not a prognostic factor of not only stage IA endometrial cancer, but also stage IA low-grade cancer.PMID:34915516 | DOI:10.1159/000521382 (Source: Oncology)
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Life and death of microglia: mechanisms governing microglial states and fates

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Immunol Lett. 2022 Apr 9:S0165-2478(22)00042-6. doi: 10.1016/j.imlet.2022.04.001. Online ahead of print.ABSTRACTRecent advances in genetic analysis and intensive research have revealed that microglial cells respond to external stimuli in various ways and adopt diverse states. Herein, we summarize the current knowledge on the possible microglial states during development, homeostasis, and perturbation. These states are characterized either by irreversible cellular changes, such as cell death and cellular senescence, or reversible alterations, triggered by temporary changes in the microenvironment. Subsequently, we discuss the modalities of the transcriptional and functional recovery of microglia from a molecular perspective. An understanding of (ir)reversible changes in their cellular fates...
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A Novel Balloon Catheter-based Dilation Intervention for Patients with Cricopharyngeus Achalasia After Stroke: A Randomized Study

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Via Dysphagia
This study aimed to investigate the efficacy and safety of a novel balloon catheter in dilation intervention for patients with cricopharyngeus achalasia after stroke. Thirty-four patients with cricopharyngeus achalasia after stroke received routine swallowing rehabilitation training and were randomly assigned to an experimental group (Exp,n = 17) that received dilation therapy using the novel balloon catheter once daily for 5 days per week or a control group (Con,n = 17) that received dilation therapy with a 14-Fr ordinary urinary catheter once daily for 5 days per week. The intervention duration, Eating Assessment Tool (EAT)-10 scores, and Functional Oral Intake Scale (FOIS) scores were recorded at baseline and each day during intervention. The time for a patient's FOIS score ...
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Zenker ’s Diverticulum: Readability and Quality of Online Written Education Materials

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Via Dysphagia
AbstractTo assess the readability and quality of online materials for Zenker 's diverticulum. A Google search of "Zenker's diverticulum" was performed and the first 50 websites were reviewed. Readability was measured by Flesch Reading Ease (FRES), Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level (FKGL) and the Simple Measure of Gobbledygook (SMOG) scores using an online calculator. Unders tandability and actionability were assessed with the Patient Education Materials Assessment Tool for Printed Materials (PEMAT-P). Websites were categorized as either patient-targeted or physician-targeted and unpaired t tests were used to compare scores between these two groups. A total of 31 websit es (23 patient-oriented sites and 8 physician-oriented sites) were analyzed. The average FRES, FKGL, and SMOG scores were...
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Mortality from Aspiration Pneumonia: Incidence, Trends, and Risk Factors

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Via Dysphagia
AbstractAspiration pneumonia is a potentially preventable, aggressive type of pneumonia. Little is understood on the burden in mortality from aspiration pneumonia. Our objectives were to first examine the burden of mortality from aspiration pneumonia in the United States and second investigate comorbidities associated with aspiration pneumonia to understand risk factors. We conducted a case –control study of individuals who died of aspiration pneumonia matched to those who died of other causes. We analyzed all deaths in the United States using the Multiple Cause of Death Dataset from 1999 to 2017. Cases were matched with controls based on age, sex, and race. We calculated age-adjuste d mortality rates, annual percentage changes in aspiration pneumonia mortality, and matched odds ratio co...
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New Radioprotective Device that can be Used for Fluoroscopic Exam: Possibility to Contribute to Staff Exposure Protection During VFSS

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Via Dysphagia
AbstractThe videofluoroscopic swallowing study (VFSS) is a recognized standard diagnostic imaging technique that is used to investigate swallowing disorders and dysphagia. Patients were assessed in a seated posture on a chair or wheelchair. Using X-ray fluoroscopy, the state of patients ' swallowing was checked by eating and drinking according to the physician's instructions. VFSS procedures are prolonged, and VFSS staff members are exposed to radiation. Therefore, we evaluated original lead shielding device (OLSD) that can be attached to the handrail of a table and placed vertic ally. The OLSD has a lead-equivalent thickness of 0.3 mmPb, weighs about 6 kg, and has the dimensions 50 cm × 50 cm × 8.0 mm. We used a human phantom and a radiation survey meter with and without p...
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Effect of Intensive Oropharyngeal Training on Radiotherapy-Related Dysphagia in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Patients

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Via Dysphagia
ConclusionsThis study indicated that intensive oropharyngeal training improves swallowing function after radiotherapy in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma. (Source: Dysphagia)
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Videofluoroscopic Profiles of Swallowing and Airway Protection Post-traumatic Cervical Spinal Cord Injury

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Via Dysphagia
AbstractVideofluoroscopic analyses of swallowing in survivors of traumatic cervical spinal cord injury (tCSCI) have been largely limited to case reports/series and qualitative observations. To elucidate the disrupted physiology specifically underlying dysphagia post-tCSCI, this prospective observational study analyzed videofluoroscopic swallow studies (recorded at 30 frames per second) across 20 tCSCI survivors. Norm-referenced measures of swallow timing or displacement, and calibrated area measures of laryngeal vestibule closure (LVC) were explored in relation to the severity of aspiration or pharyngeal residue. Videofluoroscopic performance was compared by injury level, surgical intervention, tracheostomy status, and in relation to clinical bedside assessments. Reduced pharyngeal constri...
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Identifying Dysphagia and Demographic Associations in Older Adults Using Electronic Health Records: A National Longitudinal Observational Study in Wales (United Kingdom) 2008 –2018

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This study has confirmed the association of dysphagia with increasing age and frailty. A previously unreported association wit h deprivation has been identified. Deprivation is a multifactorial problem that is known to affect health outcomes, and the association with dysphagia should not be a surprise. Research in to this relationship is indicated. (Source: Dysphagia)
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Pneumonia, Mortality, and Other Outcomes Associated with Unsafe Swallowing Detected via Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) in Patients with Functional Oropharyngeal Dysphagia: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

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Via Dysphagia
The objective of this study was to evaluate the risk of dysphagia complications associated with the detection of premature spillage, residue, penetration, and aspiration via FEES. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature were carried out. A search strategy was established using terms of controlled and free vocabulary (free text) in the PubMed, Lilacs, Embase, Medline, and Cochrane databases. The initial search in the databases identified 3545 articles, of which 321 were excluded due to duplication, 3224 were selected for review of titles and abstracts, 45 were selected for full-text review, 37 were excluded for not meeting the selection criteria, and 8 were included for the final analysis, with a total population of 1168 patients. Aspiration increased the risk of pneumonia (...
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Cervical Vertebral Height Approximates Hyoid Displacement in Videofluoroscopic Images of Healthy Adults

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Via Dysphagia
This study aimed to determine the validity and feasibility of a visual, anatomically scaled benchmark for judging complete hyoid displacement during a VFSS. The third and fourth cervical vertebral bodies (C3 and C4) lie at roughly the same vertical position as the hyoid body an d are strongly correlated with patient height. We hypothesized that anterior and superior displacement of the hyoid bone would approximate the height of one C3 or C4 body during safe swallows. Trained raters marked points of interest on C3, C4, and the hyoid body on 1414 swallows of adult patients w ith suspected dysphagia (n = 195) and 50 swallows of age-matched healthy participants (n = 17), and rated Penetration Aspiration Scale scores. Results indicated that the mean displacements of the hyoid bone were ...
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Reliability of Ultrasound Examination of Hyoid Bone Displacement Amplitude: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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Via Dysphagia
The objective of this study was to analyze the reliability of measuring hyoid bone displacement amplitude in swallowing with ultrasound. The systematic review encompassed five databases (MEDLINE, Scopus, EMBASE, Web of Science, Cochrane Library) and gray literature. There was no limitation of language or year of publication. The search/selection/extraction methodology was conducted by two authors blindly and independently, and differences were solved by a third rater. Th ree studies met the eligibility criteria: two of them analyzed the reliability in non-dysphagic populations and the other, in dysphagic patients. The transducer was positioned in the submandibular region in all studies. The authors were not clear about the training time to acquire and analyze ultras ound images. The meta-a...
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