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Κυριακή 1 Νοεμβρίου 2020

Linguistic Complexity of Speech Recognition Test Sentences and Its Influence on Children’s Verbal Repetition Accuracy

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imageObjectives: Speech recognition (SR)-tests have been developed for children without considering the linguistic complexity of the sentences used. However, linguistic complexity is hypothesized to influence correct sentence repetition. The aim of this study is to identify lexical and grammatical parameters influencing verbal repetition accuracy of sentences derived from a Dutch SR-test when performed by 6-year-old typically developing children. Design: For this observational, cross-sectional study, 40 typically developing children aged 6 were recruited at four primary schools in the Netherlands. All children performed a sentence repetition task derived from an SR-test for adults. The sentence complexity was described beforehand with one lexical parameter, age of acquisition, and four grammatical parameters, specifically sentence length, prepositions, sentence structure, and verb inflection. A multiple logistic regression analysis was performed. Results: Sentences with a higher age of acquisition (odds ratio [OR] = 1.59) or greater sentence length (OR = 1.28) had a higher risk of repetition inaccuracy. Sentences including a spatial (OR = 1.25) or other preposition (OR = 1.25) were at increased risk for incorrect repetition, as were complex sentences (OR = 1.69) and sentences in the present perfect (OR = 1.44) or future tense (OR = 2.32). Conclusions: The variation in verbal repetition accuracy in 6-year-old children is significantly influenced by both lexical and grammatical parameters. Linguistic complexity is an important factor to take into account when assessing speech intelligibility in children.
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Speech-in-Noise Recognition With More Realistic Implementations of a Binaural Cochlear-Implant Sound Coding Strategy Inspired by the Medial Olivocochlear Reflex

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imageObjectives: Cochlear implant (CI) users continue to struggle understanding speech in noisy environments with current clinical devices. We have previously shown that this outcome can be improved by using binaural sound processors inspired by the medial olivocochlear (MOC) reflex, which involve dynamic (contralaterally controlled) rather than fixed compressive acoustic-to-electric maps. The present study aimed at investigating the potential additional benefits of using more realistic implementations of MOC processing. Design: Eight users of bilateral CIs and two users of unilateral CIs participated in the study. Speech reception thresholds (SRTs) for sentences in competition with steady state noise were measured in unilateral and bilateral listening modes. Stimuli were processed through two independently functioning sound processors (one per ear) with fixed compression, the current clinical standard (STD); the originally proposed MOC strategy with fast contralateral control of compression (MOC1); a MOC strategy with slower control of compression (MOC2); and a slower MOC strategy with comparatively greater contralateral inhibition in the lower-frequency than in the higher-frequency channels (MOC3). Performance with the four strategies was compared for multiple simulated spatial configurations of the speech and noise sources. Based on a previously published technical evaluation of these strategies, we hypothesized that SRTs would be overall better (lower) with the MOC3 strategy than with any of the other te sted strategies. In addition, we hypothesized that the MOC3 strategy would be advantageous over the STD strategy in listening conditions and spatial configurations where the MOC1 strategy was not. Results: In unilateral listening and when the implant ear had the worse acoustic signal-to-noise ratio, the mean SRT was 4 dB worse for the MOC1 than for the STD strategy (as expected), but it became equal or better for the MOC2 or MOC3 strategies than for the STD strategy. In bilateral listening, mean SRTs were 1.6 dB better for the MOC3 strategy than for the STD strategy across all spatial configurations tested, including a condition with speech and noise sources colocated at front where the MOC1 strategy was slightly disadvantageous relative to the STD strategy. All strategies produced significantly better SRTs for spatially separated than for colocated speech and noise sources. A statistically significant binaural advantage (i.e., better mean SRTs across spatial configurations and participants in bilateral than in unilateral listening) was found for the MOC2 and MOC3 strategies but not for the STD or MOC1 strategies. Conclusions: Overall, performance was best with the MOC3 strategy, which maintained the benefits of the originally proposed MOC1 strategy over the STD strategy for spatially separated speech and noise sources and extended those benefits to additional spatial configurations. In addition, the MOC3 strategy provided a significant binaural advantage, which did not occur with the STD or the original MOC1 strategies.
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Fiber-Specific Changes in White Matter Microstructure in Individuals With X-Linked Auditory Neuropathy

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imageObjectives: Auditory neuropathy (AN) is the term used to describe a group of hearing disorders, in which the hearing impairment occurs as a result of abnormal auditory nerve function. While our understanding of this condition has advanced significantly over recent years, the ability to determine the site of lesion and the extent of dysfunction in affected individuals remains a challenge. To this end, we investigated potential axonal degeneration in the white matter tracts of the brainstem in individuals with X-linked AN. We hypothesized that individuals with X-linked AN would show focal degeneration within the VIII nerve and/or auditory brainstem tracts, and the degree of degeneration would correlate with the extent of auditory perceptual impairment. Design: This was achieved using a higher-order diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI)–based quantitative measure called apparent fiber density as obtained from a technique called single-shell 3-tissue constrained spherical deconvolution and analyzed with the fixel-based analysis framework. Eleven subjects with genetically confirmed X-linked AN and 11 controls with normal hearing were assessed using behavioral and objective auditory measures. dMRI data were also collected for each participant. Results: Fixel-based analysis of the brainstem region showed that subjects with X-linked AN had significantly lower apparent fiber density in the VIII nerve compared with controls, consistent with axonal degeneration in this region. Subsequent analysis of the auditory brainstem tracts specifically showed that degeneration was also significant in these structures overall. The apparent fiber density findings were supported by objective measures of auditory function, such as auditory brainstem responses, electrocochleography, and otoacoustic emissions, which showed VIII nerve activity was severely disrupted in X-linked AN subjects while cochlear sensory hair cell function was relatively unaffected. Moreover, apparent fiber density results were significantly correlated with temporal processing ability (gap detection task) in affected subjects, suggesting that the degree of VIII nerve degeneration may impact the ability to resolve temporal aspects of an acoustic signal. Auditory assessments of sou nd detection, speech perception, and the processing of binaural cues were also significantly poorer in the X-linked AN group compared with the controls with normal hearing. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that the dMRI–based measure of apparent fiber density may provide a useful adjunct to existing auditory assessments in the characterization of the site of lesion and extent of dysfunction in individuals with AN. Additionally, the ability to determine the degree of degeneration has the potential to guide rehabilitation strategies in the future.
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Development of Abbreviated Versions of the Word Auditory Recognition and Recall Measure

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imageObjectives: The objective of this study was to develop and evaluate abbreviated versions of the Word Auditory Recognition and Recall Measure (WARRM) as part of an iterative process in the development of a feasible test for potential future clinical use. Design: The three original WARRM (O-WARRM) randomizations were modified by altering the presentation paradigm. Instead of presenting 5 trials per set size with set size increasing from 2 to 6 as in the O-WARRM (n = 100 words), the experimental WARRM (E-WARRM) paradigm consisted of one trial from each of set sizes 2 to 6 to create a "run" (n = 20 words) with each randomization consisting of 5 runs (n = 100 words). A total of 24 younger listeners with normal hearing and 48 older listeners with hearing loss (OHL) were administered 1 randomization of the O-WARRM and 1 different randomization of the E-WARRM. Results: The recognition and recall performances on the O-WARRM and all versions of the E-WARRM (five individual runs and overall) were similar within each listener group, with the younger listeners with normal hearing outperforming the OHL listeners on all measures. Correlation analyses revealed moderate to strong associations between the abbreviated WARRM runs and the O-WARRM for the OHL listener group. Hierarchical regression modeling suggested that run 1 of the E-WARRM was a good predictor of O-WARRM performance and that adding additional runs did not improve the prediction. Taken together, these findings suggest that administering one run from the E-WARRM warrants further examination for clinical use. Additional analyses revealed equivalent scores on all five runs from the three E-WARRM randomizations for both listener groups. Conclusions: Abbreviated versions of the O-WARRM were developed as part of this study. This was accomplished by modifying the original presentation paradigm and creating 15 unique "runs" among the original 3 randomizations. The resulting 15 runs could be considered 15 unique and abbreviated WARRM lists that have potential, in the future after further studies are conducted to establish important properties, for clinic use. The abbreviated WARRM lists may be useful for quantifying auditory working memory of listeners with hearing loss during the audiologic rehabilitation process.
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Binaural Pitch Fusion: Binaural Pitch Averaging in Cochlear Implant Users With Broad Binaural Fusion

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imageObjectives: Individuals who use hearing aids (HAs) or cochlear implants (CIs) can experience broad binaural pitch fusion, such that sounds differing in pitch by as much as 3 to 4 octaves are perceptually integrated across ears. Previously, it was shown in HA users that the fused pitch is a weighted average of the two monaural pitches, ranging from equal weighting to dominance by the lower pitch. The goal of this study was to systematically measure the fused pitches in adult CI users, and determine whether CI users experience similar pitch averaging effects as observed in HA users. Design: Twelve adult CI users (Cochlear Ltd, Sydney, Australia) participated in this study: six bimodal CI users, who wear a CI with a contralateral HA, and six bilateral CI users. Stimuli to HA ears were acoustic pure tones, and stimuli to CI ears were biphasic pulse trains delivered to individual electrodes. Fusion ranges, the ranges of frequencies/electrodes in the comparison ear that were fused with a single electrode (electrode 22, 18, 12, or 6) in the reference ear, were measured using simultaneous, dichotic presentation of reference and comparison stimuli in opposite ears, and varying the comparison stimulus. Once the fusion ranges were measured, the fused binaural pitch of a reference-pair stimulus combination was measured by finding a pitch match to monaural comparison stimuli presented to the paired stimulus ear. Results: Fusion pitch weighting in CI users varied depending on the pitch difference of the reference-pair stimulus combination, with equal pitch averaging occurring for stimuli closer in pitch and lower pitch dominance occurring for stimuli farther apart in pitch. The averaging region was typically 0.5 to 2.3 octaves around the reference for bimodal CI users and 0.4 to 1.5 octaves for bilateral CI users. In some cases, a bias in the averaging region was observed toward the ear with greater stimulus variability. Conclusions: Fusion pitch weighting effects in CI users were similar to those observed previously in HA users. However, CI users showed greater inter-subject variability in both pitch averaging ranges and bias effects. These findings suggest that binaural pitch averaging could be a common underlying mechanism in hearing-impaired listeners.
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Nonspatial Features Reduce the Reliance on Sustained Spatial Auditory Attention

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imageObjective: Top-down spatial attention is effective at selecting a target sound from a mixture. However, nonspatial features often distinguish sources in addition to location. This study explores whether redundant nonspatial features are used to maintain selective auditory attention for a spatially defined target. Design: We recorded electroencephalography while subjects focused attention on one of three simultaneous melodies. In one experiment, subjects (n = 17) were given an auditory cue indicating both the location and pitch of the target melody. In a second experiment (n = 17 subjects), the cue only indicated target location, and we compared two conditions: one in which the pitch separation of competing melodies was large, and one in which this separation was small. Results: In both experiments, responses evoked by onsets of events in sound streams were modulated by attention, and we found no significant difference in this modulation between small and large pitch separation conditions. Therefore, the evoked response reflected that target stimuli were the focus of attention, and distractors were suppressed successfully for all experimental conditions. In all cases, parietal alpha was lateralized following the cue, but before melody onset, indicating that subjects initially focused attention in space. During the stimulus presentation, this lateralization disappeared when pitch cues were strong but remained significant when pitch cues were weak, suggesting that strong pitch cues reduced reliance on sustained spatial attention. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that once a well-defined target stream at a known location is selected, top-down spatial attention plays a weak role in filtering out a segregated competing stream.
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Patient and Parent Decision-Making in the Setting of Chemotherapy-Induced Sensorineural Hearing Loss

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imageObjectives: Children with malignancies may be exposed to ototoxic therapies resulting in sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL). There is no consensus as to when intervention with amplification is necessary due to a variety of factors such as disease status, speech and language development, perceived difficulty with communication, and limitations of technology to fit these challenging losses. The decision to proceed with amplification after cancer can be difficult for patients and families. The purpose of this study is (1) to understand the decision-making (DM) process of childhood cancer survivors (CCSs) with SNHL and their parents and (2) to identify their decisional needs. Design: Semi-structured interviews guided by the Ottawa's decision support framework were recorded and transcribed verbatim. Inclusion criteria were CCSs ages 8 to 30 years old with a Chang grade >1b SNHL and off-therapy; parents of this group were also eligible. Patients with active disease were excluded. Prompts inquired of sources of decisional conflict, role in DM, and DM behaviors. Inductive content analysis of the narrative qualitative data was used. Results: Seven parents of CCSs and 6 CCSs participated. Themes in the CCS group included: (1) making sense of ototoxic SNHL; (2) desiring personalized education and treatment of SNHL; (3) playing an active role in the joint DM process; and (4) accepting hearing aids requires time and effort. The parent group shared the first and last theme with the CCS group and had two unique themes: (1) needing experts to respect the individual's journey to SNHL acceptance and (2) moving past the cancer experience to acceptance. Parents more often framed their DM within the context of already experiencing the trauma of cancer, whereas CCSs did not. One parent said, "You see all the rubble and you've lived through the devastation of the storm, but now you got to figure out what's broken." CCSs expressed bodily concerns regarding amplification, such as discomfort to the ear and difficulty in adjusting to the volume. The following needs were identified: early, re-enforced education regarding late eff ects risks; open communication among providers, CCSs, and parents; and audiogram result interpretations in patient- and parent-friendly language. Conclusions: Understanding the DM process from the CCS and parent's perspectives should be considered when providing counseling for hearing amplification in the setting of cancer-related SNHL. Earlier and consistent delivery of late effects education, open communication regarding risk for SNHL, and improved delivery of audiogram results should be targets for meeting unmet needs. These findings should inform the development of decision aids to reduce decisional conflict in this population.
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Systematic Review on Late Cochlear Implantation in Early-Deafened Adults and Adolescents: Predictors of Performance

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imageObjectives: Early-deafened, late-implanted adolescents and adults constitute a unique group of cochlear implant (CI) users, showing a large variability in outcomes. The current systematic review aimed to determine which preimplantation factors are relevant in predicting postoperative outcomes in this patient group. Design: A systematic search for studies published between 2000 and September 2017 was performed in five electronic databases (PubMed, Embase, the Cochrane library, CINAHL, and PsycInfo). Prognostic studies that assessed the relation between patient-related factors and CI outcomes in early-deafened but late-implanted adolescent and adult CI users were included. Study quality was assessed with the Quality In Prognosis Studies (QUIPS) tool. Results: The systematic search and subsequent full-text evaluation identified 13 studies that had a clear prognostic study goal. Eight out of these 13 studies had a high risk of bias for at least one of the five QUIPS domains. Analysis of the outcomes identified that communication mode (in childhood), preoperative speech intelligibility, and preoperative speech recognition scores were significantly related to speech perception outcomes for this group of CI users. A number of additional factors considered worth for further investigation were also identified. Conclusions: The analysis of the studies assessing the effect of a number of patient-related factors on outcome with CI in early-deafened adolescents and adults identified three potential prognostic factors and a number of additional factors to be incorporated in future research. More high-quality prognosis studies in the investigated patient population are still needed.
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Reliability of Vestibular Perceptual Threshold Testing About the Yaw Axis

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imageObjectives: Vestibular reflexes have traditionally formed the cornerstone of vestibular evaluation, but perceptual tests have recently gained attention for use in research studies and potential clinical applications. However, the unknown reliability of perceptual thresholds limits their current importance. This is addressed here by establishing the test-retest reliability of vestibular perceptual testing. Design: Perceptual detection thresholds to earth-vertical, yaw-axis rotations were collected in 15 young healthy people. Participants were tested at two time intervals (baseline, 5 to 14 days later) using an adaptive psychophysical procedure. Results: Thresholds to 1 Hz rotations ranged from 0.69 to 2.99°/s (mean: 1.49°/s; SD: 0.63). They demonstrated an excellent intraclass correlation (0.92; 95% confidence interval: 0.77 to 0.97) with a minimum detectable difference of 0.45°/s. Conclusions: The excellent test-retest reliability of perceptual vestibular testing supports its use as a research tool and motivates further exploration for its use as a novel clinical technique.
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Tongue muscle strength affects posterior pharyngeal wall advancement during swallowing: a cross‐sectional study of outpatients with dysphagia

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Tongue muscle strength is important for swallowing but decreases with age, in association with reduced skeletal muscle mass. However, the relationships between pharyngeal dynamics and both skeletal muscle mass and tongue muscle strength are unknown.


To investigate the effect of reductions in tongue muscle strength on pharyngeal movement during swallowing in patients with dysphagia.


Subjects were selected from male outpatients ≥65 years old who were examined for the main complaint of dysphagia. Patients with history of neurodegenerative disease affecting tongue movement, cerebrovascular disease, or oral cancer, were excluded. As a result, 82 men (mean age, 80.6±6.8 years) participated. Skeletal muscle mass index (SMI) as physical parameters and maximum tongue pressure (MTP) as tongue muscles strength were measured. Status and dynamics of the pharyngeal organs, including change in posterior pharyngeal wall advancement (PPWA) when swallowing 3.0 ml of moderately thick liquid, were measured by analyzing videofluoroscopic images. Simple bivariate correlation and multiple regression analysis were used to statistically analyze correlations between parameters.


MTP showed a significant positive correlation with SMI (r = 0.43, p < 0.01). PPWA showed a significant negative correlation with MTP (r = ‐0.30, p < 0.01), but no association with SMI.


While tongue muscle strength is affected by skeletal muscle mass, posterior pharyngeal wall advancement is not readily affected by decreases in skeletal muscle mass. Posterior pharyngeal wall advancement may increase to compensate for swallowing function among individuals with reduced tongue muscle strength.

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Comparison of percutaneous dilatational tracheotomy versus open surgical technique in severe COVID-19: complication rates, relative risks and benefits

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Publication date: Available online 28 October 2020

Source: Auris Nasus Larynx

Author(s): Cecilia Botti, Francesca Lusetti, Tommaso Neri, Stefano Peroni, Andrea Castellucci, Pierpaolo Salsi, Angelo Ghidini

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