Τρίτη 17 Νοεμβρίου 2020

Argyrophilic Nucleolar Organizing Regions in Patients with Xeroderma Pigmentosum Group E

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Xeroderma pigmentosum E (XP‐E) is a rare autosomal recessive inherited genodermatosis associated with less severe sun burning with minimal sun exposure. The affected individuals acquire abnormal pigmentation and are at high risk for skin cancer [1]. Notably, the DNA damage‐binding protein 2 (DDB2) gene is responsible for XP‐ E disease [2].

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Cortical Stimulation Induces Excitatory Postsynaptic Potentials of Inferior Colliculus Neurons in a Frequency-Specific Manner.

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Cortical Stimulation Induces Excitatory Postsynaptic Potentials of Inferior Colliculus Neurons in a Frequency-Specific Manner.

Front Neural Circuits. 2020;14:591986

Authors: Qi J, Zhang Z, He N, Liu X, Zhang C, Yan J

Corticofugal modulation of auditory responses in subcortical nuclei has been extensively studied whereas corticofugal synaptic transmission must still be characterized. This study examined postsynaptic potentials of the corticocollicular system, i.e., the projections from the primary auditory cortex (AI) to the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus (ICc) of the midbrain, in anesthetized C57 mice. We used focal electrical stimulation at the microampere level to activate the AI (ESAI) and in vivo whole-cell current-clamp to record the membrane potentials of ICc neurons. Following the whole-cell patch-clamp recording of 88 ICc neurons, 42 ICc neurons showed ESAI-evoked changes in the membrane potentials. We found that the ESAI induced inhibitory postsynaptic potentials in 6 out of 42 ICc neurons but only when the stimulus current was 96 μA or higher. In the remaining 36 ICc neurons, excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) were induced at a much lower stimulus current. T he 36 ICc neurons exhibiting EPSPs were categorized into physiologically matched neurons (n = 12) when the characteristic frequencies of the stimulated AI and recorded ICc neurons were similar (≤1 kHz) and unmatched neurons (n = 24) when they were different (>1 kHz). Compared to unmatched neurons, matched neurons exhibited a significantly lower threshold of evoking noticeable EPSP, greater EPSP amplitude, and shorter EPSP latency. Our data allow us to propose that corticocollicular synaptic transmission is primarily excitatory and that synaptic efficacy is dependent on the relationship of the frequency tunings between AI and ICc neurons.

PMID: 33192337 [PubMed - in process]

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Application of Wireless Contralateral Routing of Signal (CROS) Technology in Unilateral Cochlear Implant Users

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Publication date: November–December 2020

Source: Acta Otorrinolaringologica (English Edition), Volume 71, Issue 6

Author(s): Faustino Núñez-Batalla, Ana Belén Fernández-Junquera, Lorena Súarez-Villanueva, Estefanía Díaz-Fresno, Isabel Sandoval-Menéndez, Justo Gómez Martínez, José Luis Llorente-Pendás

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Fine-needle aspiration cytology in the diagnosis of salivary gland lesions. The role of the Milan system for reporting cytopathology

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Publication date: November–December 2020

Source: Acta Otorrinolaringologica (English Edition), Volume 71, Issue 6

Author(s): José-Fernando Val-Bernal, María Martino, Sara Marcos, Elena Yllera, Belén García-Montesinos

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Expression of E-cadherin and β-catenin in Laryngeal and Hypopharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinomas

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Publication date: November–December 2020

Source: Acta Otorrinolaringologica (English Edition), Volume 71, Issue 6

Author(s): Patricia García-Cabo, Juana María García-Pedrero, M. Ángeles Villaronga, Francisco Hermida-Prado, Rocío Granda-Díaz, Eva Allonca, Fernando López, Juan Pablo Rodrigo

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Cavernous Hemangioma of the Tympanic Membrane. Case Report and Review of Literature

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Publication date: November–December 2020

Source: Acta Otorrinolaringologica (English Edition), Volume 71, Issue 6

Author(s): Paula Cruz Toro, Margarita Mesa Marrero, Elena Hernández Montero, María Pané Foix

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A giant pseudoaneurysm mimicking a parapharyngeal abscess

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Publication date: November–December 2020

Source: Acta Otorrinolaringologica (English Edition), Volume 71, Issue 6

Author(s): Manuel Tucciarone, Pascual Elvira Ruiz, Ricardo José González-Orus Álvarez-Morujo

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Factors Associated With the Limitation at Work Because of the Voice: Study With Teachers of Basic Education In Brazil

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Via Voice


Publication date: Available online 17 November 2020

Source: Journal of Voice

Author(s): Bárbara Antunes Rezende, Mery Natali Silva Abreu, Ada Ávila Assunção, Adriane Mesquita de Medeiros

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Management of Laryngopharyngeal Reflux

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To investigate worldwide practices of otolaryngologists in the management of laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR).


An online survey was sent on the management of LPR to members of many otolaryngological societies. The following aspects were evaluated: LPR definition, prevalence, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and treatment.


A total of 824 otolaryngologists participated, spread over 65 countries. The symptoms most usually attributed to LPR are cough after lying down/meal, throat clearing and globus sensation while LPR‐related findings are arytenoid erythema and posterior commissure hypertrophy. Irrespective to geography, otolaryngologists indicate lack of familiarity with impedance pH monitoring, which they attribute to lack of knowledge in result interpretation. The most common therapeutic regimens significantly vary between world regions, with a higher use of H2 blocker in North America and a lower use of alginate in South America. The duration of treatment also significantly varies between different regions, with West Asia/Africa and East Asia/Oceania otolaryngologists prescribing medication for a shorter period than the others. Only 21.1% of respondents are aware about the existence of nonacid LPR. Overall, only 43.2% of otolaryngologists believe themselves sufficiently knowledgeable about LPR.< /p>


LPR knowledge and management significantly vary across the world. International guidelines on LPR definition, diagnosis, and treatment are needed to improve knowledge and management around the world.

Level of Evidence

N.A. Laryngoscope, 2020

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Internal Auditory Canal Diverticula in Children: A Congenital Variant

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Internal auditory diverticula in adults have been found to exist independent of otosclerosis, and in the presence of otosclerosis. We sought to determine the prevalence of internal auditory canal (IAC) diverticula in a pediatric cohort, to assess whether IAC diverticula are a risk factor for hearing loss, and the co‐occurrence of otic capsule hypoattenuation.

Study Design

Retrospective review.


A single‐site retrospective review of high‐resolution temporal bones computed tomography (CT) scans including the presence and size of diverticula and hypoattenuation of the otic capsule. Demographic, imaging, and audiometric data were collected and descriptively analyzed. Bivariate analysis of collected variables was conducted. Comparisons between sides in unilateral cases were also performed.


16/600 (2.7%; 95% CI [2.0%, 3.4%]) were found to have IAC diverticula. Six were bilateral. Thirty‐one patients (5.2%) were found to have hypoattenuation of the otic capsule. There were no coincident cases of IAC diverticulum and hypoattenuation of the otic capsule. There was no association between the presence of IAC diverticula and age (P = .13). In six patients with unilateral diverticula, pure tone average (P = .42), and word recognition (P = .27) scores were not significantly different when compared to the normal, contralateral side.


The prevalence of IAC diverticula in children is lower than the prevalence in adults. IAC diverticula in children likely represent congenital variants of temporal bone anatomy. Similar to adult populations, there is evidence that IAC diverticula in children are likely not an independent risk factor for hearing loss.

Level of Evidence

4 Laryngoscope, 2020

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Sialographic Analysis of Radioiodine‐Associated Chronic Sialadenitis

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To apply a novel sialography classification system to identify parotid and submandibular ductal findings following I‐131 therapy and to assess correlates to dose and duration of symptoms.

Study Design

Retrospective single‐center case series.


Patients who underwent sialography between February 2008 and February 2019 after previously receiving I‐131 treatment were identified via a retrospective chart review. Their sialograms were systematically evaluated and scored by applying the Iowa parotid sialogram scale to also include submandibular gland analysis.


From 337 sialograms, 30 (five submandibular, 25 parotid) underwent analysis. Ductal stenosis was identified in all sialograms and was graded as moderate (>50%–75%) in 7/30 cases and severe (>75%) in 15/30 cases. The distal (main) duct was narrowed in 23/30 cases. No association was identified between degree of ductal stenosis and I‐131 dose (P = .39), age (P = .81), or time from I‐131 therapy to sialogram (P = .97).


The Iowa parotid sialogram scale was successfully applied to report abnormalities of the parotid and submandibular ductal system. The most common manifestation of I‐131‐associated sialadenitis was a severe stenosis within the distal salivary duct. No statistically significant association was found between degree of ductal stenosis and dose of I‐131, age, or duration of symptoms.

Level of Evidence

4 Laryngoscope, 2020

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Development and Application of the Average Pelvic Shape in Virtual Pelvic Fracture Reconstruction

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With unilateral pelvic fractures, the contralateral hemipelvis can be used as a template in virtual reconstruction, however, this cannot be applied for bilateral fractures. Therefore, statistical shape modelling was used to build average pelvic shapes that can serve as templates when reconstructing bilaterally fractured pelvises.


Four average shape models were created for male and female, left and right hemipelves from 20 male and 20 female subjects. They were used as templates to reconstruct 8 unilaterally fractured pelvises.


The average root‐mean‐square of deviations between the reconstructed and intact hemipelves was 1.46 ± 0.32 mm, which is less than the 2 mm threshold for causing hip joint complications.


This indicates that the reconstructions are reliable and the average shape models can be used to reconstruct bilaterally fractured pelvises. The proposed technique can potentially pro vide quick and accurate treatment plans for pelvic fracture patients, which is necessary for recovery.

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