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Δευτέρα 30 Μαΐου 2022

Regeneration of keratinized tissue around teeth and implants following coronal repositioning of alveolar mucosa with and without a connective tissue graft. An experimental study in dogs

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To compare clinical and histological keratinized tissue formation around teeth and implants following coronal repositioning of alveolar mucosa with or without a connective tissue graft.


In 9 beagle dogs, the third and fourth premolars (P3, P4) were extracted from one side of the maxilla. Three months after the tooth extraction, a full-thickness buccal flap was raised and 2 implants were placed in those healed areas. On the contralateral side, a buccal flap was also raised at the P3, P4 area. Before suturing, the dogs were randomly assigned to 3 study groups (control, non-keratinized tissue [NKT], and non-keratinized tissue connective tissue graft [NKT-CTG]). In the control group, the buccal flaps were repositioned around the teeth (P3, P4) on one side, and implants on the other side, presenting an adequate band of keratinized tissue (KT). For the NKT and NKT-CTG groups, this buccal KT was then excised. In the NKT group, the buccal flap without KT (alveolar mucosa) was repositioned around the teeth and implants. In the NKT-CTG group, a connective tissue graft taken from the excised KT was sutured to the buccal alveolar mucosa and then both were repositioned around the teeth and implants. The clinical height of the KT was measured at baseline and at 1, 2, and 3 months of healing. The animals were sacrificed at 3 months, at which point the KT height was measured histologically.


The control group presented normal healing with a band of KT surrounding the teeth and implants. In the NKT and NKT-CTG groups, a new KT band approximately 2 mm in height (measured clinically and histologically) spontaneously formed around all teeth, regardless of whether a connective tissue graft had been placed. In the NKT implant group, no new KT was observed (clinically or histologically). Around the implants in the NKT-CTG group, a small amount of KT was formed in just 2 of the 6 implants.


After surgical excision of KT, spontaneous KT is formed around teeth but not around implants, regardless of the placement of a connective tissue graft.

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Experimental method for haplotype phasing across the entire length of chromosome 21 in trisomy 21 cells using a chromosome elimination technique

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Rib fixation in non–ventilator-dependent chest wall injuries: A prospective randomized trial

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imageBACKGROUND The aim of this study was to assess pain and quality of life (QoL) outcomes in patients with multiple painful displaced fractured ribs with and without operative fixation. Rib fractures are common and can lead to significant pain and disability. There is minimal level 1 evidence for rib fixation in non–ventilator-dependent patients with chest wall injuries. We hypothesized that surgical stabilization of rib fractures would reduce pain and improve QoL during 6 months. METHODS A prospective multicenter randomized controlled trial comparing rib fixation to nonoperative management of nonventilated patients with at least three consecutive rib fractures was conducted. Inclusion criteria were rib fracture displacement and/or ongoing pain. Pain (McGill Pain Questionnaire) and QoL (Short Form 12) at 3 and 6 months postinjury were assessed. Surgeons enrolled patients in whom they felt there was clinical equipoise. Patients who were deemed to need surgical fixation or who were deemed to be too well to be randomized to rib fixation were not enrolled. RESULTS A total of 124 patients were enrolled at four sites between 2017 and 2020. Sixty-one patients were randomized to operative management and 63 to nonoperative management. No differences were seen in the primary endpoint of Pain Rating Index at 3 months or in the QoL measures. Return-to-work rates improved between 3 and 6 months, favoring the operative group. CONCLUSION In this study, no improvements in pain or QoL at 3 and 6 months in patients undergoing rib fixation for nonflail, non–ventilator-dependent rib fractures have been demonstrated. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Therapeutic/Care Management; Level II.
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The Kampala Trauma Score: A 20-year track record

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imageQuantifying the severity of traumatic injury has been foundational for the standardization of outcomes, quality improvement research, and health policy throughout the evolution of trauma care systems. Many injury severity scores are difficult to calculate and implement, especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) where human resources are limited. The Kampala Trauma Score (KTS)—a simplification of the Trauma Injury Severity Score—was developed in 2000 to accommodate these settings. Since its development, numerous instances of KTS use have been documented, but extent of adoption is unknown. More importantly , does the KTS remain useful for determining injury severity in LMICs? This review aims to better understand the legacy of the KTS and assess its strengths and weaknesses. Three databases were searched to identify scientific papers concerning the KTS. Google Scholar was searched to identify grey literature. The search returned 357 papers, of which 199 met inclusion criteria. Eighty-five studies spanning 16 countries used the KTS in clinical settings. Thirty-seven studies validated the KTS, assessing its ability to predict outcomes such as mortality or need for admission. Over 80% of these studies reported the KTS equalled or exceeded more complicated scores at predicting mortality. The KTS has stood the test of time, proving itself over the last twenty years as an effective measure of injury severity across numerous contexts. We recommend the KTS as a means of strengthening trauma systems in LMICs and suggest it could benefit high-income trauma systems that do not measure injury sev erity.
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Mitochondria play a key role in oxidative stress-induced pancreatic islet dysfunction after severe burns

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imageBACKGROUND Severe burns are often complicated with hyperglycemia in part caused by pancreatic islet dysfunction. Previous studies have revealed that in diabetes mellitus, the pancreatic islet dysfunction is partly attributed to oxidative stress. However, the role and mechanism of oxidative stress in hyperglycemia after severe burns remain unclear. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the level and mechanism of oxidative stress in pancreatic islets after severe burns and the antioxidant effect of sodium pyruvate. METHODS A 30% total body surface area full-thickness burn model was established using male C57BL/6 mice. Fasting blood glucose and glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) 24 hours post severe burns were detected. The levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and mitochondrial ROS of islets were detected. The activities of complexes in the mitochondrial respiratory chain of islets were measured. The main antioxidant defense system, glutaredoxin system, and thioredoxin system-related indexes were detected, and the expression of manganese superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD) was measured. In addition, the antioxidant activity of sodium pyruvate was evaluated post severe burns. RESULTS After severe burns, fasting blood glucose levels increased, while GSIS levels decreased, with significantly elevated ROS levels of pancreatic islets. The activity of complex III decreased and the level of mitochondrial ROS increased significantly post severe burns. For the detoxification of ROS, the expressions of thioredoxin 2, thioredoxin reductase 2, and Mn-SOD located in mitochondria decreased. Sodium pyruvate reduced the level of mitochondrial ROS in islet cells and improved the GSIS of islets after severe burns. CONCLUSION The high level of mitochondrial ROS of islets is caused by reducing the activity of complex III in mitochondrial respiratory chain, inhibiting mitochondrial thioredoxin system, and downregulating Mn-SOD post severe burns. Sodium pyruvate plays an antioxidant role post severe burns in mice islets and improves the islet function.
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Resource utilization and secondary overtriage for patients with traumatic renal injuries in a regional trauma system

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imageBACKGROUND While renal trauma management has shifted to conservative nonoperative management, insufficient data exist to guide interhospital renal trauma transfer protocols. Secondary overtriage is defined as the potentially avoidable transfer of patients from a lower to a higher-level trauma center despite the lack of need for higher-level care. The goal of this study was to determine the prevalence and predictors of secondary overtriage in renal trauma patients to a level 1 trauma center. METHODS A retrospective cohort study was performed of all renal trauma patients transferred to a level 1 institution between 2005 and 2017. Secondary overtriage was defined as a potentially avoidable transfer that consisted of hospital stay
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AAST multicenter prospective analysis of prehospital tourniquet use for extremity trauma

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imageBACKGROUND Tourniquet use for extremity hemorrhage control has seen a recent increase in civilian usage. Previous retrospective studies demonstrated that tourniquets improve outcomes for major extremity trauma (MET). No prospective study has been conducted to date. The objective of this study was to evaluate outcomes in MET patients with prehospital tourniquet use. We hypothesized that prehospital tourniquet use in MET decreases the incidence of patients arriving to the trauma center in shock. METHODS Data were collected prospectively for adult patients with MET at 26 Level I and 3 Level II trauma centers from 2015 to 2020. Limbs with tourniquets applied in the prehospital setting were included in the tourniquet group and limbs without prehospital tourniquets were enrolled in the control group. RESULTS A total of 1,392 injured limbs were enrolled with 1,130 tourniquets, including 962 prehospital tourniquets. The control group consisted of 262 limbs without prehospital tourniquets and 88 with tourniquets placed upon hospital arrival. Prehospital improvised tourniquets were placed in 42 patients. Tourniquets effectively controlled bleeding in 87.7% of limbs. Tourniquet and control groups were similarly matched for demographics, Injury Severity Score, and prehospital vital signs (p > 0.05). Despite higher limb injury severity, patients in the tourniquet group were less likely to arrive in shock compared with the control group (13.0% vs. 17.4%, p = 0.04). The incidence of limb complications was not significantly higher in the tourniquet group (p > 0.05). CONCLUSION This study is the first prospective analysis of prehospital tourniquet use for civilian extremity trauma. Prehospital tourniquet application was associated with decreased incidence of arrival in shock without increasing limb complications. We found widespread tourniquet use, high effectiveness, and a low number of improvised tourniquets. This study provides further evidence that tourniquets are being widely and safely adopted to improve outcomes in civilians with MET. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Therapeutic/Care Management; Level IV.
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The public health burden of geriatric trauma: Analysis of 2,688,008 hospitalizations from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services inpatient claims

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imageBACKGROUND Geriatric trauma care (GTC) represents an increasing proportion of injury care, but associated public health research on outcomes and expenditures is limited. The purpose of this study was to describe GTC characteristics, location, diagnoses, and expenditures. METHODS Patients at short-term nonfederal hospitals, 65 years or older, with ≥1 injury International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, were selected from 2016 to 2019 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Inpatient Standard Analytical Files. Trauma center levels were linked to Inpatient Standard Analytical Files data via American Hospital Association Hospital ID and fuzzy string matching. Demographics, care location, diagnoses, and expenditures were compared across groups. RESULTS A total of 2,688,008 hospitalizations (62% female; 90% White; 71% falls; mean Injury Severity Score, 6.5) from 3,286 hospitals were included, comprising 8.5% of all Medicare inpatient hospitalizations. Level I centers encompassed 7.2% of the institutions (n = 236) but 21.2% of hospitalizations, while nontrauma centers represented 58.5% of institutions (n = 1,923) and 37.7% of hospitalizations. Compared with nontrauma centers, patients at Level I centers had higher Elixhauser scores (9.0 vs. 8.8) and Injury Severity Score (7.4 vs. 6.0; p
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Factors associated with limitation of care after fatal injury

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imageBACKGROUND There is variability in end-of-life care of trauma patients. Many survive resuscitation but die after limitation of care (LoC). This study investigated LoC at a level I center. METHODS Adult trauma deaths between January 2016 and June 2020 were reviewed. Patients were stratified into "full code" versus any LoC (i.e., do not resuscitate, no escalation, or withdrawal of care) and by timing to LoC. Emergency department and "brain" deaths were excluded. Unadjusted logistic regression and Cox proportional hazards were used for analyses. Results include n (%) and odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs), with α = 0.05. RESULTS A total of 173 patients were included; 15 patients (8%) died full code and 158 (91%) died after LoC. Seventy-seven patients (48%) underwent incremental LoC. Age (OR, 1.05; 95% CI, 1.02–1.08; p = 0.0010) and female sex (OR, 3.71; 95% CI, 1.01–13.64; p = 0.0487) increased the odds of LoC; number of anatomic injuries (OR, 0.91; 95% CI, 0.85–0.98; p = 0.0146), chest injuries (Abbreviated Injury Scale [AIS] score chest, >3) (OR, 0.02; 95% CI, 0.01–0.26; p = 0.0021), extremity injury (AIS score, >3) (OR, 0.08; 95% CI, 0.01–0.64; p = 0.0170), and hospital complications equal to 1 (OR, 0.21; 95% CI, 0.06–0.78; p = 0.0201) or ≥2 (OR, 0.19; 95% CI, 0.04–0.87; p = 0.0319) decreased the odds of LoC. For those having LoC, final limitations were implemented in
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Are burns a chronic condition? Examining patient reported outcomes up to 20 years after burn injury—A Burn Model System National Database investigation

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imageBACKGROUND People living with burn injury often face long-term physical and psychological sequelae associated with their injuries. Few studies have examined the impacts of burn injuries on long-term health and function, life satisfaction, and community integration beyond 5 years postinjury. The purpose of this study was to examine these outcomes up to 20 years after burn injury. METHODS Data from the Burn Model System National Longitudinal Database (1993–2020) were analyzed. Patient-reported outcome measures were collected at discharge (preinjury status recall) and 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, and 20 years after injury. Outcomes examined were the SF-12/VR-12 Physical Component Summary and Mental Component Summary, Satisfaction with Life Scale, and Community Integration Questionnaire. Trajectories were developed using linear mixed models with repeated measures of outcome scores over time, controlling for demographic and clinical variables. RESULTS The study population included 421 adult burn survivors with a mean age of 42.4 years. Lower Physical Component Summary scores (worse health) were associated with longer length of hospital stay, older age at injury and greater time since injury. Similarly, lower Mental Component Summary scores were associated with longer length of hospital stay, female sex, and greater time since injury. Satisfaction with Life Scale scores decrease negatively over time. Lower Community Integration Questionnaire scores were associated with burn size and Hispanic/Latino ethnicity. CONCLUSION Burn survivors' physical and mental health and satisfaction with life worsened over time up to 20 years after injury. Results strongly suggest that future studies should focus on long-term follow-up where clinical interventions may be necessary. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Prognostic and Epidemiologic; Level III.
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