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Κυριακή 16 Φεβρουαρίου 2020

Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com, Telephone consultation 11855 int 1193,

Bupivacaine vs. lidocaine: a comparison of local anesthetic efficacy in impacted third molar surgery: AbstractObjectivesThe aim of this study was to compare the anesthetic efficacy, the duration of anesthesia, and the postoperative analgesia of lidocaine and bupivacaine and to determine any difference in hemodynamic parameters in patients who required impacted third molar removal.Materials and methodsThirty-eight patients between the ages of 18 and 40, with no systemic disease, were included in the...
Modification of collagen-based sponges can induce an upshift of the early inflammatory response and a chronic inflammatory reaction led by M1 macrophages: an in vivo study: AbstractBackgroundThe present study evaluated the cellular tissue reaction of two equine-derived collagen hemostatic sponges (E-CHS), which differed in thickness after pressing, over 30 days in vivo. The inflammatory response during physiological wound healing in sham-operated animals was used as control group.Material and methodsFirst,...
Outcome of Salvage Therapy in Isolated Regional Recurrence in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Objectives/HypothesisHead and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) has a high tendency for regional lymphatic spreading. Nevertheless, isolated regional lymph node recurrences are rare, and only limited data regarding its management are available. The aim of this study was to describe treatment modalities and outcomes, and to identify prognostic factors.Study DesignRetrospective cohort study.MethodsThe...
Outcomes and Predictive Value of Post‐adjuvant Therapy PET/CT for Locally Advanced Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Objectives/HypothesisFor locally advanced oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) treated by surgery and adjuvant therapy, consensus has yet to be reached on whether the optimal time to initiate surveillance positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) scan is before or after adjuvant therapy. In this study, we characterize the utility of PET/CT scans obtained 3 months after adjuvant...
3D Printed Fistula Plug: A Novel Bridge to Definitive Reconstruction: A case is presented showcasing the feasibility of three‐dimensional (3D) printing patient‐specific fistula plugs as a bridge therapy to definitive management of pharyngocutaneous fistulae. For this patient, a set of 3D printed fistula plugs was successfully used with low morbidity and positive results in the management of this postoperative issue. Utilizing 3D printed fistula plugs could represent a novel yet safe therapy for patients...
Patient Safety and Quality Improvement in Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery: A Systematic Review: ObjectiveThe current landscape of patient safety/quality improvement (PS/QI) research dedicated to Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery (OHNS) has not been established. This systematic review aims to define the breadth and depth of PS/QI research dedicated to OHNS and to identify knowledge gaps as well as potential areas of future study.MethodsThe study protocol was developed a priori using the Preferred...
Fibro‐osseous Lesions of Paranasal Sinus and Craniofacial Region: A Retrospective Study of 282 Cases: ObjectivesTo compare the clinical characteristics of osteoma, ossifying fibroma (OF) and fibrous dysplasia (FD) in the paranasal sinus and craniofacial regions.MethodsTotally 282 patients (112 males, 170 females) with osteoma (161), OF (44), and FD (77) involving the paranasal sinus, skull base and orbit treated surgically from January 2012 to August 2018 were analyzed retrospectively.ResultsFor...
Additional Injection Laryngoplasty for Patients With Unilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis: ObjectivesIn case of insufficient voice improvement after injection laryngoplasty (IL), additional IL will be one of the next option of treatments. However, little is known about the voice outcomes regarding an additional IL.Study designRetrospective comparative study in single institution.MethodsWe enrolled the patients of unilateral vocal fold paralysis (UVFP), who received IL (N = 76) twice because of insufficient...
A Novel Technique for the Diagnosis and Management of Middle Ear Myoclonus: A novel technique for the diagnosis and management of middle ear myoclonus is described. A patient with middle ear myoclonus underwent a trans‐canal microscopic middle ear exploration with injection of botulinum toxin into the stapedius and tensor tympani muscles. Postoperatively, the patient noted complete resolution of symptoms. This is the first report of the use of botulinum toxin directly applied to the middle ear musculature...
Topical 5-aminolevulinic acid-mediated photodynamic therapy for basal cell carcinoma: Publication date: Available online 13 February 2020Source: Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic TherapyAuthor(s): E. Filonenko, A. Kaprin, A. Urlova, N. Grigorievykh, V. Ivanova-RadkevichAbstractTopical 5-aminolevulinic acid-mediated photodynamic therapy is an established approach for the treatment of basal cell carcinoma. The study with 5- aminolevulinic acid drug Levulon was conducted in patients with superficial skin...
Synthesis of folic acid conjugated photoluminescent carbon quantum dots with ultrahigh quantum yield for targeted cancer cell fluorescence imaging: Publication date: Available online 15 February 2020Source: Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic TherapyAuthor(s): Hamidreza Saljoghi, Faeze Khakbaz, Mohamad MahaniAbstractFolic acid functionalized carbon quantum dot (FA-CQD) with ultrahigh quantum yield (50%) were synthesized by one-pot hydrothermal route using citric acid. The synthesized CQDs were characterized...
Évaluation fonctionnelle des reconstructions laryngées à l'aide des muscles sous-hyoïdiens après laryngectomie partielle chez 37 patients: Publication date: February 2020Source: Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale, Volume 137, Issue 1Author(s): O. Vella, D. Blanchard, D. de Raucourt, J.P. Rame, E. BabinRésuméLe traitement des petites lésions cancéreuses laryngées (T1 et T2) repose sur la chirurgie partielle, endoscopique ou externe et la radiothérapie. Outre...
Influence de la technique chirurgicale sur la localisation et la prévalence des cholestéatomes résiduels: Publication date: February 2020Source: Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale, Volume 137, Issue 1Author(s): P. Rayneau, C. Aussedat, T.T. Trinh, C. Bobillier, E. Lescanne, A. Robier, D. BakhosRésuméObjectifsLa tympanoplastie avec dépose-repose (DR) de la paroi postérieure du conduit auditif externe permet une meilleure visualisation de l'extension cholestéatomateuse...
Activation immédiate des implants cochléaires : étude préliminaire: Publication date: February 2020Source: Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale, Volume 137, Issue 1Author(s): S. Roux-Vaillard, A. Pineau, L. Laccourreye, S. BoucherRésuméButÉvaluer la faisabilité d'une activation immédiate des implants cochléaires.Matériel et méthodesÉtude rétrospective (résultats audiométriques à 6 mois de l'intervention, données des réglages et apparition de complications)...
Localisation azimutale de stimuli sonores variés dans différentes conditions: Publication date: February 2020Source: Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale, Volume 137, Issue 1Author(s): M. Risoud, J.-N. Hanson, F. Gauvrit, C. Renard, N.-X. Bonne, C. VincentRésuméObjectifL'objectif était d'évaluer les performances de localisation sonore spatiale azimutale dans différentes conditions pour l'optimisation d'un protocole de localisation sonore spatiale de routine.Matériel...
Évaluation de la robotisation de la chirurgie trans orale des cancers épidermoïdes de la loge amygdalienne classés T1-2: Publication date: February 2020Source: Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale, Volume 137, Issue 1Author(s): K. Shenouda, F. Rubin, D. Garcia, C. Badoual, P. Bonfils, O. LaccourreyeRésuméButÉvaluer la robotisation de la chirurgie trans-orale des cancers épidermoïdes (CE) de la loge amygdalienne, isolés et non préalablement traités, classés...
Étude anatomo-radiologique de l'usage du lambeau nasoseptal (LNS) ipsilatéral dans les prises en charge chirurgicales des méningocèles temporosphénoïdales par abord trans-ptérygoïdien. Une revue de 21 cas: Publication date: February 2020Source: Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale, Volume 137, Issue 1Author(s): S. Bartier, B. Verillaud, J.-P. Guichard, R. Kania, D. Camous, P. HermanRésuméButsLe traitement chirurgical des méningocèles temporosphénoïdales comporte...
Manifestations rhinologiques liées à la prise nasale du tabac: Publication date: February 2020Source: Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale, Volume 137, Issue 1Author(s): S.H.R. Hounkpatin, M.C. Flatin, A.F. Bouraima, H.N. Amegan, M.A.F. Toukourou Adios, W. AdjibabiRésuméObjectifÉtudier les manifestations rhinologiques de la prise nasale du tabac à Parakou dans le Nord-Bénin.Matériels et méthodesIl s'est agi d'une étude transversale, descriptive à visée comparative....
Imagerie IRM de l'endolymphe : apport de la visualisation de l'utricule et du saccule dans la prise en charge des atteintes neurosensorielles de l'oreille: Publication date: February 2020Source: Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale, Volume 137, Issue 1Author(s): A. Attyé, M. EliezerRésuméL'hydrops endolymphatique est caractérisé par un excès d'endolymphe dans le labyrinthe membraneux et est considéré comme un marqueur histologique de la maladie de Menière....
Recommandations de bonnes pratiques de la SFORL lors des chirurgies implantaires en rapport avec le sinus maxillaire: Publication date: February 2020Source: Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale, Volume 137, Issue 1Author(s): L. de Gabory, J.-H. Catherine, S. Molinier-Blossier, A. Lacan, L. Castillo, P. Russe, P. Limbour, R. Doliveux, S. Catros, J.-F. PaponRésuméObjectifsRédiger un consensus formalisé sur le management ORL associé à la chirurgie implantaire...
Récidive multifocale sur la voie d'abord trans-axillaire d'une thyroïdectomie sous assistance robotique: Publication date: February 2020Source: Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale, Volume 137, Issue 1Author(s): E. Chabrillac, S. Zerdoud, S. Fontaine, J. SariniAbstractIntroductionLa Thyroïdectomie sous Assistance Robotique (TAR) semble procurer des résultats satisfaisants. Cependant, ses résultats carcinologiques à long terme n'ont pas encore été validés. Son...
Le diverticule pharyngé : une complication iatrogène de la chirurgie rachidienne par voie cervicale antérieure: Publication date: February 2020Source: Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale, Volume 137, Issue 1Author(s): A. Villarmé, A. Bozec, J. Santini, O. DassonvilleRésuméIntroductionLa dysphagie est un motif fréquent de consultation. Les diverticules pharyngo-œsophagiens sont une des étiologies fréquentes, dont le diverticule de Zenker. Plus rare, elle peut...
Une surdité brusque bilatérale, secondaire à une hémorragie labyrinthique: Publication date: February 2020Source: Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale, Volume 137, Issue 1Author(s): A. Meunier, P. Clavel, K. Aubry, J. LeratRésuméIntroductionL'hémorragie labyrinthique est une cause rare de surdité brusque et ne concerne généralement qu'un seul côté.Résumé du casUn homme de 84 ans aux antécédents de leucémie myélomonocytaire chronique (LMMC) présentait une surdité...
<em>Mycoplasme hominis</em> et adénopathie cervicale de carcinome épidermoïde sans porte d'entrée: Publication date: February 2020Source: Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale, Volume 137, Issue 1Author(s): S. Atallah, B. Berçot, V. Laurence, C. HoffmannRésuméIntroductionEn dehors de l'infection par HPV, il n'y a actuellement aucune preuve d'association entre les cancers cervico-faciaux et les infections microbiennes. Nous décrivons un cas clinique...
Transfert ganglionnaire vascularisé par lambeau libre sous-mental: Publication date: February 2020Source: Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale, Volume 137, Issue 1Author(s): P. Mazerolle, K. Kolsi, T. Meresse, D. Gangloff, A. Dupret-BoriesRésuméLe lymphœdème des membres est une situation fréquente chez les patients ayant bénéficié d'une chirurgie inguinale ou axillaire carcinologique. Il s'agit d'un état pathologique impactant fortement la qualité de vie de...
Can Osteopenia Induce Residual Dizziness After Treatment of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo?: Objective: This study aimed to determine whether there is an association between osteopenia and residual dizziness after successful treatment of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).Methods: In all, 62 patients with canalolithiasis-type BPPV were included in the study. Patients were divided into two groups according to the presence of residual dizziness after resolution of BPPV. Univariate and...
Evaluation of Insertion Forces and Cochlea Trauma Following Robotics-Assisted Cochlear Implant Electrode Array Insertion: Hypothesis: The objective was to evaluate the effect of cochlear implant (CI) insertion technique on electrode insertion forces and intracochlear trauma. We hypothesize that robotics-assisted insertions will reduce insertion forces and intracochlear trauma compared with manual insertions.Background: Variability in CI outcomes exists across patients, implant centers, surgeons,...
On-Demand and Low Dose Intratympanic Gentamicin for Meniere's Disease: A Customized Approach: Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of on demand and low dose intratympanic gentamicin (ITG) in patients with intractable Meniere's disease (MD).Study Design: Clinical chart review.Setting: Secondary care center.Patients: Subjects with MD who failed conventional treatment and underwent on demand ITG infiltration from June 2013 to December 2018.Intervention: 0.4 to 0.5 ml of buffered gentamicin were administered...
Early Prelingual Auditory Development of Infants and Toddlers With Unilateral Hearing Loss: Objective: To assess the influence of congenital and permanent unilateral hearing loss (UHL) on early prelingual auditory development (EPLAD) of infants and toddlers.Study Design: A cross-sectional and case-controlled design.Setting: Tertiary referral center.Patients: Sixty-five young children (median with interquartile ranges: 4.4 [3.3, 7.7] mo) with UHL, 70 children (6.0 [3.8, 9.0] mo) with bilateral normal...
Speech Perception Gap Is Predictive of an Active Middle Ear Implant Advantage: Objective: Evaluate whether the difference between word recognition score (WRS) obtained unaided under earphone and with a hearing aid (HA), the speech perception gap (SPgap), is predictive of performance with a totally implantable active middle ear implant (AMEI).Study Design: Retrospective review of systematically collected data.Setting: Private otologic practice.Patients: One hundred thirty six ears (133 patients) with...
What Genes Can Tell: A Closer Look at Vestibular Schwannoma: Objective: Comprehensive molecular profiling of radioresistant and cystic vestibular schwannoma (VS) subtypes.Study Design: Our study utilized whole-exome sequencing (WES), RNA-sequencing (RNAseq), and correlated clinical data from 12 samples (2 samples of solid sporadic subtype, 8 with cystic changes, and 2 previously irradiated).Setting: Academic medical center.Patients: Patients diagnosed with VS who required surgical treatment. Inclusion:...
Evaluating the Decision for Cochlear Implantation in Individuals With Single-Sided Deafness (SSD); Implementing the SSD Consensus Protocol Into Clinical Routine: Objective: To implement a unified testing framework into clinical routine that can be used by adults with single-sided deafness (SSD) to assess alternative treatment options before cochlear implantation.Study Design: Retrospective data analysis.Setting: Tertiary referral center with a large CI program.Subjects and Methods: Thirty four participants...
Establishing Genotype–phenotype Correlation in USH2A-related Disorders to Personalize Audiological Surveillance and Rehabilitation: Objective: USH2A-related disorders are characterised by genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity, and are associated with a spectrum of sensory deficits, ranging from deaf blindness to blindness with normal hearing. It has been previously proposed that the presence of specific USH2A alleles can be predictive of unaffected hearing. This study reports the clinical and genetic...
Binaural Hearing Rehabilitation Improves Speech Perception, Quality of Life, Tinnitus Distress, and Psychological Comorbidities: Objectives: To determine and compare the benefit of binaural hearing rehabilitation via cochlear implantation (CI) on speech perception, assessment of auditory abilities, tinnitus distress, health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and psychological comorbidities in patients suffering from asymmetric hearing loss (AHL) as well as bilaterally-deafened and sequentially bilaterally-implanted...
Supra-Threshold Hearing Sensitivity Disorders and Mild Permanent Hearing Loss: Neglected Cause of Hidden Hearing Loss and Speech Defects: AbstractSupra-threshold disorders in the form of auditory neuropathy (AN)/auditory dys-synchrony (AD) or central auditory processing disorders (CAPD), a special type of retrocochlear hearing loss; and also children with mild permanent hearing loss (PHL), may be missed on current hearing protocols. Otoacoustic emissions (OAE) and Brain stem evoked response audiometry...
Tracheostomy Tube as Foreign Body in Right Main Bronchus: A Case Report: AbstractTracheostomy is a commonly performed procedure to secure airway in patients who need prolonged airway support (Marchese et al. in Respir Med 104(5):749–753, 2010). It is relatively safe procedure but associated with few early and late complications (Fernandez-Bussy et al. in J Bronchol Interv Pulmonol 22(4):357–364, 2015). Metallic tracheostomy tubes were used in patients in the past. Those tubes were associated with...
Open rhinoplasty using a columellar strut: effects of the graft on nasal tip projection and rotation: AbstractBackgroundDespite the discordance in the literature concerning the effect of columellar strut grafts on nasal tip rotation, this method is often used when an increase in nasolabial angle or nasal tip projection is desired.ObjectivesWe aimed to elucidate the change in nasolabial angles and nasal tip projections after exclusive columellar strut graft implantations and in addition to other surgical...
Beyond Nodules-Diagnostic and Treatment Options in Pediatric Voice Disorders.: Related ArticlesBeyond Nodules-Diagnostic and Treatment Options in Pediatric Voice Disorders.Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2019 Oct;52(5):949-956Authors: Hseu A, Ongkasuwan JAbstract Pediatric dysphonia is common; however, not all vocal fold pathology in children is due to nodules. Laryngeal stroboscopy (transoral or transnasal) often is essential for the diagnosis of other not-nodule lesions. As in adults, multidisciplinary...
Videolaryngoscope-assisted flexible intubation tracheal tube exchange in a patient with a difficult airway.: Related ArticlesVideolaryngoscope-assisted flexible intubation tracheal tube exchange in a patient with a difficult airway.Anaesth Rep. 2019 Jan-Jun;7(1):22-25Authors: Saunders TG, Gibbins ML, Seller CA, Kelly FE, Cook TMAbstract An 88-year-old woman presented with acute airway obstruction caused by a large retrothyroid bleed following anterior neck trauma. Her airway was secured in...
Effects of Intracordal Estradiol and Dexamethasone Injection on Wound Healing in Vocal Fold Injuries.: Related ArticlesEffects of Intracordal Estradiol and Dexamethasone Injection on Wound Healing in Vocal Fold Injuries.J Voice. 2019 Sep;33(5):759-766Authors: Yildiz M, Yigit O, Sünter AV, Edizer DT, Dursun N, Okcu OAbstract OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of intracordal estradiol and dexamethasone injection on wound healing in vocal fold injuries. STUDY...
Endoscopic Partial Arytenoidectomy for Bilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis: Medially Based Mucosal Flap Technique.: Related ArticlesEndoscopic Partial Arytenoidectomy for Bilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis: Medially Based Mucosal Flap Technique.J Voice. 2019 Sep;33(5):751-758Authors: Yılmaz TAbstract PURPOSE: Endoscopic partial arytenoidectomy (EPA) is one of the static operations for treatment of bilateral vocal fold paralysis (BVFP). Improvement in airway may cause voice loss and aspiration. The...
New Vocal Fold-shortening Procedure: External Approach to Anterior Vocal Fold Plication.: Related ArticlesNew Vocal Fold-shortening Procedure: External Approach to Anterior Vocal Fold Plication.J Voice. 2019 Sep;33(5):792-794Authors: Tomioka R, Nakamura K, Hattori K, Tayama N, Tsukahara KAbstract INTRODUCTION: We believe that our new procedure offers a useful external approach to anterior vocal fold plication. Vocal cord shortening by laryngomicrosurgery (LMS) involves plication of the anterior...
Effects of Gender-confirming Pitch-raising Surgery in Transgender Women a Long-term Follow-up Study of Acoustic and Patient-reported Data.: Related ArticlesEffects of Gender-confirming Pitch-raising Surgery in Transgender Women a Long-term Follow-up Study of Acoustic and Patient-reported Data.J Voice. 2019 Sep;33(5):781-791Authors: Kelly V, Hertegård S, Eriksson J, Nygren U, Södersten MAbstract OBJECTIVES: Transgender women often seek to feminize their voice so that it becomes congruent...
Investigating Laryngeal "Tilt" on Same-pitch Phonation-Preliminary Findings of Vocal Mode Metal and Density Parameters as Alternatives to Cricothyroid-Thyroarytenoid "Mix".: Related ArticlesInvestigating Laryngeal "Tilt" on Same-pitch Phonation-Preliminary Findings of Vocal Mode Metal and Density Parameters as Alternatives to Cricothyroid-Thyroarytenoid "Mix".J Voice. 2019 Sep;33(5):806.e9-806.e21Authors: Mathias Aaen, McGlashan J, Sadolin CAbstract OBJECTIVES: The objective of this work...
High-fidelity continuum modeling predicts avian voiced sound production.: Related ArticlesHigh-fidelity continuum modeling predicts avian voiced sound production.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 Feb 13;:Authors: Jiang W, Rasmussen JH, Xue Q, Ding M, Zheng X, Elemans CPHAbstract Voiced sound production is the primary form of acoustic communication in terrestrial vertebrates, particularly birds and mammals, including humans. Developing a causal physics-based model that ultimately links descending...
Durable therapeutic gain despite competing mortality in long-term follow-up of a randomized hyperfractionated radiotherapy trial for locally advanced head and neck cancer.: Related ArticlesDurable therapeutic gain despite competing mortality in long-term follow-up of a randomized hyperfractionated radiotherapy trial for locally advanced head and neck cancer.Clin Transl Radiat Oncol. 2020 Mar;21:69-76Authors: O'Sullivan B, Hui Huang S, Keane T, Xu W, Su J, Waldron J, Gullane P, Liu FF, Warde P, Payne...
Radiotherapy for Cervical Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma.: Related ArticlesRadiotherapy for Cervical Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma.Methods Mol Biol. 2020;2129:295-305Authors: Kwong DLW, Chan WWL, Lam KOAbstract Cervical esophageal carcinoma (CEC) is rare, accounting for 2-10% of esophageal cancers and is mostly squamous cell carcinoma. Because of the anatomical proximity of CEC to larynx, surgical treatment would involve pharyngo-laryngo-esophagectomy (PLE) with inherent high mortality...
Clinical outcomes for larynx patients with cancer treated with refinement of high-dose radiation treatment volumes.: Related ArticlesClinical outcomes for larynx patients with cancer treated with refinement of high-dose radiation treatment volumes.Head Neck. 2020 Feb 14;:Authors: Burr AR, Harari PM, Haasl AM, Wieland AM, Bruce JY, Kimple RJ, Hartig GK, McCulloch TM, Witek MEAbstract BACKGROUND: To evaluate disease control, toxicities, and dose to dysphagia/aspiration risk structures (DARS)...
Successful transoral videolaryngoscopic surgery for leiomyoma in the base of the tongue.: Related ArticlesSuccessful transoral videolaryngoscopic surgery for leiomyoma in the base of the tongue.Auris Nasus Larynx. 2020 Feb 11;:Authors: Fujiwara K, Ehara H, Kuwamoto S, Koyama S, Fukuhara T, Takeuchi HAbstract Leiomyomas are benign tumors with smooth muscle differentiation that occur most frequently in the uterine myometrium. They are uncommon in the head and neck region. We report a rare case...
Quantitative three-dimensional computed tomography analysis of sinus tympani volume in temporal bones with petrous apex pneumatization.: Related ArticlesQuantitative three-dimensional computed tomography analysis of sinus tympani volume in temporal bones with petrous apex pneumatization.Auris Nasus Larynx. 2020 Feb 10;:Authors: Bekci T, Hizli O, Ozturk M, Yildirim GAbstract OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between sinus tympani volume and petrous apex pneumatization in this retrospective-archival...
Auditory temporal processing assessment in children with developmental stuttering.: Related ArticlesAuditory temporal processing assessment in children with developmental stuttering.Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Feb 06;132:109935Authors: Lotfi Y, Dastgerdi ZH, Farazi M, Moossavi A, Bakhshi EAbstract OBJECTIVE: Stuttering is a developmental disorder of speech production with a dynamic and multifactorial nature. Scientific theories mentioned the role of auditory processing disorder in...
Lifestyle-related factors differentiating the prevalence of otorhinolaryngological diseases among 6-17-year-olds from Wrocław, Poland.: Related ArticlesLifestyle-related factors differentiating the prevalence of otorhinolaryngological diseases among 6-17-year-olds from Wrocław, Poland.Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Feb 05;132:109934Authors: Pazdro-Zastawny K, Kolator M, Krajewska J, Basiak-Rasała A, Górna S, Paluszkiewicz P, Zatoński M, Zatoński TAbstract An increased prevalence of...
Aerodynamic and acoustic characteristics of voice in children with Down syndrome-A systematic review: Publication date: Available online 14 February 2020Source: International Journal of Pediatric OtorhinolaryngologyAuthor(s): Rahul Krishnamurthy, Sai Aishwarya RamaniAbstractPurposeThe anatomical, physiological, and phenotypic characteristics of children with Down Syndrome results in deviated acoustic and aerodynamic measures in their voice. These deviant vocal presentations may negatively affect...
Is the spontaneous speech of 7-year-old cochlear implanted children as intelligible as that of their normally hearing peers?: Publication date: Available online 15 February 2020Source: International Journal of Pediatric OtorhinolaryngologyAuthor(s): Nathalie Boonen, Hanne Kloots, Steven GillisAbstractObjectivesStudies on speech intelligibility usually focus on either individual words, sentences or longer sequences of speech. Since these different kinds of speech samples can be judged using different...
Renal Anomalies and Microtia: Determining the Clinical Utility of Screening Affected Children: Publication date: Available online 15 February 2020Source: International Journal of Pediatric OtorhinolaryngologyAuthor(s): Sameer Kini, Geran W. Barton, Yi-Chun Carol LiuAbstractObjectivesMicrotia is a congenital ear anomaly that hinders quality of life. Microtia patients, both syndromic and in isolation, may be at-risk for significant renal anomalies that can go undetected at the time of birth. The goal...
Mitomycin C in the Endoscopic Treatment of Laryngotracheal Stenosis: Systematic Review and Proportional Meta-Analysis: Abstract Introduction Mitomycin C is a natural antibiotic that has been used to inhibit the proliferation of fibroblasts in scar tissue. Objective To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of topical Mitomycin C as an adjuvant in the endoscopic treatment of laryngotracheal stenoses. Data synthesis A systematic review of experimental or observational studies that have evaluated...
Lateral-Expansion Pharyngoplasty: Combined Technique for the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome: Abstract Introduction Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a multifactorial disease characterized by episodes of partial or complete collapse during sleep of different regions of the upper airway. Surgery for OSAS evolved with the introduction of different techniques, considering new surgical concept of reconstruction of the upper airway. Objective To retrospectively evaluate the...
Severe Dizziness Related to Postural Instability, Changes in Gait and Cognitive Skills in Patients with Chronic Peripheral Vestibulopathy: Abstract Introduction Peripheral vestibular disorders can lead to cognitive deficits and are more common in elderly patients. Objective To evaluate and correlate cognitive, balance and gait aspects in elderly women with chronic peripheral vestibular dizziness, and to compare them with elderly women without vestibular disorders. Methods Twenty-two women presenting...
Prevalence of Mild Hearing Loss in Schoolchildren and its Association with their School Performance: Abstract Introduction Hearing is important for the proper development of every child, especially for those younger than 5 years of age, because it helps in the development of language and speech. Emotional and social problems, as well as issues with academic performance, can result from hearing loss even of mild degree. Early diagnosis and management can overcome those negative impacts. Objective...
Pure-Tone Hearing Thresholds and Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials in Sporadic Ataxia: Abstract Introduction Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) is part of a genetic and clinical heteroge- neous group of neurodegenerative diseases characterized by progressive cerebellar ataxia. Objective To describe the results of audiological and electrophysiological hearing evaluations in patients with sporadic ataxia (SA). Methods A retrospective cross-sectional study was carried out with 11 patients submitted...
A Comparative Study of Endoscopic versus Microscopic Cartilage Type I Tympanoplasty: Abstract Introduction The use of endoscope is rapidly increasing in otological and neuro- otological surgery in the last 2 decades. Middle ear surgeries, including tympanoplasty, have increasingly utilized endoscopes as an adjunct to or as a replacement for the operative microscope. Superior visualization and transcanal access to diseases normal- ly managed with a transmastoid approach are touted as advantages...
The Difference in Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Levels between Differentiated Carcinoma and Benign Enlargement: Abstract Introduction Papillary and follicular thyroid carcinoma are common head and neck cancers. This cancer expresses a thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) receptor that plays a role as a cancer stimulant substance. This hormone has a diagnostic value in the management of thyroid carcinoma. Objective The present study aimed to determine the difference in TSH levels between differentiated...
The Role of Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Temporomandibular Joint to Investigate Tinnitus in Adults with Temporomandibular Joint Disorder: A Comparative Study: Abstract Introduction The prevalence of tinnitus is higher in individuals with temporoman- dibular joint disorder (TMD) than in the general population. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the method of choice for investigation, and it has been hypothesized that specific MRI findings might be observed...
Intraoperative Use of Analgesics in Tonsillar Fossa and Postoperative Evaluation with Visual analogue Scale Scores-A Prospective, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Clinical Trial: Abstract Introduction Posttonsillectomy pain results in significant morbidity to the patients. There is a disagreement in the literature regarding the use of local anesthetics during tonsillectomy. The aim of this placebo-controlled, double-blind study is to evaluate the effect of peritonsillar administration...
Profile of Laryngeal Microsurgeries in Patients Over 60 Years Old: Abstract Introduction The increase in life expectancy is an incentive to the development of researches with the elderly population aiming at actions that may ensure healthy and active aging. Objective To analyze the profile of laryngeal microsurgery performed in patients > 60 years old. Methods A retrospective observational study, with a cross-sectional design. A retrospective analysis of the medical records of elderly patients...
Otoprotection Mechanisms Against Oxidative Stress Caused by Cisplatin: Abstract Introduction Cisplatin damages the auditory system and is related to the generation of free radicals. Glutathione peroxidase is an endogenous free radicals remover. Objective To investigate the mechanisms involved in otoprotection by N-acetylcys- teine through the expression of glutathione peroxidase in outer hair cells from rats treated with cisplatin. Methods Male Wistar rats were intraperitoneally injected with...
In Vivo Computed Tomography Direct Volume Rendering of the Anterior Ethmoidal Artery: A Descriptive Anatomical Study: Abstract Introduction The clinical relevance of the anatomy and variations of the anterior ethmoidal artery (AEA) is outstanding, considering its role as a landmark in endoscopic surgery, its importance in the therapy of epistaxis, and the high risks related to iatrogenic injuries. Objective To provide an anatomical description of the course and relationships of the AEA, based...
Salivary Gland Disorders in Children and Adolescents: A 15-year Experience: Abstract Introduction Diseases of the salivary glands are rare in children and adolescents, with the exception of viral-induced infections. Objective To determine the clinical course of the disease, the diagnostic procedures, the treatment and the outcome of all children and adolescents affected with salivary gland diseases at our clinic over a period of 15 years. Methods A retrospective chart review including a long-term...
Facial Clinimetric Evaluation Scale and Synkinesis Assessment Questionnaire Translation into Brazilian Portuguese: A Validation Study: Abstract Introduction Facial nerve palsy results in both functional disability and psychological morbidity. There are several well-established grading scales to quantify the quality of life of these patients. Objective Translate and validate the Facial Clinimetric Evaluation (FaCE) scale and Synkinesis Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) to Brazilian Portuguese. Methods...
Recurrence of Cholesteatoma - A Retrospective Study Including 1,006 Patients for More than 33 Years: Abstract Introduction Cholesteatomas are benign tumors consisting of skin, and growing inside a retraction pocket in the tympanic membrane. Cholesteatomas can occupy the entirety of the middle ear, and are known for their osteolytic capabilities. Surgery is the only curative treatment for cholesteatomas. Objective To describe the risk of recurrence after first-time surgically-treated middle- ear...
Facial Nerve Intraoperative Monitoring in Otologic Surgeries under Sedation and Local Anesthesia - A Case Series and Literature Review: Abstract Introduction Local anesthesia with sedation has been employed for an increasingly number of otolaryngology procedures, and might be associated with lower surgical morbidity and costs. Facial nerve monitoring is often advisable in otology to minimize the risks of injuries to this cranial nerve, but the principles, techniques and parameters involved have...
Application of Cervical Vestibular-Evoked Myogenic Potentials in Adults with Moderate to Profound Sensorineural Hearing Loss: A Preliminary Study: Abstract Introduction The cochlea and the vestibular receptors are closely related in terms of anatomy and phylogeny. Patients with moderate to profound sensorineural hearing loss (MPSHL) should have their vestibular organ functions tested. Objective To evaluate the incidence of vestibular abnormalities in patients with MPSHL and to study the correlation...
Surgery for necrotizing otitis externa-indications and surgical findings.: Related ArticlesSurgery for necrotizing otitis externa-indications and surgical findings.Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Feb 12;:Authors: Peled C, Parra A, El-Saied S, Kraus M, Kaplan DMAbstract PURPOSE: Treatment for necrotizing otitis externa (NOE) includes long term antibiotic and surgery in selected cases. Indications and extent of surgery, however, are still not defined. The aims of this study were: (1) present...
3D-structural change of nasopharynx following adenoidectomy: 10-year serial data in a single hospital.: Related Articles3D-structural change of nasopharynx following adenoidectomy: 10-year serial data in a single hospital.Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Feb 12;:Authors: Kim BY, Lim JH, Lee S, Hwang YAbstract PURPOSE: Scar contracture commonly refers to decreased function in the scar area, whereas scar contraction refers to shortening of the scar length compared to the original wound. Wound...
Preoperative intra-arterial chemotherapy with docetaxel, cisplatin, and peplomycin combined with intravenous chemotherapy using 5-fluorouracil for oral squamous cell carcinoma: Publication date: Available online 16 February 2020Source: International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryAuthor(s): H. Hasegawa, T. Kaneko, C. Kanno, M. Endo, M. Yamazaki, T. Kitabatake, T. Monma, E. Takeishi, E. Sato, M. KanoAbstractThe objectives of this study were to evaluate survival in 141 patients with stage...
Efficacy of regenerative therapy in aggressive periodontitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled clinical trials: AbstractObjectivesTo analyse evidence regarding the efficacy of periodontal regenerative procedures in intrabony defects in patients treated for aggressive periodontitis (AgP).Material and MethodsA systematic search of the literature for randomised controlled clinical trials including patients treated for aggressive periodontitis that compared a group treated...
Gingival crevicular fluid levels of interleukin-18 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha in type 1 diabetic children with gingivitis: AbstractObjectiveThis study aimed to evaluate the levels of interleukin-18 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha in gingival crevicular fluid of diabetic children with gingivitis.MethodologyEighty-eight children (44 with type 1 diabetes mellitus and 44 systemically healthy) were recruited for the study. The children were divided into four subgroups based on their periodontal and...
Surgical anatomy of the facial nerve: from middle cranial fossa approach to endoscopic approach. A pictorial review.: Related ArticlesSurgical anatomy of the facial nerve: from middle cranial fossa approach to endoscopic approach. A pictorial review.Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Feb 12;:Authors: Soloperto D, Di Maro F, Le Pera B, Marchioni DAbstract PURPOSE: The pathology of the facial nerve is extremely varied and extensive knowledge of the surgical anatomy in different approaches is required...
Assessment of auditory working memory in children with abacus training.: Related ArticlesAssessment of auditory working memory in children with abacus training.Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Feb 13;:Authors: Roy MS, Swarna K, Prabhu PAbstract PURPOSE: Abacus involves remembering multiple numbers and calculations, and thus auditory working memory is getting trained. Hence, auditory working memory could be enhanced in children who practice working memory. In the present study, it is attempted...
Efficacy and safety of delivery of topical medication on to the frontal sinus at different head positions after frontal sinusotomy.: Related ArticlesEfficacy and safety of delivery of topical medication on to the frontal sinus at different head positions after frontal sinusotomy.Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Feb 13;:Authors: Wu YX, Wang M, Li H, Xing ZM, Shi MH, Huang SE, Liu Y, Geng CLAbstract PURPOSE: Effective topical medications delivery to the frontal sinus is crucial to recovery from...
Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma: changing trends of treatment strategies and associated overall survival.: Related ArticlesAnaplastic thyroid carcinoma: changing trends of treatment strategies and associated overall survival.Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Feb 14;:Authors: Wächter S, Vorländer C, Schabram J, Mintziras I, Fülber I, Manoharan J, Holzer K, Bartsch DK, Maurer EAbstract PURPOSE: The prognosis of anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC) is poor. Despite various attempts to modify common treatment...
Efficacy of indoor air purification in the treatment of Artemisia pollen allergic rhinitis: a randomized, double‐blind, clinical controlled trial: AbstractObjectivesTo evaluate the clinical efficacy of a high‐efficiency air purifier in patients with allergic rhinitis.DesignWe conducted a randomized, double‐blind, clinical controlled trial with active and inactive versions of an air purifier. Our study included patients with allergic rhinitis who were sensitive to Artemisia pollen and treatment of...
Electrode Afterload: A Valuable Technique in a Case of Short Electrode Insertion: Introduction. The location of the electrode inside the cochlea is important for speech performance. However, many variables, including array length, insertion depth, and individual anatomy, may affect the intracochlear position of the electrode. Insertion deeper than 20 mm and revision surgery are critical situations in which residual hearing and electrode integrity may be at risk. This case report challenges this hypothesis...
Unusual Mechanism of Facial Nerve Palsy Caused by Penetrating Neck Trauma: We present a case of a low energy penetrating neck injury with only facial nerve (FN) palsy in the clinical finding. A 32-year-old male patient was admitted to the emergency department with a penetrating injury on the right side of the neck just behind the right ear, accompanied by evident right (FN) palsy, evaluated as House Brackmann grade IV. Computed tomography demonstrated an isolated soft tissue injury in the right retroauricular...
Randomised trial on performance, safety and clinical benefit of hyaluronic acid, hyaluronic acid plus dexpanthenol and isotonic saline nasal sprays in patients suffering from dry nose symptoms: Publication date: Available online 14 February 2020Source: Auris Nasus LarynxAuthor(s): Uta Thieme, Karolina Müller, Christoph Bergmann, Bernward Bock, Nadine Wurzer-Materna, Taufik Shahab, Florian Zeman, Yvonne Eberhardt, Gunnar Huppertz, Michael Koller, Peter MeiserAbstractObjectiveLimited data exist on...
Efficacy of pillar suture for post-tonsillectomy morbidity in children: a meta-analysis.: Related ArticlesEfficacy of pillar suture for post-tonsillectomy morbidity in children: a meta-analysis.Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Jan 25;:Authors: Kim JS, Kim BG, Kim DH, Hwang SHAbstract INTRODUCTION: Several surgical techniques have been used during tonsillectomy to reduce complications. OBJECTIVES: To assess the effects of pillar suture in conjunction with tonsillectomy as compared to tonsillectomy...
The effect of lateral neck dissection on complication rate for total thyroidectomy: Publication date: Available online 13 February 2020Source: American Journal of OtolaryngologyAuthor(s): Daniel J. Rocke, Hillary Mulder, Derek Cyr, Russel Kahmke, Walter T. Lee, Liana Puscas, Kristine Schulz, David L. WitsellAbstractPurposeTo determine the complication profile for total thyroidectomy with and without concomitant lateral neck dissection using a large administrative database.Materials and methodsThe...
Risk factors and effects of Hypocalcemia prior to discharge following thyroidectomy: Publication date: Available online 13 February 2020Source: American Journal of OtolaryngologyAuthor(s): Sina J. Torabi, Jonathan M. Avery, Parsa P. Salehi, Yan LeeAbstractPurposeTo find patient and surgical characteristics associated with hypocalcemia prior to discharge (HPTD) in thyroidectomy patients.Materials and methodsIn a retrospective analysis of the 2016–2017 National Surgical Quality Improvement Program,...
Eye movements and imaging in vestibular migraine: Publication date: January–February 2020Source: Acta Otorrinolaringologica (English Edition), Volume 71, Issue 1Author(s): Mayada ElSherif, Mohamed Ihab Reda, Horeya Saadallah, Mona MouradAbstractBackground and objectiveMigrainous dizziness is one of the most frequent complaints. Dizziness associated with migraine may be the result of abnormal eye movements. Brain imaging and changes in eye movements may explain the dizziness and highlight possible...
Risk of Onset of Second Neoplasms and Successive Neoplasms in Patients With a Head and Neck Index Tumour: Publication date: January–February 2020Source: Acta Otorrinolaringologica (English Edition), Volume 71, Issue 1Author(s): Xavier León, Jacinto García, Montserrat López, Camilo Rodriguez, Alfons Gutierrez, Miquel QuerAbstractObjectiveTo analyse the incidence of appearance of second and successive neoplasms in a cohort of head and neck squamous carcinoma patients.Material and methodsWe conducted...
Clinical assessment, diagnosis and management of patients with unilateral sinonasal disease: Publication date: January–February 2020Source: Acta Otorrinolaringologica (English Edition), Volume 71, Issue 1Author(s): Patrícia Gomes, Alexandra Gomes, Pedro Salvador, Catarina Lombo, Sérgio Caselhos, Rui FonsecaAbstractObjectivesUnilateral sinonasal disease is commonly encountered in practice and represents an issue of major concern since neoplasms may mimic inflammatory conditions. This paper aims to...
Paediatric nasal dermoids: Our experience: Publication date: January–February 2020Source: Acta Otorrinolaringologica (English Edition), Volume 71, Issue 1Author(s): Ravi Meher, Avani Jain, Ishwar Singh, Nivea Singh, Raman SharmaAbstractObjectivesNasal dermoids are rare developmental anomalies seen in children. This study reports our experience in a developing country of the clinical and radiological findings as well as the management of nasal dermoids.MethodsA retrospective analysis was performed,...
Postoperative Complications After Adenotonsillectomy in Two Paediatric Groups: Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome and Recurrent Tonsillitis: Publication date: January–February 2020Source: Acta Otorrinolaringologica (English Edition), Volume 71, Issue 1Author(s): Jesús Rodríguez-Catalán, José Fernádez-Cantalejo Padial, Paula Rodríguez Rodríguez, Fernando González Galán, Genoveva del-Río CamachoAbstractIntroduction and objectivesAdenotonsillectomy is a surgery to treat recurrent tonsillitis or obstructive...
Clinical Use of 4-aminopyridine in Patients With Downbeat Nystagmus: Publication date: January–February 2020Source: Acta Otorrinolaringologica (English Edition), Volume 71, Issue 1Author(s): Emilio Domínguez-Durán, Irene Mármol-Szombathy, Úrsula Baños-Roldán, Serafín Sánchez-GómezAbstractObjectiveTo present the results of treatment with sustained-release fampridine (4-AP-SR) in patients with downbeat nystagmus.Material and methodSeries of cases with downbeat nystagmus treated with 10 mg of 4-AP-SR...
Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Unilateral or Asymmetrical Hearing Loss in Children: CODEPEH Recommendations: Publication date: January–February 2020Source: Acta Otorrinolaringologica (English Edition), Volume 71, Issue 1Author(s): Faustino Núñez-Batalla, Carmen Jáudenes-Casaubón, Jose Miguel Sequí-Canet, Ana Vivanco-Allende, Jose Zubicaray-UgartecheAbstractThe aim of this document is to improve the management and the treatment of unilateral or asymmetrical hearing loss in children. One in one thousand...
PLOD2 Is Essential to Functional Activation of Integrin β1 for Invasion/Metastasis in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas.: Related ArticlesPLOD2 Is Essential to Functional Activation of Integrin β1 for Invasion/Metastasis in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas.iScience. 2020 Jan 18;23(2):100850Authors: Ueki Y, Saito K, Iioka H, Sakamoto I, Kanda Y, Sakaguchi M, Horii A, Kondo EAbstract Identifying the specific functional regulator of integrin family molecules in cancer cells is critical...
Volatile Organic Compounds in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma - An In Vitro Pilot Study.: Related ArticlesVolatile Organic Compounds in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma - An In Vitro Pilot Study.Biomed Chromatogr. 2020 Feb 14;:e4811Authors: Kulas P, Seidel M, Bozzato A, Schick B, Sessler DI, Kreuer S, Hüppe TAbstract OBJECTIVES: Due to lack of specific symptoms diagnosis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) may be delayed. We evaluated volatile organic compounds in...
Patient Derived Models to Study Head and Neck Cancer Radiation Response.: Related ArticlesPatient Derived Models to Study Head and Neck Cancer Radiation Response.Cancers (Basel). 2020 Feb 12;12(2):Authors: Cosper PF, Abel L, Lee YS, Paz C, Kaushik S, Nickel KP, Alexandridis R, Scott JG, Bruce JY, Kimple RJAbstract Patient-derived model systems are important tools for studying novel anti-cancer therapies. Patient-derived xenografts (PDXs) have gained favor over the last 10 years as newer mouse...
Emerging Roles of ALK in Immunity and Insights for Immunotherapy.: Related ArticlesEmerging Roles of ALK in Immunity and Insights for Immunotherapy.Cancers (Basel). 2020 Feb 12;12(2):Authors: Wang L, Lui VWYAbstract Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) is mostly known for its oncogenic role in several human cancers. Recent evidences clearly indicate new roles of ALK and its genetic aberrations (e.g. gene rearrangements and mutations) in immune evasion, innate and cell-mediated immunity. New ALK-related...
Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition: A Mechanism that Fuels Cancer Radio/Chemoresistance.: Related ArticlesEpithelial to Mesenchymal Transition: A Mechanism that Fuels Cancer Radio/Chemoresistance.Cells. 2020 Feb 12;9(2):Authors: Dudas J, Ladanyi A, Ingruber J, Steinbichler TB, Riechelmann HAbstract Epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) contributes to tumor progression, cancer cell invasion, and therapy resistance. EMT is regulated by transcription factors such as the protein products...
Treatment de-escalation for HPV-associated oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma with radiotherapy vs. trans-oral surgery (ORATOR2): study protocol for a randomized phase II trial.: Related ArticlesTreatment de-escalation for HPV-associated oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma with radiotherapy vs. trans-oral surgery (ORATOR2): study protocol for a randomized phase II trial.BMC Cancer. 2020 Feb 14;20(1):125Authors: Nichols AC, Lang P, Prisman E, Berthelet E, Tran E, Hamilton S, Wu J, Fung K, de...
Disposable chlorine dioxide wipes for high-level disinfection in the ENT department: A systematic review.: Related ArticlesDisposable chlorine dioxide wipes for high-level disinfection in the ENT department: A systematic review.Am J Otolaryngol. 2020 Feb 04;:102415Authors: Tofanelli M, Capriotti V, Saraniti C, Marcuzzo AV, Boscolo-Rizzo P, Tirelli GAbstract BACKGROUND: Nasopharyngoscope reprocessing methods should be effective, rapid and reproducible with moderate cost. Tristel Trio Wipes...
The immune microenvironment and neoantigen landscape of aggressive salivary gland carcinomas differ by subtype.: Related ArticlesThe immune microenvironment and neoantigen landscape of aggressive salivary gland carcinomas differ by subtype.Clin Cancer Res. 2020 Feb 14;:Authors: Morris LG, Linxweiler M, Kuo F, Katabi N, Nadeem Z, Dalin MG, Makarov V, Chowell D, Dogan S, Ganly I, Hakimi AA, Wong RJ, Riaz N, Ho AL, Chan TA, Lee MAbstract PURPOSE: Salivary gland carcinomas (SGCs) are rare, aggressive...
Very unusual case of a primary sinonasal germ cell tumour.: Related ArticlesVery unusual case of a primary sinonasal germ cell tumour.BMJ Case Rep. 2020 Feb 13;13(2):Authors: Sadler KA, Hanna C, Melia L, White JAbstract Sinonasal malignancies are a very rare diagnosis. We present a unique case of a 32-year-old man who presented with symptoms of worsening sinusitis and periorbital cellulitis. Investigation found a sinonasal malignancy and pathology confirmed this to be a primary germ cell...
Interpretation of Tonsillectomy Outcome Inventory-14 scores: a prospective matched cohort study.: Related ArticlesInterpretation of Tonsillectomy Outcome Inventory-14 scores: a prospective matched cohort study.Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Feb 14;:Authors: Laajala A, Autio TJ, Ohtonen P, Alho OP, Koskenkorva TJAbstract PURPOSE: Knowledge of disease-specific instruments enables the evaluation of health- related quality-of-life (QoL) change associated with chronic and recurrent tonsillitis...
Transclival approaches for intradural pathologies: historical overview and present scenario.: Related ArticlesTransclival approaches for intradural pathologies: historical overview and present scenario.Neurosurg Rev. 2020 Feb 14;:Authors: Belotti F, Tengattini F, Mattavelli D, Ferrari M, Fiorentino A, Agnelli S, Schreiber A, Nicolai P, Fontanella MM, Doglietto FAbstract Recently, endoscopic transsphenoidal transclival approaches have been developed and their role is widely accepted for extradural...
The kinetics of γ-H2AX during radiotherapy of head and neck cancer potentially allow for prediction of severe mucositis.: Related ArticlesThe kinetics of γ-H2AX during radiotherapy of head and neck cancer potentially allow for prediction of severe mucositis.Radiol Oncol. 2020 Feb 14;:Authors: Kazmierska J, Barczak W, Winiecki T, Łuczewski Ł, Marciniak M, Suchorska WAbstract Background The aim of the study was to evaluate the changes in γ-H2AX expression in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL)...
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com,
Telephone consultation 11855 int 1193,

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