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Πέμπτη 3 Ιουνίου 2021

Incidence of Anosmia among Covid 19 patients in India

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The pandemic COVID-19 has relentlessly caused havoc to human life since its outbreak in December 2019. The disease has been a challenge for all. The clinical manifestations of Covid-19 ranges from no symptoms at all to severe acute respiratory distress syndrome. Anosmia being one of the important clinical features of COVID-19 has always been overlooked by the Indian population. This formed the background for this study. Aim To identify the incidence of anosmia reported in COVID- 19 patients in India. Materials and Methods Literature search was carried out from January 2020 to March 2021 in databases like PUBMED and Google Scholar using the key words "ANOSMIA", "HYPOSMIA" and "OLFACTORY DYSFUNCTION" in conjunction with "COVID-19", "SARS-COV-2", and "CORONAVIRUS". Boolean operators were used to narrow and broaden the search. The search yielded sixteen eligible articles. Result The scrutiny of the 16 articles reveal ed an incidence range of anosmia from 9.2% to 82% and an average anosmia incidence rate of 30.19%. The cumulative incidence rate of anosmia in those studies where objective analysis was done is 52.2% and 16.4% for subjective analysis. Discussion The prevalence of anosmia in Indian population is found to be much lesser than that reported by European countries due to ethnicity or negligence. Objective evaluation of anosmia in COVID-19 patients increases the incidence of anosmia drastically. Hence objective evaluations such as UPIST, SNIFFING STICK test, etc. is to be promoted. This study also Emphasises the lack of common gold standard testing for olfaction like vision and hearing.

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A novel scoring system based on small vestibular schwannomas to determine consideration for cochlear implantation

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Simultaneous translabyrinthine tumor resection and cochlear implantation is a promising treatment method with hearing rehabilitation for sporadic vestibular schwannomas. Size of vestibular schwanomma, distance to modiolus, residual hearing and promontory stimulation electrical brainstem response audiometry are important preoperative predictive factors for determining a positive post tumour resection electrically evoked auditory brain stem response. The presence of an electrically evoked auditory brain stem response with an intracochlear test electrode after tumour resection was used to determine whether a patient received a cochlear implant Positive electrically evoked auditory brain stem responses measured with an intracochlear test electrode after tumour resection seem to correlate well with auditory perception with a cochlear implant.

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Locoregional Recurrence in p16‐Positive Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma After TORS

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To analyze the patterns, risk factors, and salvage outcomes for locoregional recurrences (LRR) after treatment with transoral robotic surgery (TORS) for HPV-associated oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (HPV+ OPSCC).

Study Design

Retrospective analysis of HPV+ OPSCC patients completing primary TORS, neck dissection, and NCCN-guideline-compliant adjuvant therapy at a single institution from 2007 to 2017.


Features associated with LRR, detailed patterns of LRR, and outcomes of salvage therapy were analyzed. Disease-free survival (DFS) and overall survival (OS) were calculated for subgroups of patients receiving distinct adjuvant treatments.


Of 541 patients who completed guideline-indicated therapy, the estimated 5-year LRR rate was 4.5%. There were no identifiable clinical or pathologic features associated with LRR. Compared to patients not receiving adjuvant therapy, those who received indicated adjuvant radiation alone had a lower risk of LRR (HR 0.28, 95% CI [0.09–0.83], P = .023), but there was no difference in DFS (P = .21) and OS (P = .86) between adjuvant therapy groups. The 5-year OS for patients who developed LRR was 67.1% vs. 93.9% for those without LRR (P < .001). Patients who initially received adjuvant chemoradiation and those suffering local, in-field, and/or retropharyngeal node recurrences had decreased disease control after salvage therapy.


LRR rates are low for HPV+ OPSCCs completing TORS and guideline-compliant adjuvant therapy. Patients without indication for adjuvant therapy more often suffer LRR, but these recurrences are generally controllable by salvage therapy. Improved understanding of the patterns of recurrence most amenable to salvage therapy may guide treatment decisions, counseling, and adjuvant therapy de-escalation trials.

Level of Evidence

3 Laryngoscope, 2021

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ANLN promotes carcinogenesis in oral cancer by regulating the PI3K/mTOR signaling pathway

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Oral cancer is a malignant disease that threatenshuman life and greatly reducespatientquality of life. ANLN was reported to promote the progression of cancer. This study aims to investigate the role of ANLNin ...
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Ototoxicity of Artemisinin-Based Combination Therapy: A Case Presentation

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Neuroauditory-toxicity should always be borne in mind prior to treatment of severe conditions like cerebral-malaria and due attention should be paid to auditory monitoring. Artemisinin-based combination therapy is the best available treatment for cerebral malaria however its attribution to hearing loss remains undetermined. This report manifests ototoxic effect of artemisinin.

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Patient-reported opioid use for tissue expander-based breast reconstruction

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J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2021 Apr 18:S1748-6815(21)00218-7. doi: 10.1016/j.bjps.2021.03.114. Online ahead of print.


INTRODUCTION: There is limited evidence for appropriate post-operative opioid prescribing in breast reconstruction patients. We sought to describe postoperative outpatient prescription opioid use patterns (quantity and duration) following discharge after immediate breast reconstruction with tissue expanders (TE) and to identify demographic and/or clinical risk factors associated with postoperative outpatient opioid use.

METHODS: Patients 18 years and older undergoing immediate TE-based breast reconstruction were given a 28-day postoperative pain medication log book. Descriptive statistics were performed to describe the quantity and duration of opioid use. Preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative characteristics were examined and tested for their associations with postoperative opioid use.

RESULTS: A total of 45 logbooks were completed. On average, patients used opioids for 7.42 days (SD = 6.45) after discharge home and used 15.9 (SD = 18.71) oxycodone 5 mg tablet equivalents (119.3 morphine milligram equivalents, SD = 140.31). The total number of oxycodone 5 mg equivalents consumed prior to discharge was associated with the amount of post-discharge opioid consumption (IRR=1.08, p<0.01). Each additional year of age was associated with a reduction in the days-to-opioid cessation by a factor of 0.97 (p=0.01). Each additional oxycodone 5mg equivalent consumed prior to hospital discharge was associated with an increase in the days-to-cessation after discharge by a factor of 1.04 (p=0.026).

CONCLUSIONS: These patient-reported data will provide a benchmark which plastic surgeons can use to minimize narcotic use in patients and will help prevent issues of dependence, misuse, and diversion, while being mindful of adequate pain control. For patients discharging home after a one-night stay for immediate TE breast reconstruction, we recommend a prescription for 10 oxycodone 5 mg tablets, or 15 tablets if they are less than age 49 or have had high inpatient opioid use. Patients should also be counseled that the expected duration of outpatient opioid use is 7-11 days, and that 20 % of patients did not use any opioids following hospital discharge, making nonnarcotic pain regimens a real possibility.

PMID:34078588 | DOI:10.1016/j.bjps.2021.03.114

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Combined Transcranial-endonasal Reconstructive Surgery for Cerebrospinal Fluid Leakage Resulting from Traumatic Anterior Skull Base Fractures Involving the Parasellar Region

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Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo). 2021 Jun 1. doi: 10.2176/nmc.tn.2021-0085. Online ahead of print.


Extensive traumatic anterior skull base fractures from the frontal sinus to the parasellar region are frequently accompanied by multiple dural defects that cause persistent cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage. Conventional transcranial reconstruction using a frontal periosteal flap is frequently insufficient, and parasellar dural defects are often deep, complex, and difficult to identify. In this report, we describe a combined transcranial-endonasal reconstructive technique and report our experience. Simultaneous combined transcranial and endoscopic surgery was performed in three patients with CSF leakage resulting from traumatic anterior skull base fractures. Dural defects were thoroughly identified from the transcranial and endonasal surgical fields, and covered using a multilayer sealing technique. The anterior regions of the anterior skull ba se were reconstructed using a free fascial flap and frontal periosteal flap; posterior and parasellar regions were reconstructed using a fat graft, vascularized nasoseptal flap, and endonasal balloon. Suturing the transcranial grafts to the parasellar dura mater was performed collaboratively by the transcranial and endonasal surgeons. In our cases, complete cessation of CSF leakage was achieved without perioperative lumbar drainage in all patients. Mean time to postoperative ambulation was 7 days (range, 3-11). No surgical complications occurred. Simultaneous transcranial and endonasal procedures were helpful to detect all sites of CSF leakage and secure reconstructive grafts. The combined transcranial and endonasal reconstructive technique achieved secure skull base reconstruction without recurrence of CSF leakage, and allowed early postoperative ambulation. This technique can be a reliable surgical option to repair CSF leakage resulting from extensive anterior skull base fractures .

PMID:34078831 | DOI:10.2176/nmc.tn.2021-0085

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Brain pharmacokinetics of two BBB penetrating bispecific antibodies of different size

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Fluids Barriers CNS. 2021 Jun 2;18(1):26. doi: 10.1186/s12987-021-00257-0.


BACKGROUND: Transferrin receptor (TfR1) mediated enhanced brain delivery of antibodies have been studied extensively in preclinical settings. However, the brain pharmacokinetics, i.e. brain entry, distribution and elimination are still not fully understood for this class of antibodies. The overall aim of the study was to compare the brain pharmacokinetics of two BBB-penetrating bispecific antibodies of different size (210 vs 58 kDa). Specifically, we wanted to investigate if the faster systemic clearance of the smaller non-IgG antibody di-scFv3D6-8D3, in comparison with the IgG-based bispecific antibody mAb3D6-scFv8D3, was also reflected in the brain.

METHODS: Wild-type (C57/Bl6) mice were injected with 125I-iodinated ([125I]) mAb3D6-scFv8D3 (n = 46) or [125I]di-scFv3D6-8D3 (n = 32) and euthanized 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, or 24 h post injection. Ex vivo radioactivity in whole blood, peripheral organs and brain was measured by γ-counting. Ex vivo autoradiography and nuclear track emulsion were performed on brain sections to investigate brain and parenchymal distribution. Capillary depletion was carried out at 2, 6, and 24 h after injection of [125I]mAb3D6-scFv8D3 (n = 12) or [125I]di-scFv3D6-8D3 (n = 12), to estimate the relative levels of radiolabelled antibody in brain capillaries versus brain parenchyma. In vitro b inding kinetics for [125I]mAb3D6-scFv8D3 or [125I]di-scFv3D6-8D3 to murine TfR were determined by LigandTracer.

RESULTS: [125I]di-scFv3D6-8D3 showed faster elimination from blood, lower brain Cmax, and Tmax, a larger parenchymal-to-capillary concentration ratio, and a net elimination from brain at an earlier time point after injection compared with the larger [125I]mAb3D6-scFv8D3. However, the elimination rate from brain did not differ between the antibodies. The study also indicated that [125I]di-scFv3D6-8D3 displayed lower avidity than [125I]mAb3D6-scFv8D3 towards TfR1 in vitro and potentially in vivo, at least at the BBB.

CONCLUSION: A smaller size and lower TfR1 avidity are likely important for fast parenchymal delivery, while elimination of brain-associated bispecific antibodies may not be dependent on these characteristics.

PMID:34078410 | DOI:10.1186/s12987-021-00257-0

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Caffeine metabolites are associated with different forms of caffeine supplementation and with perceived exertion during endurance exercise

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Biol Sport. 2021 Jun;38(2):261-267. doi: 10.5114/biolsport.2020.98455. Epub 2020 Sep 4.


This investigation compared the urine caffeine metabolites produced from different forms of caffeine supplementation given to runners 15 minutes before a series of 5-km running trials. Fourteen amateur competitive runners completed a series of self-paced outdoor time trials following ingestion of placebo or one of three alternate forms of caffeine supplement. Trials were randomized in a crossover design with equivalent doses of caffeine (4.0 mg.kg-1) administered 15 minutes before each trial via chewing gum, a novel dissolvable mouth strip or tablet. Runners produced a urine sample following each caffeinated trial that was tested for caffeine and its metabolites by high-performance liquid chromatography. The tablet form of caffeine produced a lower (p = 0.04) urinary ratio of the metabolite paraxanthine to caffeine compared with either gum or strip. Independently of caffeine delivery mode, subjects who metabolized a higher proportion of caffeine to paraxanthine recorded a lower (p = 0.01) perceived exertion. We demonstrate that oral swallowed caffeine administered 15 minutes before 5-km running is less metabolized compared with caffeinated products designed to be chewed or dissolved in the mouth. We suggest the metabolism of caffeine to paraxanthine has an inverse relationship with perceived exertion independently of caffeine delivery mode.

PMID:< a href="https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34079171/?utm_source=Inoreader&utm_medium=rss&utm_content=1V5bX9N3xU3nSJotBNwO27WmEy7tFDdGmCTuuil6sagOFW6kka&ff=20210603201744&v=2.14.4" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="underlink bluelink" tabindex="-1">34079171 | PMC:PMC8139353 | DOI:10.5114/biolsport.2020.98455

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Effect of Microvascular Decompression of the Vagus Root Entry/Exit Zone on Blood Pressure in Patients with Hemifacial Spasm Associated with Essential Hypertension: A Retrospective Clinical Analysis

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J Neurol Surg B Skull Base
DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1729178

Background This study aimed to evaluate blood pressure alterations after microvascular decompression (MVD) surgery in patients with hemifacial spasm (HFS) with coexisting hypertension (HTN). Methods A total of 56 patients with HFS with concurrent HTN who underwent MVD surgery in our center between 2015 and 2019 were retrospectively analyzed. Patients were divided into control and experimental groups: patients who received MVD treatment for only the facial nerve and those who received MVD for the affected facial nerve, ipsilateral vagus nerve, and adjacent ventrolateral medulla, respectively. Preoperative (3 days) and postoperative (7 days and 6 months) blood pressure measurements were analyzed. Results No statistically significant differences were observed in gender, age, HFS course, HTN course, HTN grade, and preoperative blood pressure between the two groups. No significant difference was observed between pre- and postoperative blood pressure in the control group. In the experimental group, systolic blood pressure significantly differed between 3 preoperative days and 7 postoperative days (p < 0.05), as did diastolic blood pressure (p < 0.05). Measurement at 6 postoperative months also showed significant differences for both systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure compared with that at 3 preoperative days (p < 0.05). HTN grade according to the World Health Organization classification criteria significantly differed between preoperative and postoperative measurements (p < 0.05). Conclusion Vascular decompression of the ipsilateral vagus nerve roots may improve blood pressure management in patients with HFS with coexisting HTN who undergo MVD. Laterality of involvement (left vs. right) did not significantly differ.

Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany

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Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for Large Vestibular Schwannoma More Than 10 cm3: A Single-Center Indian Study

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J Neurol Surg B Skull Base
DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1729977

Introduction Gamma Knife radiosurgery (GKRS) is an effective treatment for benign vestibular schwannomas (VSs). The established cutoffs have recently been challenged, as recent literature expanded the horizon of GKRS to larger tumors. Even though microsurgery remains the primary option for large VS, GKRS can provide reasonable tumor control and is more likely to avoid cranial neuropathies associated with open surgery. Methods We analyzed patients with VS with volume exceeding 10 cm3 who underwent GKRS at our center from January 2006 to December 2016. Clinicoradiological and radiosurgical data were collected from medical records for statistical analysis. Follow-up was performed every 6 months with a clinical assessment along with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain and audiometric evaluation in patients with serviceable hearing. Results The study included 34 patients (18 males and 16 females) with an average age of 45.5 years. The mean tumor volume was 10.9 cm3 (standard deviation [SD], ± 0.83), with a median tumor dose of 12 Gy (interquartile range, 11.5–12) and a mean follow-up of 34.7 months (SD, ± 23.8). Tumor response was graded as regression in 50%, stable in 44.1%, and increase or GKRS failure in 2 cases (5.8%). Treatment failure was noted in five cases (14.7%), requiring microsurgical excision and a ventriculoperitoneal shunt post-GKRS. The tumor control rate for the cohort is 85.3%, with a facial preservation rate of 96% (24/25) and hearing loss in all (5/5), while three patients developed new-onset hypoesthesia. We noted that gait ataxia and involvement of cranial nerve V or VII at initial presentation were associated with GKRS failure in univariate analysis. Conclusion Microsurgery should remain the first-choice treatment option for large VSs. GKRS is a viable alternative with good tumor control and improved or stabilized cranial neuropathies with a low complication rate.

Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany

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