Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5...Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5...Heralding change: The evolution of the IJO in 2019...SELECTED PROCEEDINGS OF THE SECOND BELT AND ROAD T...Clinical and Experimental Dermatology Accepted Art...Clinical and Experimental Dermatology Early View ...Hormones in male reproduction and fertility Pallav...Percutaneous treatment of aortic root rupture afte...Dedicated Spiral Breast Computed Tomography With a...A comparison between the flexor hallucis brevis an...Tactical combat casualty care in the navy – Challe...Compression Garments Reduce Muscle Movement and Ac...How to reduce flood damage? Take a look back at th...Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5...Transungual Excision of Glomus Tumors: A Treatment...Validation of an Oral Disease Severity Score (ODS...Combined Tumors in Hematolymphoid Neoplasms: Case ...Right Atrium Blood Cyst and Calcified Kernel in an...Hypercholesterolemia Due to Lipoprotein X: Case Re...British Journal of Dermatology, Early View Online... DERMATO MAG , Volume 7, numéro 3, 2019Découvre...Broncho pneumopathie chronique obstructive (BPCO) ...Mitochondrial dysfunction is associated with Miro1...Moderate to severe but not mild RLS is associated...Impacts of sex and the estrous cycle on associati...Risk factors associated with myasthenia gravis in ...Impact of Reduced Incubation Times on Culture and ...Me2SO- and serum-free cryopreservation of human um...Recyclable and highly efficient photocatalytic fa...Stabilization and transformation of selenium durin...Behavioural and neural limits in competitive decis...The oxidative antimicrobial mechanisms of the myel... Translational Research , Macrophage Migration Inh...Molecules, Vol. 24, Pages 3602: Identification of...Advancing Tissue TherapeuticsBest sources of Vitamin KAntinociceptive effects of <em>Salvia divinorum</...The Utility of Stuttering Support Organization Con...Glacier extent and climate in the Maritime Alps du...Motivation for information exchange in a virtual ...Tamoxifen promotes white matter recovery and cogni...Automated applicator digitization for high-dose-ra...Genetic sequencing of vaccine finds entire male hu...Being happier will help you live longer, so learn ...Treating pulmonary embolism: How safe and effecti... JoVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments , A Multi... JoVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments , Native ... bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology ...Όσσ' έλομεν λιπόμεσθα, όσ' ουχ έλομεν φερόμεσθα. Δ... British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery... Annals of Diagnostic Pathology , Pathology in the...Hot Tub Displays at State Fair Eyed as Link to Leg... Clinical Infectious Diseases Advance Access , Cha... British Journal of Cancer - AOP , Identification ...How We Affect Each Other,The principle of emotion...Exosomal Transfer Of Cisplatin-Induced miR-425-3p...Elderly patients with metastatic neuroendocrine tu...Scientists Grow 3D Tissue Models of Human Brain T...Microglia as Dynamic Cellular Mediators of Brain F...A Predictive Score for Determining Risk of Surgica...Association between the -844 G>A, HindIII C>G, and...Fulcrum Therapeutics Announced Results of Phase 1...Relationships between Metabolic Comorbidities and...Wnt Signaling Protects against Paclitaxel-Induced ...Incidence of Central Venous Catheter-Related Blood...PSYCHOLOGYsubmitted by /u/fkebld [link] [comments...An Unusual Manifestation of Blastic Plasmacytoid D...Inflammation-Related Patterns in the Clinical Stag...Iodine Nutrition Status of Breastfeeding MothersPRO/AH/EDR> Undiagnosed disease - Sudan: (RS) hum...Mild-to-Moderate Hearing Loss Leads to Lasting Cha...Hoarding MisconceptionsWhat would it take for eac...CXCR5+PD-1+ follicular helper CD8 T cells control... MedWorm Allergy & Immunology Clinical Trials , A...Histopathological Features of MRI‐Invisible Regio...Coaching vs. Therapy – Referring Coaching Clients ...Fight AgingVegetarian diet and oral healthThe posttranslational modification of HDAC4 in cel...Phytochemicals, Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory ...The Health Benefits and Phytoconstituents of Camel...Gender-Related Challenges in Educational Intervent...REGEMAT 3D Technology for Drug DeliveryImproving Writing Resolution in Electro-hydrodynam...String of recalls implicate unknown volume of beef...Tip Top Poultry is likely key to the mystery list...Use of Blood Lipid Indicators as a Screening Tool ...Mild-to-Moderate Hearing Loss Leads to Lasting Cha...The emergence of non‐hypervascular hypointense nod...Effects of myricetin‐3‐O‐α‐rhamnoside (myricitrin)...Vegan Hyaluronic AcidDilemmas in the recognition of Sjogren syndrome [L...Diffusion basis spectrum imaging for identifying p...Cardiovascular disease in the literature: A sel...Epigenetic silencing of microRNA-335 contributes t...Complications of Palatal Pillar Implants: An analy...Seltene Formen einer Insulinresistenz: Das Köbbe...Issues with the Detection of Large Genomic Rearran...Glomerulonephritis and nephrotic syndrome in a chi...Naturopathic Oncology Care for Pediatric Cancers:...