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Τετάρτη 1 Ιουλίου 2020

Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis

  •  Ear and Hearing - Current IssueSpectral Contrast...
  •  Cancer Discovery current issueMisleading Conclus...
  •  Clinical Cancer Research current issueCorrection...
  •  Clinical Cancer Research current issueIntratumor...
  •  Current topics in medicinal chemistryApplication...
  •  otol rhinolThe Medially-Invasive Cholesteatoma: ...
  •  Rare CancersTreatment Outcomes and Sensitivity t...
  •  pubmed: expert review of ant...Position paper: n...
  •  ScienceDirect Publication: Brain Research Bullet...
  •  Human PathologyAppendageal Tumors and Tumor-Li...
  •  World NeurosurgerySpinal Cord Compression Caused...
  • Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med . 2020 Jun 29;a0348...
  • Review Oncology (Williston Park) . 2019 Aug 23;33...
  •  Future Oncology.Real-world effectiveness of nivo...
  • 1 Neuro Oncol . 2019 Nov 4;21(11):1412-1422. doi: ...
  •  J Neural EngSimultaneous recording and marking o...
  •  bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology...
  •  Latest Results for Folia MicrobiologicaEvaluatio...
  •  pubmed: "j physiol"[jour]Lipids and glucose home...
  • Exp Cell Res. 2019 Oct 15;383(2):111508. doi: 10...
  • 1 Oral Oncol . 2019 Oct;97:62-68. doi: 10.1016/j.o...
  •  ScienceDirect Publication: TalantaA compact bipo...
  • 1 BMJ Open . 2020 Jun 29;10(6):e037918. doi: 10.11...
  •  SAGE Publications Inc: Journal of Cutaneous Medi...
  •  ScienceDirect Publication: International Immunop...
  • Η βουμετανίδη (bumetanide) φαίνεται να μπλοκάρει τ...
  • Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg . 2020 Jun 30;19459982...
  •  Cancer biology and therapy,http://www.tandfonlin...
  • 1 Review Front Oncol . 2020 Jun 11;10:935. doi: 10...
  •  Behavioural Brain ResearchAllocentric coordinate...
  •  The European Gastrointestinal Motility SocietyIm...
  •  Journal of Internal MedicineTreatment with proto...
  •  Journal of Neurological Surgery Part B: Skull Ba...
  •  Latest Results for Child's Nervous SystemPost-mo...
  •  The European Gastrointestinal Motility SocietyDe...
  •  International Forum of Allergy & RhinologyPsycho...
  •  bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary Biology...
  • Nanomaterials, Vol. 10, Pages 1295: Synthesis and...
  •  International Journal of Molecular SciencesIJMS,...
  • Foods, Vol. 9, Pages 860: Assessment of the Antim...
  • Cancers, Vol. 12, Pages 1755: Roles of NK Cell Rec...
  • Antibiotics, Vol. 9, Pages 372: Drivers of Antibio...

  • Unknown
     Ear and Hearing - Current IssueSpectral Contrast Effects Reveal Different Acoustic Cues for Vowel Recognition in Cochlear-Implant UsersObjectives: The identity of a speech sound can be affected by the spectrum of a preceding stimulus in a contrastive manner. Although such aftereffects are often reduced in people with hearing loss and cochlear implants (CIs), one recent study demonstrated larger spectral contrast effects in CI users than in normal-hearing (NH) listeners. The present study aimed to...
    ΩΡΛ Ιατρικά Άρθρα απ' το Μελετητή
     Cancer Discovery current issueMisleading Conclusions Can Tarnish Trial Presentations [News in Brief]At major annual oncology meetings, many presentations about phase III clinical trials that failed to hit their primary endpoints emphasized seemingly positive results of questionable statistical rigor or unclear clinical relevance, a study concludes.Cancer Discovery current issueWed Jul 01, 2020 10:05Osimertinib Called "Home Run" for EGFR-Mutant NSCLC [News in Brief]Adjuvant treatment with the tyrosine...
    ΩΡΛ Ιατρικά Άρθρα απ' το Μελετητή
     Clinical Cancer Research current issueCorrection: Identification of a Novel, EBV-based Antibody Risk Stratification Signature for Early Detection of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma in TaiwanClinical Cancer Research current issueWed Jul 01, 2020 10:06Mark above section as read Journal of Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology - Most Popular ArticlesBronchogenic Gangliocytic ParagangliomaNo abstract availableJournal of Bronchology & Interventional Pulmonology - Most Popular ArticlesWed Jul 01,...
    ΩΡΛ Ιατρικά Άρθρα απ' το Μελετητή
     Clinical Cancer Research current issueIntratumoral Immunotherapy for Early-stage Solid TumorsThe unprecedented benefits of immunotherapy in advanced malignancies have resulted in increased interests in exploiting immune stimulatory agents in earlier-stage solid tumors in the neoadjuvant setting. However, systemic delivery of immunotherapies may cause severe immune-related side-effects and hamper the development of combination treatments. Intratumoral delivery of neoadjuvant immunotherapy provides...
    ΩΡΛ Ιατρικά Άρθρα απ' το Μελετητή
     Current topics in medicinal chemistryApplication of a Novel Metallomics Tool to Probe the Fate of Metal-Based Anticancer Drugs in Blood Plasma: potential, challenges and prospects.Related Articles Application of a Novel Metallomics Tool to Probe the Fate of Metal-Based Anticancer Drugs in Blood Plasma: potential, challenges and prospects. Curr Top Med Chem. 2020 Jun 27;: Authors: Sarpong-Kumankomah S, Gailer J Abstract Although metallodrugs are in use to treat a variety of human disorders and exhibit...
    ΩΡΛ Ιατρικά Άρθρα απ' το Μελετητή
     otol rhinolThe Medially-Invasive Cholesteatoma: An Aggressive Subtype of a Common Pathology.Related Articles The Medially-Invasive Cholesteatoma: An Aggressive Subtype of a Common Pathology. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2020 Jun 30;:3489420937731 Authors: Casazza G, Carlson ML, Shelton C, Gurgel RK Abstract OBJECTIVE: Describe the outcomes of treatment for patients with cholesteatomas that are medially invasive to the otic capsule, petrous apex, and/or skull base. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective case series....
    ΩΡΛ Ιατρικά Άρθρα απ' το Μελετητή
     Rare CancersTreatment Outcomes and Sensitivity to Hormone Therapy of Aggressive Angiomyxoma: A Multicenter, International, Retrospective Study.Related Articles Treatment Outcomes and Sensitivity to Hormone Therapy of Aggressive Angiomyxoma: A Multicenter, International, Retrospective Study. Oncologist. 2019 07;24(7):e536-e541 Authors: Fucà G, Hindi N, Ray-Coquard I, Colia V, Dei Tos AP, Martin-Broto J, Brahmi M, Collini P, Lorusso D, Raspagliesi F, Pantaleo MA, Vincenzi B, Fumagalli E, Gronchi A,...
    ΩΡΛ Ιατρικά Άρθρα απ' το Μελετητή
     pubmed: expert review of ant...Position paper: new insights into the immunobiology and dynamics of tumor-host interactions require adaptations of clinical studies.Related Articles Position paper: new insights into the immunobiology and dynamics of tumor-host interactions require adaptations of clinical studies. Expert Rev Anticancer Ther. 2020 Jun 30;:1-8 Authors: Sprenger T, Schirrmacher V, Stücker W, van Gool SW Abstract INTRODUCTION: Prospective double-blind placebo-controlled randomized clinical...
    ΩΡΛ Ιατρικά Άρθρα απ' το Μελετητή
     ScienceDirect Publication: Brain Research BulletinRestriction and hyperlipidic diets during pregnancy, lactation and adult life modified the expression of dopaminergic system related genes both in female mice and their adult offspringPublication date: Available online 30 June 2020Source: Brain Research BulletinAuthor(s): Vanessa Feistauer, Joana Fisch, Carolina Kalkmann da Silva Oliveira, Márcia Giovenardi, Silvana AlmeidaScienceDirect Publication: Brain Research BulletinWed Jul 01, 2020 14:13Alpha...
    ΩΡΛ Ιατρικά Άρθρα απ' το Μελετητή
    Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med. 2020 Jun 29;a034892. doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a034892. Online ahead of print.MAP-Kinase-Driven Hematopoietic Neoplasms: A Decade of Progress in the Molecular AgeRikhia Chakraborty 1 2, Omar Abdel-Wahab 3 3, Benjamin H Durham 3 3Affiliations expandPMID: 32601132 DOI: 10.1101/cshperspect.a034892AbstractMutations in members of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway are extensively studied in epithelial malignancies, with BRAF mutations being one of the most...
    ΩΡΛ Ιατρικά Άρθρα απ' το Μελετητή
    Review Oncology (Williston Park). 2019 Aug 23;33(8):683730.Targeting the Sanctuary Site: Options When Breast Cancer Metastasizes to the BrainMridula Krishnan, Jairam Krishnamurthy, Nicole ShonkaPMID: 31469897Free articleAbstractBrain metastasis is a poor prognostic factor in breast cancer progression, and traditional treatment options have shown minimal response with overall low median survival rates. The incidence of brain metastasis has been increasing despite and, in part, due to advancements...
    ΩΡΛ Ιατρικά Άρθρα απ' το Μελετητή
     Future Oncology.Real-world effectiveness of nivolumab in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis.Related Articles Real-world effectiveness of nivolumab in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Future Oncol. 2020 Jun 29;: Authors: Kim YJ, Oremus M, Chen HH, McFarlane T, Shah D, Horton S Abstract Background: The effectiveness of immunotherapies for non-small-cell lung cancer under real-world clinical settings remains...
    ΩΡΛ Ιατρικά Άρθρα απ' το Μελετητή
    1Neuro Oncol. 2019 Nov 4;21(11):1412-1422. doi: 10.1093/neuonc/noz106.Automatic Assessment of Glioma Burden: A Deep Learning Algorithm for Fully Automated Volumetric and Bidimensional MeasurementKen Chang 1, Andrew L Beers 1, Harrison X Bai 2, James M Brown 1, K Ina Ly 3, Xuejun Li 4, Joeky T Senders 5, Vasileios K Kavouridis 5, Alessandro Boaro 5, Chang Su 6, Wenya Linda Bi 7, Otto Rapalino 8, Weihua Liao 9, Qin Shen 10, Hao Zhou 11, Bo Xiao 11, Yinyan Wang 12, Paul J Zhang 13, Marco C Pinho 14,...
    ΩΡΛ Ιατρικά Άρθρα απ' το Μελετητή
     J Neural EngSimultaneous recording and marking of brain microstructures.Related Articles Simultaneous recording and marking of brain microstructures. J Neural Eng. 2020 Jun 30;: Authors: Ramadi KB, Dagdeviren C, Bhagchandani P, Nunez-Lopez C, Kim MJ, Langer RS, Graybiel A, Cima MJ Abstract The vast majority of techniques to study the physiology of the nervous system involve inserting probes into the brain for stimulation, recording, or sampling. Research is increasingly uncovering the fine microstructure...
    ΩΡΛ Ιατρικά Άρθρα απ' το Μελετητή
     bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary BiologySelection and hybridization shaped the Africanized honey bee invasion of the Americas [NEW RESULTS]Recent biological invasions offer 'natural' laboratories to understand the genetics and ecology of adaptation, hybridization, and range limits. One of the most impressive and well-documented biological invasions of the 20th century began in Brazil with the escape of introduced African honey bees (Apis mellifera scutellata) in 1957. In less than 50 years,...
    ΩΡΛ Ιατρικά Άρθρα απ' το Μελετητή
     Latest Results for Folia MicrobiologicaEvaluation of antifungal activity of cinnamaldehyde against Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubiiAbstract Cryptococcosis is a potentially fatal fungal disease which has aggrandized with the emergence of AIDS and antifungal resistance. The currently used antifungals lack the broad-spectrum activity and result in several toxicities during long treatment regimens. Thus, the present study aims to evaluate the antifungal activity of cinnamaldehyde against Cryptococcus...
    ΩΡΛ Ιατρικά Άρθρα απ' το Μελετητή
     pubmed: "j physiol"[jour]Lipids and glucose homeostasis upon metabolic challenge: Extracellular matrix takes the stage.Related Articles Lipids and glucose homeostasis upon metabolic challenge: Extracellular matrix takes the stage. J Physiol. 2020 Jun 30;: Authors: Bonaldo P, Cescon M PMID: 32602951 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]pubmed: "j physiol"[jour]Wed Jul 01, 2020 16:28Lower body negative pressure: a novel remedy for preserving the cerebrovasculature from gravitational stress.Related Articles...
    ΩΡΛ Ιατρικά Άρθρα απ' το Μελετητή
    Exp Cell Res. 2019 Oct 15;383(2):111508. doi: 10.1016/j.yexcr.2019.111508. Epub 2019 Jul 26.In Vitro Humanized 3D Microfluidic Chip for Testing Personalized Immunotherapeutics for Head and Neck Cancer PatientsAhmed Al-Samadi 1, Benedek Poor 2, Katja Tuomainen 3, Ville Liu 3, Aini Hyytiäinen 3, Ilida Suleymanova 3, Karri Mesimaki 4, Tommy Wilkman 4, Antti Mäkitie 5, Päivi Saavalainen 2, Tuula Salo 6Affiliations collapseAffiliations1Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Diseases, Clinicum, Faculty of...
    ΩΡΛ Ιατρικά Άρθρα απ' το Μελετητή
    1Oral Oncol. 2019 Oct;97:62-68. doi: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2019.08.007. Epub 2019 Aug 14.Treatment Trends in Oropharyngeal Carcinoma: Surgical Technology Meets the EpidemicT J Gal 1, Jon A Slezak 2, Alexandra E Kejner 2, Quan Chen 3, Bin Huang 4Affiliations expandPMID: 31421473 DOI: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2019.08.007AbstractObjective: To characterize temporal trends in treatment patterns for oropharyngeal carcinoma, and to evaluate the emerging role of surgical therapy in the era of transoral robotic...
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     ScienceDirect Publication: TalantaA compact bipolar electrochemistry device utilizing a liquid free catholyte and eye visual indication of the reporting event for the determination of antioxidant capacity in real-world samplesPublication date: 1 November 2020Source: Talanta, Volume 219Author(s): Antonios P. Hadjixenis, Jan Hrbac, Mamas I. ProdromidisScienceDirect Publication: TalantaWed Jul 01, 2020 16:32Mark above section as read Journal of Human EvolutionFire's impact on threat detection and risk...
    ΩΡΛ Ιατρικά Άρθρα απ' το Μελετητή
    1BMJ Open. 2020 Jun 29;10(6):e037918. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037918.Comparison of Prevalence and Associated Factors of Depressive Disorder Between Patients With Head and Neck Cancer and Those With Lung Cancer at a Tertiary Hospital in Taiwan: A Cross-Sectional StudyYu Lee 1, Chi-Fa Hung 1, Chih-Yen Chien 2, Pao-Yen Lin 1, Meng-Chih Lin 3, Chin-Chou Wang 3, Hung-I Lu 4, Yung-Che Chen 3, Mian-Yoon Chong 1, Liang-Jen Wang 5Affiliations expandPMID: 32601116 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037918Free articleAbstractObjective:...
    ΩΡΛ Ιατρικά Άρθρα απ' το Μελετητή
     SAGE Publications Inc: Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery: Table of ContentsEfficacy and Safety of Botulinum Toxin Type A in Preventing Postoperative Scars and Improving the Cosmetic Appearance of Scars: A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisJournal of Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery, Ahead of Print. BackgroundScars with poor cosmesis that develop after wound healing may affect normal life.ObjectiveTo assess the efficacy and safety of botulinum toxin type A (BTXA) in preventing postoperative...
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     ScienceDirect Publication: International ImmunopharmacologyInhibition of phosphodiesterase IV enzyme improves locomotor and sensory complications of spinal cord injury via altering microglial activity: Introduction of Roflumilast as an alternative therapyPublication date: September 2020Source: International Immunopharmacology, Volume 86Author(s): Kamyar Moradi, Mohammadreza Golbakhsh, Farinaz Haghighi, Khashayar Afshari, Rajan Nikbakhsh, Mohammad Mahdi Khavandi, Shahriar Faghani, Abolfazl Badripour,...
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    Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 Jun 30;194599820932869. doi: 10.1177/0194599820932869. Online ahead of print.Glycoprotein Nonmetastatic Melanoma Protein B as Potential Imaging Marker in Posttherapeutic Metastatic Head and Neck CancerJeroen E van Schaik 1, Saskia H Hanemaaijer 1, György B Halmos 1, Max J H Witjes 2, Bernard F A M van der Laan 1, Bert van der Vegt 3, Boudewijn E C Plaat 1Affiliations expandPMID: 32600105 DOI: 10.1177/0194599820932869AbstractObjective: To evaluate expression of potential...
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     Cancer biology and therapy,http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/kcbt20/currentSilencing the intestinal GUCY2C tumor suppressor axis requires APC loss of heterozygosity.Related Articles Silencing the intestinal GUCY2C tumor suppressor axis requires APC loss of heterozygosity. Cancer Biol Ther. 2020 Jun 28;:1-7 Authors: Pattison AM, Barton JR, Entezari AA, Zalewski A, Rappaport JA, Snook AE, Waldman SA Abstract Most sporadic colorectal cancer reflects acquired mutations in the adenomatous polyposis coli...
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    1Review Front Oncol. 2020 Jun 11;10:935. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2020.00935. eCollection 2020.Shp1 in Solid Cancers and Their TherapyAlessia Varone 1, Daniela Spano 1, Daniela Corda 1 2Affiliations expandPMID: 32596156 PMCID: PMC7300250 DOI: 10.3389/fonc.2020.00935Free PMC articleAbstractShp1 is a cytosolic tyrosine phosphatase that regulates a broad range of cellular functions and targets, modulating the flow of information from the cell membrane to the nucleus. While initially studied in the hematopoietic...
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     Behavioural Brain ResearchAllocentric coordinate spatial representations are impaired in aMCI and Alzheimer's Disease PatientsPublication date: Available online 30 June 2020Source: Behavioural Brain ResearchAuthor(s): Gennaro Ruggiero, Francesco Ruotolo, Alessandro Iavarone, Tina IachiniBehavioural Brain ResearchWed Jul 01, 2020 19:24Large nest building and high marble-burying: two compulsive-like phenotypes expressed by deer mice <em>(Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii)</em> and their unique...
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     The European Gastrointestinal Motility SocietyImproving the utility of high‐resolution manometry for the diagnosis of defecatory disorders in women with chronic constipationAlgorithm for diagnosing defecatory disorders in the upright position. Abstract Background We compared the utility of existing and modified versions of high‐resolution manometry for diagnosing defecatory disorders (DD). Methods In 64 healthy and 136 constipated women, we compared left lateral (LL) and seated manometry, and analyzed...
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     Journal of Internal MedicineTreatment with proton pump inhibitors increases the risk of secondary infections and ARDS in hospitalized patients with COVID‐19: coincidence or underestimated risk factor?Journal of Internal MedicineWed Jul 01, 2020 12:24Methylprednisolone added to tocilizumab reduces mortality in SARS‐CoV‐2 pneumonia: An observational studyAbstract Although there are few randomized controlled trials (RCTs) evaluating the efficacy of drugs to treat COVID‐19, different molecules have...
    ΩΡΛ Ιατρικά Άρθρα απ' το Μελετητή
     Journal of Neurological Surgery Part B: Skull BaseIs a Single-Dose, Single-Agent Perioperative Antibiotic Protocol Adequate for Endoscopic Endonasal Skull Base Surgery? A 10-Year Review of 422 CasesJ Neurol Surg B Skull BaseDOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1713771 Objectives Postoperative meningitis is a rare but potentially fatal complication of endoscopic endonasal skull base surgery. Prophylactic antibiotic use varies considerably worldwide. We sought to analyze the safety of a single-agent, single-dose protocol....
    ΩΡΛ Ιατρικά Άρθρα απ' το Μελετητή
     Latest Results for Child's Nervous SystemPost-mortem histopathology of a pediatric brain after bilateral DBS of GPI for status dystonicus: case report and review of the literatureAbstract Purpose To investigate the effects of deep brain stimulation (DBS) electrodes on the brain of a dystonic pediatric patient submitted to bilateral DBS of the globus pallidus internus (GPI). Methods An 8-year-old male patient underwent bilateral DBS of GPI for status dystonicus. He died 2 months later due to multiorgan...
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     The European Gastrointestinal Motility SocietyDevelopment and validation of the paediatric Carbohydrate Perception Questionnaire (pCPQ), an instrument for the assessment of carbohydrate‐induced gastrointestinal symptoms in the paediatric populationThe unbiased diagnosis of carbohydrate intolerance requires a valid recording of carbohydrate induced symptoms. The paediatric Carbohydrate Perception Questionnaire overcomes the current lack of standardized and validated symptom assessment during carbohydrate...
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     International Forum of Allergy & RhinologyPsychophysical tests reveal impaired olfaction but preserved gustation in COVID‐19 patientsInternational Forum of Allergy & RhinologyWed Jul 01, 2020 18:24Mark above section as read Taehan Sohwagi Kinŭngsŏng Chirhwan Undong Hakhoe Asian Neurogastroenterology & Motility AssociationThe Usefulness of Esophageal Baseline Impedance Levels for the Diagnosis of Nonerosive Reflux Disease and the Proper Time for Measurement in Endoscopy-negative Korean...
    ΩΡΛ Ιατρικά Άρθρα απ' το Μελετητή
     bioRxiv Subject Collection: Evolutionary BiologyAn estimator of the Opportunity for Selection that is independent of mean fitness [NEW RESULTS]Variation among individuals in number of offspring (fitness, k) sets an upper limit to the evolutionary response to selection. This constraint is quantified by the Opportunity for Selection (I; Crow 1958), which is the variance in relative fitness (I=(Vk^2)/(uk)^2). Crows I has been widely used but remains controversial because it depends on mean offspring...
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    Nanomaterials, Vol. 10, Pages 1295: Synthesis and Electrochemical Study of Three-Dimensional Graphene-Based Nanomaterials for Energy ApplicationsNanomaterials, Vol. 10, Pages 1295: Synthesis and Electrochemical Study of Three-Dimensional Graphene-Based Nanomaterials for Energy Applications Nanomaterials doi: 10.3390/nano10071295 Authors: Antony R. Thiruppathi Boopathi Sidhureddy Emmanuel Boateng Dmitriy V. Soldatov Aicheng Chen Graphene is an attractive soft material for various applications due...
    ΩΡΛ Ιατρικά Άρθρα απ' το Μελετητή
     International Journal of Molecular SciencesIJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4708: Coumarin-Based Profluorescent and Fluorescent Substrates for Determining Xenobiotic-Metabolizing Enzyme Activities In VitroIJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 4708: Coumarin-Based Profluorescent and Fluorescent Substrates for Determining Xenobiotic-Metabolizing Enzyme Activities In Vitro International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21134708 Authors: Raunio Pentikäinen Juvonen Activities of xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes have...
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    Foods, Vol. 9, Pages 860: Assessment of the Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, and Antiproliferative Potential of Sideritis raeseri subps. raeseri Essential OilFoods, Vol. 9, Pages 860: Assessment of the Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, and Antiproliferative Potential of Sideritis raeseri subps. raeseri Essential Oil Foods doi: 10.3390/foods9070860 Authors: Mitropoulou Sidira Skitsa Tsochantaridis Pappa Dimtsoudis Proestos Kourkoutas The aim of the present study was to investigate the antimicrobial potential...
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    Cancers, Vol. 12, Pages 1755: Roles of NK Cell Receptors 2B4 (CD244), CS1 (CD319), and LLT1 (CLEC2D) in CancerCancers, Vol. 12, Pages 1755: Roles of NK Cell Receptors 2B4 (CD244), CS1 (CD319), and LLT1 (CLEC2D) in Cancer Cancers doi: 10.3390/cancers12071755 Authors: Casey W. Buller Porunelloor A. Mathew Stephen O. Mathew Natural killer (NK) cells play a pivotal role in the immune system, especially in the recognition and clearance of cancer cells and infected cells. Their effector function is controlled...
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    Antibiotics, Vol. 9, Pages 372: Drivers of Antibiotic Resistance Transmission in Low- and Middle-Income Countries from a "One Health" Perspective—A ReviewAntibiotics, Vol. 9, Pages 372: Drivers of Antibiotic Resistance Transmission in Low- and Middle-Income Countries from a "One Health" Perspective—A Review Antibiotics doi: 10.3390/antibiotics9070372 Authors: Katia Iskandar Laurent Molinier Souheil Hallit Massimo Sartelli Fausto Catena Federico Coccolini Timothy Craig Hardcastle Christine Roques...
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    Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com,
    Telephone consultation 11855 int 1193,

    Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου
