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Δευτέρα 2 Μαΐου 2022

Incidences and characteristics of primary lung malignancies in childhood i

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Background: Primary lung malignancies are a heterogeneous group of cancers that occur very rarely in childhood. Due to limited knowledge of their epidemiologic and clinical features, these tumors present a challenge to the treating physicians. This study aimed to increase the knowledge about the occurrence of primary lung malignancies in childhood in Germany.

Materials and methods: Pseudonymized data of cases recorded at the German Center for Cancer Registry Data (ZfKD) between 1990 and 2017 were retrieved. Primary lung malignancies were identified using the ICD- and ICD-O classification. Numbers were compared to those reported to the German Childhood Cancer Registry (GCCR). Crude incidence rates were calculated using the ZfKD database.

Results: A total of 168 patients diagnosed with primary lung malignancies in the age below 19 years were identified from the ZfKD. The median age at diagnosis was 13 years. The most common tumor entities were lung carcinoids (n = 49), lung carcinoma (n = 36), and pleuropulmonary blastoma (n = 14). An unexpected accumulation of lung cancer cases was noted in the first year of life without a clearly specified histopathological diagnosis. A substantial discrepancy in the numbers of primary lung malignancies between ZfKD and GCCR was found.

Conclusions: We present population-based data on the occurrence of primary childhood lung malignancies in Germany, which were more frequent than previously anticipated but likely remained underreported. For better understanding and optimal treatment of these entities, cancer registration needs to be improved through mandatory reporting to the GCCR and regular data sharing between GCCR, population-based and clinical cancer registries.

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Efficacy and toxicity of weekly paclitaxel, carboplatin, and cetuximab as induction chemotherapy or in cases of metastases or relapse for head and neck cancer with a focus on elderly or frail patients

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Paclitaxel, carboplatin, and cetuximab (PCC) has shown promise as induction chemotherapy and in patients with metastatic/recurrent head and neck cancer (HNC). Given its tolerability, the regimen is used in frail and elderly patients.


Software generated the cohort of adult patients with HNC treated with PCC in 2014–2019. Modified RECIST response rate (RR), progression-free survival (PFS), and overall survival (OS) were calculated for the metastatic/recurrent group, and successful induction rate and RR for the induction group. These were also calculated in the elderly/frail subset (EF): age ≥75, performance status ≥2, albumin <3.5.


Fifty-two percent of patients experienced ≥grade 3 toxicities. For metastatic/recurrent disease (N = 58), RR was 22%, mean PFS was 7.1 months. Mean OS was 15.2 months. In the induction cohort (N = 22), 86% reached their endpoint. The RR was 64%. There were no significant differences for EF.


PCC is well-tolerated with good induction success rate and reasonable PFS/OS in metastatic/recurrent disease.

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Emergence of dalbavancin, vancomycin, and daptomycin non-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus in a patient treated with dalbavancin: Case report and isolate characterization

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A patient with end-stage renal disease received 2 doses of dalbavancin for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus arteriovenous fistula infection and presented 5-weeks later with infective endocarditis secondary to vancomycin, daptomycin, and dalbavancin non-susceptible MRSA. Resistance was associated with walK and scrA mutations, reduced long-chain lipid content, and reduced membrane fluidity.
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Unsuspected clonal spread of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus causing bloodstream infections in hospitalized adults detected using whole genome sequencing

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Though detection of transmission clusters of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infections is a priority for infection control personnel in hospitals, the transmission dynamics of MRSA among hospitalized patients with bloodstream infections (BSIs) has not been thoroughly studied. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) of MRSA isolates for surveillance is valuable for detecting outbreaks in hospitals, but the bioinformatic approaches used are diverse and difficult to compare.
We combined short-read WGS with genotypic, phenotypic, and epidemiological characteristics of 106 MRSA BSI isolates collected for routine microbiological diagnosis from inpatients in two hospitals over 12 months. Clinical data and hospitalization history were abstracted from electronic medical records. We compared three genome sequence alignment strategies to assess similarity in cluster asce rtainment. We conducted logistic regression to measure the probability of predicting prior hospital overlap between clustered patient isolates by the genetic distance of their isolates.
While the three alignment approaches detected similar results, they showed some variation. A Gene-family-based alignment pipeline was most consistent across MRSA clonal complexes. We identified nine unique clusters of closely related BSI isolates. Most BSI were healthcare-associated and community-onset. Our logistic model showed that with 13 single nucleotide polymorphisms the likelihood that any two patients in a cluster had overlapped in a hospital was 50 percent.
Multiple clusters of closely related MRSA isolates can be identified using WGS among strains cultured from BSI in two hospitals. Genomic clustering of these infections suggest that transmission resulted from a mix of community spread and healthcare exposures long before BSI diagnosis.
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Comparison of Hydration Index, Percent Hydration, and Trans-Epidermal Water Loss Measurements for Dermal Exposure and Risk Assessment

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Skin hydration and the barrier properties of the stratum corneum have been reported to be influential factors in the potential for retention of solid and semi-solid substances on the skin surface. The measurement of these characteristics of the skin, however, remains relatively uncommon in exposure assessments performed by industrial or occupational hygienists, even when the focus of the assessment is exposure to the skin. This study provides measurements of skin hydration using multiple instruments and multiple relevant skin site locations for comparative analysis. Three different measurement metrics, trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL), hydration index (HI), and percent hydration, were measured for 25 healthy volunteers at two different body locations for comparison: the center of the volar forearm, as previously recommended for interindividual comparison of hydration and barrier property measurements, and also the palmar tip of the index finger. The purpose of the comparative measurements was to allow for comparison between other published baseline volar forearm measurements and the palmar skin, which has not often been quantitatively assessed and reported in the literature, but is a relevant skin surface for sampling of the hands. This comparison will allow for consideration of the potential influence of palmar wipe sampling protocols on TEWL or skin hydration, and for the evaluation of the influence of skin hydration and TEWL on measured dermal transfer values. Collectively, the skin hydration levels and barrier properties at these two different measurement locations were found to be statistically significantly different, and as a result it is suggested that they be measured and recorded separately. Both measurement types and locations are likely to be important for the purposes of establishing skin hydration and health. Volar forearm measurements can also be important for understanding the underlying condition and barri er function of the skin, and palmar index finger measurements are necessary to understand the influence of both TEWL and skin hydration on quantitative dermal loading and transfer of solids and semi-volatile materials.
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Hypomethylating agent and venetoclax with FLT3 inhibitor “triplet” therapy in older/unfit patients with FLT3 mutated AML

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Investigating aluminum cookpots as a source of lead exposure

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Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, Published online: 02 May 2022; doi:10.1038/s41370-022-00431-y

Investigating aluminum cookpots as a source of lead exposure in Afghan refugee children resettled in the United States
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Predicted cardiovascular disease risk and prescribing of antihypertensive therapy among patients with hypertension in Australia using MedicineInsight

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Journal of Human Hypertension, Published online: 02 May 2022; doi:10.1038/s41371-022-00691-z

Predicted cardiovascular disease risk and prescribing of antihypertensive therapy among patients with hypertension in Australia using MedicineInsight
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Screening auf Mangelernährung bei Kopf-Hals-Tumor-Patienten vor onkologischer Therapie

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DOI: 10.1055/a-1823-1143

Hintergrund Patienten mit einem Kopf-Hals-Tumor besitzen ein hohes Risiko, peri- bzw. posttherapeutisch eine Mangelernährung zu entwickeln, die den onkologischen Therapieerfolg entscheidend beeinflussen kann. Prätherapeutisch ist hierüber wenig bekannt. Daher ist das Ziel der vorliegenden Studie die prätherapeutische systematische Erfassung des Ernährungszustandes und des Risikos für das Auftreten einer Mangelernährung. Material und Methoden Bei 102 Kopf-Hals-Tumor-Patienten erfolgte die prätherapeutische Untersuchung des Ernährungszustandes via Body-Mass-Index (BMI) sowie des Risikos für Mangelernährung via „Nutritional Risk Screening" (NRS). An möglichen Einflussfaktoren wurden Tumorstadium, -lokalisation, Patientenalter, -geschlecht und das Bestehen einer oropharyngealen Dysphagie, identifiziert über Flexible Endoskopische Evaluation des Schluckvorgangs (FEES), analysiert. Ergebnisse Eine Mangel- bzw. Unterernährung, bemessen am BMI, bestand prätherapeutisch bei bereits 6% der Patienten, ein Risiko für Mangelernährung laut NRS bei 27%, eine oropharyngeale Dysphagie bei 15%. Nur das Vorliegen einer oropharyngealen Dysphagie erwies sich in der linearen Regression als signifikanter Einflussfaktor auf das Risiko einer Mangelernährung (β = 0,380/3,776; p < 0,001). Schlussfolgerungen Bereits prätherapeutisch besteht ein Risiko einer Mangelernährung bei einem Viertel der Kopf-Hals-Tumor-Patienten. Um dieses frühzeitig zu erkennen und um bereits zu Beginn der onkologischen Therapie Maßnahmen zur ihrer Vermeidung einzuleiten, empfiehlt sich daher bereits prätherapeutisch die Untersuchung des Schluckvermögens sowie das systematische Screening auf Mangelernährung via NRS.

Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany

Article in Thieme eJournals:
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The tight rope act: A multicenter regional experience of tourniquets in acute trauma resuscitation

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imageBACKGROUND As tourniquets have become more prevalent, device use has been questioned. This study sought to characterize the incidence, indication, and efficacy of tourniquet placement in acute trauma resuscitation. METHODS Nine regional level 1 trauma centers prospectively enrolled for 12 months adult patients (18 years or older) who had a tourniquet placed. Age, sex, mechanism, tourniquet type, indication, applying personnel, location placed, level of occlusion, and degree of hemostasis were collected. Major vascular injury, imaging and operations performed, and outcomes were assessed. Analyses were performed with significance at p
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Gastroesophageal resuscitative occlusion of the aorta prolongs survival in a lethal liver laceration model

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imageBACKGROUND Noncompressible torso hemorrhage management remains a challenge especially in the prehospital setting. We evaluated a device designed to occlude the aorta from the stomach (gastroesophageal resuscitative occlusion of the aorta [GROA]) for its ability to stop hemorrhage and improve survival in a swine model of lethal liver laceration and compared its performance to resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA) and controls. METHODS Swine (n = 24) were surgically instrumented and a 30% controlled arterial hemorrhage over 20 minutes was followed by liver laceration. Animals received either GROA, REBOA, or control (no treatment) for 60 minutes. Following intervention, devices were deactivated, and animals received whole blood and crystalloid resuscitation. Animals were monitored for an additional 4 hours. RESULTS The liver laceration resulted in the onset of class IV shock. Mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) (standard deviation) decreased from 84.5 mm Hg (11.69 mm Hg) to 27.1 mm Hg (5.65 mm Hg) at the start of the intervention. Seven of eight control animals died from injury prior to the end of the intervention period with a median survival (interquartile) time of 10.5 minutes (12 minutes). All GROA and REBOA animals survived the duration of the intervention period (60 minutes) with median survival times of 86 minutes (232 minutes) and 79 minutes (199 minutes) after resuscitation, respectively. The GROA and REBOA animals experienced a significant improvement in survival compared with controls (p = 0.01). Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta resulted in higher MAP at the end of intervention 114.6 mm Hg (22.9 mm Hg) compared with GROA 88.2 mm Hg (18.72 mm Hg) (p = 0.024), as well as increased lactate compared with GROA 13.2 meq·L−1 (1.56 meq·L−1) versus 10.5 meq·L− 1 (1.89 meq·L−1) (p = 0.028). Histological examination of the gastric mucosa in surviving animals revealed mild ischemic injury from both GROA and REBOA. CONCLUSION The GROA and REBOA devices were both effective at temporarily stanching lethal noncompressible torso hemorrhage of the abdomen and prolonging survival.
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Extravasation and outcomes in computed tomography and angiography in patients with pelvic fractures requiring transcatheter arterial embolization: A single-center observational study

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imageBACKGROUND Extravasation on contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT) is a helpful indicator of the need for transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) for pelvic fractures. However, previous reports were inconsistent on cases in which angiography is necessary, even though there is no extravasation on computed tomography. This study aimed to describe and analyze the contradictory findings in cases where extravasation is observed on angiography but not on CECT, to contribute to improved management of patients with pelvic fractures. METHODS This was a retrospective single-center study. Patients with pelvic fractures who underwent CECT and TAE between 2014 and 2020 were included. We classified the patients into three groups: CECT and angiography with extravasation (CT+Angio+), CECT with no extravasation and angiography with extravasation (CT−Angio+), and CECT with extravasation and angiography without extravasation (CT+Angio−). RESULTS A total of 113 patients were included in the study: the CT+Angio+ group had 54 patients, CT−Angio+ group, 47; and CT+Angio− group, 12. The CT−Angio+ group had a significantly longer time from arrival to CECT than the CT+Angio+ group (27 minutes vs. 23 minutes, p
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