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Πέμπτη 19 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019

Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com,

Validation of the role of retrograde urethrogram in the management of urethral strictures Nasir Oyelowo,...
Validation of the role of retrograde urethrogram in the management of urethral stricturesNasir Oyelowo, Muhammed Ahmed, Ahmad Bello, Lawal A Tijani, Maitama H. Y. L Bola Bilyaminu, Musliu A Tolani, Adetola M Tolani, Sudi Abdullahi, Awaisu Mudi, Jemila OlagunjuSub-Saharan African Journal of Medicine 2018 5(4):107-110Introduction: Urethral stricture is a common cause of lower urinary tract symptoms in the middle aged and elderly men in our environment. Its diagnosis and management is hinged mainly...
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Vaccines, Vol. 7, Pages 120: In Vivo Administration of Recombinant Human Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating...
Vaccines, Vol. 7, Pages 120: In Vivo Administration of Recombinant Human Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor Increases the Immune Effectiveness of Dendritic Cell-Based Cancer VaccinationVaccines, Vol. 7, Pages 120: In Vivo Administration of Recombinant Human Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor Increases the Immune Effectiveness of Dendritic Cell-Based Cancer Vaccination Vaccines doi: 10.3390/vaccines7030120 Authors: Shimodaira Yanagisawa Koya Hirabayashi Higuchi Sakamoto Togi Jr. Kobayashi Koizumi...
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 Multimodal Technologies and Interaction MTI, Vol. 3, Pages 64: ClothSurface: Exploring a Low-Cost...
 Multimodal Technologies and InteractionMTI, Vol. 3, Pages 64: ClothSurface: Exploring a Low-Cost Prototyping Tool to Support Ideation for Shape DisplaysMTI, Vol. 3, Pages 64: ClothSurface: Exploring a Low-Cost Prototyping Tool to Support Ideation for Shape Displays Multimodal Technologies and Interaction doi: 10.3390/mti3030064 Authors: Jeffrey C. F. Ho A shape-changing user interface is a type of interface that interacts with users by changing its physical form. Although researchers have been extensively...
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 International Journal of Neonatal Screening IJNS, Vol. 5, Pages 36: Editorial for Special Issue...
 International Journal of Neonatal ScreeningIJNS, Vol. 5, Pages 36: Editorial for Special Issue "Newborn Screening for Sickle Cell Disease and other Haemoglobinopathies"IJNS, Vol. 5, Pages 36: Editorial for Special Issue "Newborn Screening for Sickle Cell Disease and other Haemoglobinopathies" International Journal of Neonatal Screening doi: 10.3390/ijns5040036 Authors: Colombatti Cela Elion Lobitz Sickle cell disease (SCD) is among the most common genetic disorders in the world, affectingover 300,000...
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Clean Technol., Vol. 1, Pages 294-310: The Effect of Gamma Irradiation on the Physiochemical Properties...
Clean Technol., Vol. 1, Pages 294-310: The Effect of Gamma Irradiation on the Physiochemical Properties of Caesium-Selective Ammonium Phosphomolybdate–Polyacrylonitrile (AMP–PAN) CompositesClean Technol., Vol. 1, Pages 294-310: The Effect of Gamma Irradiation on the Physiochemical Properties of Caesium-Selective Ammonium Phosphomolybdate–Polyacrylonitrile (AMP–PAN) Composites Clean Technologies doi: 10.3390/cleantechnol1010020 Authors: Holdsworth Eccles Rowbotham Brookfield Collison Bond Kavi Edge...
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Antibiotics, Vol. 8, Pages 155: Characterization of LysBC17, a Lytic Endopeptidase from Bacillus...
Antibiotics, Vol. 8, Pages 155: Characterization of LysBC17, a Lytic Endopeptidase from Bacillus cereusAntibiotics, Vol. 8, Pages 155: Characterization of LysBC17, a Lytic Endopeptidase from Bacillus cereus Antibiotics doi: 10.3390/antibiotics8030155 Authors: Swift Etobayeva Reid Waters Oakley Donovan Nelson Bacillus cereus, a Gram-positive bacterium, is an agent of food poisoning. B. cereus is closely related to Bacillus anthracis, a deadly pathogen for humans, and Bacillus thuringenesis, an insect...
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Self-assessment of voice outcomes after total thyroidectomy using the Voice Handicap Index questionnaire:...
Self-assessment of voice outcomes after total thyroidectomy using the Voice Handicap Index questionnaire: Results of a prospective multicenter study.Related ArticlesSelf-assessment of voice outcomes after total thyroidectomy using the Voice Handicap Index questionnaire: Results of a prospective multicenter study. Surgery. 2019 Sep 13;: Authors: Borel F, Tresallet C, Hamy A, Mathonnet M, Lifante JC, Brunaud L, Marret O, Caillard C, Espitalier F, Drui D, Menegaux F, Hardouin JB, Blanchard C, Mirallié...
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The first fungal laccase with an alkaline pH optimum obtained by directed evolution and its application...
The first fungal laccase with an alkaline pH optimum obtained by directed evolution and its application in indigo dye decolorizationEngineering of fungal laccases with optimum catalytic activity at alkaline pH has been a long-lasting challenge. In this study, a mutant library containing 3000 clones was obtained by error-prone PCR to adapt ...Applied and Industrial MicrobiologyWed Sep 18, 2019 03:00Mark above section as read MultimediaClosed Reduction of a Fractured and Dislocated AnkleClosed Reduction...
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All In In his medical school application essay in 2011, my cousin Joey, a ping-pong champion, described...
All InIn his medical school application essay in 2011, my cousin Joey, a ping-pong champion, described the way the sport connected him to the world, from which he'd long felt separated: it gave him a sense of control. "The angles, velocities, and trajectories of the ball," he wrote, "give way to…The New England Journal of Medicine: Search Results in Primary Care\Hospitalist\Clinical PracticeThu Sep 19, 2019 03:00Polypill for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in an Underserved PopulationCardiovascular...
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Chronic Low Back Pain Influences Trunk Neuromuscular Control During Unstable Sitting among Persons...
Chronic Low Back Pain Influences Trunk Neuromuscular Control During Unstable Sitting among Persons with Lower-Limb LossPublication date: Available online 18 September 2019Source: Gait & PostureAuthor(s): Courtney M. Butowicz, Julian C. Acasio, Sheri P. Silfies, Maury A. Nussbaum, Brad D. HendershotAbstractBackgroundPersons with unilateral lower-limb loss are at increased risk for developing chronic low back pain. Aberrant trunk and pelvis motor behavior secondary to lower-limb loss potentially...
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The First Americium Containing Metal‐Organic Framework: A Platform for Studying Transplutonium...
The First Americium Containing Metal‐Organic Framework: A Platform for Studying Transplutonium ElementsThe synthesis, structural, and spectroscopic characterization of the first transplutonium metal‐organic framework (MOF) is described. The preparation and structure of Am‐GWMOF‐6, [Am2(C6H8O4)3(H2O)2][(C10H8N2)], is analogous to that of the isostructural trivalent lanthanide‐only containing material GWMOF‐6. The presented MOF architecture is used as a platform to probe Am3+ coordination chemistry...
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A Next-Generation Single-Port Robotic Surgical System for Transoral Robotic Surgery This study...
A Next-Generation Single-Port Robotic Surgical System for Transoral Robotic SurgeryThis study evaluates a new single-port robotic surgical system for head and neck surgery prospectively through 2 concurrent nonrandomized clinical trials.JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery Online FirstThu Sep 19, 2019 03:00The Multidisciplinary Tracheostomy TeamIn their article "Association of a Multidisciplinary Care Approach With the Quality of Care After Pediatric Tracheostomy," McKeon et al present their...
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Optimizing assessments of post‐error slowing: A neurobehavioral investigation of a flanker task...
Optimizing assessments of post‐error slowing: A neurobehavioral investigation of a flanker taskAbstract Appropriately adjusting to errors is essential for adaptive behavior. Post‐error slowing (PES) refers to the increased reaction times on trials following incorrect relative to correct responses. PES has been used as a metric of cognitive control in basic cognitive neuroscience research as well as clinical contexts. However, calculation of PES varies widely among studies and has not yet been standardized,...
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High Altitude Alternobaric Facial Palsy: Case Series and Systematic Review of the Literature Background:...
High Altitude Alternobaric Facial Palsy: Case Series and Systematic Review of the LiteratureBackground: Alternobaric facial palsy (AFP) is a rare phenomenon which occurs in patients with Eustachian tube dysfunction, a dehiscent facial canal, and subsequent compression induced ischemic neuropraxia of the facial nerve upon exposure to atmospheric pressure changes. There are few documented cases of AFP and most relate to underwater diving. There is limited understanding in the literature of AFP in the...
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Clinical relevance and practical assessment of fibrinolysis shutdown ANZ Journal of Surgery...
Clinical relevance and practical assessment of fibrinolysis shutdownANZ Journal of SurgeryThu Sep 19, 2019 17:07Mark above section as read The Journal of Prosthetic DentistryEffect of the attachment system on the biomechanical and clinical performance of overdentures: A systematic reviewPublication date: Available online 18 September 2019Source: The Journal of Prosthetic DentistryAuthor(s): Flávia Gonçalves, Vera Lucia Lima Campestrini, Marco Antônio Rigo-Rodrigues, Piero Rocha ZanardiAbstractStatement...
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Sirolimus for Cowden Syndrome With Colon Polyposis Conditions:   PTEN Gene Mutation;   PTEN Hamartoma Tumor Syndrome;...
Sirolimus for Cowden Syndrome With Colon PolyposisConditions:   PTEN Gene Mutation;   PTEN Hamartoma Tumor Syndrome;   PTEN Hamartoma Syndrome;   Cowden Syndrome;   Bannayan Syndrome;   Bannayan Zonana Syndrome;   PolyposisIntervention:   Drug: SirolimusSponsors:   Ohio State University;   PTEN ResearchRecruitingClinicalTrialsThu Sep 19, 2019 15:19Mark above section as read Cancer biology and therapy,http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/kcbt20/currentGlutamine synthetase facilitates cancer cells to recover...
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Traumatic perforations of the tympanic membrane: immediate clinical recovery with the use of bacterial...
Traumatic perforations of the tympanic membrane: immediate clinical recovery with the use of bacterial cellulose film.Related ArticlesTraumatic perforations of the tympanic membrane: immediate clinical recovery with the use of bacterial cellulose film. Braz J Otorhinolaryngol. 2019 Jun 11;: Authors: Pinho AMMR, Kencis CCS, Miranda DRP, Neto OMS Abstract INTRODUCTION: Perforation of the tympanic membrane is a reasonably frequent diagnosis in otorhinolaryngologists' offices. The expectant management...
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Management of tumor tissue in cancer clinical trials: An ethical perspective. Related ArticlesManagement...
Management of tumor tissue in cancer clinical trials: An ethical perspective.Related ArticlesManagement of tumor tissue in cancer clinical trials: An ethical perspective. Bull Cancer. 2019 Sep 13;: Authors: Penel N, Lebellec L, Smis P, Lebitasy MP PMID: 31526509 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]Association française pour l'étude du cancerThu Sep 19, 2019 14:40Mark above section as read The Journal of laryngology and otology http://goo.gl/Tl02xDSurgical management of acquired anterior glottic web:...
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Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in women with polycystic ovary syndrome Abstract Polycystic ovary...
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in women with polycystic ovary syndromeAbstract Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects 6–15% of women of reproductive age. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) affects 25–30% of the general population and its prevalence increases in parallel with the epidemics of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus. A growing body of evidence suggests that NAFLD and PCOS quite often co-exist. The aim of this article is to summarize and critically appraise the literature regarding:...
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"Bedside Ultrasonography for Acute Appendicitis: an Updated Diagnostic Meta-Analysis". Related ArticlesLetter...
"Bedside Ultrasonography for Acute Appendicitis: an Updated Diagnostic Meta-Analysis".Related ArticlesLetter to the Editor - Commentary on "Bedside Ultrasonography for Acute Appendicitis: an Updated Diagnostic Meta-Analysis". Int J Surg. 2019 Sep 14;: Authors: Shnayder MM, Suwanabol PA PMID: 31526893 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]International Journal of SurgeryThu Sep 19, 2019 13:54The Burden of Medical Documentation: The Need for a Simplifying Strategy.Related ArticlesThe Burden of Medical...
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Risk factors for symptomatic contralateral foraminal stenosis after unilateral transforaminal lumbar...
Risk factors for symptomatic contralateral foraminal stenosis after unilateral transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion.Related ArticlesRisk factors for symptomatic contralateral foraminal stenosis after unilateral transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion. World Neurosurg. 2019 Sep 14;: Authors: Hwang SH, Park SW, Kim YB PMID: 31526879 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]pubmed: "world neurosurg"[jo...Thu Sep 19, 2019 13:43TEMPORAL GALEOFASCIAL FLAP FOR RECONSTRUCTION AFTER TRANSMAXILLARY APPROACHES TO...
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Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and Esophageal Involvement in Patients with Pemphigus Vulgaris Abstract...
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and Esophageal Involvement in Patients with Pemphigus VulgarisAbstract Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is a rare autoimmune blistering disease involving the skin and mucous membranes. The prevalence of esophageal involvement remains uncertain. The aim of our study was to determine the frequency of esophageal involvement in patients with PV. This is a single-center electronic database retrospective review of patients with a diagnosis of PV. Data abstracted included demographics,...
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A rare case of Japanese encephalitis-induced anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor encephalitis....
A rare case of Japanese encephalitis-induced anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor encephalitis.Related ArticlesA rare case of Japanese encephalitis-induced anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor encephalitis. Neurol India. 2018 Sep-Oct;66(5):1495-1496 Authors: Shaik RS, Netravathi M, Nitish LK, Mani RS, Shah P, Damodar T, Anita M, Pal PK PMID: 30233032 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]!@ Rare CancersThu Sep 19, 2019 13:24Medulloblastoma with extensive nodularity: A rare variant with a favorable outcome.Related...
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Creating the Evidence Base for Nutritional Support in Childhood Cancer in Low- and Middle-Income...
Creating the Evidence Base for Nutritional Support in Childhood Cancer in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Priorities for Body Composition Research.Related ArticlesPerspective: Creating the Evidence Base for Nutritional Support in Childhood Cancer in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Priorities for Body Composition Research. Adv Nutr. 2019 Sep 14;: Authors: Murphy-Alford AJ, Prasad M, Slone J, Stein K, Mosby TT Abstract There is a striking disparity in survival rates for children in low- and middle-income...
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cell cycle arrest CB002, a novel p53 tumor suppressor pathway-restoring small molecule induces...
cell cycle arrestCB002, a novel p53 tumor suppressor pathway-restoring small molecule induces tumor cell death through the pro-apoptotic protein NOXA.Related ArticlesCB002, a novel p53 tumor suppressor pathway-restoring small molecule induces tumor cell death through the pro-apoptotic protein NOXA. Cell Cycle. 2018;17(5):557-567 Authors: Hernandez-Borrero LJ, Zhang S, Lulla A, Dicker DT, El-Deiry WS Abstract P53 tumor suppressor gene mutations occur in the majority of human cancers and contribute...
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 Clinical laboratory,http://goo.gl/41rdaS, Clinical Effectiveness - Rapid Technique for Antibiotic...
 Clinical laboratory,http://goo.gl/41rdaS,Clinical Effectiveness - Rapid Technique for Antibiotic Selection.Related ArticlesClinical Effectiveness - Rapid Technique for Antibiotic Selection. Clin Lab. 2019 Sep 01;65(9): Authors: Markowitz A Abstract BACKGROUND: Antimicrobial resistance is a growing problem. The current process for determining antibiotic sensitivities is time consuming and often leaves patients waiting for results while using the wrong antibiotic. Reducing inappropriate antibiotic...
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sleep apnea Evaluation of posterior airway space after setback surgery by simulation. Related...
sleep apneaEvaluation of posterior airway space after setback surgery by simulation.Related ArticlesEvaluation of posterior airway space after setback surgery by simulation. Med Biol Eng Comput. 2019 May;57(5):1145-1150 Authors: Karan NB, Kahraman S Abstract The possible negative outcomes of mandibular setback surgery (MSS) on the upper airway (UA) have become an important issue in recent years. The purpose of the present study was to compare the different amounts of MSS and to confirm the accepted...
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Neurosurgical Anesthesiology -  Site of Occlusion May Influence Decision to Perform Thrombectomy...
Neurosurgical Anesthesiology - Site of Occlusion May Influence Decision to Perform Thrombectomy Under General Anesthesia or Conscious SedationBackground: Although mechanical thrombectomy has become the standard of care for large-vessel occlusion, the role of conscious sedation versus general anesthesia (GA) with intubation during thrombectomy remains controversial. Aphasia may increase patient agitation or apparent uncooperativeness/confusion and thereby lead to higher use of GA. The purpose of this...
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com,
The Back-Door Governance of Crime: Confiscating Criminal Assets in the UK Abstract The policy and practice...The Back-Door Governance of Crime: Confiscating Criminal Assets in the UKAbstractThe policy and practice of confiscating criminal assets to control crime and recover illicit wealth has come to occupy a central position in national and international policing and security agendas. However, this practice has raised many questions about agencies' abilities to measure success and also the social...
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