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Πέμπτη 18 Νοεμβρίου 2021

Prevalence of Body Dysmorphic Disorder Among Rhinoplasty Candidates: A Systematic Review

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Ear Nose Throat J. 2021 Nov 18:1455613211056543. doi: 10.1177/01455613211056543. Online ahead of print.


OBJECTIVE: Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) represents a bridge between the fields of psychiatry and cosmetic surgery. It is a psychiatric disorder involving altered body image and has been associated with cosmetic surgery. Many studies have investigated BDD following rhinoplasty. However, their findings were inconsistent, which prompted us to conduct this systemati c review to obtain strong evidence about the prevalence of BDD among rhinoplasty candidates.

METHODS: We searched the literature using electronic databases such as PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and others using keywords relevant to the study outcomes. We also manually examined the references of the included studies and relevant reviews to look for articles that might have been missed during the electronic search.

RESULTS: Nine articles met the inclusion criteria. We identified 7 other relevant articles; since they had been included in a review conducted in 2016, they were not included in the final list of articles. However, they were included in the discussion, and their findings have been compared with ours. The included articles resulted in a total sample of 712 rhinoplasty candidates. The estimated prevalence rates of BDD in these articles ranged from 22% to 52%, which was considered high by all the authors of the included studies.

CONCLUSION: The prevalence o f BDD among rhinoplasty candidates is high, and adequate management and interventions are needed to reduce it.

PMID:34789021 | DOI:10.1177/01455613211056543

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Comparison of auricle reconstruction with expanded flaps and auricle reconstruction with non-expanded flaps in patients with microtia: A meta-analysis

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Ear Nose Throat J. 2021 Nov 18:1455613211056550. doi: 10.1177/01455613211056550. Online ahead of print.


OBJECTIVE: We conducted this meta-analysis to compare the efficacy of these two surgical methods by comparing the incidence of major evaluation indicators.

METHODS: The databases such as PubMed, Embase, the Cochrane Library, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wanfang, and VIP information databases were searched.

RESULTS: The satisfaction rate of patients with auricle reconstruction using expanded flaps was 86.5%, and the satisfaction rate of patients with auricle reconstruction using non-expanded flaps was 87.9%. The incidence of postoperative hematoma was 3.2% in patients with auricle reconstruction using expanded flaps and 18.9% in patients with auricle reconstruction using non-expanded flaps. The incidence of postoperative skin necrosis was 2.2% in patients with auricle reconstruction using expanded flaps and 4.1% in patients with auricle reconstruction using non-expanded flaps. The incidence of postoperative incision infection was 3.1% in patients with auricle reconstruction using expanded flaps and 0.9% in patients with auricle reconstruction using non-expanded flaps. The incidence of cartilage framework exposure was 2.2% in patients with auricle reconstruction using expanded flaps and 1.9% in patients with auricle reconstruction using non-expanded flaps. The incidence of postoperative scar hyperplasia was 3.8% in pati ents with auricle reconstruction using expanded flaps and 3% in patients with auricle reconstruction using non-expanded flaps. The publication bias of included literature was evaluated by Egger test. There was no publication bias in this Meta-analysis (P > .05).

CONCLUSION: The auricle reconstruction using non-expanded flaps is dominant in four of the six evaluation indexes. Therefore, we believe that the auricle reconstruction using non-expanded flaps has better therapeutic effect in patients with microtia. Due to the limitations of this meta-analysis, the conclusions of this meta-analysis still need to be further verified.

PMID:34789039 | DOI:10.1177/01455613211056550

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Managing locoregional breast cancer recurrence after autologous free flap reconstruction: A retrospective review of 2,734 procedures

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J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2021 Oct 22:S1748-6815(21)00519-2. doi: 10.1016/j.bjps.2021.09.078. Online ahead of print.


INTRODUCTION: The 5-year incidence of locoregional recurrence (LRR) after mastectomy is 3-8 %. This study examines the incidence, modes of detection, and reconstructive options after loss of index reconstruction in the largest series of autologous free flap patients who subsequently developed LRR.

METHODS: We identified patients undergoing muscle-sparing free transverse rectus abdominus muscle or deep inferior epigastric perforator flap reconstruction for breast cancer at our institution from 2005 to 2017 who subsequently developed LRR. The main outcomes were incidence of recurrence, primary mode of detection, surgical management, and patient and cancer-specific factors associated with surgical management and loss of index reconstruction.

RESULTS: The incidence of LRR in this cohort was 3% (n=66 of 2240 flaps), and 71% (n=46) of recurrences were diagnosed on physical examination. 80% (n=53) of LRR required multidisciplinary management, whereas 56% (n=37) were managed surgically. Patients with postoperative radiation prior to recurrence, metastatic disease at diagnosis, nodal positivity, and chest wall involvement were less likely to be offered surgery (all p<0.05). Twelve patients lost their index reconstruction and five required subsequent advanced chest wall reconstruction. No differences were seen in terms of location of recurrence, detection of recurrence, or mortality between flap types (all p>0.05).

CONCLUSION: Management of LRR is centered around early multidisciplinary involvement and often requires surgery. Removal of index reconstruction and/or advanced chest well reconstruction is indicated in select cases. Plastic surgeons should be aware of the indications and options that exist for management in these complex situations.

PMID:34789432 | DOI:10.1016/j.bjps.2021.09.078

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Growing Public Health Concern of COVID-19 Chronic Olfactory Dysfunction

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This meta-analysis examines the scale of the public health con cern of COVID-19–related chronic olfactory dysfunction.
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Tumor Site and the Prognosis and Immunogenomics of HPV-Related Cancers

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This cohort study categorizes tumors of the head and neck and the cervix by human papillomavirus (HPV) positivity status and compares their immunogenomic landscapes and associations with survival.
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Targeting the mTOR Pathway in Hurthle Cell Carcinoma Results in Potent Anti-Tumor Activity

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Mol Cancer Ther. 2021 Nov 17:molcanther.0224.2021. doi: 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-21-0224. Online ahead of print.


Hurthle cell carcinomas (HCC) are refractory to radioactive iodine and unresponsive to chemotherapeutic agents, with a fatality rate that is the highest among all types of thyroid cancer after anaplastic thyroid cancer. Our previous study on the genomic landscape of HCCs identified a high incidence of disruptions of mTOR pathway effectors. Here, we report a detaile d analysis of mTOR signaling in cell line and patient-derived xenograft (PDX) mouse models of HCCs. We show that mTOR signaling is upregulated and that targeting mTOR signaling using mTOR inhibitors suppresses tumor growth in primary tumors and distant metastasis. Mechanistically, ablation of mTOR signaling impaired the expression of p-S6 and cyclin A2, resulting in the decrease of S phase and blocking of cancer cell proliferation. Strikingly, mTOR inhibitor treatment significantly reduced lung metastatic lesions, with the decreased expression of Snail in xenograft tumors. Our data demonstrates that mTOR pathway blockade represents a novel treatment strategy for HCC.

PMID:34789562 | DOI:10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-21-0224

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Analysis of ENT emergency patients during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany

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Via hno


HNO. 2021 Nov 17. doi: 10.1007/s00106-021-01121-1. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: This retrospective observational study was undertaken to assess the ENT emergency workload during the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the severe acute respiratory coronavirus‑2 (SARS-CoV-2).

MATERIALS AND METHODS: All 3230 patients who were treated as an emergency from 23.01.2020 to 06.08.2020 in the Department of Otolaryngology at the SLK-Kliniken Heilbronn were included in thi s study. Demographic data, diagnostics, diagnosis, and treatment (in-/outpatient) were retrospectively retrieved. Not only did the physicians on call triage the emergency department (ED) ENT patients, but the patients also self-assessed their urgency of treatment.

RESULTS: The number of patients consulting our ED decreased significantly during the pandemic, by 42.2%. However, the top diagnoses remained almost constant, with epistaxis being the most frequent diagnosis before, during, and after COVID-19. Facial trauma remained the second most frequent consultation reason. The hospitalization rate decreased from 21.9% before COVID-19 to 16.2% during the pandemic. Surgical therapy was necessary in 17.6% of patients before COVID-19 and this increased to 23.5% during COVID-19. The self-referral rate increased from 61 to 66% during the pandemic. More men than women consulted the ED during COVID-19. Regarding the triage assessment by the physician on call and the patient's self-assess ment, a significant discrepancy was noted before, during, and after COVID-19.

CONCLUSION: The reasons for reduction in ENT ED visits are multifactorial. The clinical consequences of decreased hospitalizations remain uncertain. However, health authorities need to advocate the safety of the hospital environment to limit potential damage.

PMID:34791514 | DOI:10.1007/s00106-021-01121-1

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Complete Facial Paralysis Caused by Stabbing With a Car Key at the Stylomastoid Foramen

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Ear Nose Throat J. 2021 Nov 18:1455613211056548. doi: 10.1177/01455613211056548. Online ahead of print.


Non-iatrogenic traumatic facial paralysis is most common in intratemporal facial nerve injury caused by temporal bone fracture, followed by intraparotid facial nerve branch injury. Facial paralysis caused by injury to the extratemporal trunk of the facial nerve is extremely rare. We present a case of a 60-year-old man suffering from immediate complete left periphe ral facial paralysis due to blunt transection of extratemporal trunk of facial nerve by stabbing with a car key. There was a facial nerve defect about 1 cm in length. The great auricular nerve was grafted to repair the facial nerve. Over 12 months, his facial nerve function improved to a House-Brackmann III/VI.

PMID:34792423 | DOI:10.1177/01455613211056548

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Survival and swallowing function outcome impact factors analysis of surgery-oriented comprehensive treatment for hypopharyngeal cancer in a series of 122 patients

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Ear Nose Throat J. 2021 Nov 18:1455613211058108. doi: 10.1177/01455613211058108. Online ahead of print.


OBJECTIVE: Under current standards of treating highly aggressive hypopharyngeal cancer (HPC), oncological control and functional outcome are still unsatisfactory worldwide. This study explored the surgery-oriented comprehensive treatment approach based on 15 years of practice.

METHODS: A retrospective cohort of HPC patients treated by the senior author at Ch inese PLA General Hospital between Nov 2005 and Aug 2012 and Capital Medical University Beijing Friendship Hospital between May 2014 and Nov 2019 was studied. Oncological control, swallowing function, and quality of life (QoL) were assessed.

RESULTS: In total, 122 patients were included in this study, with 11 (9.0%) cases in the early stage and 111 (91.0%) cases in the advanced stage. Five-year overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) were 40.0% and 36.1%, respectively. The swallowing outcome was satisfactory in 90 (73.8%) patients. Tracheostomy-free survival was achieved in 55 (45.1%) patients. Multivariate cox regression analysis showed that the size of the surgical defect, local-regional recurrence, and distant metastasis were independent impact factors for OS and DFS (P < .05). Multivariate analysis showed that the logistic regression coefficients (standard error) of pharyngo-cutaneous fistula and local-regional recurrence on swallowing function were 1.274 (.532) and 1.283 (.496), respectively (P < .05). In addition, the logistic regression coefficients (standard error) of the clinical stage, local-regional recurrence, decannulation, and feeding tube on QoL were -7.803 (3.593), -7.699 (3.151), 13.853 (3.494), and -20.243 (3.696), respectively (P < .05).

CONCLUSIONS: Surgery-oriented comprehensive treatment can give rise to good swallowing function without jeopardizing oncological control. The size of the surgical defect, local-regional recurrence, and distant metastasis were independent factors impacting OS and DFS. Pharyngo-cutaneous fistula and local-regional recurrence were independent factors impacting swallowing function. Clinical stage, local-regional recurrence, decannulation, and feeding tube were independent factors impacting QoL.

PMID:34792398 | DOI:10.1177/01455613211058108

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