Κυριακή 3 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com, Telephone consultation 11855 int 1193,

SpringerLink Sunday : 50 Journals,....,Thank You !
Semelfactives are bigger than degree achievements Abstract This paper argues that semelfactive and degree...Semelfactives are bigger than degree achievementsAbstractThis paper argues that semelfactive and degree achievement verbs are morphosyntactically distinct, despite the fact that the morphemes they are made of are often syncretic even in languages with synthetic verb morphology like Czech or Polish. We use the mechanisms of Nanosyntax, a theory of the architecture of grammar in which the lexicon...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
China's migrant population and health Abstract Population flow brings vitality to China's economy and...
China's migrant population and healthAbstractPopulation flow brings vitality to China's economy and society, while at the same time it also impacts traditional social structures and culture. In recent years, with the gradual disappearance of the "demographic dividend" and the advancement of economic structural transformation and upgrading, there have been changes to China's population flow that are worth of noting. In particular, the changing health status of China's migrant population has attracted...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Semelfactives are bigger than degree achievements Abstract This paper argues that semelfactive and degree...
Semelfactives are bigger than degree achievementsAbstractThis paper argues that semelfactive and degree achievement verbs are morphosyntactically distinct, despite the fact that the morphemes they are made of are often syncretic even in languages with synthetic verb morphology like Czech or Polish. We use the mechanisms of Nanosyntax, a theory of the architecture of grammar in which the lexicon stores entire syntactic subtrees, to show that there is a structural containment between semelfactives...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Keine einheitlichen Behandlungsleitlinien der diabetischen Ketoazidose Neuropathie in der Diabetologie...
Keine einheitlichen Behandlungsleitlinien der diabetischen KetoazidoseNeuropathie in der DiabetologieKritische Evaluation von Natriumchlorid 0,9% bei diabetischer KetoazidoseMagazinMagnetresonanzneurographie bei diabetogener PolyneuropathieZusammenfassungHintergrundKlinische Studien zu Ursachen und Verlauf der diabetogenen Polyneuropathie sind aufgrund der eingeschränkten Durchführbarkeit elektrophysiologischer Untersuchungen und von Biopsien an proximalen Nerven limitiert. Die hochauflösende Magnetresonanzneurographie...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Endoscopic hepatic resection and endoscopic radiofrequency ablation as initial treatments for hepatocellular...
Endoscopic hepatic resection and endoscopic radiofrequency ablation as initial treatments for hepatocellular carcinoma within the Milan criteriaAbstractPurposesThe indication of endoscopic (laparoscopic and thoracoscopic) hepatic resection (HR) has been expanded in the past decade because of its low invasiveness. However, the indications of endoscopic HR and radiofrequency ablation (RFA) have not yet been determined.MethodsAmong the 906 patients hospitalized for the initial treatment of hepatocellular...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Do companies pay the price for environmental crimes? Consequences of criminal penalties on corporate...
Do companies pay the price for environmental crimes? Consequences of criminal penalties on corporate offendersAbstractThis paper is concerned with the negative collateral consequences monetary sanctions may have on companies that are prosecuted for violating federal environmental laws such as the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act. Companies often claim fines for law violations will force them to lay off employees and possibly go bankrupt. Using the treadmill of crime theoretical lens, we employ a...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
The Draft Genome Sequence of Methylophilus sp. D22, Capable of Growing Under High Concentration of Methanol...
The Draft Genome Sequence of Methylophilus sp. D22, Capable of Growing Under High Concentration of MethanolAbstractIn this study, a wild type Methylophilus sp. strain D22 belonging to the family Methylophilus was isolated and characterized, which shows high tolerance towards methanol, as it can grow under 50 g/L of methanol. Methylophilus sp. strain D22 was isolated from the lake sludge in Nanjing Tech University, China. The assembled draft genome contains one circular chromosome with 3,004,398 bp,...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Assessing spatial learning and working memory in plateau zokors in comparison with plateau pikas and...
Assessing spatial learning and working memory in plateau zokors in comparison with plateau pikas and laboratory ratsAbstractSpatial learning and memory skills are imperative for the survival and fitness of subterranean rodents because of the harsh underground niche in which they live that necessitates the avoidance of higher energy expenditures or probable conflicts with conspecifics or predators. Our study aims to assess the spatial learning and working memory performance of a subterranean rodent...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Genomic prediction of grain yield in contrasting environments for white lupin genetic resources Abstract...
Genomic prediction of grain yield in contrasting environments for white lupin genetic resourcesAbstractGermplasm collections hold several thousands of white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) accessions. Genome-enabled models with good predictive ability for specific environments could provide a cost-efficient means to identify promising genetic resources for breeding programmes. This study provided an unprecedented assessment of genome-enabled predictions for white lupin grain yield, focusing on (i) a world...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
TLR7 activation in epilepsy of tuberous sclerosis complex AbstractBackground Neuroinflammation and toll-like...
TLR7 activation in epilepsy of tuberous sclerosis complexAbstractBackgroundNeuroinflammation and toll-like receptors (TLR) of the innate immune system have been implicated in epilepsy. We previously reported high levels of microRNAs miR-142-3p and miR-223-3p in epileptogenic brain tissue resected for the treatment of intractable epilepsy in children with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC). As miR-142-3p has recently been reported to be a ligand and activator of TLR7, a detector of exogenous and endogenous...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Mitteilung des Präsidenten der DGKFO Use of a laser fluorescence device for the in vitro activity assessment...
Mitteilung des Präsidenten der DGKFOUse of a laser fluorescence device for the in vitro activity assessment of incipient caries lesionsAbstractPurposeTo evaluate the progression of demineralization during orthodontic treatment, the assessment of lesion activity is important in addition to the detection of lesion extent. This study aimed to evaluate the ability of laser fluorescence measurements to differentiate between active and inactive initial lesions in vitro.MethodsIn all, 63 extracted, permanent...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Digenean parasites of Sigmodontinae rodents from Argentina: a list of species, new host, and geographical...
Digenean parasites of Sigmodontinae rodents from Argentina: a list of species, new host, and geographical recordsAbstractIntroductionAmong Argentinean rodents, only one species of Muridae and seven of Cricetidae were reported as digenean hosts. Despite the available data, the taxonomic diversity of the Digenea from rodents has been little explored. An update on digeneans of Sigmodontinae rodents (Cricetidae-Muroidea) in Cuenca del Plata is provided. New host and geographical data are recorded and...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Stepping stones or stone dead? Fecundity, pollen dispersal and mating patterns of roadside Qualea grandiflora...
Stepping stones or stone dead? Fecundity, pollen dispersal and mating patterns of roadside Qualea grandiflora Mart. treesAbstractForest fragmentation may affect mating and pollen dispersal patterns through conversion of continuous forests into small, spatially isolated remnant patches and individual trees in an anthropogenic landscape. We investigated reproductive investment and success, pollen dispersal, mating system, and genetic diversity and spatial structure of Qualea grandiflora trees in two...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Inter-observer agreement in identifying traction bronchiectasis on computed tomography: its improvement...
Inter-observer agreement in identifying traction bronchiectasis on computed tomography: its improvement with the use of the additional criteria for chronic fibrosing interstitial pneumoniaAbstractPurposeTo assess inter-observer variability in identifying traction bronchiectasis on computed tomography (CT) using additional criteria for chronic fibrosing interstitial pneumonia.MethodsSeven experts categorized CT image set representing 39 patients into three groups on the basis of the presence of traction...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Treatment of Polysilicon Production Wastewater by Ferrate(VI) Microcapsule Oxidation and Biological...
Treatment of Polysilicon Production Wastewater by Ferrate(VI) Microcapsule Oxidation and Biological Aerated BiofilterAbstractPolysilicon production wastewater (PPW) is characterized by complex composition, high chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentration and poor biodegradability. An integrated process comprising of ferrate(VI) oxidation and biological aerated biofilter (BAF) was developed at lab scale for treating PPW with an initial COD of 3630 mg/L, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) of 350 mg/L,...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Subjective values should be sharp Abstract Elga (Philos Impr 10(5): 1–10, 2010) has argued that, even...
Subjective values should be sharpAbstractElga (Philos Impr 10(5): 1–10, 2010) has argued that, even when no particular subjective probability is required by one's evidence, perfectly rational people will have sharp subjective probabilities. Otherwise, they would be rationally permitted to knowingly turn down some sure gains. I argue that it is likewise true that, even when we do not possess enough practical reasons for a sharp evaluation (because of optionality or ignorance), perfectly rational people...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Acute kidney injury in an infant with severe combined immunodeficiency: Questions An adolescent with...
Acute kidney injury in an infant with severe combined immunodeficiency: QuestionsAn adolescent with lupus nephritis presenting with fever, lymphadenomegaly, and arthralgia: QuestionsHypokalemia in a pediatric patient on continuous renal replacement therapy: QuestionsAn adolescent with lupus nephritis presenting with fever, lymphadenomegaly, and arthralgia: AnswersIs eculizumab indicated in patients with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome already on prolonged dialysis? A case report and review of...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Ensemble and effective dispersion in three-dimensional isotropic fractal media Abstract We determine...
Ensemble and effective dispersion in three-dimensional isotropic fractal mediaAbstractWe determine the time-dependent behavior of the dispersion coefficient for transport in formations with isotropic log-conductivity fields showing fractal behavior. We consider two different dispersion coefficients for point-like injection: (1) the ensemble dispersion coefficients, defined as half the rate of change of the second central moments of the ensemble-averaged concentration distribution and (2) the effective...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Choice revision Abstract Choice revision is a sort of non-prioritized multiple revision, in which the...
Choice revisionAbstractChoice revision is a sort of non-prioritized multiple revision, in which the agent partially accepts the new information represented by a set of sentences. We investigate the construction of choice revision based on a new approach to belief change called descriptor revision. We prove that each of two variants of choice revision based on such construction is axiomatically characterized with a set of plausible postulates, assuming that the object language is finite. Furthermore,...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Microbial assessment of medicinal herbs (Cnidii Rhizoma and Alismatis Rhizoma), effects of electron...
Microbial assessment of medicinal herbs (Cnidii Rhizoma and Alismatis Rhizoma), effects of electron beam irradiation and detection characteristicsAbstractMedicinal herbs comprise of heavy microbial contaminations. This study aimed to assess microbial hazards including foodborne pathogens in 20 commercial medicinal herbs, Cnidii Rhizoma (C1–C10) and Alismatis Rhizoma (T1–T10) as well as to evaluate irradiation effects of E-beam on microbial load and detection chracteristics. Four samples (C5, C10,...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Morphomic Signatures Derived from Computed Tomography Predict Hepatocellular Carcinoma Occurrence in...
Morphomic Signatures Derived from Computed Tomography Predict Hepatocellular Carcinoma Occurrence in Cirrhotic PatientsAbstractBackground and AimsComputed tomography (CT) provides scans of the human body from which digitized features can be extracted. The aim of this study was to examine the role of these digital biomarkers for predicting subsequent occurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in cirrhotic patients.MethodsA cohort of 269 patients with cirrhosis were recruited and prospectively followed...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Isolation, identification and plant growth promotion ability of endophytic bacteria associated with...
Isolation, identification and plant growth promotion ability of endophytic bacteria associated with lupine root nodule grown in Tunisian soilAbstractThe present study aims to characterize nodule endophytic bacteria of spontaneous lupine plants regarding their diversity and their plant growth promoting (PGP) traits. The potential of PGPR inoculation was investigated to improve white lupine growth across controlled, semi-natural and field conditions. Lupinus luteus and Lupinus angustifolius nodules...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Population-Based Osteoporosis Primary Prevention and Screening for Quality of Care in Osteoporosis,...
Population-Based Osteoporosis Primary Prevention and Screening for Quality of Care in Osteoporosis, Current Osteoporosis ReportsAbstractPurpose of ReviewDespite the high prevalence and impact of osteoporosis, screening and treatment rates remain low, with few women age 65 years and older utilizing osteoporosis screening for primary prevention.Recent FindingsThis review examines opportunities and challenges related to primary prevention and screening for osteoporosis at the population level. Strategies...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis
Characteristics of Chinese Medicine Education Under British Education System in New Zealand Abstract...
Characteristics of Chinese Medicine Education Under British Education System in New ZealandAbstractWith the globalisation of Chinese medicine (CM), the local CM education institutions were established in many other countries outside of China. These CM education institutions have formed a new mode in CM education after integrating with local culture, law and national conditions. This article takes New Zealand CM education institutions as an example to discuss the characteristics of CM education under...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis

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