Πέμπτη 13 Ιανουαρίου 2022

Exposure to aluminium chloride during the peripuberal period induces prostate damage in male rats

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Via histochem


Acta Histochem. 2022 Jan 9;124(1):151843. doi: 10.1016/j.acthis.2022.151843. Online ahead of print.


Aluminium (Al) is an important metal, but it can be toxic including for prostate tissue. This study aimed to evaluate whether exposure to aluminium chloride (AlCl3) during the peripubertal period affects ventral prostate development in rats. Male Wistar rats (30 days old) were distributed into three experimental groups: control (sterile 0.9% saline solution), AL7 (7 m g AlCl3/kg) and AL34 (34 mg AlCl3/kg). Animals were treated intraperitoneally from postnatal day (PND) 36-66 (peripubertal period). At PND67, the animals were anaesthetized and euthanized. Blood was collected for testosterone levels. The ventral prostate (VP) was removed, weighed and processed for histochemistry and immunohistochemistry to detect androgen (AR) and Ki67. Stereological and histopathological analyses, mast cell counts, and determinations of myeloperoxidase (MPO) and N-acetyl glycosidase (NAG) activity and IL-6 levels were performed. The AL34 group presented a reduction in body weight and increase in MPO activity compared to the other groups. In both the AL7 and AL34 groups, there was reorganization of the prostatic tissue compartments. There was no significant difference in prostate weight, number of granulated or degranulated mast cells, or testosterone levels. In conclusion, the exposure to aluminium chloride during the peripubertal period impairs the prostatic devel opment.

PMID:35021147 | DOI:10.1016/j.acthis.2022.151843

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Exposure to aluminium chloride during the peripuberal period induces prostate damage in male rats

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Via histochem


Acta Histochem. 2022 Jan 9;124(1):151843. doi: 10.1016/j.acthis.2022.151843. Online ahead of print.


Aluminium (Al) is an important metal, but it can be toxic including for prostate tissue. This study aimed to evaluate whether exposure to aluminium chloride (AlCl3) during the peripubertal period affects ventral prostate development in rats. Male Wistar rats (30 days old) were distributed into three experimental groups: control (sterile 0.9% saline solution), AL7 (7 m g AlCl3/kg) and AL34 (34 mg AlCl3/kg). Animals were treated intraperitoneally from postnatal day (PND) 36-66 (peripubertal period). At PND67, the animals were anaesthetized and euthanized. Blood was collected for testosterone levels. The ventral prostate (VP) was removed, weighed and processed for histochemistry and immunohistochemistry to detect androgen (AR) and Ki67. Stereological and histopathological analyses, mast cell counts, and determinations of myeloperoxidase (MPO) and N-acetyl glycosidase (NAG) activity and IL-6 levels were performed. The AL34 group presented a reduction in body weight and increase in MPO activity compared to the other groups. In both the AL7 and AL34 groups, there was reorganization of the prostatic tissue compartments. There was no significant difference in prostate weight, number of granulated or degranulated mast cells, or testosterone levels. In conclusion, the exposure to aluminium chloride during the peripubertal period impairs the prostatic devel opment.

PMID:35021147 | DOI:10.1016/j.acthis.2022.151843

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The spatiotemporal expression of NRAS and occurrence of giant congenital melanocytic nevi

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The mechanism underlying giant congenital melanocytic nevus (GCMN) formation is not fully understood. According to recent research, NRAS gene mutation is the main driving factor in GCMN. Melanocytic precursor cells proliferate during the embryonic stage after acquiring NRAS mutations. However, why GCMN undergoes intense proliferation in the embryonic stage and then stops postnatally remains unknown. The current theory for this phenomenon is that the GCMN undergoes oncogene-induced senescence. However, there is not enough evidence to indicate that senescence induces growth arrest in GCMN. In this study, we hypothesized that the expression level of the NRAS gene changes dynamically during the development and differentiation of neural crest cells into melanocytes and that the NRAS expression level determines whether the cell proliferates or becomes quiescent.

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Optical Biopsy: Automated Classification of Airway Endoscopic Findings Using a Convolutional Neural Network

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Create an autonomous computational system to classify endoscopy findings.

Study Design

Computational analysis of vocal fold images at an academic, tertiary-care laryngology practice.


A series of normal and abnormal vocal fold images were obtained from the image database of an academic tertiary care laryngology practice. The benign images included normals, nodules, papilloma, polyps, and webs. A separate set of carcinoma and leukoplakia images comprised a single malignant–premalignant class. All images were classified with their existing labels. Images were randomly withheld from each class for testing. The remaining images were used to train and validate a neural network for classifying vocal fold lesions. Two classifiers were developed. A multiclass system classified the five categories of benign lesions. A separate analysis was performed using a binary classifier trained to distinguish malignant–premalignant from benign lesions.


Precision ranged from 71.7% (polyps) to 89.7% (papilloma), and recall ranged from 70.0% (papilloma) to 88.0% (nodules) for the benign classifier. Overall accuracy for the benign classifier was 80.8%. The binary classifier correctly identified 92.0% of the malignant–premalignant lesions with an overall accuracy of 93.0%.


Autonomous classification of endoscopic images with artificial intelligence technology is possible. Better network implementations and larger datasets will continue to improve classifier accuracy. A clinically useful optical cancer screening system may require a multimodality approach that incorporates nonvisual spectra.

Level of Evidence

NA Laryngoscope, 132:S1–S8, 2022

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Management of Descending Necrotizing Mediastinitis, a Severe Complication of Deep Neck Infection, Based on Multidisciplinary Approaches and Departmental Co-Ordination

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Ear Nose Throat J. 2022 Jan 13:1455613211068575. doi: 10.1177/01455613211068575. Online ahead of print.


OBJECTIVES: Descending necrotizing mediastinitis (DNM) developing after deep neck infection (DNI) is a potentially lethal disease of the mediastinum with a mortality rate as high as 40% prior to the 1990s. No standard treatment protocol is available. Here, we present the outcomes of our multidisciplinary approaches for treating DNM originating from a DNI.

MET HODS: Between June 2016 and July 2021, there were 390 patients with DNIs admitting to our tertiary hospital. A total 21 patients with DNIs complicated with DNM were enrolled. The multidisciplinary approaches included establishment of airway security, appropriate surgery and antibiotics, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, and intensive care unit management. The clinical variables were analyzed.

RESULTS: Two patients died and 19 survived (mortality 9.5%). The patients who died had a higher mean C-reactive protein (CRP) level than did those who survived (420.0 ± 110.3 vs 221.8 ± 100.6 mg/L) (P = .038). The most common pathogens were Streptococcus constellatus and Streptococcus anginosus. From 2001 to 2021, the average mortality rate of studies enrolling more than 10 patients was 16.1%.

CONCLUSION: Multidisciplinary approaches, early comprehensive medical treatment, and co-ordination among departments significantly reduce mortality. Patients with severe inf lammation and high CRP levels require intensive and aggressive interventions.

PMID:35023759 | DOI:10.1177/01455613211068575

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Assessment of preoperative and postoperative cardiac function in children with adenotonsillar hypertrophy: a prospective cohort study

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Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2022 Jan 12. doi: 10.1007/s00405-022-07255-4. Online ahead of print.


PURPOSE: Chronic upper airway obstruction caused by adenotonsillar hypertrophy is one of the major cause of morbidity in children. It can lead to Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome, Pulmonary Hypertension, Cor Pulmonale and right heart failure. The study aimed to evaluate and compare various parameters of cardiac function with the help of echocardiography preoperatively and postoperatively in children undergoing adenotonsillectomy.

METHODOLOGY: A prospective cohort study was conducted on 23 patients at an apex care institute, under the age group of 4-12 years, who were diagnosed with adenotonsillar hypertrophy. Preoperative symptom analysis and Echocardiographic examination were done. After the assessment, all patients underwent surgery in the form of adenotonsillectomy. Follow-up symptom analysis and echocardiographic examinat ion was done after 3 months postoperatively.

RESULTS: Significant improvement in the obstructive symptoms were noted in postoperative group as expected (p = < 0.001) and also in parameters such as mPAP (p = < 0.001), TAPSE (p = < 0.001), TAV (p = 0.001), Ejection fraction (p = 0.027) and RVMPI (p = 0.044) were improved in postoperative group. 4 patients had Grade 1 Right ventricular diastolic dysfunction, which disappeared in three patients postoperatively.

CONCLUSION: We have concluded that there can be subclinical cardiac dysfunctions which occurs as a result of chronic upper airway obstruction due to untreated adenotonsillar hypertrophy. Routine cardiac screening in children presenting with sleep disordered breathing associated with adenotonsillar hypertrophy may be helpful in identifying and preventing the development of cardiopulmonary complication. These changes can be reversed by performing adenotonsillectomy.

PMID:35022863 | DOI:10.1007/s00405-022-07255-4

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Diagnosis of ulnar nerve entrapment anterior to the medial epicondyle by ultrasound elastography and diffusion tensor imaging with fiber tractography: a case report

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Surg Radiol Anat. 2022 Jan 13. doi: 10.1007/s00276-021-02881-9. Online ahead of print.


Ulnar/cubital tunnel syndrome is the second most common compressive neuropathy of the upper limb. Permanent location of the ulnar nerve anterior to the medial epicondyle is extremely rare, with only five cases reported in the literature. Using ultrasound elastography and diffusion tensor imaging with fiber tractography, we diagnosed a case in which ulnar nerve entrapment was assoc iated with anterior nerve location. Surgical release confirmed the diagnosis and the patient was symptom free 3 months after surgery.

PMID:35024904 | DOI:10.1007/s00276-021-02881-9

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Postoperative respiratory adverse events in children after endoscopic laryngeal cleft repair

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Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2022 Jan 13. doi: 10.1007/s00405-021-07250-1. Online ahead of print.


PURPOSE: Due to the serious nature of respiratory adverse events, understanding their incidence can help in decisions regarding safe postoperative disposition. There have been no studies, however, evaluating the risk of postoperative respiratory adverse events (PRAEs) in children undergoing endoscopic laryngeal cleft (LC) repair, which is the primary objective of this study.

METHODS: We conducted a retrospective chart review of all patients who underwent LC repair at a large tertiary children's hospital from 2015 to 2020. PRAEs were defined as having at least one of the following: remained intubated, required reintubation, required positive pressure ventilation, required high flow O2 nasal cannula, or required more than one dose of racemic epinephrine. Univariate analyses compared demographic, preoperative character istics, and intraoperative characteristics between those with and without a PRAE.

RESULTS: Overall, 8/26 (31%) patients had a PRAE and there were no differences between patients who did and did not have a PRAE and most comorbidities. Younger age (p = 0.03), being male (p = 0.07), and being admitted preoperatively (p = 0.07) were potentially associated with PRAEs. Need for intraoperative intubation for any reason or duration was associated with increased incidence of PRAEs (p = 0.02).

CONCLUSION: The overall 31% incidence of postoperative respiratory adverse events reaffirms the appropriateness of PICU disposition for a large proportion of children undergoing endoscopic LC repair. Further studies with increased sample sizes are needed to tease apart patient or procedure-specific factors that significantly increase the risk of respiratory adverse events to have more definitive evidence regarding safe postoperative disposition.

PMID:35024957 | DOI:10.1007/s00405-021-07250-1

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Long-term auditory follow-up in the management of pediatric platinum-induced ototoxicity

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Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2022 Jan 13. doi: 10.1007/s00405-021-07225-2. Online ahead of print.


PURPOSE: Irreversible bilateral sensorineural hearing loss is a common side effect of platinum compounds. Because of the extended overall survival, a prolonged hearing surveillance and management of hearing impairments are emerging concerns for pediatric oncology.

METHODS: In this retrospective observational study, we enrolled 38 children out of 116 treated at our institution by chemotherapy (cisplatin and/or carboplatin) with or without irradiation between 2007 and 2014, submitted to hearing monitoring before every cycle of chemotherapy, and who completed a 5-year long-term audiological follow-up. Chemotherapy regimens, demographic findings, cumulative doses, and cranial irradiation were compared.

RESULTS: At the end of 5-year follow-up, ototoxicity was significantly increased compared to that observed at the end of che motherapy (52.5% vs 39.5%, p < 0.001). A late onset of hearing loss was experienced in 13.1% of children, while in 26.3% progressive hearing loss was measured. Deafness at the end of chemotherapy and irradiation were significant prognostic factors for late ototoxicity outcomes (Odds Ratio 7.2-CI 1.67-31.1-p < 0.01 and 5.25-CI 1.26-21.86-p < 0.01 respectively). No significant differences were found between cisplatin and combined treatment (i.e., cisplatin shifted to carboplatin during monitoring for the onset of ototoxicity) and ototoxicity was not associated with platinum compounds cumulative dose (p > 0.05). 13.1% of children needed hearing aids at the end of follow-up.

CONCLUSION: Long-term monitoring of at least 5 years prevents the harmful effects of hearing deprivation identifying late onset/progressive hearing loss after platinum compound chemotherapy in children thanks to early hearing rehabilitation, especially in those who underwent multimodal therapy or s ubjected to irradiation.

PMID:35024956 | DOI:10.1007/s00405-021-07225-2

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Lenvatinib Plus Anti-PD-1 Combination Therapy for Advanced Cancers: Defining Mechanisms of Resistance in an Inducible Transgenic Model of Thyroid Cancer

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Thyroid, Ahead of Print.
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