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Πέμπτη 8 Σεπτεμβρίου 2022

Strategies for Evaluating Anosmia Therapeutics in the COVID-19 Era

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Two studies in this issue of JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery evaluate the use of nasal theophylline, a phosphodiesterase inhibitor that may promote neural olfactory signaling and recovery for postviral olfactory dysfunction (OD). The first, a dose-modification Research Letter by Lee et al was conducted in patients with non-COVID-19–related hyposmia or anosmia secondary to viral infection and confirmed by the objective University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test. This open-label, dose-escalation trial provides an educ ational description of how to evaluate the appropriate dose for an emerging pharmacologic intervention. Specifically, the authors identified 400 mg of theophylline twice daily as a tolerated dosage. This was calculated as an equivalent oral dose of 20 mg. A phase 2 pilot study by Gupta et al was designed using this valuable information. Patients with suspected COVID-19–related OD completed the University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test and were randomized to either theophylline or placebo nasal irrigations for 6 weeks. This study was inconclusive regarding the clinical benefit of theophylline nasal irrigations, although there was suggested improvement by subjective assessments. The authors acknowledge several limitations, including small sample size, the virtual nature of the study design and subsequent inability to conduct endoscopic nasal examinations, lack of information regarding participant COVID-19 vaccination status, lack of polymerase chain reaction–confirmed C OVID-19 infection, and short-term participant follow-up. These acknowledgments are justified, and many can be overcome in subsequent studies with adequate funding and time. However, the heterogeneous nature of COVID-19 and associated research make this area of work particularly challenging. Herein, we propose several approaches to improve the rigor of OD research in the COVID-19 era.
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Muscle Tension Dysphonia

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This Patient Page describes the causes, symptoms, and tre atment options for muscle tension dysphonia.
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Well-Differentiated Hypopharyngeal Liposarcoma–Associated Airway Obstruction

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This case report describes a man in his 70s who presented with a bilobed, cylindrical mucosal mass that had been expelled from his mouth after an episode of nausea and violent vomiting.
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Progressive Hoarseness and Laryngeal Obstruction in an Elderly Man

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An otherwise healthy man in his 60s with no prior history of smoking, head and neck surgeries, or radiation exposure presented with a 1-year medical history of progressively worsening hoarseness and dyspnea. What is your diagnosis?
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Exophytic Laryngeal Mass

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A 29-year-old woman presented with postnasal drip, pharyn gitis, odynophagia, cervicalgia, cervical lymphadenopathy, and right-sided otalgia that had persisted for more than a week; what is your diagnosis?
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Rising Incidence of Thyroid Cancer and Thyroid Nodule Detection

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This retrospective analysis of patients who underwent thy roid surgery at 16 centers in 4 countries examines modes of nodule detection and differences by geographic area.
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Association of Outpatient Oral Macrolide Use With Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Pediatric Patients

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This case-control study investigates whether increased ris k of sensorineural hearing loss is associated with macrolide use in a national study population of children, adolescents, and young adults.
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Inflammatory and Cardiometabolic Profile After Soft-Tissue Sleep Surgery

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This systematic review and meta-analysis examines 26 studi es to evaluate how sleep surgery affects proinflammatory marker levels in adults with obstructive sleep apnea.
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Safety of High-Dose Nasal Theophylline Irrigation in the Treatment of Postviral Olfactory Dysfunction

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This case series aims to determine the maximum tolerable d ose of theophylline delivered via high-volume, low-pressure nasal saline irrigation for treatment of postviral olfactory dysfunction.
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The genetic landscape of major drug metabolizing cytochrome P450 genes—an updated analysis of population-scale sequencing data

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DNA2 mutation causing multisystemic disorder with impaired mitochondrial DNA maintenance

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