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Τρίτη 19 Απριλίου 2022

Stereotactic MRI-guided radiation therapy for localized prostate cancer (SMILE): a prospective, multicentric phase-II-trial

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Normofractionated radiation regimes for definitive prostate cancer treatment usually extend over 7–8 weeks. Recently, moderate hypofractionation with doses per fraction between 2.2 and 4 Gy has been shown to b...
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Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease with dizziness initially presenting to the otolaryngology department

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Publication date: Available online 17 April 2022

Source: Auris Nasus Larynx

Author(s): Satoshi Hara, Ayako Inoshita, Nobukazu Miyamoto, Yusuke Takata, Rina Matsuoka, Takashi Anzai, Masahiro Nakamura, Katsuhisa Ikeda, Fumihiko Matsumoto

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Intestinal Blautia may protect against neutropenic fever in allogeneic transplant patients by augmenting the intestinal epithelium

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Neutropenic fever (NF) occurs in >70% of hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) recipients, without a documented etiology in most cases. Antibiotics used to prevent and treat NF disrupt the gut microbiota; these disruptions predict higher post-transplant mortality. We hypothesized that specific features in the gut microbial community may mediate the risk of NF.
We searched a large gut microbiota database in allogeneic HCT recipients (12,546 stool samples, 1,278 patients) to find pairs with (cases) vs. without (controls) NF on the same day relative to transplantation and with a stool sample on the previous day. 179 such pairs were matched in the underlying disease and graft source. Several other important clinical variables were similar between the groups.
The gut microbiota of cases on the day before NF had a lower abundance of Blautia than their m atched controls on the same day post-transplant, suggesting a protective role for Blautia. Microbiota network analysis did not find any differences in community structure between the groups, suggesting a single-taxon effect. To identify putative mechanisms, we searched a gut microbiome and serum metabolome database of acute leukemia patients receiving chemotherapy and identified 139 serum samples collected within 24 hours after a stool sample from the same patient. Greater Blautia abundances predicted higher levels of next-day citrulline, a biomarker of total enterocyte mass.
These findings support a model where Blautia protects against NF by improving intestinal health. Therapeutic restoration of Blautia may help prevent NF, thus reducing antibiotic exposures and transplant-related mortality.
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FDG PET/CT Image of Soft Tissue Aneurysmal Bone Cyst

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imageSoft tissue aneurysmal bone cyst is very rare. Herein, we report FDG PET/CT findings of aneurysmal bone cyst in a 19-year-old man. On conventional image, it presented as a paravertebral soft tissue mass with heterogeneous enhancement and rim eggshell-like calcification. On PET/CT, this solitary lesion had intense FDG uptake with an SUVmax of 10.33. The final pathology supported a diagnosis of aneurysmal bone cyst. Our case suggests that soft tissue aneurysmal bone cyst should be regarded as a differential diagnosis of solitary paravertebral mass with intense FDG uptake.
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Is Glucagon Administration Compatible With FDG PET/MRI?

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imageDigestive peristalsis generates many artifacts that limit the abdominal and pelvic MRI interpretation. Apart from the hypoglycemia treatment in patients with diabetes, glucagon analog is also indicated for the digestive peristalsis reduction to reduce MRI artifacts. However, its use in PET/MRI is not described, given the risk of interaction with the metabolism of FDG. To assess the importance of this interaction on the FDG PET images, we report FDG PET/MRI images obtained with and without glucagon analog injection.
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Incidental Diagnosis of Right Renal Subcapsular Urinoma on an 18F-FDG PET/CT Scan Performed for Staging of Cervical Cancer

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imageA 53-year-old woman with cervical cancer underwent FDG PET/CT staging, which demonstrated an avid cervical mass with right parametrial involvement and presence of bilateral lymph node metastases. The right ureter was encased, resulting in obstruction and renal pelvic dilatation. Avid right renal subcapsular lesions were also noted, which were hyperintense on T2-weighted imaging compatible to encapsulated fluid collections. These lesions were diagnosed as subcapsular urinoma due to transmitted back pressure caused by obstruction of the right ureter.
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A Frequently Missed Pulmonary Infarction: Clinical and 18F-FDG PET/CT Manifestation of Hilar Tumor–Induced Pulmonary Infarction

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imagePurpose This study aimed to summarize the clinical and 18F-FDG PET/CT manifestations of hilar tumor–induced pulmonary infarction. Methods A retrospective analysis was performed on patients with hilar masses who underwent FDG PET/CT scans between July 2015 and January 2021 and had complete clinical data. Pulmonary infarction was confirmed by concurrent chest CT and imaging follow-up or pathology. Results A total of 58 patients (mean age, 56 [SD, 13] years; 44 males) with 122 infarcts were included in the study. Hilar masses were mostly associated with small cell lung cancer (64%). The most common clinical manifestations were cough (64%) and hemoptysis (36%). Most patients (62%) had multiple pulmonary infarcts. The CT findings of pulmonary infarcts included the "Hampton hump" (48%) and patchy consolidation (52%). The density of infarcts included "bubbly consolidation" (61%) and "homogenous consolidation" (39%). The metabolic activity of 95 infarcts (78%) was higher than lung parenchyma, with the SUVmax of 3.3 (SD, 1.1). The metabolic patterns on PET/CT were "rim sign," "mismatch between PET and CT," and "no metabolism." Pulmonary vein involvement was found in 25 patients (43%), pleural effusion in 22 patients (38%), and the pleural curvilinear sign in 8 patients (14%). Conclusions The clinical manifestations of hilar tumor–induced pulmonary infarction are not specific, and 18F-FDG PET/CT could be an effective diagnostic tool.
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Prognostic Potential of Postoperative 18F-Fluorocholine PET/CT in Patients With High-Grade Glioma. Clinical Validation of FuMeGA Postoperative PET Criteria

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imageObjective The aim of this study was to assess the prognostic performance of postoperative 18F-fluorocholine PET/CT in patients with high-grade glioma (HGG). Methods Patients with HGG who underwent preoperative and postoperative 18F-fluorocholine PET/CT were prospectively enrolled in the study. Postoperative MRI was classified as complete versus incomplete resection. Postoperative 18F-fluorocholine PET/CT was classified as negative (complete) or positive for metabolic residual tumor (incomplete resection) using a 5-point score system. The correlation of positive locations on PET/CT with the sites of subsequent tumor recurrence was evaluated. The concordance of postoperative imaging techniques (Cohen κ) and their relation with progression-free survival and overall survival were assessed using Kaplan-Meier method and Cox regression analysis. Results Fifty-one studies, belonging to 47 patients, were assessed. Four patients underwent 2 postoperative 18F-fluorocholine PET/CT scans as they needed a second tumor resection for recurrence. In the follow-up, 42 patients progressed, and 37 died. Concordance between postoperative PET/CT and MRI assessment was poor. Resection grade on MRI did not show any significant association with prognosis. In multivariate analysis, only age and postoperative PET/CT showed significant association with progression-free survival (hazard ratio [HR], 1.03 [1.01–1.06, P = 0.006] and 1.88 [0.96–3.71, P = 0.067], respectively) and overall survival (HR, 1.04 [1.01–1.07, P = 0.004] and 2.63 [1.22–5.68, P = 0.014], respectively). Postoperative positive 18F-fluorocholine PET/CT locations correlated with the sites of subsequent tumor recurrence in 81.82% of cases. Conclusion Postoperative 18F-fluorocholine PET/CT seems superior to postoperative MRI in the outcome prediction of patients with HGG, outperforming it in the identification of the most probable location of tumor recurrence.
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The first detection of quaternary ammonium compounds in breast milk: Implications for early-life exposure

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Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, Published online: 18 April 2022; doi:10.1038/s41370-022-00439-4

The first detection of quaternary ammonium compounds in breast milk: Implications for early-life exposure
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The Trier Treatment Navigator (TTN) in action: Clinical case study on data‐informed psychological therapy

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Although psychotherapy has shown to be effective for most patients, about one-third of patients do not benefit or deteriorate during treatment. Technical progress has allowed the integration of routine outcome monitoring (ROM) into treatment, helping therapists detect patients at risk for a nonresponse or poor outcome early on. Psychological therapy can be enhanced by providing therapists with individual treatment recommendations for these at-risk patients. One example of such a comprehensive feedback system is the Trier Treatment Navigator (TTN).


This clinical case study aims to illustrate the implementation of the TTN in a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) outpatient clinic in the treatment of a 30-year-old patient called Ms. Daun, who has a recurrent depressive disorder. Based on this case, the benefits of applying information from ROM in psychotherapy, important context factors, and possible implementation issues are discussed.


We conclude by encouraging practitioners to integrate ROM into their clinical thinking and daily practice.

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Comparative analysis of the biological characteristics of three CV‐A10 clones adaptively cultured on Vero cells

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Coxsackievirus A10 (CV-A10) is a major pathogen that causes hand, foot, and mouth disease. There are no effective therapeutic drugs for CV-A10 infection; therefore, CV-A10 vaccines should be developed. Previously, we isolated a CV-A10 strain (N25) that can be cultured on Vero cells. In this study, the N25 strain was plaque-purified thrice from Vero cells, and three clones were selected for adaptive culture. The three clones of the 5th, 12th, and 19th generations were compared and analyzed in terms of viral titers, plaque morphology, pathogenicity in suckling mice, and nucleotide and amino acid sequences of the complete genome. The infectivity titers of the three clones (P2-P22) were maintained at 6.5–7.0 lgCCID50/ml. The three clones began to proliferate at 6 h and peaked at 36 h; the corresponding CCID50 was in the range of 106.5−106.875/ml, which gradually decreased. The suckl ing mice in the challenged group exhibited clinical symptoms such as paralysis of the limbs, which gradually worsened until death. The inactivated vaccines prepared using the three clones efficiently induced antigen-specific serum antibodies in mice. There were eight nucleotide mutations in the three clones, which resulted in two and four amino acid substitutions in the VP3 and VP1 coding regions, respectively. The nucleotide and amino acid sequence homology between the three clones and N25 were 99.92%−100% and 99.78%−100%, respectively, indicating high genetic stability. Our findings provide a theoretical basis for screening CV-A10 vaccine candidate clones.

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Efficacy and safety of carbohydrate counting versus other forms of dietary advice in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus: A systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomized clinical trials

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Background and aims

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the most prevalent chronic non-communicable diseases globally, and the only way to reduce its complications is good glycemic control. Insulin remains the only approved treatment for type 1 DM (T1DM) and is used by many with Type 2 DM (T2DM). Carbohydrate counting is considered the ideal way to calculate meal-related insulin doses since it allows greater flexibility in diet and could, in some people, reduce the burden of the disease.

This systematic review's primary objective was to assess carbohydrate counting efficacy in reducing glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and safety by not increasing hypoglycemia risk, inducing an increase in body weight or blood lipids, and reducing the quality of life of people with T1DM.


We included randomized controlled clinical trials with a parallel-group design comparing any carbohydrate counting forms with standard care or other forms of dietary advice or insulin dose calculation in people with T1DM with a follow up period of at least three months and with no restrictions in language, age, or settings. As a primary outcome, we consider the change of HbA1c within at least three months. Secondary outcomes were hypoglycemia events, body weight changes, blood lipids levels, and the total daily insulin dose. We also evaluated health-related quality of life changes and diabetes treatment satisfaction questionnaires.


Data from 11 studies with 899 patients were retrieved with a mean follow of 52 ± 35.5 weeks. Carbohydrate counting is not better in reducing HbA1c, SMD – 0.24% (95%CI -0.68 to 0.21) than all dietary advice forms. However, this finding was highly heterogeneous. We identified three studies that account for most of the heterogeneity using clustering algorithms. A second analysis excluding these studies shows a meaningful HbA1c reduction, SMD – 0.52% (95%CI -0.82 to -0.23) with low heterogeneity. In the subgroup analysis, carbohydrate counting significantly reduces HbA1c compared to usual diabetes education. Carbohydrate counting doesn't relate to any substantial change in blood lipids, body weight, hypoglycemia risk, or daily insulin dose. Finally, we analyzed the effect of trial duration with HbA1c reduction and found no significant change related to time.


Carbohydrate counting is an efficacious technique to safely reduce HbA1c in adults and children compared to standard diabetes education. And its effect doesn't seem to change with prolonged time. Standardization in reporting important outcomes like hypoglycemia and quality of life is vital to produce comparable evidence in carbohydrate counting clinical trials.

This SR was registered in PROSPERO under code: CRD42020218499.

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