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Δευτέρα 27 Ιουνίου 2022

Not all is lost: Functional recovery in older adults following emergency general surgery

alexandrossfakianakis shared this article with you from Inoreader
imageBACKGROUND Although functional decline and death are common long-term outcomes among older adults following emergency general surgery (EGS), we hypothesized that patients' postdischarge function may wax and wane over time. Periods of fluctuation in function may represent opportunities to intervene to prevent further decline. Our objective was to describe the functional trajectories of older adults following EGS admission. METHODS This was a population-based retrospective cohort study of all independent, community-dwelling older adults (age ≥65 years) in Ontario with an EGS admission (2006–2016). A multistate model was used to examine patients' functional trajectories over the 5 years following discharge. Patients were followed as they transitioned back and forth between functional independence, use of chronic home care (in-home assistance for personal care, homemaking, or medical care for at least 90 days), nursing home admission, and death. RESULTS We identified 78,820 older adults with an EGS admission (mean age, 77 years; 53% female). In the 5 years following admission, 32% (n = 24,928) required new chronic home care, 21% (n = 5,249) of whom had two or more episodes of chronic home care separated by periods of independence. The average time spent in chronic home care was 11 months, and 50% (n = 12,679) of chronic home care episodes ended with a return to independence. For patients requiring chronic home care at any time, the probability of returning to independent living during the subsequent 5 years ranged from 36% to 43% annually. CONCLUSION Not all is lost for older adults who experience functional decline following EGS admission. Half of those who require chronic home care will recover to independence, and one-third will have a durable recovery, remaining independent after 5 years. Fluctuations in function in the years following EGS may represent a unique opportunity for interventions to promote rehabilitation and recovery among older adults. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Prognostic and Epidemiologic; Level III.
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Fluoxetine reduces organ injury and improves motor function after traumatic brain injury in mice

alexandrossfakianakis shared this article with you from Inoreader
imageBACKGROUND Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in trauma patients worldwide. Brain injury is associated with significant inflammation, both within the brain and in the peripheral organs. This inflammatory response in TBI leads to a secondary injury, worsening the effects of the original brain injury. Serotonin is also linked to inflammation in the intestine and inflammatory bowel disease, but its role in the gut-brain axis is not known. We hypothesized that using fluoxetine to block serotonin reuptake would reduce organ inflammation and improve outcomes after TBI. METHODS C57/B6 mice were given a severe TBI using a controlled cortical impact. To measure intestinal permeability, a piece of terminal ileum was resected, the lumen was filled with 4-kDa fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-dextran, and the ends were tied. The intestinal segment was submerged in buffer and fluorescence in the buffer measured over time. To measure lung permeability, 70-kDa FITC-dextran is injected retro-orbitally. Thirty minutes later, the left lung was homogenized and the fluorescence was measured. To measure performance on the rota-rod, mice were placed on a spinning rod, and the time to fall off was measured. Those treated with fluoxetine received a single dose of 5 mg/kg via intraperitoneal injection immediately after injury. RESULTS Traumatic brain injury was associated with an increase in intestinal permeability to FITC-dextran, increased lung vascular permeability, and worse performance on the rota-rod. Fluoxetine significantly reduced lung and intestinal permeability after TBI and improved performance on the rota-rod after TBI. CONCLUSION Use of fluoxetine has the potential to reduce lung injury and improve motor coordination in severe TBI patients. Further study will be needed to elucidate the mechanism behind this effect.
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Do not forget the platelets: The independent impact of red blood cell to platelet ratio on mortality in massively transfused trauma patients

alexandrossfakianakis shared this article with you from Inoreader
imageBACKGROUND Balanced blood component administration during massive transfusion is standard of care. Most literature focuses on the impact of red blood cell (RBC)/fresh frozen plasma (FFP) ratio, while the value of balanced RBC:platelet (PLT) administration is less established. The aim of this study was to evaluate and quantify the independent impact of RBC:PLT on 24-hour mortality in trauma patients receiving massive transfusion. METHODS Using the 2013 to 2018 American College of Surgeons Trauma Quality Improvement Program database, adult patients who received massive transfusion (≥10 U of RBC/24 hours) and ≥1 U of RBC, FFP, and PLT within 4 hours of arrival were retrospectively included. To mitigate survival bias, only patients with consistent RBC:PLT and RBC:FFP ratios between 4 and 24 hours were analyzed. Balanced FFP or PLT transfusions were defined as having RBC:PLT and RBC:FFP of ≤2, respectively. Multivariable logistic regression was used to compare the independent relationship between RBC:FFP, RBC:PLT, balanced transfusion, and 24-hour mortality. RESULTS A total of 9,215 massive transfusion patients were included. The number of patients who received transfusion with RBC:PLT >2 (1,942 [21.1%]) was significantly higher than those with RBC:FFP >2 (1,160 [12.6%]) (p
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Dimethyl malonate slows succinate accumulation and preserves cardiac function in a swine model of hemorrhagic shock

alexandrossfakianakis shared this article with you from Inoreader
imageBACKGROUND Succinate (SI) is a citric acid cycle metabolite that accumulates in tissues during hemorrhagic shock (HS) due to electron transport chain uncoupling. Dimethyl malonate (DMM) is a competitive inhibitor of SI dehydrogenase, which has been shown to reduce SI accumulation and protect against reperfusion injury. Whether DMM can be therapeutic after severe HS is unknown. We hypothesized that DMM would prevent SI buildup during resuscitation (RES) in a swine model of HS, leading to better physiological recovery after RES. METHODS The carotid arteries of Yorkshire pigs were cannulated with a 5-Fr catheter. After placement of a Swan-Ganz catheter and femoral arterial line, the carotid catheters were opened and the animals were exsanguinated to a mean arterial pressure (MAP) of 45 mm. After 30 minutes in the shock state, the animals were resuscitated to a MAP of 60 mm using lactated ringers. A MAP above 60 mm was maintained throughout RES. One group received 10 mg/kg of DMM (n = 6), while the control received sham injections (n = 6). The primary end-point was SI levels. Secondary end-points included cardiac function and lactate. RESULTS Succinate levels increased from baseline to the 20-minute RES point in control, while the DMM cohort remained unchanged. The DMM group required less intravenous fluid to maintain a MAP above 60 (450.0 vs. 229.0 mL; p = 0.01). The DMM group had higher pulmonary capillary wedge pressure at the 20-minute and 40-minute RES points. The DMM group had better recovery of cardiac output and index during RES, while the control had no improvement. While lactate levels were similar, DMM may lead to increased ionized calcium levels. DISCUSSION Dimethyl malonate slows SI accumulation during HS and helps preserve cardiac filling pressures and function during RES. In addition, DMM may protect against depletion of ionized calcium. Dimethyl malonate may have therapeutic potential during HS.
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Traumatic brain injury provokes low fibrinolytic activity in severely injured patients

alexandrossfakianakis shared this article with you from Inoreader
imageBackground Traumatic brain injury (TBI) in combination with shock has been associated with hypocoagulability. However, recent data suggest that TBI itself can promote a systemic procoagulant state via the release of brain-derived extracellular vesicles. The objective of our study was to identify if TBI was associated with differences in thrombelastography indices when controlling for other variables associated with coagulopathy following trauma. We hypothesized that TBI is independently associated with a less coagulopathic state. Methods Prospective study includes all highest-level trauma activations at an urban Level I trauma center, from 2014 to 2020. Traumatic brain injury was defined as Abbreviated Injury Scale head score greater than 3. Blood samples were drawn at emergency department admission. Linear regression was used to assess the role of independent predictors on trauma induced coagulopathy. Models adjusted for Injury Severity Score (ISS), shock (defined as ED SBP108, or first hospital base deficit >10), and prehospital Glasgow Coma Scale score. Results Of the 1,023 patients included, 291 (28%) suffered a TBI. Traumatic brain injury patients more often were female (26% vs. 19%, p = 0.01), had blunt trauma (83% vs. 43%, p
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