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Πέμπτη 26 Μαΐου 2022

COVID Salivary diagnostics: a comparative technical study

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Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, molecular diagnostics of SARS-CoV-2 have taken center stage in the detection of infected individuals for isolation purposes but also in the mass surveillance as a preventive strategy to contain the virus spread. While nasopharyngeal swabs (NPS) have remained the golden standard substrate, salivary diagnostic for SARS-CoV-2 has been proposed as an alternative and non-invasive measure in vulnerable individuals. Nevertheless, there is a widespread assumption that salivary RT-PCR does not match the quality of testing using NPS and particular care should be taken in respect to food or beverage intake, when sampling saliva. Our study indicates that without any precaution in the selection of 190 patients, nor restriction over the time-window of sampling, there is 99% match in the COVID-19 positivity between NPS and saliva when using RT-PCR, with a reported Delta in thermal cycles (Cts) values for the viral genes Envelop e (E) and Open reading frame 1ab (Orf1ab) between 0 and 2, a 98.7% Sensitivity and 100% Specificity. This high accuracy is maintained in pooling configurations that can be used for mass-testing purposes in professional and educational settings. The further advantage to using crude saliva as compared to NPS or mouthwash is that direct methods yield robust results. Overall, our study validates and promotes the use of salivary diagnostic for COVID-19 eliminating the need of a medical practitioner for the sampling, resolving the unpleasantness of the NPS intervention and empowering the patient to do self-testing in times of need.

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Septic shock with Chlamydia abortus infection

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Publication date: June 2022

Source: The Lancet Infectious Diseases, Volume 22, Issue 6

Author(s): Mengting Liu, Yin Wen, Hongguang Ding, Hongke Zeng

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12 T high static magnetic field suppresses osteosarcoma cells proliferation by regulating intracellular ROS and iron status

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Publication date: Available online 25 May 2022

Source: Experimental Cell Research

Author(s): Shenghang Wang, Ting Huyan, Chenge Lou, Peng Shang, Hao Zhang

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Activin A downregulates the CD69-MT2A axis via p38MAPK to induce erythroid differentiation that sensitizes BCR-ABL-positive cells to imatinib

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Publication date: Available online 26 May 2022

Source: Experimental Cell Research

Author(s): Chih-Wei Chen, Nai-Kuei Huang, Yueh-Lun Lee, Chia-Kwung Fan, Yen-Chou Chen, Chin-Wei Liu, Huei-Mei Huang

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Sleep Disordered Breathing in Children

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This Patient Page describes the symptoms and treatments for sl eep disordered breathing and sleep apnea in children.
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Pediatric Button Battery Injuries—Current State and What’s Next?

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The study by Philteos et al in this issue of JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery is a systematic review of published cases of airway injury among pediatric patients who ingested button batteries (BBs). Although these types of severe complications associated with BB ingestion have been previously reported, to date this is the largest review focused on airway injuries. Given the direct proximity of the esophagus and the trachea, airway injury is a possible risk in cases of BB ingestion. The authors' review of the literature and dat a from the National Capital Poison Center (NCPC) database yielded 195 cases total. The mean age at BB ingestion was 17.8 months, and the mean time between ingestion and removal was 5.8 days. The duration of impaction is difficult to precisely determine because many ingestions are unwitnessed and have a delayed diagnosis. Button batteries at least 20 mm in diameter (with lithium chemistry) are more likely to become impacted in the pediatric esophagus, but smaller BBs (including those with nonlithium chemistry) also pose a substantial risk; 11% of the injury cases with known BB diameters in this report involved BBs smaller than 20 mm, with the smallest diameter being 10 mm. Tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF), a life-threatening complication of BB ingestion, was found to be the most common airway injury (79%). Most TEFs required surgical management, and all 14 deaths reported TEF involvement. Other airway complications found included unilateral and bilateral vocal cord paralysis, subglott ic stenosis, tracheal stenosis, and tracheomalacia. The use of injury mitigation strategies before or after BB removal was not assessed in this study, which is limited by the known underreporting of these cases to any data source. This review by Philteos et al describes complications from BB ingestions associated with airway injury, invaluably highlighting a significant source of pediatric morbidity and mortality.
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Taste Function in Patients With Head and Neck Cancer Receiving Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy

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This cohort study evaluates the association between time cours e and recovery of taste dysfunction in patients with head and neck cancer receiving intensity-modulated radiotherapy.
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Concomitant and Exceedingly Rare Causes of Oropharyngeal Dysphagia

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This case report describes a man in his 40s who presented with a 5-month history of worsening dysphonia and dysphagia and was subsequently diagnosed with extranodal natural killer/T-cell lymphoma.
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Airway Complications Resulting From Pediatric Esophageal Button Battery Impaction

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This systematic review investigates pediatric airway injuries and their long-term sequalae after button battery ingestion.
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Magnetic resonance guided adaptive stereotactic body radiotherapy for lung tumors in ultracentral location: the MAGELLAN trial (ARO 2021-3)

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Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) is a standard treatment for inoperable primary and secondary lung tumors. In case of ultracentral tumor location, defined as tumor contact with vulnerable mediastinal stru...
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Comparative single-cell RNA-sequencing profiling of BMP4-treated primary glioma cultures reveals therapeutic markers

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Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most aggressive primary brain tumor. Its cellular composition is very heterogeneous, with cells exhibiting stem-cell characteristics (GSCs) that co-determine therapy resistance and tumor recurrence. Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP)-4 promotes astroglial and suppresses oligodendrocyte differentiation in GSCs, processes associated with superior patient prognosis. We characterized variability in cell viability of patient-derived GBM cultures in response to BMP4 and, based on single-cell transcriptome profiling, propose predictive positive and early-response markers for sensitivity to BMP4.
Cell viability was assessed in 17 BMP4-treated patient-derived GBM cultures. In two cultures, one highly sensitive to BMP4 (high therapeutic efficacy) and one with low sensitivity, response to treatment with BMP4 was characterized. We applied single-cell RNA-sequencing, analyzed the relative abundance of cell clusters, searched for and identified the aforementioned two marker types, and validated these results in all 17 cultures.
High variation in cell viability was observed after treatment with BMP4. In three cultures with highest sensitivity for BMP4, a substantial new cell subpopulation formed. These cells displayed decreased cell proliferation and increased apoptosis. Neuronal differentiation was reduced most in cultures with little sensitivity for BMP4. OLIG1/2 levels were found predictive for high sensitivity to BMP4. Activation of ribosomal translation (RPL27A, RPS27) was upregulated within one day in cultures that were very sensitive to BMP4.
The changes in composition of patient-derived GBM cultures obtained after treatment with BMP4 correlate with treatment efficacy. OLIG1/2 expression can predict this efficacy, and upregulation of RPL27A and RPS27 are useful early-response markers.
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