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Τρίτη 18 Οκτωβρίου 2022

Brief Report: Urine Tenofovir Levels Strongly Correlate with Virologic Suppression in Patients with HIV on Tenofovir Alafenamide-Based Antiretroviral Therapy

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We found that urine tenofovir (TFV) levels >1500 ng/ml strongly predict virologic suppression among patients with HIV taking tenofovir alafenamide (TAF, OR 5.66; 95% CI 1.59-20.14; p = 0.007). This suggests an existing point-of-care assay developed for tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) will support adherence monitoring for patients on all TFV-based antiretrovirals.
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The paradox of technology: Negativity bias in consumer adoption of innovative technologies

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Innovative technologies often feature inherently conflicting properties. This poses a challenge for marketers because negative properties not only weigh heavily on consumers' technology adoption decisions but potentially do more so than positive ones. To shed light on the paradox of technology and its underlying processes, the present research develops a conceptual model drawing on technology adoption and valence perception theories about the prevalence of negativity bias in consumers' technology adoption decisions with its unique effect through the serial chain of consumers' perceptions of risk and trust regarding the technology. Results of three studies (N = 1309) demonstrate that the effect of negative valence consistently outperforms that of positive valence in consumers' technology adoption intentions (Studies 1–2) and decisions (Study 3). Furthermore, results show that the disproportionate effect of negative (vs. positive) valence can be expl ained by the proposed serial causal chain through consumers' perception of risk of the technology and trust in the technology (Studies 2–3) while ruling out company trust and consumer knowledge as alternative drivers of the effects (Study 3). These findings contribute to the pertinent literature on consumer psychology in decisions to adopt novel technologies in that they quantify and explain the potential outcome stemming from the ambiguous properties of novel technology. Moreover, this study finds negativity bias to be an often overlooked consumer bias with implications for marketing practice and useful for understanding and lowering resistance towards artificial intelligence technology.

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Adoption of adjuvant chemotherapy in high‐risk salivary gland malignancies

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The present study characterizes national trends in the utilization of adjuvant chemotherapy to treat salivary gland malignancies.


The National Cancer Database was queried for salivary gland malignancies treated by surgery with radiation in 2004–2019. Proportions of patients receiving adjuvant chemotherapy over the study period were analyzed by linear regression. The impact of chemotherapy on overall survival was assessed using Kaplan–Meier and Cox proportional hazards analyses.


Among 15 965 patients meeting inclusion criteria, 2355 (14.8%) received adjuvant chemotherapy. Chemotherapy utilization significantly increased from 4.9% to 16.5% over the study period (p < 0.001). No survival benefit was observed with adjuvant chemotherapy on propensity score-matched Kaplan–Meier analysis (HR: 0.98; 95% CI: 0.86–1.11; p = 0.72) or multivariable Cox regression (HR: 0.92; 95% CI: 0.78–1.09; p = 0.34).


Adjuvant chemotherapy has been increasingly utilized to treat salivary gland malignancies in recent years. Our findings highlight the importance of obtaining high-quality prospective data regarding the benefit of chemotherapy.

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Microelectrodes and radiofrequency for transoral horizontal supraglottic laryngectomy in T3 tumors

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The aim of this manuscript is to show the surgical technique for horizontal supraglottic laryngectomy in T3 carcinomas by a transoral approach using microelectrodes and radiofrequency. From 2009 to 2020, 11 selected cases of T3 laryngeal supraglottic carcinomas invading the pre-epiglottic space, with preserved vocal cords mobility underwent surgery. The technique is described step by step. Average time duration of the larynx surgery was 95 min. Nine percent of the patients presented a profuse hemorrhage 7 days postoperative; in 73% of patients the nasogastric feeding tube was withdrew 10 days after surgery. We emphasize a remarkable short surgical time and high hemostatic effectiveness. The ME tips allow to perform cuts at angles and contribute with a sense of touch. The low cost of the equipment and its easy handling and maintenance is a remarkable advantage over other technologies for transoral surgery.

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Tamoxifen Alters TGF‐β1/Smad Signaling in Vocal Fold Injury

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Tamoxifen Alters TGF-β1/Smad Signaling in Vocal Fold Injury

This study investigated the effects of tamoxifen on acute vocal fold injury in a preclinical model. The antifibrotic actions of tamoxifen appear to be mediated by transforming growth factor beta 1/Smad signaling providing a novel target for intervention.


Effective treatments for vocal fold fibrosis remain elusive. Tamoxifen (TAM) is a selective estrogen receptor modulator and was recently reported to have antifibrotic actions. We hypothesized that TAM inhibits vocal fold fibrosis via altered transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-β1) signaling. Both in vitro and in vivo approaches were employed to address this hypothesis.


In vitro, vocal fold fibroblasts were treated with TAM (10−8 or 10−9 M) ± TGF-β1 (10 ng/ml) to quantify cell proliferation. The effects of TAM on genes related to fibrosis were quantified via quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. In vivo, rat vocal folds were unilaterally injured, and TAM was administered by oral gavage from pre-injury day 5 to post-injury day 7. The rats were randomized into two groups: 0 mg/kg/day (sham) and 50 mg/kg/day (TAM). Histological changes were examined on day 56 to assess tissue architecture.


TAM (10−8 M) did not affect Smad3, Smad7, Acta2, or genes related to extracellular matrix metabolism. TAM (10−8 or 10−9 M) + TGF-β1, however, significantly increased Smad7 and Has3 expression and decreased Col1a1 and Acta2 expression compared to TGF-β1 alone. In vivo, TAM significantly increased lamina propria area, hyaluronic acid concentration, and reduced collagen deposition compared to sham treatment.


TAM has antifibrotic potential via the regulation of TGF-β1/Smad signaling in vocal fold injury. These findings provide foundational data to develop innovative therapeutic options for vocal fold fibrosis.

Level of Evidence

NA Laryngoscope, 2022

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Monkeypox treatment: current evidence and future perspectives

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As of 11 September 2022, 57,669 reports of monkeypox infection raised global concern. Previous vaccinia virus vaccination can protect from monkeypox. However, after smallpox eradication, immunization against that was stopped. Indeed, therapeutic options following the disease onset are of great value. This study aimed to review the available evidence on virology and treatment approaches for monkeypox and provide guidance for patient care and future studies.

Since no randomized clinical trials were ever performed, we reviewed monkeypox animal model studies and clinical trials on the safety and pharmacokinetics of available medications. Brincidofovir and tecovirimat were the most studied medications that got approval for smallpox treatment according to the Animal Rule. Due to the conserved virology among orthopoxviruses, available medications might also be effective against monkeypox. However, tecovirimat has the strongest evidence to be effective and saf e for monkeypox treatment, and if there is a choice between the two drugs, tecovirimat has shown more promise so far. The risk of resistance should be considered in patients who failed to respond to tecovirimat. Hence, the target-based design of novel antivirals will enhance the availability and spectrum of effective anti-orthopoxvirus agents.

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Estimation of monkeypox spread in a non‐endemic country considering contact tracing and self‐reporting: a stochastic modeling study

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In May 2022, monkeypox started to spread in non-endemic countries. To investigate contact tracing and self-reporting of the primary case in the local community, a stochastic model is developed. An algorithm based on Gillespie's stochastic chemical kinetics is used to quantify the number of infections, contacts, and duration from the arrival of the primary case to the detection of the index case (or until there are no more local infections). Different scenarios were set considering the delay in contact tracing and behavior of infectors. We found that the self-reporting behavior of a primary case is the most significant factor affecting outbreak size and duration. Scenarios with a self-reporting primary case have an 86% reduction in infections (average: 5 to 7, in a population of 10,000) and contacts (average: 27 to 72) compared to scenarios with a non-self-reporting primary case (average number of infections and contacts: 27 to 72 and 197 to 537, respectively ). Doubling the number of close contacts per day is less impactful compared to the self-reporting behavior of the primary case as it could only increase the number of infections by 45%. Our study emphasizes the importance of the prompt detection of the primary case.

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Early maladaptive schemas and ICD‐11 CPTSD symptoms: Treatment considerations

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Early maladaptive schemas (EMS) can result from adverse interpersonal traumatic experiences. The ICD-11 updated the concept of disorders following traumatic experiences with the new disorder of complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD). There is now a need to develop and test interventions for CPTSD. An essential step in identifying interventions that are particularly relevant to the treatment of CPTSD is to explore psychological constructs associated more closely with CPTSD compared to PTSD. The current study explored the associations of EMS with PTSD and CPTSD.


The sample consisted of 603 adults (mean age = 41.65, SD = 13.8), recruited through social media and e-mails, and who responded to an online questionnaire.


Participants completed measures of demographic, traumatic life events, EMS, PTSD and CPTSD symptoms.


Overall, results suggest that participants with CPTSD present with higher schema elevations across all schemas compared to those with PTSD or no diagnosis. Secondly, the schemas of emotional deprivation, abandonment/instability, social isolation/alienation, defectiveness/shame, enmeshment/undeveloped self, subjugation, emotional inhibition and insufficient self-control/self-discipline were significantly associated with the symptom clusters of CPTSD. Finally, results indicate that different schemas form significant associations with the individual symptom clusters of CPTSD.


Although results require replication in clinical samples, initial findings suggest that specific EMS may be important psychological correlates of CPTSD symptoms. Wider treatment considerations of these findings are discussed.

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Hypermethylation of RASSF1A gene in pediatric rhabdoid tumor of the kidney and clear cell sarcoma of the kidney

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Among pediatric renal tumors, rhabdoid tumor of the kidney (RTK) and clear cell sarcoma of the kidney (CCSK) are rare and associated with an unfavorable prognosis, while congenital mesoblastic nephroma (CMN) is associated with a good prognosis. Methylation of the Ras association domain-containing protein 1 isoform A (RASSF1A) promoter has been reported to correlate with a poor prognosis in patients with Wilms tumors, while its methylation status is unclear in other types of pediatric renal tumors.


DNA methylation of the RASSF1A promoter in several pediatric renal tumors was analyzed with pyrosequencing. In order to clarify the correlation between expression of RASSF1A and DNA methylation of its promoter, the RTK cell line was treated with 5-Aza-2′-deoxycytidine (5-Aza-dC). RASSF1A was overexpressed in the RTK cell line to evaluate its functional effects.


Quantitative methylation analysis demonstrated hypermethylation in the RASSF1A promoter region in RTK and CCSK, but not CMN. The 5-Aza-dC treatment induced demethylation of the RASSF1A promoter as well as increased RASSF1A mRNA expression. The transduction of RASSF1A has an effect on the suppression of viability and proliferation of RTK cells.


DNA methylation-mediated deficiency of RASSF1A might be involved in the development and aggressiveness of some pediatric renal tumors and correlated with a poor prognosis.

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Transient neonatal hemolytic anemia due to the novel gamma globin gene mutation HBG2:C.290T>C, p.Leu97Pro (hemoglobin Wareham)

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Unstable gamma globin variants can cause transient neonatal hemolytic anemia. We have identified a novel variant in a newborn who presented with jaundice and anemia requiring phototherapy and red blood cell transfusion. The patient was found to be heterozygous for the mutation HGB2:c.290T>C, p.Leu97Pro, which we have termed hemoglobin (Hb) Wareham. This substitution is expected to generate an unstable hemoglobin with increased oxygen affinity based on the homologous mutation previously described in the beta globin gene, which is termed as Hb Debrousse. The patient fully recovered by 9 months of age as expected with the transition from fetal to adult hemoglobin.

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Shared understanding and social connection: Integrating approaches from social psychology, social network analysis, and neuroscience

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Meaningfully connecting with others is critical to the well-being of individuals. What phenomena contribute to and stem from social connection? In this paper, we integrate emerging work that uses neuroimaging and social network analysis with theories that explore the links between shared reality and social connection. We highlight recent work suggesting that the extent to which people have aligned mental processing and shared subjective construals to those around them—as shown by neural similarity—is associated with both objective and subjective social connection. On the other hand, idiosyncrasies are linked to difficulties with social connection. We conclude by suggesting how the links between shared understanding and social connection can be productively used as a framework to study psychosocial phenomena of interest.

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