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Τρίτη 3 Ιανουαρίου 2023

Mutation-associated transcripts reconstruct the prognostic features of oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma

alexandrossfakianakis shared this article with you from Inoreader


International Journal of Oral Science, Published online: 03 January 2023; doi:10.1038/s41368-022-00210-3

Mutation-associated transcripts reconstruct the prognostic features of oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma
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Automating the treatment planning process for 3D‐conformal pediatric craniospinal irradiation therapy

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Pediatric patients with medulloblastoma in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are most treated with 3D-conformal photon craniospinal irradiation (CSI), a time-consuming, complex treatment to plan, especially in resource-constrained settings. Therefore, we developed and tested a 3D-conformal CSI autoplanning tool for varying patient lengths.

Methods and materials

Autocontours were generated with a deep learning model trained:tested (80:20 ratio) on 143 pediatric medulloblastoma CT scans (patient ages: 2–19 years, median = 7 years). Using the verified autocontours, the autoplanning tool generated two lateral brain fields matched to a single spine field, an extended single spine field, or two matched spine fields. Additional spine subfields were added to optimize the corresponding dose distribution. Feathering was implemented (yielding nine to 12 fields) to give a composite plan. Each planning approach was tested on six patients (ages 3–10 years). A pediatric radiation oncologist assessed clinical acceptability of each autoplan.


The autocontoured structures' average Dice similarity coefficient ranged from .65 to .98. The average V95 for the brain/spinal canal for single, extended, and multi-field spine configurations was 99.9% ± 0.06%/99.9% ± 0.10%, 99.9% ± 0.07%/99.4% ± 0.30%, and 99.9% ± 0.06%/99.4% ± 0.40%, respectively. The average maximum dose across all field configurations to the brainstem, eyes (L/R), lenses (L/R), and spinal cord were 23.7 ± 0.08, 24.1 ± 0.28, 13.3 ± 5.27, and 25.5 ± 0.34 Gy, respectively (prescription = 23.4 Gy/13 fractions). Of the 18 plans tested, all were scored as clinically acceptable as-is or clinically acceptable with minor, time-efficient edits preferred or required. No plans were scored as clinically unacceptable.


The autoplanning tool successfully generated pediatric CSI plans for varying patient lengths in 3.50 ± 0.4 minutes on average, indicating potential for an efficient planning aid in a resource-constrained settings.

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Promising applications of human-derived saliva biomarker testing in clinical diagnostics

alexandrossfakianakis shared this article with you from Inoreader


International Journal of Oral Science, Published online: 04 January 2023; doi:10.1038/s41368-022-00209-w

Promising applications of human-derived saliva biomarker testing in clinical diagnostics
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Temporal Trends in Variability of Respirable Dust and Respirable Quartz Concentrations in the European Industrial Minerals Sector

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While between- and within-worker variability have been studied quite extensively, hardly any research is available that examines long-term trends in the variability of occupational exposure. In this first study on trends in occupational exposure variability temporal changes in the variability of respirable dust and respirable quartz concentrations within the European industrial minerals sector were demonstrated. Since 2000 the European Industrial Minerals Association's Dust Monitoring Program (IMA-DMP) has systematically collected respirable dust and respirable quartz measurements. The resulting IMA-DMP occupational exposure database contains at present approximately 40 000 personal full-shift measurements, collected at 177 sites owned by 39 companies, located in 23 European countries. Repeated measurements of workers performing their duties within a specific site-job-campaign combination allowed estimation of within- and between-worker variabi lity in exposure concentrations. Overall day-to-day variability predominated the between-worker variability for both respirable dust concentrations and quartz concentrations. The within-worker variability in concentrations by job was two to three times higher for respirable quartz than for respirable dust. The median between-worker variability in respirable dust concentrations was low and further reduced over time. For quartz concentrations the same phenomenon albeit somewhat less strong was observed. In contrast, for the within-worker variability in concentrations downward and upward temporal trends were apparent for both respirable dust and respirable quartz. The study shows that the (relative) size of temporal variability is large and unpredictable and therefore regular measurement campaigns are needed to ascertain compliance to occupational exposure limit values.
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