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Κυριακή 17 Νοεμβρίου 2019

Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com, Telephone consultation 11855 int 1193,

Die Fußballerhüfte Zusammenfassung Während Beschwerden und Verletzungen an Knie- und Sprunggelenk im...
Die FußballerhüfteZusammenfassungWährend Beschwerden und Verletzungen an Knie- und Sprunggelenk im Fußball sehr präsent sind, wird dem Hüftgelenk bisher eine nur sehr geringe Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt. Beschwerden in diesem Bereich werden häufig auf pathologische Veränderungen in der Leistenregion zurückgeführt. Intraartikuläre Differenzialdiagnosen werden hingegen häufig nicht in Betracht gezogen. Der Artikel gibt einen Überblick über mögliche Hüftgelenkspathologie bei Fußballspielern sowie deren...
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 Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery -  Submental and Anterior Neck Originated Full-Thickness...
 Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery - Submental and Anterior Neck Originated Full-Thickness Skin Grafts for Periocular ProceduresPurpose: The submental and neck regions share cutaneous features with the face and are suitable donor sites for facial full-thickness skin grafts (FTSGs). Age-related laxity and skin redundancy in the cervicomental region may be an additional motivator to use its skin. We aim to describe, raise awareness, and remind surgeons of the utilization of submental...
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Robotics in dentistry Pallavi K Das, S Hari, Shalini Nair, Anoop Kumar Indian Journal of Oral Health...
Robotics in dentistryPallavi K Das, S Hari, Shalini Nair, Anoop KumarIndian Journal of Oral Health and Research 2019 5(2):37-39Robots are one of the most sophisticated creations of human. In many ways, they are far ahead of their creator. Their unmatchable precision and fatigue-free working ability can be incorporated into our field, which will ease our job. However, their application in dentistry is still a less traveled road. The main aim of this article is to briefly review the applications of...
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"This institution was never meant for me": the Impact of Institutional Historical Portraiture on Medical...
"This institution was never meant for me": the Impact of Institutional Historical Portraiture on Medical StudentsWho Orders Screening Mammograms in Older Women with Limited Life Expectancy?More Information Needed on Probiotic Supplement Product LabelsQuality of Mental Health Care in Integrated Veterans Affairs Patient-Centered Medical Homes: a National Observational StudyThe Relationship Between Federal Housing Assistance and Uptake of Cancer Screening Among Low-Income AdultsA Phone CallRacial and...
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The 9th International Conference on Life Cycle Management 2019—Poznań, Poland, 1-4 September 2019 (www.lcm2019.org)...
The 9th International Conference on Life Cycle Management 2019—Poznań, Poland, 1-4 September 2019 (www.lcm2019.org)Integrating life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle costing (LCC) in the early phases of aircraft structural design: an elevator case studyAbstractPurposeThe main objective of this paper is to develop a model that will combine economic and environmental assessment tools to support the composite material selection of aircraft structures in the early phases of design and application...
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Deranged Pulmonary Function Tests in Allergic Rhinitis in North Indian Patients, Seema Monga, Junaid...
Deranged Pulmonary Function Tests in Allergic Rhinitis in North Indian Patients,Seema Monga, Junaid Malik, Arun Parkash Sharma, Sabeena Jan, Nighat Nabi, Sudhir BahadurFirst Published November 15, 2019 Research Articlehttps://doi.org/10.1177/1179550619888856Article information Open Access Creative Commons Attribution, Non Commercial 4.0 LicenseAbstractIntroduction:Significant associations between allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma have been established and as a result of bronchial hyper-responsiveness,...
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Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 1072: Support for the Transmission-Clearance Trade-Off Hypothesis from...
Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 1072: Support for the Transmission-Clearance Trade-Off Hypothesis from a Study of Zika Virus Delivered by Mosquito Bite to MiceViruses, Vol. 11, Pages 1072: Support for the Transmission-Clearance Trade-Off Hypothesis from a Study of Zika Virus Delivered by Mosquito Bite to Mice Viruses doi: 10.3390/v11111072 Authors: Kathryn A. Hanley Sasha R. Azar Rafael K. Campos Nikos Vasilakis Shannan L. Rossi Evolutionary theory indicates that virus virulence is shaped by a trade-off...
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Orthodontics for the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Patient, Publication date: February 2020Source:...
Orthodontics for the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Patient,Publication date: February 2020Source: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North America, Volume 32, Issue 1Author(s): Michael R. Markiewicz, Veerasathpurush Allareddy, Michael MiloroScienceDirect Publication: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North AmericaSun Nov 17, 2019 17:29Mark above section as read Sleep MedicineEffect of maternal sleep in late pregnancy on leptin and lipid levels in umbilical cord bloodPublication date:...
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Idiopathic granulomatous hypophysitis presenting with galactorrhea, headache, and nausea in a woman:...
Idiopathic granulomatous hypophysitis presenting with galactorrhea, headache, and nausea in a woman: a case report and review of the literatureInflammation of the pituitary gland can occur in a variety of primary or secondary disorders. Idiopathic granulomatous hypophysitis is a rare inflammatory disease of the pituitary gland that can closely mimic ...Journal of Medical Case Reports - Latest ArticlesSat Nov 16, 2019 02:00Mark above section as read ScienceDirect Publication: The American Journal...
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 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health ,IJERPH, Vol. 16, Pages 4553:...
 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,IJERPH, Vol. 16, Pages 4553: Variations in the Distribution of Chl-a and Simulation Using a Multiple Regression ModelIJERPH, Vol. 16, Pages 4553: Variations in the Distribution of Chl-a and Simulation Using a Multiple Regression Model International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health doi: 10.3390/ijerph16224553 Authors: Jiancai Deng Fang Chen Weiping Hu Xin Lu Bin Xu David P. Hamilton Chlorophyll a (Chl-a) is an important...
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Some doctors unsure how to handle undocumented patients [News] Canadian Medical Association...
Some doctors unsure how to handle undocumented patients [News]Canadian Medical Association Journal - January 21, 201107:05Alarming Ontario drinking statistics obligate reappraisal of the impact of alcohol on newborns [Letters]Canadian Medical Association Journal - January 21, 201107:05Recommendation on screening adults for asymptomatic thyroid dysfunction in primary care [Guideline]Canadian Medical Association Journal - January 21, 201107:05Whats the holdup on national licensing for doctors? [News]Canadian...
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Melatonin Has Anti-Inflammatory and Metabolic Effects Your body is a complex organism requiring...
Melatonin Has Anti-Inflammatory and Metabolic EffectsYour body is a complex organism requiring quality sleep to function optimally. Your body's circadian rhythms are a combination of biological clocks regulating everything from your metabolism to psychological functioning. One sure way to cause dysregulation of your biological clock is to skimp on sleep. Although you have a master clock in your brain to synchronize bodily functions, every organ and cell has its own biological clock as well. In a...
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Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 1072: Support for the Transmission-Clearance Trade-Off Hypothesis from...
Viruses, Vol. 11, Pages 1072: Support for the Transmission-Clearance Trade-Off Hypothesis from a Study of Zika Virus Delivered by Mosquito Bite to MiceViruses, Vol. 11, Pages 1072: Support for the Transmission-Clearance Trade-Off Hypothesis from a Study of Zika Virus Delivered by Mosquito Bite to Mice Viruses doi: 10.3390/v11111072 Authors: Kathryn A. Hanley Sasha R. Azar Rafael K. Campos Nikos Vasilakis Shannan L. Rossi Evolutionary theory indicates that virus virulence is shaped by a trade-off...
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Protein-assisted RNA fragment docking (RnaX) for modeling RNA-protein interactions using ModelX....
Protein-assisted RNA fragment docking (RnaX) for modeling RNA-protein interactions using ModelX.Related ArticlesProtein-assisted RNA fragment docking (RnaX) for modeling RNA-protein interactions using ModelX. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 Nov 15;: Authors: Delgado Blanco J, Radusky LG, Cianferoni D, Serrano L Abstract RNA-protein interactions are crucial for such key biological processes as regulation of transcription, splicing, translation, and gene silencing, among many others. Knowing where an...
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Relationship between models of care and key rehabilitation milestones following unilateral transtibial...
Relationship between models of care and key rehabilitation milestones following unilateral transtibial amputation: a national cross-sectional study.Related ArticlesRelationship between models of care and key rehabilitation milestones following unilateral transtibial amputation: a national cross-sectional study. Physiotherapy. 2019 Dec;105(4):476-482 Authors: Hebenton J, Scott H, Seenan C, Davie-Smith F Abstract OBJECTIVES: To identify different models of care (MOC) post transtibial amputation (TTA)...
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Γιατί το άκουσμα κραυγών μας κάνει επιθετικούς; Ορισμένες ηχητικές συχνότητες μας προκαλούν περισσότερο...
Γιατί το άκουσμα κραυγών μας κάνει επιθετικούς;Ορισμένες ηχητικές συχνότητες μας προκαλούν περισσότερο άγχος απ' ό,τι άλλες, σύμφωνα με νέα ελβετική έρευνα. Η συγκεκριμένη έρευνα, την οποία επικαλείται η «Le Parisien», ανέλυσε τι συμβαίνει στον εγκέφαλό μας στο άκουσμα διαφορετικών ήχων. Όταν ακούμε κάποιον κοντά μας να ουρλιάζει, ταραζόμαστε και έχουμε μια αίσθηση επιθετικότητας, σαν να χτυπάει ένας συναγερμός. Τι συμβαίνει όμως πραγματικά στον εγκέφαλό μας εκείνη τη στιγμή; Οι μελετητές ανέλυσαν...
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Morphological and chemical effects of in-office and at-home desensitising agents containing sodium...
Morphological and chemical effects of in-office and at-home desensitising agents containing sodium fluoride on eroded root dentinPublication date: Available online 17 November 2019Source: Archives of Oral BiologyAuthor(s): Cristiane de Melo Alencar, Karla Lorene de França Leite, Mariangela Ivette Guanipa Ortiz, Marcela Baraúna Magno, Gustavo Miranda Rocha, Cecy Martins Silva, Lucianne Cople MaiaABSTRACTObjectiveThe aim of this study was to evaluate the morphological and chemical effect of in-office...
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Time to be inspired by our LGBT+ award winners If it's the UNISON LGBT+ conference, then it must...
Time to be inspired by our LGBT+ award winnersIf it's the UNISON LGBT+ conference, then it must be time for the annual UNISON LGBT+ recruitment awards! Sure enough, in Bournemouth this morning, Josie Bird, the union's president, was on hand to pass out this year's coveted trophies. "The presidential team continue to be amazed at how many weekends our LGBT+ members are out and about at Pride and other community events – not only at the huge prides in big cities across our nations that get media coverage,...
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Detección de meningioma en un paciente con deterioro cognitivo leve evaluado mediante <sup>11</sup>C-PIB...
Detección de meningioma en un paciente con deterioro cognitivo leve evaluado mediante <sup>11</sup>C-PIB y <sup>18</sup>F-FDG PET/TCPublication date: Available online 16 November 2019Source: Revista Española de Medicina Nuclear e Imagen MolecularAuthor(s): J.F. Jiménez-Bonilla, R. Quirce, M. De Arcocha-Torres, I. Martínez-Rodríguez, N. Martínez-Amador, I. BanzoScienceDirect Publication: Revista Española de Medicina Nuclear e Imagen MolecularSun Nov 17, 2019 13:55Papel de la...
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Ultrastructural study of adult Haemonchus contortus exposed to polyphenol-rich materials under...
Ultrastructural study of adult Haemonchus contortus exposed to polyphenol-rich materials under in vivo conditions in goatsAuthors: Cintli Martínez-Ortiz-de-Montellano, Juan Felipe de Jesús Torres-Acosta, Isabelle Fourquaux, Carlos Alfredo Sandoval-Castro and Hervé Hoste.<br />Parasite Vol. 26 , page 65<br />Published online: 18/11/2019<br /> Keywords: Ultrastructural changes ; Haemonchus contortus ; Polyphenol-rich plants ; Goats.<img src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/edp_parasite/~4/fqv58pejRco"...
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Congenital Bronchial Stenosis Presenting as Neonatal Respiratory Distress: A Case Report Publication...
Congenital Bronchial Stenosis Presenting as Neonatal Respiratory Distress: A Case ReportPublication date: Available online 16 November 2019Source: The Journal of Emergency MedicineAuthor(s): Alexander Kiener, Andrea Anderson, Anita ThomasAbstractBackgroundNeonatal respiratory distress has a broad differential that includes cardiac, pulmonary, anatomic, and infectious etiologies. Congenital stenotic lesions of the trachea and bronchus are rare and can occur anywhere along the tracheobronchial tree....
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Successful Depressor Effect Concomitant with Complete Normalization of High Renin and Aldosterone...
Successful Depressor Effect Concomitant with Complete Normalization of High Renin and Aldosterone Profile by Percutaneous Transluminal Renal Angioplasty in a Patient with Acute Exacerbated Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction.Related ArticlesSuccessful Depressor Effect Concomitant with Complete Normalization of High Renin and Aldosterone Profile by Percutaneous Transluminal Renal Angioplasty in a Patient with Acute Exacerbated Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction. Am J Case Rep....
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Cells, Vol. 8, Pages 1454: Mitochondrial Mass Assessment in a Selected Cell Line under Different...
Cells, Vol. 8, Pages 1454: Mitochondrial Mass Assessment in a Selected Cell Line under Different Metabolic ConditionsCells, Vol. 8, Pages 1454: Mitochondrial Mass Assessment in a Selected Cell Line under Different Metabolic Conditions Cells doi: 10.3390/cells8111454 Authors: Anna Costanzini Gianluca Sgarbi Alessandra Maresca Valentina Del Dotto Giancarlo Solaini Alessandra Baracca Changes of quantity and/or morphology of cell mitochondria are often associated with metabolic modulation, pathology,...
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Teeth extraction revealing mandibular IgA-multiple myeloma recurrence. Related ArticlesTeeth extraction...
Teeth extraction revealing mandibular IgA-multiple myeloma recurrence.Related ArticlesTeeth extraction revealing mandibular IgA-multiple myeloma recurrence. Oral Oncol. 2019 Nov 12;:104456 Authors: Handra-Luca A PMID: 31732422 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]pubmed: "oral oncol"[jour]Sun Nov 17, 2019 18:02health technology; +109 new citations109 new pubmed citations were retrieved for your search. Click on the search hyperlink below to display the complete search results: health technology These...
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3D printed microfluidic devices for circulating tumor cells (CTCs) isolation In this study, we...
3D printed microfluidic devices for circulating tumor cells (CTCs) isolationIn this study, we report a novel 3D printed microfluidic device functionalized with anti-EpCAM (epithelial cell adhesion molecule) antibodies to isolate CTCs from human blood samples. A 3D printing technology was utilized with specially designed interior structures to fabricate a microfluidic device with high surface area and fluid flow manipulation, increasing the capture efficiency of tumor cells. These devices with the...
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Updating the risk profile of fatal head trauma: an autopsy study with focus on age- and sex-dependent...
Updating the risk profile of fatal head trauma: an autopsy study with focus on age- and sex-dependent differencesAbstract Fatal head trauma (FHT) represents one of the most frequent causes of death diagnosed in forensic pathology. However, profound statistic autopsy data on FHT is still sparse. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the circumstances and injury patterns of FHT with particular focus on age and sex, and additionally, to describe a recent risk profile of FHT. To this...
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Achieving the Lowest Effective Antipsychotic Dose for Patients with Remitted Psychosis: A Proposed...
Achieving the Lowest Effective Antipsychotic Dose for Patients with Remitted Psychosis: A Proposed Guided Dose-Reduction AlgorithmAbstract Continuing antipsychotic treatment in patients with schizophrenia under clinical remission remains controversial. Even though the mainstream opinion declares an outweighed balance against medication discontinuation, recent reviews and critiques suggest that some patients may remain symptom free and well functioning after stopping antipsychotics, but few predictors...
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 JoVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments Label-Free Immunoprecipitation Mass Spectrometry Workflow...
 JoVE: Journal of Visualized ExperimentsLabel-Free Immunoprecipitation Mass Spectrometry Workflow for Large-scale Nuclear Interactome ProfilingDescribed is a proteomics workflow for identifying protein interaction partners from a nuclear subcellular fraction using immunoaffinity enrichment of a given protein of interest and label-free mass spectrometry. The workflow includes subcellular fractionation, immunoprecipitation, filter aided sample preparation, offline cleanup, mass spectrometry, and a...
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 pubmed: "j acad nutr diet"[j... Ratios of Food Amounts across Three Portion Size Categories...
 pubmed: "j acad nutr diet"[j...Ratios of Food Amounts across Three Portion Size Categories on a Food Frequency Questionnaire in Men and Women.Related ArticlesRatios of Food Amounts across Three Portion Size Categories on a Food Frequency Questionnaire in Men and Women. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2019 Nov 12;: Authors: Kang M, Park SY, Boushey CJ, Wilkens LR, Le Marchand L, Kolonel LN, Murphy SP, Paik HY Abstract BACKGROUND: For some quantitative food frequency questionnaire (QFFQ) items, data may be insufficient...
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 Oncology Vitamin D and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Is There a Link? Related ArticlesVitamin...
 OncologyVitamin D and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Is There a Link?Related ArticlesVitamin D and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Is There a Link? Antioxidants (Basel). 2019 Oct 25;8(11): Authors: Rizzo G, Garzon S, Fichera M, Panella MM, Catena U, Schiattarella A, de Franciscis P, Vilos G, Tesarik J, Török P, Grosso G Abstract Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a very common condition among pregnant women worldwide with important metabolic implications on the mother and the offspring. Vitamin...
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 Head and Neck Alleviation of dry mouth by saliva substitutes improved swallowing ability and...
 Head and NeckAlleviation of dry mouth by saliva substitutes improved swallowing ability and clinical nutritional status of post-radiotherapy head and neck cancer patients: a randomized controlled trial.Related ArticlesAlleviation of dry mouth by saliva substitutes improved swallowing ability and clinical nutritional status of post-radiotherapy head and neck cancer patients: a randomized controlled trial. Support Care Cancer. 2019 Nov 15;: Authors: Nuchit S, Lam-Ubol A, Paemuang W, Talungchit S,...
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 Journal of Internal Medicine A global epidemic increase of an HPV induced tonsil and tongue‐base...
 Journal of Internal MedicineA global epidemic increase of an HPV induced tonsil and tongue‐base cancer – potential benefit from a pan‐gender use of HPV vaccineAbstract In 2007, human papillomavirus (HPV) type 16 was finally recognized as a risk factor, besides smoking and alcohol, for oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC), including tonsillar squamous cell carcinoma (TSCC), by the International Agency for Research against Cancer. Just before, in 2006, the Food and Drug Administration had...
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Biomolecules, Vol. 9, Pages 744: The Effect of the Addition of Blue Honeysuckle Berry Juice to...
Biomolecules, Vol. 9, Pages 744: The Effect of the Addition of Blue Honeysuckle Berry Juice to Apple Juice on the Selected Quality Characteristics, Anthocyanin Stability, and Antioxidant PropertiesBiomolecules, Vol. 9, Pages 744: The Effect of the Addition of Blue Honeysuckle Berry Juice to Apple Juice on the Selected Quality Characteristics, Anthocyanin Stability, and Antioxidant Properties Biomolecules doi: 10.3390/biom9110744 Authors: Grobelna Kalisz Kieliszek Apple juice is rich in phenolic compounds...
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Head Coach Changes in Women's College Soccer: An Investigation of Women Coaches Through the Lenses...
Head Coach Changes in Women's College Soccer: An Investigation of Women Coaches Through the Lenses of Gender Stereotypes and the Glass CliffAbstractWomen are underrepresented in leadership positions in sport, including coaching. In the present study of women's college soccer in the United States, the authors examine the relationship between team performance and coaching changes through the lenses of gender stereotypes, role congruity theory, and the glass cliff theory. The authors collected 11 seasons...
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Contrary to Marine Environments, Common Microplastics in Freshwater Systems May Not Emit Dimethyl Sulfide:...
Contrary to Marine Environments, Common Microplastics in Freshwater Systems May Not Emit Dimethyl Sulfide: An Important InfochemicalAbstractThe ingestion of microplastics by marine species has been at least partially attributed to plastics emitting a dimethyl sulfide signature when exposed to marine conditions. Dimethyl sulfide, a member of the volatile organic sulfur compounds group, is an infochemical that many species rely on to locate and identify prey while foraging. Microplastic ingestion is...
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First reports of adverse drug reactions Acknowledgement to referees Vitamin D with calcium supplements:...
First reports of adverse drug reactionsAcknowledgement to refereesVitamin D with calcium supplements: a new hope for the treatment of dengue infectionCorrection to: Insulin glargine/lixisenatide in type 2 diabetes: a profile of its useThe article Insulin glargine/lixisenatide in type 2 diabetes: a profile of its use, written by Emma Deeks, was originally published Online First without Open Access.Adverse events and monitoring requirements associated with monoclonal antibody therapy in patients with...
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Re-disciplining Academic Careers? Interdisciplinary Practice and Career Development in a Swedish Environmental...
Re-disciplining Academic Careers? Interdisciplinary Practice and Career Development in a Swedish Environmental Sciences Research CenterAbstractInterdisciplinarity is often framed as crucial for addressing the complex problems of contemporary society and for achieving new levels of innovation. But while science policy and institutions have provided a variety of incentives for stimulating interdisciplinary work throughout Europe, there is also growing evidence that some aspects of the academic system...
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 A Budget Impact and Cost Per Additional Responder Analysis for Baricitinib for the Treatment of Moderate-to-Severe...
 A Budget Impact and Cost Per Additional Responder Analysis for Baricitinib for the Treatment of Moderate-to-Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis in Patients with an Inadequate Response to Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitors in the USADue to a single error in the annual cost of sarilumab the following needs to be corrected in the article.Development and Validation of the TRansparent Uncertainty ASsessmenT (TRUST) Tool for Assessing Uncertainties in Health Economic Decision ModelsAbstractBackgroundAn increasing...
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Landscape context differentially drives diet breadth for two key pollinator species Abstract An animal's...
Landscape context differentially drives diet breadth for two key pollinator speciesAbstractAn animal's diet contributes to its survival and reproduction. Variation in diet can alter the structure of community-level consumer-resource networks, with implications for ecological function. However, much remains unknown about the underlying drivers of diet breadth. Here we use a network approach to understand how consumer diet changes in response to local and landscape context and how these patterns compare...
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Carcinoma Cuniculatum of the Alveolar Mucosa: A Rare Variant of Squamous Cell Carcinoma Abstract Carcinoma...
Carcinoma Cuniculatum of the Alveolar Mucosa: A Rare Variant of Squamous Cell CarcinomaAbstractCarcinoma cuniculatum is one of the variants of squamous cell carcinoma. It is significantly rare with an incidence rate < 1% compared to other histological variants of squamous cell carcinoma. Various etiologic factors implicated are trauma, HPV, chronic inflammation and alcohol consumption but real causative agent still remains unclear. Initially it resembles plantar wart which slowly progress to bulky...
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A statistical model for activation of Factor C by binding to LPS aggregates Abstract Published data...
A statistical model for activation of Factor C by binding to LPS aggregatesAbstractPublished data on Factor C activity at various LPS and Lipid A concentrations (Nakamura et al. in Eur J Biochem 176:89, 1988; Kobayashi et al. in J Biol Chem 37:25987, 2014) were rearranged to show that Factor C exhibited its maximum activity at a specific concentration of LPS. A statistical model was proposed for examining whether a single LPS molecule binding activates Factor C (monomeric activation) or dimerization...
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Synthesis of Novel Blue and Green Light Emitting 4-Nitrophenol Luminophors for Optoelectronics Abstract...
Synthesis of Novel Blue and Green Light Emitting 4-Nitrophenol Luminophors for OptoelectronicsAbstractThe number of anthracene (AN) and anthracene-tetracene (AN-TN) doped 4-nitrophenol (4-NP) luminophors (AN/4-NP and AN-TN/4-NP) were prepared at different proportion by conventional technique called solid state reaction. Excitation energy transfer was observed by fluorescence spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry. 4-NP acts as an outstanding light emitting matrix. The effect of the donor emission was...
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Embedding Young Children's Participation Rights into Research: How the Interactive Narrative Approach...
Embedding Young Children's Participation Rights into Research: How the Interactive Narrative Approach Enhances Meaningful ParticipationAbstractThis research explored how young children's research participation can be enhanced when an interactive narrative approach is embedded within research to enhance children's consent to participation and their understanding of the research process. The context for this research was a 1-h, science outreach programme delivered into Australian playgroups. An interactive...
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Design, synthesis, molecular docking, antimicrobial, and antioxidant activities of new phenylsulfamoyl...
Design, synthesis, molecular docking, antimicrobial, and antioxidant activities of new phenylsulfamoyl carboxylic acids of pharmacological interestAbstractsThe research explores the facile synthesis of some new phenylsulfamoyl carboxylic acids, their molecular docking, antimicrobial, and antioxidant activities. The procedure involved the mild reaction of amino acids with benzenesulfonyl chloride in a medium of aqueous base. The compounds were characterized using FTIR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, and an elemental...
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Incidence of Thromboembolic Events in Oncology Patients Receiving Intraoperative Tranexamic Acid During...
Incidence of Thromboembolic Events in Oncology Patients Receiving Intraoperative Tranexamic Acid During Orthopedic Surgery: A Retrospective Review at a Comprehensive Cancer CenterDespite an abundance of evidence, routine perioperative antifibrinolytics have been avoided in oncology patients due to concern of thrombosis when given to patients with a preexisting hypercoagulable state. We present a retrospective review of 104 patients with an oncologic diagnosis who received intraoperative tranexamic...
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Impact of Preoperative Acetaminophen and Carbohydrate Loading on Pain and Functional Status in Patients...
Impact of Preoperative Acetaminophen and Carbohydrate Loading on Pain and Functional Status in Patients Undergoing Mohs Micrographic Surgery for Nonmelanoma Skin CancersBACKGROUND Preoperative acetaminophen and carbohydrate loading has been shown to improve the functional recovery of surgical patients. OBJECTIVE To determine the effects of preoperative acetaminophen and carbohydrates on functional outcomes and the use of pain medications after surgery in patients undergoing Mohs Micrographic Surgery...
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Functional Regulation of Ginsenosides on Myeloid Immunosuppressive Cells in the Tumor Microenvironment,...
Functional Regulation of Ginsenosides on Myeloid Immunosuppressive Cells in the Tumor Microenvironment,Yanfei Zhang, MS, Zhidong Qiu, PhD, Ye Qiu, PhD, Ting Su, MS, Peng Qu, PhD, Ailing Jia, PhDFirst Published November 15, 2019 Review Articlehttps://doi.org/10.1177/1534735419886655Article informationArticle has an altmetric score of 1 Open Access Creative Commons Attribution, Non Commercial 4.0 LicenseAbstractGinsenosides, the key components isolated from ginseng, have been extensively studied in...
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Thyroid scintigraphy differentiates subtypes of congenital hypothyroidism, Chris Worth1, Beverly Hird2,...
Thyroid scintigraphy differentiates subtypes of congenital hypothyroidism,Chris Worth1, Beverly Hird2, Lesley Tetlow2, Neville Wright3, Leena Patel1, Indraneel Banerjee1Author affiliationsDepartment of Paediatric Endocrinology, Royal Manchester Children's Hospital, Manchester, UKDepartment of Clinical Biochemistry, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, UKDepartment of Paediatric Radiology, Royal Manchester Children's Hospital, Manchester, UKCorrespondence toDr Chris Worth, Department...
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Life-threatening hypersensitivity pneumonitis secondary to e-cigarettes , Nisha Nair1, Matthew...
Life-threatening hypersensitivity pneumonitis secondary to e-cigarettes ,Nisha Nair1, Matthew Hurley2, Simon Gates1, Patrick Davies3, I-Ling Chen4, Ian Todd4, Lucy Fairclough4, Andrew Bush5, Jayesh Mahendra Bhatt2Author affiliationsDepartment of Paediatric Respiratory Medicine, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Nottingham, UKDepartment of Paediatric Critical Care, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Nottingham, UKAcademic Immunology, School of Life Sciences, University of Nottingham...
www Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Pancreatitis in a child: a challenging diagnosis, Graham King1, Emer O'Toole1, Kevin O'Hare2, Barbara...
Pancreatitis in a child: a challenging diagnosis,Graham King1, Emer O'Toole1, Kevin O'Hare2, Barbara M. Ryan3, Basil Elnazir4, Shoana Quinn1Author affiliationsPaediatric Gastroenterology, Children's Health Ireland at Tallaght, Dublin, IrelandPathology, Tallaght University Hospital, Dublin, IrelandAdult Gastroenterology, Tallaght University Hospital, Dublin, IrelandGeneral Paediatrics, Children's Health Ireland at Tallaght, Dublin, IrelandCorrespondence toDr Graham King, Paediatric Gastroenterology...
www Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
High Prevalence of Food Insecurity and Factors Associated with Haitian Immigrants in Southern Chile...
High Prevalence of Food Insecurity and Factors Associated with Haitian Immigrants in Southern ChileAbstractThe objective was to determine the association between sociodemographic factors and food insecurity (FI) in Haitian immigrants in southern Chile. An analytical cross-sectional design was used. The sample consisted of Haitian immigrants residing in Southern Chile, who were recruited from community centers and completed a sociodemographic questionnaire and the Latin-American and Caribbean Food...
www Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης
Entomological Data and Detection of West Nile Virus in Mosquitoes in Greece (2014–2016), Before Disease...
Entomological Data and Detection of West Nile Virus in Mosquitoes in Greece (2014–2016), Before Disease Re-Emergence in 2017Eleni Patsoula, Stavroula Beleri, Nikolaos Tegos, Rima Mkrtsian, Annita Vakali, and Danai PervanidouVector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, Ahead of PrintAbstract | Full Text | PDF (1091 KB) | PDF Plus (486 KB)Effect of Wortmannilactone F on Trichinella spiralis Enteral in MiceYuanhua Qin, Yixin Ren, Cen Yi, Nawila Chileshe, Yufeng Chen, Lili Zheng, Xiaodong Dai, Yuesheng Dong,...
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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com, Telephone consultation 11855 int 1193,
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 615: Efficient Delivery of Therapeutic siRNA by Fe3O4 Magnetic Nanoparticles...Pharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 615: Efficient Delivery of Therapeutic siRNA by Fe3O4 Magnetic Nanoparticles into Oral Cancer CellsPharmaceutics, Vol. 11, Pages 615: Efficient Delivery of Therapeutic siRNA by Fe3O4 Magnetic Nanoparticles into Oral Cancer Cells Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics11110615 Authors: Lili Jin Qiuyu Wang Jiayu Chen Zixiang Wang Hongchuan Xin Dianbao Zhang The...
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Sun Nov 17, 2019 12:40

Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου
