Κυριακή 22 Μαΐου 2022

Sofosbuvir‐based Therapy for Late Pregnant Women and Infant with Severe Chronic Hepatitis C: A Case Series Study

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Data on sofosbuvir-based therapy for pregnant women and infant with severe chronic hepatitis C (CHC) are lacking. Two late pregnant women and one female infant with severe CHC were enrolled for treatment. Pregnant women 1 and 2 and infant 3 were 30, 33, and 1.2 years old, respectively; the gestational ages of pregnant women 1 and 2 were 31 and 26 weeks, respectively. Notably, pregnant women 1 and 2 and infant 3 had hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA levels of 139000, 198000, and 8450000 IU/ml; alanine aminotransferase levels of 420, 781, and 220 U/L; and received sofosbuvir/ledipasvir, sofosbuvir/velpatasvir, and sofosbuvir/ledipasvir for 12 weeks, respectively. All three patients were safely cured with favorable tolerance, and two newborns were both breastfeeding and were consistently negative for the anti-HCV antibody during the one-year follow-up after birth. Additionally, two newborns and infant 3 had normal growth parameters during the follow-up year one. In c onclusion, this case series study found that sofosbuvir-based therapy for pregnant women and infant with severe CHC is safe and effective. The data may fill the gap and provide evidence of the use of sofosbuvir-based therapy as a reference when similar severe CHC situations are encountered during clinical practice.

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Activation of the mitogen‐activated protein kinase–extracellular signal‐regulated kinase pathway in childhood B‐cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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RAS mutations are frequently observed in childhood B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) and previous studies have yielded conflicting results as to whether they are associated with a poor outcome. We and others have demonstrated that the mitogen-activated protein kinase–extracellular signal-regulated kinase (MAPK) pathway can be activated through epigenetic mechanisms in the absence of RAS pathway mutations. Herein, we examined whether MAPK activation, as determined by measuring phosphorylated extracellular signal-regulated kinase (pERK) levels in 80 diagnostic patient samples using phosphoflow cytometry, could be used as a prognostic biomarker for pediatric B-ALL. The mean fluorescence intensity of pERK (MFI) was measured at baseline and after exogenous stimulation with or without pretreatment with the mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK) inhibitor trametinib. Activation levels (MFI stimulated/MFI baseline) ranged from 0.76 to 4.40 (median =&n bsp;1.26), and inhibition indexes (MFI stimulated/MFI trametinib stimulated) ranged from 0.439 to 5.640 (median = 1.30), with no significant difference between patients with wildtype versus mutant RAS for either. Logistic regression demonstrated that neither MAPK activation levels nor RAS mutation status at diagnosis alone or in combination was prognostic of outcome. However, 35% of RAS wildtype samples showed MAPK inhibition indexes greater than the median, thus raising the possibility that therapeutic strategies to inhibit MAPK activation may not be restricted to patients whose blasts display Ras pathway defects.

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No effect of dual exposure to sulfoxaflor and a trypanosome parasite on bumblebee olfactory learning

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Application of an Environmental Monitoring to Assess the Practices and Control the Risk of Occupational Exposure to Cyclophosphamide in Two Sites of a French Comprehensive Cancer Center

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The risk of chronic exposure to antineoplastic agents in hospitals, mainly by skin contact with contaminated surfaces, is well established. The aim of this study was to assess indirectly the risk of occupational exposure to antineoplastics drugs at two hospitals by using an environmental monitoring, and to suggest ways of improving the exposure to healthcare workers.
An observational study of care practices on both sites was carried out. A wipe sampling campaign was then designed to study environmental contamination throughout the chemotherapy process: receipt, storage, compounding, transport, administration, and elimination areas. Samples were analyzed by a validated LC-MS/MS method allowing trace quantification of cyclophosphamide. A guidance 'safe value' of 0.10 ng/cm2 was considered.
A total of 293 samples were analyzed, of which 58% were found to be positive. In the compou nding units, the drug vials were contaminated before [range = (non-quantifiable [NQ]-0.71) ng/cm2] and after cleaning procedure [(NQ-0.62) ng/cm2], particularly when the flip-off lid was removed during cleaning. The contamination found on manual preparations was operator-dependent: [non-detectable (ND)-3.51] ng/cm2 on infusion bag surfaces; (780.61–24 698.98) ng/cm2 on medication ports. In the case of automated preparations, the average contamination was higher on infusion bag surfaces [(2.43–36.86) ng/cm2] and lower on medication ports [(0.43–7.65) ng/cm2] than manual preparations. Contamination of the analytical control area was also highlighted. In the daily care unit, the contamination was located near the infusion area (armchairs, infusion stands, floor, and patient toilets), and varied somewhat between the two sites, especially on the floor with (0.46–27.32) compared to (ND-0.18) ng/cm2. We di d not detect contamination on the transport boxes, on the door handles or in the disposal areas.
The variability of contamination observed between the two sites can be explained in part by the difference in routine practices, especially training of the staff, and cleaning procedures. Findings were communicated to healthcare workers, and news interventions were implemented based on wipe sampling results. This study demonstrated a method for routine environmental monitoring and worker education as a strategy to reduce occupational exposure.
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Diagnostic potential of extracellular vesicles in meningioma patients

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Extracellular vesicles (EVs) play an important role in cell-cell communication, and tumor-derived EVs circulating in patient blood can serve as biomarkers. Here, we investigated the potential role of plasma EVs in meningioma patients for tumor detection and determined whether EVs secreted by meningioma cells reflect epigenetic, genomic and proteomic alterations of original tumors.
EV concentrations were quantified in patient plasma (n = 46). Short-term meningioma cultures were established (n = 26) and secreted EVs were isolated. Methylation and copy number profiling was performed using 850k arrays, and mutations were identified by targeted gene panel sequencing. Differential quantitative mass spectrometry was employed for proteomic analysis.
Levels of circulating EVs were elevated in meningioma patients compared to healthy individuals, and the plasma EV concentration correlated with malignanc y grade and extent of peritumoral edema. Postoperatively, EV counts dropped to normal levels, and the magnitude of the postoperative decrease was associated with extent of tumor resection. Methylation profiling of EV-DNA allowed correct tumor classification as meningioma in all investigated cases, and accurate methylation subclass assignment in almost all cases. Copy number variations present in tumors, as well as tumor-specific mutations were faithfully reflected in meningioma EV-DNA. Proteomic EV profiling did not permit original tumor identification but revealed tumor-associated proteins that could potentially be utilized to enrich meningioma EVs from biofluids.
Elevated EV levels in meningioma patient plasma could aid in tumor diagnosis and assessment of treatment response. Meningioma EV-DNA mirrors genetic and epigenetic tumor alterations and facilitates molecular tumor classification.
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Characteristics of Children ≤36 Months of Age with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG): A Report from the International DIPG Registry

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Children ≤36 months with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG) have increased long-term survival (LTS, overall survival (OS) ≥24 months). Understanding distinguishing characteristics in this population is critical to improving outcomes.
Patients ≤36 months at diagnosis enrolled on the International DIPG Registry (IDIPGR) with central imaging confirmation were included. Presentation, clinical course, imaging, pathology and molecular findings were analyzed.
Among 1183 patients in IDIPGR, 40 were eligible (median age: 29 months). Median OS was 15 months. Twelve patients (30%) were LTS, 3 (7.5%) very long-term survivors ≥ 5 years. Among 8 untreated patients, median OS was 2 months. Patients enrolled in the registry but excluded from our study by central radiology review or tissue diagnosis had median OS of 7 months. All but 1 LTS received radiation. Among 32 treated patients, 1-, 2-, 3 -, and 5-year OS rates were 68.8%, 31.2%, 15.6% and 12.5%, respectively. LTS had longer duration of presenting symptoms (p=0.018). No imaging features were predictive of outcome. Tissue and genomic data were available in 18 (45%) and 10 patients, respectively. Among 9 with known H3K27M status, 6 had a mutation.
Children ≤36 months demonstrated significantly more LTS, with an improved median OS of 15 months; 92% of LTS received radiation. Median OS in untreated children was 2 months, compared to 17 months for treated children. LTS had longer duration of symptoms. Excluded patients demonstrated a lower OS, contradicting the hypothesis that children ≤36 months with DIPG show improved outcomes due to misdiagnosis.
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Outcomes of carotid sparing intensity‐modulated radiotherapy for early stage glottic cancer in 201 patients: Multicenter study of Turkish Radiation Oncology Society/TROD‐01‐007

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To assess and report clinical outcomes after carotid sparing intensity-modulated radiotherapy for early stage laryngeal cancer.


We retrospectively analyzed 201 patients with early stage glottic laryngeal cancer treated with carotid sparing intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT)/volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) techniques in six TROD centers.


After a median follow-up of 31 months the actuarial 1- and 3-year local and locoregional control rates were 99.4% and 94.7%, 98.4% and 93%, respectively. T classification, anterior commissure involvement, IMRT technique, and type of fractionation were not found to be prognostic for local control. Overall, eight patients had lost their organ function due to recurrence or toxicity. Grade 3 and 4 acute laryngeal edema was seen in eight (4%) and one (0.5%) of patients, respectively. Grade 3 and 4 late laryngeal edema developed in two (1%) and one patient (0.5%), respectively.


Oncologic outcomes of patients treated with carotid sparing IMRT were excellent; comparable with historical series, with acceptable side effects. Longer follow-up is needed to estimate long term effect on stroke.

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Infectious complications in acute graft‐versus‐host disease after Liver transplantation

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: Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) following liver transplantation (LT) is rare but can lead to significant mortality. The leading cause of death following GVHD diagnosis is infectious complications. However, there is a lack of clear descriptions concerning infection and antimicrobial management patterns. Our study aims to provide the focused details of all infectious complications of acute GVHD following LT.


: We retrospectively reviewed all adult LT recipients with acute GVHD at Mayo Clinic's Transplant Centers from January 1, 2010, to December 31, 2021. Detailed characteristics of infection in each case were described.


: Among 4,585 LTs performed during this period, 12 (0.3%) patients developed acute GVHD. The median time from transplantation to GVHD diagnosis was 49.0 days [IQR 31.5-99.0]. Ten (83.3%) patients developed severe infections leading to mortality. The most common cause of infection was nosocomial bacteremia from enteric bacteria such as vancomycin-resistant enterococci and gram-negative bacilli. Other infections included breakthrough invasive fungal infections, cytomegalovirus (CMV) reactivation, and Clostridioides difficile colitis. Antimicrobial prophylaxis strategies in most cases were based on the degree of neutropenia – these include levofloxacin for bacterial prophylaxis, nebulized pentamidine for Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia prophylaxis, posaconazole for invasive fungal prophylaxis, and valganciclovir based on CMV status. All GVHD patients with severe infections succumbed to these complications.


: Our study reiterates that despite prophylaxis, infectious complications in GVHD following LT are common and lead to exceptionally high mortality. Individualized antimicrobial treatment, prophylaxis and monitoring strategies remain a critical component of GVHD management. Further study to optimize these practices is required.

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Association of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, radiotherapy fractionation/technique, and risk of development of distant metastasis among patients with locally advanced rectal cancer

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We investigated the prognostic impact of the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer (LARC) and whether modifiable factors in radiotherapy (RT) influenced the NLR.
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Ralstonia pickettii and Pseudomonas aeruginosa Bloodstream Infections Associated with Contaminated Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Water Heater Devices

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We report on probable factory-based contamination of portable water heaters with waterborne pathogens and two bloodstream infections potentially attributable to off-label use of these water heaters to warm extracorporeal membrane oxygenation circuits. Great caution is warranted when using water-based devices to care for critically ill patients.
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