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Πέμπτη 1 Οκτωβρίου 2020

Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis

Retinoblastoma and Enucleation in Pediatric Patients.
An Overview of Retinoblastoma and Enucleation in Pediatric Patients.: Related ArticlesAn Overview of Retinoblastoma and Enucleation in Pediatric Patients.AORN J. 2020 01;111(1):69-79Authors: Leclerc R, Olin JAbstract Retinoblastoma is a rare malignancy of the eye affecting children, most commonly four years old and younger. Although chemotherapy and radiation treatment aim to spare the eye, in some cases, enucleation (ie, removal of the eye) is required to prevent cancer metastases or recurrence....
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor
Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor: A demographic, clinical and therapeutic study of 92 cases.: Related ArticlesInflammatory myofibroblastic tumor: A demographic, clinical and therapeutic study of 92 cases.Math Biosci Eng. 2019 07 26;16(6):6794-6804Authors: Fu GX, Xu CC, Yao NF, Gu JZ, Jiang HL, Han XFAbstract PURPOSE: Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors (IMT) was a rare kind of tumor defined by WHO since 2012. Little was known about this disease. There were controversies about IMT's behavior,...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Filar cysts in rare cases may progress in size, particularly when associated with filar lipoma.Filar cysts (FCs) are detected incidentally on ultrasonography (US) of the neonatal spine
Filar cysts in rare cases may progress in size, particularly when associated with filar lipoma.: Related ArticlesFilar cysts in rare cases may progress in size, particularly when associated with filar lipoma.Childs Nerv Syst. 2019 07;35(7):1207-1211Authors: Seo K, Oguma H, Furukawa R, Gomi AAbstract PURPOSE: Filar cysts (FCs) are detected incidentally on ultrasonography (US) of the neonatal spine. Their clinical significance has not been widely discussed in the literature because FCs are...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Intracranial arterial dolichoectasia and skull damage in a girl with Jaffe-Campanacci syndrome: Jaffe-Campanacci is a rare syndrome characterised by axillary freckles, multiple non-ossifying fibromas of the long bones and jaw, and café-au-lait spots, associated with some features of neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1).
Intracranial arterial dolichoectasia and skull damage in a girl with Jaffe-Campanacci syndrome: a case report.: Related ArticlesIntracranial arterial dolichoectasia and skull damage in a girl with Jaffe-Campanacci syndrome: a case report.Childs Nerv Syst. 2019 06;35(6):1051-1054Authors: Han Y, Wang HAbstract ᅟJaffe-Campanacci is a rare syndrome characterised by axillary freckles, multiple non-ossifying fibromas of the long bones and jaw, and café-au-lait spots, associated with some features...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Pediatric intracranial lower cranial nerve schwannoma unassociated with neurofibromatosis type 2
Pediatric intracranial lower cranial nerve schwannoma unassociated with neurofibromatosis type 2: case report and review of the literature.: Related ArticlesPediatric intracranial lower cranial nerve schwannoma unassociated with neurofibromatosis type 2: case report and review of the literature.Childs Nerv Syst. 2019 06;35(6):1041-1044Authors: Hirokawa D, Usami K, Hong S, Ogiwara HAbstract INTRODUCTION: Pediatric schwannomas are rare, and most of them are associated with neurofibromatosis...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Medulloepithelioma with heterologous osteoid component
Medulloepithelioma with heterologous osteoid component: a case report and review of literature.: Related ArticlesMedulloepithelioma with heterologous osteoid component: a case report and review of literature.Childs Nerv Syst. 2019 06;35(6):1035-1039Authors: Omari Y, Karkash AA, Mansour RA, Amayiri N, Swaidan M, Al-Hussaini MAbstract PURPOSE: Medulloepithelioma is a rare brain tumor that has been classified as embryonal tumor with multilayered rosettes (ETMR) if it harbors C19MC amplification....
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Obstructive sleep apnea in patients with diabetes less than 40 years of age.
Obstructive sleep apnea in patients with diabetes less than 40 years of age.: Obstructive sleep apnea in patients with diabetes less than 40 years of age.Diabetes Metab Syndr. 2020 Sep 10;14(6):1859-1863Authors: Soontornrungsun B, Khamsai S, Sawunyavisuth B, Limpawattana P, Chindaprasirt J, Senthong V, Chotmongkol V, Sawanyawisuth KAbstract BACKGROUND AND AIM: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is known to be associated with diabetes mellitus (DM). Age is factor associated with different clinical...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Evaluation of Macular Thickness and Visual Pathways Using Optic Coherence Tomography and Pattern Visual Evoked Potential in Different Clinical Stages of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome.
Evaluation of Macular Thickness and Visual Pathways Using Optic Coherence Tomography and Pattern Visual Evoked Potential in Different Clinical Stages of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome.: Evaluation of Macular Thickness and Visual Pathways Using Optic Coherence Tomography and Pattern Visual Evoked Potential in Different Clinical Stages of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome.Int J Neurosci. 2020 Sep 29;:1-17Authors: Kısabay Ak A, Batum M, Göktalay T, Mayali H, Kurt E, Selçuki D, Yilmaz HAbstract ...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Links between obstructive sleep apnea and glaucoma neurodegeneration.
Links between obstructive sleep apnea and glaucoma neurodegeneration.: Links between obstructive sleep apnea and glaucoma neurodegeneration.Prog Brain Res. 2020;257:19-36Authors: Cesareo M, Giannini C, Martucci A, Di Marino M, Pocobelli G, Aiello F, Mancino R, Nucci CAbstract In the last few years, the possible link between obstructive sleep apnea (OSAS) and glaucoma, has attracted the interest of many scientists, especially in those forms of primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) and normal...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
CPAP interface selection.
Development of a smart-fit system for CPAP interface selection.: Development of a smart-fit system for CPAP interface selection.Proc Inst Mech Eng H. 2020 Sep 28;:954411920959879Authors: Ma Z, Hyde P, Drinnan M, Munguia JAbstract Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy is commonly prescribed for longstanding, acute cases of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) during which patients must wear a tight-fitting breathing mask overnight for the duration of the treatment. Because this condition...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Polysomnographic Outcomes After Observation for Mild Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children Younger Than 3 Years.
Polysomnographic Outcomes After Observation for Mild Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children Younger Than 3 Years.: Polysomnographic Outcomes After Observation for Mild Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Children Younger Than 3 Years.Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 Sep 29;:194599820954383Authors: Sarber KM, von Allmen DC, Tikhtman R, Howard J, Simakajornboon N, Yu W, Smith DF, Ishman SLAbstract OBJECTIVE: Mild obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), particularly in young children, is often treated with observation....
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Patent foramen ovale in various cerebrovascular diseases caused by obstructive sleep apnea
[The role of patent foramen ovale in various cerebrovascular diseases caused by obstructive sleep apnea].: [The role of patent foramen ovale in various cerebrovascular diseases caused by obstructive sleep apnea].Zhonghua Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2020 Sep 29;100(36):2808-2812Authors: He QYPMID: 32988140 [PubMed - in process]Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO)Adapted from "Holes in the Heart," Stroke Connection Magazine, January/February 2011https://www.heart.org/en/health-topics/congenital-heart-defects/about-congenital-heart-defects/patent-foramen-ovale-pfoA...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Clinical FLASH Radiotherapy System: Pediatric Whole Brain Irradiation with 40 MeV Electrons at FLASH Dose Rates.
Initial Steps Towards a Clinical FLASH Radiotherapy System: Pediatric Whole Brain Irradiation with 40 MeV Electrons at FLASH Dose Rates.: Initial Steps Towards a Clinical FLASH Radiotherapy System: Pediatric Whole Brain Irradiation with 40 MeV Electrons at FLASH Dose Rates.Radiat Res. 2020 Sep 29;:Authors: Breitkreutz DY, Shumail M, Bush KK, Tantawi SG, Maxim PG, Loo BWAbstract In this work, we investigated the delivery of a clinically acceptable pediatric whole brain radiotherapy plan at...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Treatment of rheumatic immune-related adverse events due to cancer immunotherapy with immune checkpoint inhibitors-is it time for a paradigm shift?
Treatment of rheumatic immune-related adverse events due to cancer immunotherapy with immune checkpoint inhibitors-is it time for a paradigm shift?: Treatment of rheumatic immune-related adverse events due to cancer immunotherapy with immune checkpoint inhibitors-is it time for a paradigm shift?Clin Rheumatol. 2020 Sep 28;:Authors: Chatzidionysiou K, Liapi M, Tsakonas G, Gunnarsson I, Catrina AAbstract Immunotherapy has revolutionized cancer treatment during the last years. Several monoclonal...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
In vitro evaluation of the metabolic enzymes and drug interaction potential of triapine.: In vitro evaluation of the metabolic enzymes and drug interaction potential of triapine.Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2020 Sep 28;:Authors: Joshi A, Kiesel BF, Chaphekar N, Jones R, Guo J, Kunos CA, Taylor S, Chu E, Venkataramanan R, Beumer JHAbstract PURPOSE: To investigate the metabolic pathways of triapine in primary cultures of human hepatocytes and human hepatic subcellular fractions; to investigate...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Localized Extra-pulmonary Small Cell Carcinoma (EPSC) of the Esophagus
First Reported Case of Localized Extra-pulmonary Small Cell Carcinoma (EPSC) of the Esophagus Treated With Triple Therapy.: First Reported Case of Localized Extra-pulmonary Small Cell Carcinoma (EPSC) of the Esophagus Treated With Triple Therapy.Anticancer Res. 2020 Oct;40(10):5919-5923Authors: Haag A, Jayakrishnan T, Shah D, Sandhu A, Monga DAbstract BACKGROUND/AIM: Early stage extra-pulmonary small cell carcinoma (EPSC) of the esophagus is very rare and is usually treated with chemo-radiation...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Obesity on voriconazole pharmacokinetics
Impact of obesity on voriconazole pharmacokinetics among pediatric hematopoietic cell transplant recipients.: Impact of obesity on voriconazole pharmacokinetics among pediatric hematopoietic cell transplant recipients.Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2020 Sep 28;:Authors: Takahashi T, Smith AR, Jacobson PA, Fisher J, Rubin NT, Kirstein MNAbstract BACKGROUND: Voriconazole (VCZ) is an antifungal agent with wide inter- and intra- patient pharmacokinetic (PK) variability and narrow therapeutic index....
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Investigate coagulation disturbance with viscoelastic monitoring (VEM)
New Uses for Thromboelastography and Other Forms of Viscoelastic Monitoring in the Emergency Department: A Narrative Review.: New Uses for Thromboelastography and Other Forms of Viscoelastic Monitoring in the Emergency Department: A Narrative Review.Ann Emerg Med. 2020 Sep 25;:Authors: Tyler PD, Yang LM, Snider SB, Lerner AB, Aird WC, Shapiro NIAbstract Patients frequently visit the emergency department with conditions that place them at risk of worse outcomes when accompanied by coagulopathy....
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Nodal recurrences after stereotactic body radiotherapy for early stage non-small-cell lung cancer.
Nodal recurrences after stereotactic body radiotherapy for early stage non-small-cell lung cancer.: Nodal recurrences after stereotactic body radiotherapy for early stage non-small-cell lung cancer.Curr Probl Cancer. 2020 Sep 22;:100653Authors: Tibdewal A, Pathak RS, Agarwal JP, Hoskote S, Mummudi N, Iyer V, Nair AGAbstract Lobectomy is considered the standard of care for early stage non-small-cell lung cancer. However, for those patients who remain unfit to undergo surgery due to advanced...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Liquid biopsy for ALK-positive early non-small-cell lung cancer predicts disease relapse.
Liquid biopsy for ALK-positive early non-small-cell lung cancer predicts disease relapse.: Liquid biopsy for ALK-positive early non-small-cell lung cancer predicts disease relapse.Future Oncol. 2020 Sep 29;:Authors: Li J, Dong W, Liu LN, Huang YJ, Xiao MFAbstract Background: We aimed to determine whether circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and cell-free DNA (cfDNA) aids in prognosis of relapse-free survival (RFS). Methods: Non-small cell lung cancer patients with ALK mutations were recruited...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Immune checkpoint inhibitors in clinical diagnosis and treatment of non-small cell lung cancer
[Research progress of immune checkpoint inhibitors in clinical diagnosis and treatment of non-small cell lung cancer].: [Research progress of immune checkpoint inhibitors in clinical diagnosis and treatment of non-small cell lung cancer].Zhonghua Zhong Liu Za Zhi. 2020 Sep 23;42(9):713-717Authors: Huang Y, Xu K, Wang W, Cui F, Zeng Y, Hao ZX, Cai WP, He JX, Liu JAbstract Lung cancer is currently the malignant tumor with the highest morbidity and mortality in the world, and the main type...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Childhood Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma
Prognostic Factors in Childhood Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma: Long Term Results of the International ALCL99 Trial.: Prognostic Factors in Childhood Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma: Long Term Results of the International ALCL99 Trial.Cancers (Basel). 2020 Sep 24;12(10):Authors: Mussolin L, Le Deley MC, Carraro E, Damm-Welk C, Attarbaschi A, Williams D, Burke A, Horibe K, Nakazawa A, Wrobel G, Mann G, Csóka M, Uyttebroeck A, Fernández-Delgado Cerdá RF, Beishuizen A, Mellgren K, Burkhardt B, Klapper...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Injection laryngoplasty for treatment of congenital type 1 laryngeal clefts.
Side effects and complications of injection laryngoplasty for treatment of congenital type 1 laryngeal clefts.: Related ArticlesSide effects and complications of injection laryngoplasty for treatment of congenital type 1 laryngeal clefts.Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Apr;131:109886Authors: Ramazani F, Isaac A, Johannsen W, El-Hakim HAbstract INTRODUCTION: Injection laryngoplasty (IL) is a brief, minimally invasive procedure involving injection of agents to augment the interarytenoid...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
TGF-β and Eomes control the homeostasis of CD8+ regulatory T cells.
TGF-β and Eomes control the homeostasis of CD8+ regulatory T cells.: TGF-β and Eomes control the homeostasis of CD8+ regulatory T cells.J Exp Med. 2021 Jan 04;218(1):Authors: Mishra S, Liao W, Liu Y, Yang M, Ma C, Wu H, Zhao M, Zhang X, Qiu Y, Lu Q, Zhang NAbstract In addition to Foxp3+ CD4+ regulatory T cells (CD4+ T reg cells), Foxp3- CD8+ regulatory T cells (CD8+ T reg cells) are critical to maintain immune tolerance. However, the molecular programs that specifically control CD8+ but...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Cell Cycle
 miR-138-5p suppresses glioblastoma cell viability and leads to cell cycle arrest by targeting cyclin D3.miR-138-5p suppresses glioblastoma cell viability and leads to cell cycle arrest by targeting cyclin D3. Oncol Lett. 2020 Nov;20(5):264 Authors: Wu H, Wang C, Liu Y, Yang C, Liang X, Zhang X, Li X Abstract Although malignant glioblastoma (GBM) treatment has significantly improved in the past few decades, the prognosis of GBM remains unsatisfactory. MicroRNA (miR)-138-5p has been reported as a...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Inhibition of Nuclear Pore Complex Formation Selectively Induces Cancer Cell Death.
Inhibition of Nuclear Pore Complex Formation Selectively Induces Cancer Cell Death.: Inhibition of Nuclear Pore Complex Formation Selectively Induces Cancer Cell Death.Cancer Discov. 2020 Sep 28;:Authors: Sakuma S, Raices M, Borlido J, Guglielmi V, Zhu EYS, D'Angelo MAAbstract Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) are the central mediators of nucleocytoplasmic transport. Increasing evidence shows that many cancer cells have increased numbers of NPCs and become addicted to the nuclear transport machinery....
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Azidothymidine (AZT) Inhibits Proliferation of Human Ovarian Cancer Cells by Regulating Cell Cycle Progression.
Azidothymidine (AZT) Inhibits Proliferation of Human Ovarian Cancer Cells by Regulating Cell Cycle Progression.: Azidothymidine (AZT) Inhibits Proliferation of Human Ovarian Cancer Cells by Regulating Cell Cycle Progression.Anticancer Res. 2020 Oct;40(10):5517-5527Authors: Hsieh Y, Tseng JJAbstract BACKGROUND/AIM: Drug resistance is a significant cause of high mortality in ovarian cancer (OC) patients. The reverse transcriptase inhibitor azidothymidine (AZT) has been utilized as a treatment...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Protein Translation Inhibition is Involved in the Activity of the Pan-PIM Kinase Inhibitor PIM447 in Combination with Pomalidomide-Dexamethasone in Multiple Myeloma.
Protein Translation Inhibition is Involved in the Activity of the Pan-PIM Kinase Inhibitor PIM447 in Combination with Pomalidomide-Dexamethasone in Multiple Myeloma.: Protein Translation Inhibition is Involved in the Activity of the Pan-PIM Kinase Inhibitor PIM447 in Combination with Pomalidomide-Dexamethasone in Multiple Myeloma.Cancers (Basel). 2020 Sep 24;12(10):Authors: Paíno T, González-Méndez L, San-Segundo L, Corchete LA, Hernández-García S, Díaz-Tejedor A, Algarín EM, Mogollón P, Martín-Sánchez...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Polyploid giant cancer cells (PGCC)
Giants and monsters: Unexpected characters in the story of cancer recurrence.: Related ArticlesGiants and monsters: Unexpected characters in the story of cancer recurrence.Adv Cancer Res. 2020;148:201-232Authors: White-Gilbertson S, Voelkel-Johnson CAbstract Polyploid giant cancer cells (PGCC) constitute a dangerous subpopulation of cancer cells and are a driving force in cancer recurrence. These unique cells arise from diploid tumor cells in response to stress encountered in the tumor...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Mutations in the stromal antigen 3 (STAG3) gene cause male infertility due to meiotic arrest.
Mutations in the stromal antigen 3 (STAG3) gene cause male infertility due to meiotic arrest.: Related ArticlesMutations in the stromal antigen 3 (STAG3) gene cause male infertility due to meiotic arrest.Hum Reprod. 2019 11 01;34(11):2112-2119Authors: van der Bijl N, Röpke A, Biswas U, Wöste M, Jessberger R, Kliesch S, Friedrich C, Tüttelmann FAbstract STUDY QUESTION: Are sequence variants in the stromal antigen 3 (STAG3) gene a cause for non-obstructive azoospermia (NOA) in infertile human...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Low C6orf141 Expression in Oral Cancer.
Low C6orf141 Expression is Significantly Associated with a Poor Prognosis in Patients with Oral Cancer.: Related ArticlesLow C6orf141 Expression is Significantly Associated with a Poor Prognosis in Patients with Oral Cancer.Sci Rep. 2019 03 14;9(1):4520Authors: Yang CM, Chang HS, Chen HC, You JJ, Liou HH, Ting SC, Ger LP, Li SC, Tsai KWAbstract C6orf141 (Chromosome 6 open reading frame 141) is a novel gene, and its role in oral cancer progression remains unclear. C6orf141 expression in...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Therapy change in metastatic renal cell carcinoma treated with cytoreductive nephrectomy.
Prognostic impact of systemic therapy change in metastatic renal cell carcinoma treated with cytoreductive nephrectomy.: Prognostic impact of systemic therapy change in metastatic renal cell carcinoma treated with cytoreductive nephrectomy.Jpn J Clin Oncol. 2020 Sep 29;:Authors: Ishihara H, Takagi T, Kondo T, Fukuda H, Tachibana H, Yoshida K, Iizuka J, Kobayashi H, Okumi M, Ishida H, Tanabe KAbstract OBJECTIVE: Limited data are available regarding the effect of systemic therapy change in...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Cytokine Storm Syndromes..............familiar hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, Epstein-Barr virus–associated hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, systemic or non-systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis–associated macrophage activation syndrome, NLRC4 macrophage activation syndrome, cytokine release syndrome and sepsis
Highways to hell: mechanism based management of Cytokine Storm Syndromes: Publication date: Available online 29 September 2020Source: Journal of Allergy and Clinical ImmunologyAuthor(s): Scott W. Canna, Randy Q. CronCytokine stormFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to navigationJump to searchNot to be confused with Cytokine release syndrome.A cytokine storm, also called hypercytokinemia, is a physiological reaction in humans and other animals in which the innate immune system causes an uncontrolled...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Right cardiac involvement in lung disease
Right cardiac involvement in lung diseases: a multimodality approach from diagnosis to prognostication: AbstractLung diseases are among the main healthcare issues in the general population, having a high burden of morbidity and mortality. The cardiovascular system has a key role in patients affected by respiratory disorders. More specifically, the right ventricle (RV) enables the impaired lung function to be overcome in an initial stage of disease process, reducing the severity of dyspnea. In addition,...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Tracheopulmonary Complications of a Malpositioned Nasogastric Tube.
Tracheopulmonary Complications of a Malpositioned Nasogastric Tube.: Tracheopulmonary Complications of a Malpositioned Nasogastric Tube.Anesth Prog. 2020 Sep 01;67(3):151-157Authors: Guthrie DB, Pezzollo JP, Lam DK, Epstein RHAbstract Tracheopulmonary complications following placement of a nasogastric (NG) feeding tube are uncommon but can cause significant morbidity and mortality. In this case report, an 83-year-old woman of American Society of Anesthesiologists class IV with underlying...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Ultrasound-Guided Local Anesthetic Nerve Blocks in a Forehead Flap Reconstructive Maxillofacial Procedure.
Ultrasound-Guided Local Anesthetic Nerve Blocks in a Forehead Flap Reconstructive Maxillofacial Procedure.: Ultrasound-Guided Local Anesthetic Nerve Blocks in a Forehead Flap Reconstructive Maxillofacial Procedure.Anesth Prog. 2020 Sep 01;67(3):164-169Authors: Kojima Y, Furuse K, Murouchi T, Hirabayashi K, Kato M, Oka TAbstract Head and neck reconstructive surgery involving tissue flaps is often complex requiring the development of an individualized anesthetic plan. The following case report...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Head and neck cancer patient-derived xenograft models
Head and neck cancer patient-derived xenograft models - A systematic review.: Head and neck cancer patient-derived xenograft models - A systematic review.Crit Rev Oncol Hematol. 2020 Sep 01;155:103087Authors: Schuch LF, Silveira FM, Wagner VP, Borgato GB, Rocha GZ, Castilho RM, Vargas PA, Martins MDAbstract BACKGROUND: Patient-derived xenograft (PDX) involve the direct surgical transfer of fresh human tumor samples to immunodeficient mice. This systematic review aimed to identify publications...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
TGF-β and Eomes control the homeostasis of CD8+ regulatory T cells.
TGF-β and Eomes control the homeostasis of CD8+ regulatory T cells.: TGF-β and Eomes control the homeostasis of CD8+ regulatory T cells.J Exp Med. 2021 Jan 04;218(1):Authors: Mishra S, Liao W, Liu Y, Yang M, Ma C, Wu H, Zhao M, Zhang X, Qiu Y, Lu Q, Zhang NAbstract In addition to Foxp3+ CD4+ regulatory T cells (CD4+ T reg cells), Foxp3- CD8+ regulatory T cells (CD8+ T reg cells) are critical to maintain immune tolerance. However, the molecular programs that specifically control CD8+ but...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
EUFOREA treatment algorithm for allergic rhinitis.
EUFOREA treatment algorithm for allergic rhinitis.: EUFOREA treatment algorithm for allergic rhinitis.Rhinology. 2020 Sep 29;:Authors: Hellings PW, Scadding G, Bachert C, Bjermer L, Canonica GW, Cardell LO, Carney AS, Constantinidis J, Deneyer L, Diamant Z, Durham S, Gevaert P, Harvey R, Hopkins C, Kjeldsen A, Klimek L, Lund VJ, Price D, Rimmer J, Ryan D, Roberts G, Sahlstrand-Johnson P, Salmi S, Samji M, Scadding G, Smith P, Steinsvik A, Wagenmann M, Seys S, Wahn U, Fokkens WJAbstract Allergic...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
STAT1 deficiency predisposes to spontaneous otitis media.
STAT1 deficiency predisposes to spontaneous otitis media.: STAT1 deficiency predisposes to spontaneous otitis media.PLoS One. 2020;15(9):e0239952Authors: Bodmer D, Kern P, Bächinger D, Monge Naldi A, Levano Huaman SAbstract Signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1) is known to be an important player in inflammatory responses. STAT1 as a transcription factor regulates the expression of multiple proinflammatory genes. Inflammatory response is one of the common effects of ototoxicity....
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Identifying risk factors for the prognosis of head and neck cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma
Identifying risk factors for the prognosis of head and neck cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis.: Identifying risk factors for the prognosis of head and neck cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis.PLoS One. 2020;15(9):e0239586Authors: Zeng S, Fu L, Zhou P, Ling HAbstract In this study, we sought to identify the potential impacts of disease characteristics on the prognosis of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC). We...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Orbital Involvement by Biphenotypic Sinonasal Sarcoma
Orbital Involvement by Biphenotypic Sinonasal Sarcoma With a Literature Review.: Orbital Involvement by Biphenotypic Sinonasal Sarcoma With a Literature Review.Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg. 2020 Sep 25;:Authors: Hanbazazh M, Jakobiec FA, Curtin HD, Lefebvre DRAbstract PURPOSE: To document a case of a biphenotypic sinonasal sarcoma that impinged on the orbit via a tumor-induced mucocele and review the previous literature devoted to this condition. METHODS: A clinicopathologic case...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Association between treatment package time and clinical predictors in oropharyngeal cancer.
Association between treatment package time and clinical predictors in oropharyngeal cancer.: Association between treatment package time and clinical predictors in oropharyngeal cancer.Medicine (Baltimore). 2020 Sep 25;99(39):e22244Authors: Suzuki H, Tamaki T, Tsuzuki H, Nishio M, Nishikawa D, Beppu S, Hanai NAbstract The aim of the present study is to investigate the association of treatment package time with the survival outcomes and clinical parameters in patients with oropharyngeal squamous...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Herpesvirus Epigenetic Reprogramming and Oncogenesis.
Herpesvirus Epigenetic Reprogramming and Oncogenesis.: Herpesvirus Epigenetic Reprogramming and Oncogenesis.Annu Rev Virol. 2020 Sep 29;7(1):309-331Authors: Pei Y, Wong JH, Robertson ESAbstract Among all of the known biological carcinogens, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) are two of the classical oncogenic herpesviruses known to induce the oncogenic phenotype. Many studies have revealed important functions related to epigenetic alterations of the...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Epidemiologic factors in patients with advanced head and neck cancer treated with radiation therapy.
Epidemiologic factors in patients with advanced head and neck cancer treated with radiation therapy.: Epidemiologic factors in patients with advanced head and neck cancer treated with radiation therapy.Head Neck. 2020 Sep 29;:Authors: Brennan MT, Treister NS, Sollecito TP, Schmidt BL, Patton LL, Yang Y, Lin A, Elting LS, Hodges JS, Lalla RVAbstract BACKGROUND: Approximately 50% of patients with head and neck cancer (HNC) initially were seen with advanced disease. We aimed to evaluate the...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Improved nutritional support with immune-modulating formula in patients with head and neck and esophageal cancer undergoing radiochemotherapy: A retrospective clinical study.
Improved nutritional support with immune-modulating formula in patients with head and neck and esophageal cancer undergoing radiochemotherapy: A retrospective clinical study.: Improved nutritional support with immune-modulating formula in patients with head and neck and esophageal cancer undergoing radiochemotherapy: A retrospective clinical study.Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2020;29(3):462-468Authors: Chao PC, Lin FCAbstract BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Malnutrition is frequent in patients with...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Genome-wide CRISPR screens of oral squamous cell carcinoma reveal fitness genes in the Hippo pathway.
Genome-wide CRISPR screens of oral squamous cell carcinoma reveal fitness genes in the Hippo pathway.: Genome-wide CRISPR screens of oral squamous cell carcinoma reveal fitness genes in the Hippo pathway.Elife. 2020 Sep 29;9:Authors: Chai AWY, Yee PS, Price S, Yee SM, Lee HM, Tiong VK, Gonçalves E, Behan FM, Bateson J, Gilbert J, Tan AC, McDermott U, Garnett MJ, Cheong SCAbstract New therapeutic targets for oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) are urgently needed. We conducted genome-wide...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Pros and Cons of the Exoscope for Otologic Surgery.
Pros and Cons of the Exoscope for Otologic Surgery.: Pros and Cons of the Exoscope for Otologic Surgery.Surg Innov. 2020 Sep 29;:1553350620964151Authors: Kanzaki S, Takahashi S, Toda M, Yoshida K, Ogawa KAbstract Introduction. There are a few discussions regarding usefulness of an exoscope in otologic surgery compared to a traditional microscope. Objective. The pros and cons of using a newly developed exoscope (ORBEYE™) during microotologic surgery were evaluated. Methods. The usefulness...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Postoperative Oral Corticosteroids Improve Results After Sialendoscopy for Ductal Stenosis
Do Postoperative Oral Corticosteroids Improve Results After Sialendoscopy for Ductal Stenosis?: Do Postoperative Oral Corticosteroids Improve Results After Sialendoscopy for Ductal Stenosis?Laryngoscope. 2020 Sep 29;:Authors: de Paiva Leite SH, Morton RP, Ahmad Z, Marchal FAbstract OBJECTIVES: This study aims to review the effects of short- and long-term oral administration of postoperative corticosteroids in patients undergoing sialendoscopy for the treatment of obstructive sialadenitis...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Intestinal flora in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis
[Analysis of intestinal flora in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis based on highthroughput sequencing].: [Analysis of intestinal flora in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis based on highthroughput sequencing].Nan Fang Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao. 2020 Sep 30;40(9):1319-1324Authors: Huang J, Wang L, Wu X, Chen H, Fu X, Chen S, Liu TAbstract OBJECTIVE: To investigate the changes in diversity, relative abundance and distribution of intestinal flora in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis and...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Clinical utility of Epstein-Barr virus DNA and other liquid biopsy markers in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
Clinical utility of Epstein-Barr virus DNA and other liquid biopsy markers in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.: Clinical utility of Epstein-Barr virus DNA and other liquid biopsy markers in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.Cancer Commun (Lond). 2020 Sep 28;:Authors: Tan R, Phua SKA, Soong YL, Oon LLE, Chan KS, Lucky SS, Mong J, Tan MH, Lim CMAbstract Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a malignant epithelial tumor ubiquitously associated with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which is highly prevalent in South...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
The synergy of germline C634Y and V292M RET mutations in a family with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A.
The synergy of germline C634Y and V292M RET mutations in a northern Chinese family with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A.: The synergy of germline C634Y and V292M RET mutations in a northern Chinese family with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A.J Cell Mol Med. 2020 Sep 29;:Authors: Yang Z, Qi X, Gross N, Kou X, Bai Y, Feng Y, Wang B, Zafereo ME, Li G, Sun C, Li H, Chen X, Huang ZAbstract Genetic analysis for germline mutations of RET proto-oncogene has provided a basis for individual...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Rapid recurrence in head and neck cancer
Rapid recurrence in head and neck cancer: Underappreciated problem with poor outcome.: Rapid recurrence in head and neck cancer: Underappreciated problem with poor outcome.Head Neck. 2020 Sep 29;:Authors: Lee DY, Abraham J, Ross E, Ridge JA, Lango MN, Liu JC, Bauman JR, Avkshtol V, Galloway TJAbstract BACKGROUND: Rapid recurrence, defined as gross tumor recurrence after primary operation but prior to initiating postoperative radiation therapy (PORT), is underappreciated in head and neck...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Chromoendoscopy in the Workup of Patients with Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
The Value of Virtual Chromoendoscopy in the Workup of Patients with Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma.: The Value of Virtual Chromoendoscopy in the Workup of Patients with Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma.Curr Oncol Rep. 2020 Sep 29;22(12):121Authors: Van Lierde C, Gyselinck B, Meulemans J, Bisschops R, Delaere P, Vander Poorten VAbstract PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Second primary tumors (SPTs) significantly increase the mortality in patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCCs)....
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Preliminary experience with exoscope in lacrimal surgery.
Preliminary experience with exoscope in lacrimal surgery.: Preliminary experience with exoscope in lacrimal surgery.Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Sep 28;:Authors: Pirola F, Spriano G, Malvezzi LAbstract BACKGROUND: Endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy (e-DCR) is the mainstay for lacrimal sac/duct conditions. The purpose is to investigate the role of the exoscope as assisting tool in e-DCR. METHODS: Primary endpoint were symptoms resolution (epiphora/dacryocystitis) and time for surgery....
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Comparison of transnasal and transoral routes of microdebrider combined curettage adenoidectomy and assessment of endoscopy for residue: a randomized prospective study.
Comparison of transnasal and transoral routes of microdebrider combined curettage adenoidectomy and assessment of endoscopy for residue: a randomized prospective study.: Comparison of transnasal and transoral routes of microdebrider combined curettage adenoidectomy and assessment of endoscopy for residue: a randomized prospective study.Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Sep 28;:Authors: Tulaci KG, Arslan E, Tulaci T, Dinek A, Yazici HAbstract PURPOSE: The aim of this study is to investigate...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Analysis of vascular-associated factors and the prognosis of poorly differentiated hypopharyngeal carcinoma.
Analysis of vascular-associated factors and the prognosis of poorly differentiated hypopharyngeal carcinoma.: Analysis of vascular-associated factors and the prognosis of poorly differentiated hypopharyngeal carcinoma.Oncol Lett. 2020 Nov;20(5):271Authors: Guo W, Yin G, Liu H, Duan H, Huang ZAbstract The aim of the present study was to analyze the characteristics of angiogenic factors in patients with hypopharyngeal cancer, and to study the effects of these factors on induction chemotherapy,...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Functional CRISPR dissection of gene networks controlling human regulatory T cell identity.
Functional CRISPR dissection of gene networks controlling human regulatory T cell identity.: Functional CRISPR dissection of gene networks controlling human regulatory T cell identity.Nat Immunol. 2020 Sep 28;:Authors: Schumann K, Raju SS, Lauber M, Kolb S, Shifrut E, Cortez JT, Skartsis N, Nguyen VQ, Woo JM, Roth TL, Yu R, Nguyen MLT, Simeonov DR, Nguyen DN, Targ S, Gate RE, Tang Q, Bluestone JA, Spitzer MH, Ye CJ, Marson AAbstract Human regulatory T (Treg) cells are essential for immune...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
FGF Expression in HPV16-positive and -negative SCC After Treatment With Small-molecule Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors and Everolimus.
FGF Expression in HPV16-positive and -negative SCC After Treatment With Small-molecule Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors and Everolimus.: FGF Expression in HPV16-positive and -negative SCC After Treatment With Small-molecule Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors and Everolimus.Anticancer Res. 2020 Oct;40(10):5621-5630Authors: Huber L, Birk R, Knuettel M, Rotter N, Aderhold C, Scherl C, Lammert A, Jungbauer F, Kramer BAbstract BACKGROUND: Targeted therapies in the treatment of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Genomic Database Analysis for Head and Neck Cancer Prevention Targets: MTOR Signal Transduction Pathway.
Genomic Database Analysis for Head and Neck Cancer Prevention Targets: MTOR Signal Transduction Pathway.: Genomic Database Analysis for Head and Neck Cancer Prevention Targets: MTOR Signal Transduction Pathway.Anticancer Res. 2020 Oct;40(10):5417-5421Authors: Koenigsberg C, Ondrey FGAbstract BACKGROUND: Type II diabetes agents have anticancer effects on head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). The mechanistic target of rapamycin (MTOR) pathway represents a putative target. ...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Merkel cell carcinoma of the lower lip
Merkel cell carcinoma of the lower lip: A case report and literature review.: Merkel cell carcinoma of the lower lip: A case report and literature review.Oral Oncol. 2020 Sep 25;:105019Authors: de Arruda JAA, Mesquita RA, Canedo NHS, Agostini M, Abrahão AC, de Andrade BAB, Romañach MJAbstract Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is an aggressive primary cutaneous neuroendocrine carcinoma that predominantly affects the sun-damaged skin of the head and neck region, extremities, and trunk of white older...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Free flap head and neck microsurgery with VITOMⓇ 3D: Surgical outcomes and surgeon's perspective.
Free flap head and neck microsurgery with VITOMⓇ 3D: Surgical outcomes and surgeon's perspective.: Free flap head and neck microsurgery with VITOMⓇ 3D: Surgical outcomes and surgeon's perspective.Auris Nasus Larynx. 2020 Sep 25;:Authors: Molteni G, Nocini R, Ghirelli M, Molinari G, Fior A, Veneri A, Nocini PF, Marchioni DAbstract OBJECTIVE: To report on the application of the 3D exoscopic system to microsurgery in a cohort of head and neck cancer patients; to analyse the performance of microvascular...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Unexplained repeated pregnancy loss is associated with altered perceptual and brain responses to men's body-odor.
Unexplained repeated pregnancy loss is associated with altered perceptual and brain responses to men's body-odor.: Unexplained repeated pregnancy loss is associated with altered perceptual and brain responses to men's body-odor.Elife. 2020 Sep 29;9:Authors: Rozenkrantz L, Weissgross R, Weiss T, Ravreby I, Frumin I, Shushan S, Gorodisky L, Reshef N, Holzman Y, Pinchover L, Endevelt-Shapira Y, Mishor E, Soroka T, Finkel M, Tagania L, Ravia A, Perl O, Furman-Haran E, Carp H, Sobel NAbstract ...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Unexplained repeated pregnancy loss is associated with altered perceptual and brain responses to men's body-odor.
Unexplained repeated pregnancy loss is associated with altered perceptual and brain responses to men's body-odor.: Unexplained repeated pregnancy loss is associated with altered perceptual and brain responses to men's body-odor.Elife. 2020 Sep 29;9:Authors: Rozenkrantz L, Weissgross R, Weiss T, Ravreby I, Frumin I, Shushan S, Gorodisky L, Reshef N, Holzman Y, Pinchover L, Endevelt-Shapira Y, Mishor E, Soroka T, Finkel M, Tagania L, Ravia A, Perl O, Furman-Haran E, Carp H, Sobel NAbstract ...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Dexmedetomidine versus midazolam on cough and recovery quality after partial and total laryngectomy - a randomized controlled trial.
Dexmedetomidine versus midazolam on cough and recovery quality after partial and total laryngectomy - a randomized controlled trial.: Dexmedetomidine versus midazolam on cough and recovery quality after partial and total laryngectomy - a randomized controlled trial.BMC Anesthesiol. 2020 Sep 28;20(1):249Authors: Xu R, Zhu Y, Lu Y, Li W, Jia JAbstract BACKGROUND: During emergence from anesthesia after partial and total laryngectomy, excessive airway reflex and systemic hypertension may lead...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Sialendoscopy in Chronic Obstructive Sialadenitis Without Sialolithiasis: A Prospective Cohort Study.
Sialendoscopy in Chronic Obstructive Sialadenitis Without Sialolithiasis: A Prospective Cohort Study.: Sialendoscopy in Chronic Obstructive Sialadenitis Without Sialolithiasis: A Prospective Cohort Study.Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 Sep 29;:194599820957256Authors: Plonowska KA, Ochoa E, Ryan WR, Chang JLAbstract OBJECTIVES: To evaluate long-term chronic sialadenitis symptoms in patients without sialolithiasis following sialendoscopy-assisted salivary duct surgery (SASDS) compared to...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Pectoralis Major Onlay vs Interpositional Reconstruction Fistulation After Salvage Total Laryngectomy: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
Pectoralis Major Onlay vs Interpositional Reconstruction Fistulation After Salvage Total Laryngectomy: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.: Pectoralis Major Onlay vs Interpositional Reconstruction Fistulation After Salvage Total Laryngectomy: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 Sep 29;:194599820957962Authors: Cabrera CI, Joseph Jones A, Philleo Parker N, Emily Lynn Blevins A, Weidenbecher MSAbstract OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the difference in pharygocutaneous...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Prevalence of Tinnitus in an Aging Population and Its Relation to Age and Hearing Loss.
Prevalence of Tinnitus in an Aging Population and Its Relation to Age and Hearing Loss.: Prevalence of Tinnitus in an Aging Population and Its Relation to Age and Hearing Loss.Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2020 Sep 29;:194599820957296Authors: Oosterloo BC, Croll PH, de Jong RJB, Ikram MK, Goedegebure AAbstract OBJECTIVES: Tinnitus is a common hearing-related disorder, which may have a large impact on daily life. With aging populations worldwide, it is important to gain insight in the occurrence...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Outcomes in Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients Treated with Concurrent Chemoradiation Therapy within City of Hope Cancer Center Sites.
An Analysis and Comparison of Survival and Functional Outcomes in Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients Treated with Concurrent Chemoradiation Therapy within City of Hope Cancer Center Sites.: An Analysis and Comparison of Survival and Functional Outcomes in Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients Treated with Concurrent Chemoradiation Therapy within City of Hope Cancer Center Sites.J Clin Med. 2020 Sep 24;9(10):Authors: Pharaon R, Chung S, Amini A, Maghami E, Chowdhury A, Vora N,...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Human Pathogenic Variants of TBC1D24 Associated with Non-Syndromic Deafness DFNB86 and DFNA65 and Syndromes Involving Deafness.
Mouse Models of Human Pathogenic Variants of TBC1D24 Associated with Non-Syndromic Deafness DFNB86 and DFNA65 and Syndromes Involving Deafness.: Mouse Models of Human Pathogenic Variants of TBC1D24 Associated with Non-Syndromic Deafness DFNB86 and DFNA65 and Syndromes Involving Deafness.Genes (Basel). 2020 Sep 24;11(10):Authors: Tona R, Lopez IA, Fenollar-Ferrer C, Faridi R, Anselmi C, Khan AA, Shahzad M, Morell RJ, Gu S, Hoa M, Dong L, Ishiyama A, Belyantseva IA, Riazuddin S, Friedman TBAbstract...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Immune Escape Mechanisms and Their Clinical Relevance in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
Immune Escape Mechanisms and Their Clinical Relevance in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma.: Immune Escape Mechanisms and Their Clinical Relevance in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma.Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Sep 24;21(19):Authors: Seliger B, Massa C, Yang B, Bethmann D, Kappler M, Eckert AW, Wickenhauser CAbstract Immunotherapy has been recently approved for the treatment of relapsed and metastatic human papilloma virus (HPV) positive and negative head and neck squamous cell carcinoma...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Targeting Liver Cancer Stem Cells: An Alternative Therapeutic Approach for Liver Cancer.
Targeting Liver Cancer Stem Cells: An Alternative Therapeutic Approach for Liver Cancer.: Targeting Liver Cancer Stem Cells: An Alternative Therapeutic Approach for Liver Cancer.Cancers (Basel). 2020 Sep 24;12(10):Authors: Lee HY, Hong ISAbstract The first report of cancer stem cell (CSC) from Bruce et al. has demonstrated the relatively rare population of stem-like cells in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The discovery of leukemic CSCs prompted further identification of CSCs in multiple types...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Balance/Strengthening Exercises in Heart Failure.
BASIC Training: A Pilot Study of Balance/Strengthening Exercises in Heart Failure.: Related ArticlesBASIC Training: A Pilot Study of Balance/Strengthening Exercises in Heart Failure.Rehabil Nurs. 2020 Jan/Feb;45(1):30-38Authors: McGuire R, Honaker J, Pozehl B, Hertzog MAbstract PURPOSE: The aim of this pilot study was to evaluate the effect of a multicomponent balance and resistance training intervention on physical function, balance, and falls in older (≥65 years) community-dwelling heart...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Epicutaneous immunotherapy protects cashew sensitized mice from anaphylaxis
Epicutaneous immunotherapy protects cashew sensitized mice from anaphylaxis: AbstractBackgroundThe prevalence of tree nut allergy has increased worldwide, and cashew has become one of the most common food allergens. More critically, cashew allergy is frequently associated with severe anaphylaxis. Despite the high medical need, no approved treatment is available and strict avoidance and preparedness for prompt treatment of allergic reactions are considered dual standard of care. In the meantime, Phase...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
PIPE‐cloned human IgE and IgG4 antibodies: New tools for investigating cow's milk allergy and tolerance
PIPE‐cloned human IgE and IgG4 antibodies: New tools for investigating cow's milk allergy and tolerance:
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Effect of topical swallowed steroids on the bacterial and fungal esophageal microbiota in eosinophilic esophagitis
Effect of topical swallowed steroids on the bacterial and fungal esophageal microbiota in eosinophilic esophagitis:
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Advances and novel developments in drug hypersensitivity diagnosis
Advances and novel developments in drug hypersensitivity diagnosis: ABSTRACTA correct diagnosis of drug hypersensitivity reactions (DHRs) is very important for both the patient and health system. However, DHRs diagnosis is complex, time consuming, requires trained personnel, is not standardized for many drugs, involves procedures not exempt of risk, and in most cases lacks standardized in vivo and in vitro tests. Thus, there is an urgent need for improving the different approaches to diagnose patients...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Timed barium swallow for assessing long‐term treatment response in patients with achalasia
Timed barium swallow for assessing long‐term treatment response in patients with achalasia: Absolute cutoff versus percent change – A cross‐sectional analytic study: AbstractBackgroundTimed barium swallow (TBS) assesses esophageal emptying before and after therapy in patients with achalasia. Our aim was to compare the accuracy of percent change in barium height with traditional absolute cutoff of <5 cm on post‐treatment TBS.Materials and MethodsConsecutive patients with treatment naïve achalasia...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Addition of small‐bowel transit scintigraphy to gastric emptying for assessment of patients with upper gastrointestinal symptoms
Addition of small‐bowel transit scintigraphy to gastric emptying for assessment of patients with upper gastrointestinal symptoms: AbstractBackgroundDyspeptic symptoms are not well correlated with gastric emptying (GE) results.AimsTo determine (a) prevalence of delayed SB transit (SBT) in patients undergoing GE scintigraphy for symptoms of gastroparesis; (b) symptoms associated with delayed SBT.MethodsPatients with symptoms of gastroparesis underwent combined GE and SBT scintigraphy (GES/SBTS). Patients...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Seated anorectal manometry during simulated evacuation
Seated anorectal manometry during simulated evacuation: A physiologic exercise or a new clinically useful diagnostic test?: AbstractSymptoms such as a feeling of incomplete evacuation, straining, absence of the call to stool, anal blockage, or digitation suggest the presence a functional defecation disorder. As symptoms do not distinguish between patients with and without functional defecation disorder, Rome IV criteria recommend that this disorder is diagnosed when two of three tests are positive:...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Infectious Mononucleosis Causing Acute Liver Failure
Infectious Mononucleosis Causing Acute Liver Failure and Hemolytic Anemia in a Patient with Underlying Hereditary Hemochromatosis: Infectious mononucleosis is a largely benign disease process that occurs secondary to infection with the Epstein-Barr virus. However, it can also present with more serious complications, including auto-immune hemolytic anemia and acute liver failure. Hereditary hemochromatosis is a genetic disorder that leads to organ damage via increased iron uptake and deposition. This...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Pazopanib in Recurrent Metastatic Carotid Body Paraganglioma
Durable Response to Pazopanib in Recurrent Metastatic Carotid Body Paraganglioma: We present the case of a 26-year-old woman living at a high altitude diagnosed initially with nonfamilial and nonsecretory localized carotid body tumor managed with surgery, which developed into a recurrent metastatic tumor treated with cyclophosphamide, vincristine, and dacarbazine. The patient continued to progress and developed a left carotid artery thrombosis and worsening of her systemic symptoms. The patient was...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
High-Grade Epstein-Barr Virus-Negative Biphenotypic Lymphoma with Expression of B- and T-Cell Markers and Leukemia Presentation: Case Report and Literature Review
High-Grade Epstein-Barr Virus-Negative Biphenotypic Lymphoma with Expression of B- and T-Cell Markers and Leukemia Presentation: Case Report and Literature Review: Lymphomas are presently categorized according to their origin from B or T lymphocytes. The co-expression of CD3 in B-cell lymphomas or CD20 in T-cell lymphomas has been rarely reported. Immature and less often mature lymphomas may incorporate the rearrangements of both B- and T-cell antigen receptor genes (dual genotype or bigenotype)....
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Hypercalcemia Associated with Extramammary Paget's Disease
Hypercalcemia Associated with Extramammary Paget's Disease: Hypercalcemia of malignancy occurs in up to one third of patients at some point during the course of their advanced stage. The majority of them is caused by humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy due to systemic secretion of parathyroid hormone–related protein (PTHrP) by tumor cells. Extramammary Paget's disease is a slow-growing cutaneous malignancy commonly limited to the epidermis of the anogenital region, but rarely becomes invasive and...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Spinal Cord Stimulation for Treating Chronic Low Back and Lower Extremity Pain
Clinical Effectiveness and Mechanism of Action of Spinal Cord Stimulation for Treating Chronic Low Back and Lower Extremity Pain: a Systematic Review: AbstractPurpose of ReviewThe purpose of the present systematic review is to provide a current understanding of the mechanism of action and the evidence available to support clinical decision-making. The focus is to summarize randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and nonrandomized or observational studies of spinal cord stimulation in chronic pain to...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Appendix muscle bands
Appendix muscle bands, a forgotten entity.: AbstractIntroduction Appendix muscle bands (AMB) develop from the appendix muscle layer into the mesoappendix. There are few recent publications on this « forgotten » entity.The objectives of this study were to assess the morphological features of AMB as detected at microscopy examination of appendectomy specimens.Methods Sixty‐six cases of AMB as detected on appendectomy specimens were assessed for microscopy features on routine hematoxilin and eosin stained...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Inflammation, apoptosis and autophagy as critical players in vascular dementia
Inflammation, apoptosis and autophagy as critical players in vascular dementia: Vascular dementia is the second-most cause of dementia, characterized by cerebral infarcts, white matter lesions, myelin loss and often amyloid angiopathy. Hence, vascular damage is a critical cause of neuronal loss and synaptic disintegration. Abnormal neuroinflammation, autophagy and apoptosis are the prerequisite factors for endothelial and neuronal cell damage. This leads to the onset and progression of cerebrovascular...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) triggered by COVID-19 infection
The first case of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) triggered by COVID-19 infection: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a respiratory tract infection caused by a newly emergent coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2. The acute phase may be followed by a second phase actually not yet completely understood but probably associated to an autoimmune activation. At the moment is not possible to clearly define an association between immunological findings and pathological symptoms, however, this case report describes...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
MiR-181-5p protects from sepsis via repressing HMGB1 in an experimental model
MiR-181-5p protects mice from sepsis via repressing HMGB1 in an experimental model: OBJECTIVE: Lentivirus-delivered microRNA (miR) has been reported to improve survival outcomes and organ dysfunction. The present study is aimed to explore whether sepsis-associated miR, miR-181-5p, could mitigate sepsis-induced inflammation and organ injury by the lentivirus-expressing system.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cecal ligation and puncture (CLP)-operated mice were treated with lentivirus-expressing miR-181-5p (miR-agomir)...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Vitamin deficiency as risk factor for SARS-CoV-2 infection: correlation with susceptibility and prognosis
Vitamin deficiency as risk factor for SARS-CoV-2 infection: correlation with susceptibility and prognosis: OBJECTIVE: In 2019, an infection provoked by SARS-CoV-2 virus arose in Wuhan, China. Currently, there is still no definite and efficacious therapy for SARS-CoV-2 infection. Moreover, our understanding of the physiopathology of the infection, and risk elements for severity and mortality, is incomplete.PATIENTS AND METHODS: One largely neglected element that could affect prognosis of SARS-CoV-2...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
Remdesivir-COVID-19: drug interactions in dentistry
Remdesivir-COVID-19: drug interactions in dentistry: OBJECTIVE: Remdesivir is a nucleotide analogue prodrug that inhibits viral RNA polymerases. It has been recognized recently as a promising antiviral drug against a wide array of RNA viruses (including SARS/MERS-CoV5). We aimed at determining which drugs used in dentistry interact with Remdesivir in order to avoid adverse reactions that may worsen the condition of patients with COVID-19.MATERIALS AND METHODS: A literature review was conducted to...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis
The therapeutic potential of targeting ACE2 in COVID-19
The therapeutic potential of targeting ACE2 in COVID-19: OBJECTIVE: ACE2 long served as the human gateway for multiple coronaviruses, including the currently pandemic SARS-CoV-2. This mini-review explores the potential of targeting ACE2 in blocking viral penetrance.MATERIALS AND METHODS: PubMed search was conducted using the terms: "coronaviridae", "peptidyl-dipeptidase A", "ACE2", "SARS", and "SARS-CoV-2". References of relevant articles were further screened by the author.RESULTS: Four main methods...
Head and Neck Diseases by Alexandros G.Sfakianakis

Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com,
Telephone consultation 11855 int 1193,

Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου
