Δευτέρα 10 Οκτωβρίου 2022

Nasal and Plasma SARS-CoV-2 RNA Levels are Associated with Timing of Symptom Resolution in the ACTIV-2 Trial of Non-hospitalized Adults with COVID-19

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Acute COVID-19 symptoms limit daily activities, but little is known about its association with SARS-CoV-2 viral burden. In this exploratory analysis of placebo recipients in the ACTIV-2/A5401 platform trial, we showed that high anterior nasal (AN) RNA levels and detectable plasma RNA were associated with delayed symptom improvement.
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IFT140+/K14+ cells function as stem/progenitor cells in salivary glands

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International Journal of Oral Science, Published online: 10 October 2022; doi:10.1038/s41368-022-00200-5

IFT140+/K14+ cells function as stem/progenitor cells in salivary glands
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Stem cell microencapsulation maintains stemness in inflammatory microenvironment

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International Journal of Oral Science, Published online: 10 October 2022; doi:10.1038/s41368-022-00198-w

Stem cell microencapsulation maintains stemness in inflammatory microenvironment
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Neurological Applications of Belzutifan in von Hippel Lindau Disease

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Von Hippel Lindau (VHL) disease is a tumor predisposition syndrome caused by mutations in the VHL gene that presents with visceral neoplasms and growths, including clear cell renal cell carcinoma, and central nervous system manifestations, such as hemangioblastomas of the brain and spine. The pathophysiology involves a dysregulation of oxygen sensing caused by inability to degrade HIFα, leading to overactivation of hypoxic pathways. Hemangioblastomas are the most common tumors in patients with VHL and cause significant morbidity. Until recently, there were no systemic therapies available for patients that could effectively reduce the size of these lesions. Belzutifan, the first approved HIF-2α inhibitor, has demonstrated benefit in VHL-associated tumors, with a 30% response rate in hemangioblastomas and ~30-50% reduction in their sizes over the course of treatment. Anemia is the most prominent adverse eff ect, affecting 76-90% of participants and sometimes requiring dose reduction or transfusion. Other significant adverse events include hypoxia and fatigue. Overall, belzutifan is well tolerated; however, long term data on dosing regimens, safety, and fertility are not yet available. Belzutifan holds promise for treatment of neurological manifestations of VHL and its utility may influence the clinical management paradigms for this patient population.
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Global survival trends for brain tumours, by histology: analysis

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Tumours of the central nervous system are among the leading causes of cancer-related death in children. Population-based cancer survival reflects the overall effectiveness of a health care system in managing cancer. Inequity in access to care world-wide may result in survival disparities.
We considered children (0-14 years) diagnosed with a brain tumour during 2000-2014, regardless of tumour behaviour. Data underwent a rigorous, three-phase quality control as part of CONCORD-3. We implemented a revised version of the International Classification of Childhood Cancer (3 rd edition) to control for under-registration of non-malignant astrocytic tumours. We estimated net survival using the unbiased non-parametric Pohar Perme estimator.
The study included 67,776 children. We estimated survival for 12 histology groups, each based on relevant ICD-O-3 codes. Age-standardised five-year net survival for low-grade astrocytoma ranged between 84% and 100% world-wide during 2000-2014. In most countries, five-year survival was 90% or more during 2000-2004, 2005-2009 and 2010-2014. Global variation in survival for medulloblastoma was much wider, with age-standardised five-year net survival between 47% and 86% for children diagnosed during 2010-2014.
To the best of our knowledge, this study provides the largest account to date of global trends in population-based survival for brain tumours in children, by histology. We devised an enhanced version of ICCC-3 to account for differences in cancer registration practices world-wide. Our findings may have public health implications, because low-grade glioma is one of the six index childhood cancers included by WHO in the Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer.
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