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Κυριακή 22 Νοεμβρίου 2020

Mortality among patients with frequent emergency department use for alcohol-related reasons

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Little is known about the risk of death among people who visit emergency departments frequently for alcohol-related reasons, including whether mortality risk increases with increasing frequency of visits. Our primary objective was to describe the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of this high-risk population and examine their 1-year overall mortality, premature mortality and cause of death as a function of emergency department visit frequency in Ontario, Canada.


We conducted a population-based retrospective cohort study using linked health administrative data (Jan. 1, 2010, to Dec. 31, 2016) in Ontario for people aged 16–105 years who made at least 2 emergency department visits for mental or behavioural disorders due to alcohol within 1 year. We subdivided the cohort based on visit frequency (2, 3 or 4, or ≥ 5). The primary outcome was 1-year mortality, adjusted for age, sex, income, rural residence and presence of comorbidities. We examined premature mortality using years of potential life lost (YPLL).


Of the 25 813 people included in the cohort, 17 020 (65.9%) had 2 emergency department visits within 1 year, 5704 (22.1%) had 3 or 4 visits, and 3089 (12.0%) had 5 or more visits. Males, people aged 45–64 years, and those living in urban centres and lower-income neighbourhoods were more likely to have 3 or 4 visits, or 5 or more visits. The all-cause 1-year mortality rate was 5.4% overall, ranging from 4.7% among patients with 2 visits to 8.8% among those with 5 or more visits. Death due to external causes (e.g., suicide, accidents) was most common. The adjusted mortality rate was 38% higher for patients with 5 or more visits than for those with 2 visits (adjusted hazard ratio 1.38, 95% confidence interval 1.19–1.59). Among 25 298 people aged 16–74 years, this represented 30 607 YPLL.


We observed a high mortality rate among relatively young, mostly urban, lower-income people with frequent emergency department visits for alcohol-related reasons. These visits are opportunities for intervention in a high-risk population to reduce a substantial mortality burden.

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Genomic Destabilization and its Associated Mutagenesis Increase with Senescence‐Associated Phenotype Expression

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Cancer develops through multiple rounds of clonal evolution of cells with abrogated defense systems. Such clonal evolution is triggered by genomic destabilization with associated mutagenesis. However, it remains unclear what increases the risk of genomic destabilization. Genomic instability is usually the result of erroneous repair of DNA double‐strand breaks (DSBs); paradoxically, however, most cancers develop with genomic instability but lack mutations in DNA repair systems. In this manuscript, we review current knowledge regarding a cellular state that increases the risk of genomic destabilization, in which cells exhibit phenotypes often observed during senescence. In addition, we also explore the pathways that lead to genomic destabilization and its associated mutagenesis, which ultimately result in cancer.

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NQO1 promotes an aggressive phenotype in hepatocellular carcinoma via amplifying ERK‐NRF2 signaling

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Patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) are usually diagnosed at the later stages and have poor survival outcomes. New molecules are urgently needed for the prognostic predication and individual treatment. Our study shows that the high levels of NQO1 expression are frequently existed in HCC with obvious cancer‐specific pattern. The patient with NQO1‐high tumors was significantly associated with poor survival outcomes and served as an independent predictor. Functional experiments showed that NQO1 promotes the growth and aggressiveness of HCC in both in vitro and in vivo models, and the underlying mechanism involved NQO1‐derived amplification of ERK/P38‐NRF2 signaling. Combined blockage of ERK and NRF2 signaling generated the stronger growth inhibition than any single blockage, especially for HCC with high‐NQO1. Therefore, NQO1 is a potential biomarker for HCC early diagnosis and prognosis prediction, and also attractive cancer‐specific targets for HCC treatment.

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Tick species from Africa by migratory birds: a 3-year study in Italy

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The role of resident or migratory birds in dispersal of tick species and tick-borne pathogens is still poorly known in Italy. We report here the results of a 3-year project based on sampling ticks from migratory birds, as well as from the vegetation at three stop-over sites for migrants, namely the islands of Ventotene (Latium), Asinara (Sardinia) and Ustica (Sicily). During the spring seasons from 2017–2019, in total 2681 ticks were collected, 2344 of which were sampled from migratory birds and 337 from the vegetation. Ticks were identified by morphology or by molecular tools when necessary. In total, 16 tick species were identified among which the following were exclusively found on birds: Hyalomma rufipes (43.3%), Hy. truncatum (0.1%), Ixodes frontalis (11.8%), Ix. inopinatus (0.2%), Ix. ricinus (3%), Haemaphysalis punctata (0.08%), Hae. erinacei (0.1%), Amblyomma variegatum (0.08%) and Argas vulgaris 0.1%), whereas five species were exclusively collected from the vegetation: Rhipicephalus bursa (10.5%), Rh. turanicus (5.9%), Rh. sanguineus sensu lato (2%), Rh. pusillus (2.4%), Hae. sulcata (0.08%). Hy. marginatum (10.3%) and Ix. ventalloi (9.3%) were found both on birds and on the vegetation on the island Ustica. It is worth noting that the search for ticks on the vegetation did not detect allochthonous tick species. Although we found several interesting local species and allochthonous ticks like Hy. rufipes, Am. variegatum and Ar. vulgaris on birds, further investigations are needed to better define the possible role of migratory birds in the introduction of ticks and tick-borne diseases in Italy, above all after the evidence of imported ticks positive to Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) virus in several European countries.

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Finding incident cancer cases through outpatient oncology clinic claims data and integration into a state cancer registry

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Cancer data from population-based cancer registries under-report cancer cases, especially for cancers primarily diagnosed and treated in outpatient clinical settings, away from hospital-based cancer registrars. Previously, we developed alternative methods of cancer case capture including a claims-based method, which identified a large proportion of cancer cases missed by traditional population-based cancer registries. In this study, we adapted a claims-based method for statewide implementation of cancer surveillance in Florida. Between 2010 and 2017 the claims-based method identified 143,083 cancer abstracts, of which 42% were new and 58% were previously registered. The claims-based method led to the creation of 53,419 new cancer cases in the state cancer registry, which made up 9.3% of all cancer cases registered between 2010 and 2017. The types of cancers identified by the claims-based method were typical of the kinds primarily diagnosed and treated in out patient oncology clinic settings, such as hematological malignancies, prostate cancer, melanoma, breast cancer, and bladder cancer. These cases were added to the Florida cancer registry and may produce an artefactual increase in cancer incidence, which is believed to be closer to the actual burden of cancer in the state.

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Revisiting thoracic kyphosis: a normative description of the thoracic sagittal curve in an asymptomatic population

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Thoracic kyphosis (TK) remained in the shadow of lumbar lordosis. Based on Berthonnaud and Roussouly segmentation, TK is divided into two arches: upper TK (UTK) and lower TK (LTK). The purpose of this study is to propose a normative description of the TK arches in an asymptomatic adults' population and their correlation with spinal and pelvic parameters.


This is an observational study performed on asymptomatic healthy Caucasians volunteers aged between 18 and 45 years. Each patient had a standardized standing biplanar full spine X-rays. Using KEOPS®, sacropelvic parameters and global spinal parameters (LL, TK) as well as the inflexion point location were measured. The upper lumbar lordosis angle (ULL) as well as LTK and UTK was calculated. Patients were classified according to Roussouly morphotypes of normal spine.


A total of 373 adults (F/M = 1.4/1) were enrolled with mean age of 27 years. Mean UTK averaged 25.8°, while mean LTK averaged 19.8° (p < 0.001). UTK angle values were statistically the same in the five different Roussouly spinal shapes (p > 0.05), while LTK values were variable among different Roussouly spine subtypes (p < 0.05). Finally, TK showed the highest correlation with the LL mainly with the ULL (Pearson = 0.66).


In asymptomatic young adults, thoracic kyphosis is composed by two unequal arches, a stable UTK and a variable LTK, with an apex around T8 and T9 vertebra, depending on the spinal morphotype according to Roussouly classification. This should be taken into consideration when analyzing spine sagittal compensation and preparing corrections to minimize risk of mechanical complications.

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Comparative Analysis of Indicators of the Early Stages of Sensory and Sensorimotor Information Processing in Aggressive and Nonaggressive Schizophrenia Patients

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Objective. To study the characteristics of the early stages of sensory (inhibition of the P50 event-related potential) and sensorimotor (prestimulus modification of the acoustic startle reaction (ASR)) information processing in patients with schizophrenia taking account of their behavioral characteristics. Materials and methods. Two groups of patients were investigated using oculography and electroencephalography: aggressive patients (group A, 44 subjects) and nonaggressive patients (group NA, 27 subjects); a control group of 48 healthy subjects were also studied. Patients' mental status was assessed on the PANSS. Results and conclusions. These studies identified features characteristic of schizophrenia patients, particularly increases in the latent period of ASR, deficiency of prestimulus inhibition (PSI) (with delay intervals of 60 msec), and inhibition of P50 relative to normal. The aggressivity factor influenced the lateralized features of these deviations in ASR only in group A. Group NA showed an increase in baseline ASR amplitude and a decrease in prestimulus ASR amplitude. Analysis of P50 showed a significant increase in amplitude and a decrease in latency in responses to the second stimulus in group NA. A significant increase on the G14 scale (Poor impulse control) and the nature of its correlation with ASR and P50 measures in group A suggested that increased impulsivity was an important factor in aggressive behavior in the cohort of patients studied here. The characteristics of ASR and P50 typical of group NA provided evidence of increased sensitivity to external stimuli, which may be associated with personality features inhibiting aggression. These results led to the conclusion that measures of the earl y stages of information processing can be regarded as potential predictors of aggressive behavior in schizophrenia patients.

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Clinical Genetic Characteristics of Epilepsy Due to Mutations in the PCDH19 Gene (OMIM: 300088)

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Objectives: to analyze the clinical genetic characteristics of PCDH19-associated epilepsy in a cohort of patients from the population of the Russian Federation. Materials and methods. The cohort of patients with early epileptic encephalopathy consisted of 16 patients aged from 10 months to 30 years. All patients underwent neurological examination by standard methods, exome sequencing, and electroencephalogram monitoring. Results. Most of the mutations detected were frameshift mutations or mutations forming a stop codon. Six were duplications and four were deletions of a single nucleotide, while three were nonsense mutations. Polymorphism in the clinical manifestations of convulsions were found, which were independent of the type of mutation and its location, which is consistent with results reported by other authors. Conclusions. This study of the clinical genetic features of our patients leads to the conclusion that the PCDH19 gene has so-called hot spots, which are mutated more frequently than other parts of the gene, and that the clinical picture of epileptic encephalopathy type 9, induced by mutations in the PCDH19 gene, is variable.

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EEG Characteristics during Short-Term Spontaneous Waking Periods of Different Durations with Changes in Psychomotor Activity Induced by Falling Asleep

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Changes in EEG spectral characteristics during periods of recovery of performance in a psychomotor test during spontaneous short-term periods of waking in daytime sleep were studied in 17 healthy subjects. The test consisted of two sequentially alternating tasks: to count from 1 to 10 silently accompanied by synchronized pressing of a button, and silent counting only. The monotonous nature of the test led to a rapid decline in the level of consciousness and, in most cases, induced falling asleep. Presses serves as a behavioral indicator of the recovery of cognitive processes inhibited during sleep. Situations with small (2–5) and relatively large (6–10) numbers of button presses were compared. The start of pressing was preceded by the appearance of generalized α rhythm, which decreas ed during performance of psychomotor activity. The power of this rhythm was always greater in longer periods of observed behavioral activity. The end of pressing returned α-power indicators to levels seen before waking. The EEG α rhythm in decreased consciousness during short-term waking evidently characterized the action of the thalamocortical activatory mechanism and was a necessary condition for motor interaction of the body with the external environment. The absence of any differences in the frontal areas at the initial stage on performance of short-lived activity and longer-lasting activity, approaching performance of the complete cycle of presses, suggested that they are involved to the same extent during this period regardless of the number of presses. This result may provide indirect support for the notion that the observed psychomotor activity, even with a small number of presses, is not automatic and unconscious but is accompanied by reduced and fragmented consciousness.

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Cross-Correlation and Coherence Analysis of Electrocortigrams in Rats Subjected to Craniocerebral Trauma

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Craniocerebral trauma (CCT) is one of the leading causes of death and long-term loss of work capacity among the young population of both the Russian Federation and other countries. The development of adequate and reproducible models of CCT in laboratory animals and objective methods for assessing the extent of neurological impairments gives cause for optimism in seeking and studying new and effective neurorehabilitation approaches. The aim of the present work was to carry out a comparative cross-correlation and coherence analysis of electrocorticograms from presumptively healthy rats and animals subjected to CCT. After initial trepanning, open penetrating CCT was modeled by controlled cortical impacts applied to the motor cortex of the left hemisphere. Nichrome corticographic recording el ectrodes were implanted bilaterally in the primary and secondary motor cortex and in the primary somatosensory cortex (above the hippocampus). Electrocorticograms were recorded on days 3 and 7 after surgery in the home cage and in the resting state. Cross-correlation analysis consisted of computing the cross-correlation coefficient, the mean frequency, and the maximum span in the cross-correlation function. Mean coherence power levels for the δ, θ, α, and β rhythms were computed for pairs of leads. Unilateral traumatic damage to the motor cortex and underlying structures led to impairment to the operation of interhemisphere and intrahemisphere connections and these changes were seen not only in the impact area, but also in distant parts of the cortex on post-trauma days 3 and 7. These changes in ECoG cross-correlation and coherence parameters occurring in rats as a result of CCT were similar to those seen in patients in clinical practice, so it can be suggested that this experim ental model can be used for neurophysiological and pharmacological research.

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Absorbed dose simulation of meta - 211 At-astato-benzylguanidine using pharmacokinetics of 131 I-MIBG and a novel dose conversion method, RAP

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We aimed to estimate in vivo 211At-labeled meta-benzylguanidine (211At-MABG) absorbed doses by the two dose conversion methods, using 131I-MIBG biodistribution data from a previously reported neuroblastoma xenograft model. In addition, we examined the effects of different cell lines and time limitations using data from two other works.


We used the framework of the Monte Carlo method to create 3200 virtual experimental data sets of activity concentrations (kBq/g) to get the statistical information. Time activity concentration curves were produced using the fitting method of a genetic algorithm. The basic method was that absorbed doses of 211At-MABG were calculated based on the medical internal radiation dose formalism with the conversion of the physical half-life time of 131I to that of 211At. We have further improved the basic method; that is, a novel dose conversion method, RAP (Ratio of Pharmacokinetics), using percent injected dose/g.


Virtual experiments showed that 211At-MABG and 131I-MIBG had similar properties of initial activity concentrations and biological components, but the basic method did not simulate the 211At-MABG dose. Simulated 211At-MABG doses from 131I-MIBG using the RAP method were in agreement with those from 211At-MABG, so that their boxes overlapped in the box plots. The RAP method showed applicability to the different cell lines, but it was difficult to predict long-term doses from short-term experimental data.


The present RAP dose conversion method could estimate 211At-MABG absorbed doses from the pharmacokinetics of 131I-MIBG with some limitations. The RAP method would be applicable to a large number of subjects for targeted nuclide therapy.

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