Πέμπτη 12 Ιανουαρίου 2023

Epstein–Barr Virus‐Positive Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis Following COVID‐19 Vaccination in a Pediatric Patient

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Approaches to minimize tooth staining associated with silver diamine fluoride: A systematic review

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To the effectiveness of different strategies to overcome silver diamine fluoride (SDF)-mediated tooth staining.

Materials and Methods

Four online databases (PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus, and Web of Science) were searched using different MeSH terms and Boolean Operators to retrieve the articles (until June 2021), followed by a hand-search of the reference list of the included articles. All full-text, original studies in English that evaluated SDF staining and at least one SDF modification/alternative were included.


Among the assessed studies, nine studies explored the stain-minimization effect of potassium iodide (KI) post-application following SDF treatment. Among these, eight concluded that KI application after SDF treatment significantly reduced tooth staining, while one showed marginal staining following glass ionomer restoration of the SDF-treated dentine. Additionally, one study applied potassium fluoride (KF) and silver nitrate (AgNO3) concurrently to mitigate SDF-mediated staining. One study compared SDF staining with polyethylene glycol (PEG)-coated nanoparticles containing sodium fluoride (NaF), and another used nanosilver fluoride (NSF) for staining comparison with SDF.


Within the limitations of this study, the addition of different materials to SDF has proven to be a beneficial strategy for overcoming tooth staining associated with SDF. Future studies are warranted, particularly clinical trials, to validate these findings.

Clinical Significance

SDF-mediated tooth staining is a serious concern that limits its clinical use. A review of various strategies to overcome this problem will help clinicians enhance its clinical use and patient acceptance.

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Targeting therapeutic against C3b/C4b, SB002, on the inflammation‐induced bone loss in experimental periodontitis

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To use experimental periodontitis models in rats to investigate the correlation between local expression of complement components C3b and C4b in periodontal tissues and disease severity, and to assess the therapeutic effects of targeting C3b/C4b on inflammatory bone loss.


The gingival expression of C3, C3b, and C4b in animal experimental periodontitis models was analyzed immunohistochemically. The therapeutic effects of C3b/C4b inhibitor (SB002) on ligation-induced experimental periodontitis was examined using biochemical, histological, and immunohistochemical analysis.


The gingival expression levels of C3, C3b, and C4b were positively correlated with the severity of periodontitis. Moreover, both single and multiple injections of the C3b/C4b inhibitor had preventive and therapeutic effects on alveolar bone loss in ligation-induced experimental periodontitis with no associated adverse consequences.


The association between C3b/C4b and periodontitis may provide a basis for the development of novel therapeutic strategies for periodontitis and other inflammatory diseases.

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EANO guideline on rational molecular testing of gliomas, glioneuronal and neuronal tumors in adults for targeted therapy selection

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The mainstay of treatment for adult patients with gliomas, glioneuronal and neuronal tumors consists of combinations of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. For many systemic cancers, targeted treatments are a part of standard of care, however the predictive significance of most of these targets in CNS tumors remains less well studied. Despite that, there is an increasing use of advanced molecular diagnostics that identify potential targets, and tumor agnostic regulatory approvals on targets also present in CNS tumors have been granted. This raises the question when and for which targets it is meaningful to test in adult patients with CNS tumors. This evidence based guideline reviews the evidence available for targeted treatment for alterations in the RAS/MAPK pathway (BRAF, NF1), in growth factor receptors (EGFR, ALK, FGFR, NTRK, PDGFRA, ROS1), in cell cycle signaling (CDK4/6, MDM2/4, TSC1/2) and altered genomic stability (mismatch repair, PO LE, high TMB, HRD) in adult patients with gliomas, glioneuronal and neuronal tumors. At present, targeted treatment for BRAF p.V600E alterations is to be considered part of standard of care for patients with recurrent gliomas, pending regulatory approval. For approved tumor agnostic treatments for NTRK fusions and high TMB, the evidence for efficacy in adult patients with CNS tumors is very limited, and treatment should preferably be given within prospective clinical registries and trials. For targeted treatment of CNS tumors with FGFR fusions or mutations, clinical trials are ongoing to confirm modest activity so far observed in basket trials. For all other reviewed targets, evidence of benefit in CNS tumors is currently lacking, and testing/treatment should be in the context of available clinical trials.
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Oncologic Outcomes After Clinically Node-Negative Salvage Laryngectomy

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This cohort study investigates the association of electiv e neck dissection vs observation with oncologic outcomes among patients who received clinically node-negative salvage total laryngectomy.
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Laryngology Outcomes Following Implantable Vagus Nerve Stimulation

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This cross-sectional study examines trends in laryngeal c omplications reported to the US Food and Drug Administration after vagus nerve stimulation implantation.
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Auricular Reconstruction for Relapsing Polychondritis

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This case report describes a woman in her early 20s who p resented to the hospital with an acquired auricular deformity after an ear piercing and was diagnosed with recurrent polychondritis that required total auricular reconstruction.
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Cervical Lymphadenopathy and Airway Masses in a Child

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A previously healthy 12-year-old boy presented with a 3-m onth history of nasal obstruction, progressive dysphonia, recurrent deep neck abscesses, and tender, bulky cervical lymphadenopathy. What is your diagnosis?
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Long-term Outcomes of Turbinate Surgery in Patients With Allergic Rhinitis

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This systematic review and meta-analysis investigates the long-term outcomes and safety of turbinate surgery in patients with medically refractory allergic rhinitis.
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Primary hyperparathyroidism presenting as acute hypercalcemic crisis: a case report

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Hyperparathyroid crisis, or "parathyroid storm" is a rare manifestation of primary hyperparathyroidism, characterized by sudden onset of symptomatic, severe hypercalcemia (> 3.5 mmol/L). Hemorrhage into a para...
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Somatic genomic imbalances in ‘tumour-free’ surgical margins of oral cancer

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Up to 30% of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) patients develop local recurrence and distant metastasis. The molecular status of histologically cancer-free tumour margins could be a critical factor in predicting tumour behaviour. The aim of this study was to detect somatic genomic imbalances in OSCC with emphasis on the surgical margins. DNA was isolated from tumour tissues, margin tissues, and blood samples (used as control) obtained from 11 OSCC patients, and genome-wide array comparative genomic hybridization was performed. (Source: International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery)
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