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Δευτέρα 14 Μαρτίου 2022

Skin-sparing mastectomy and mastopexy: A safe 'one step' option with immediate DIEP flap and simultaneous Nipple areola complex reconstruction

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J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2022 Feb 26:S1748-6815(22)00104-8. doi: 10.1016/j.bjps.2022.02.035. Online ahead of print.


PMID:35279420 | DOI:10.1016/j.bjps.2022.02.035

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Infections after mastectomy and tissue expander placement: A multivariate regression analysis

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J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2022 Jan 31:S1748-6815(22)00063-8. doi: 10.1016/j.bjps.2022.01.050. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: While breast surgery is considered a clean case, tissue expander-based breast reconstruction (TE-BR) has infection rates quoted up to 31%, decidedly higher than the typical 1% to 2% rate of surgical site infections. Through multivariate regression, we sought to analyze risk factors that contribute to infections following TE placement.

METHODS: A retrospective study reviewed all patients undergoing mastectomy with immediate or delayed TE placement over a 22-month period. Infections were defined as clinically documented cellulitis or infection, return to the operating room (RTOR) for suspected infection, or positive operative or seroma cultures.

RESULTS: A total of 311 patients underwent mastectomy and TE placement to 490 breasts. 13.5% of breasts developed an infection prior to second stage reconstruction. Multivariate logistic regression indicated that patients who developed infections were older (52.8 vs. 47.6 years, OR 1.04, p = 0.02), had higher rates of full-thickness necrosis (24.6% vs. 3.6%, OR 6.64, p<0.01), had higher rates of seromas requiring drainage (33.3% vs. 11.5%, OR 2.79, p<0.01), and had longer periods of drain therapy (24.9 vs. 21.0 days, OR 1.04, p = 0.04). Logistic regression established that longer discharge antibiotic length was not protective against the development of infection.

CONCLUSION: Patients were more likely to develop an infection as the length of surgical drain retention increased, patient age increased, or if they developed seromas and full-thickness necrosis. Longer post-operative antibiotics were not protective against the development of infection in this sample. Prospective studies are needed to assess how antibiotic lengths can affect the morbidity of patients undergoing TE-BR.

PMID:35279422 | DOI:10.1016/j.bjps.2022.01.050

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Repair of postoperative and recurrent nasal septal perforations using L-strut overlay flap

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Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2022 Mar 13. doi: 10.1007/s00405-022-07332-8. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: Despite the many described techniques, surgical repair of iatrogenic nasal septal perforations is still challenging. The authors present a novel technique for endoscopic closure of postoperative and recurrent nasal septal perforations.

METHOD: The technique is based on the elevation of a vascularized flap from the L-strut area and the creation of the bed site without dissection of the surrounding septum. Seven patients were operated using "L-strut overlay" flap from June 2018 to October 2020. All patients had their perforations closed 12 months after surgery.

CONCLUSION: Early results of our surgical technique have proven its simplicity and high effectiveness.

PMID:35279737 | DOI:10.1007/s00405-022-07332-8

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Closure of spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid leakage via fistula at the lateral wall of the sphenoid sinus using a bone pile

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Clin Case Rep. 2022 Mar 3;10(3):e05510. doi: 10.1002/ccr3.5510. eCollection 2022 Mar.


This report describes a case of spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid leak through a narrow canal-like fistula in the lateral wall of the sphenoid sinus, which was managed through rigid reconstruction. Rigid reconstruction of the skull base was performed by fitting a pile-shaped bone into the fistula like the pile-driving technique.

PMID:35280093 | PMC:PMC8894578 | DOI:10.1002/ccr3.5510

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Isolated atlas-duplication as a manifestation of persistent proatlas: a case report

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Surg Radiol Anat. 2022 Mar 14. doi: 10.1007/s00276-022-02918-7. Online ahead of print.


PURPOSE: Atlas-duplication is an exceedingly rare dysplasia of the craniocervical junction. To the best of our knowledge, only two cases of atlas-duplication have been reported and these were associated with complete anterior rachischisis and os odontoideum. We aimed to report a case of isolated atlas-duplication of incidental finding and without attributable symptoms which makes it unique.

METHODS: Following a normal coronarography for a suspected myocardial infarction, a 60-year-old-man with no significant medical history developed a transient ischemic attack that justified brain computed-tomography angiography.

RESULTS: There was no evidence for cerebral ischemic lesion, intracranial occlusion or significant artery disease. Bone analysis revealed eight cervical vertebral segments with an additional vertebral level located between the occiput and the atlas. This vertebra presented all the morphological characteristics of an atlas vertebra except for hypoplasia of the left transverse process. An incomplete anterior rachischisis was associated, and there was no other abnormality of craniocervical junction. The clinical examination revealed no neck pain, no limitation of joint amplitude and no neurological deficit. Apart from preventive treatment of ischemic stroke, no orthopedic or surgical treatment was undertaken. After 1.5 years of radiologica l monitoring, the patient remains symptom-free.

CONCLUSIONS: Atlas-duplication is an exceedingly rare dysplasia of the craniocervical junction that may be found isolated and incidentally. If this variation does not necessarily warrant specific treatment, brain CT angiography is recommended to detect anatomical variations of the vertebral arteries.

PMID:35284975 | DOI:10.1007/s00276-022-02918-7

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Efficacy of systematic voice training combined with swallowing function exercises for the prevention of swallowing dysfunction in stroke patients: a retrospective study

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Ann Transl Med. 2022 Feb;10(4):195. doi: 10.21037/atm-22-101.


BACKGROUND: Stroke is a common clinical brain disease, and swallowing dysfunction is one of the most common complications in stroke patients. Despite multiple treatments for swallowing dysfunction, it often leads to a series of complications. Interventions such as systematic voice training and swallowing function exercises have emerged in recent years, but their effectiveness remains unclear. Therefore, this stu dy was conducted to investigate the effect of systematic voice training combined with swallowing function exercise for the prevention of swallowing dysfunction and improving the quality of life of stroke patients.

METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed 90 stroke patients admitted to Baotou Central Hospital from October 2018 to October 2021 as study subjects, and divided the patients into a combined voice training group (n=45) and a single swallowing exercise group (n=45) according to the interventions. The single swallowing exercise group received routine swallowing function exercise, and the combined voice training group used systematic voice training combined with swallowing function exercise. The incidence of swallowing dysfunction, malnutrition, aspiration pneumonia, and exercise compliance rate were compared between the two groups, and the quality of life of the two groups was evaluated by the Generic Quality of Life Inventory 74 (GQOLI-74) before and after the intervention s, respectively.

RESULTS: The incidence of swallowing dysfunction, aspiration pneumonia, and malnutrition were lower in the combined voice training group than in the single swallowing exercise group (P<0.05), and there was no statistically significant difference in the exercise compliance rate between the two groups. The combined voice training group had higher psychological dimensions, physical dimensions, social adaptation, and total quality of life scores than the single swallowing exercise group (all P<0.05). Compared with the conventional intervention group, the combined voice training group had higher patient satisfaction (P<0.05).

CONCLUSIONS: Systematic voice training combined with swallowing function exercise can effectively prevent the occurrence of swallowing dysfunction and improve the quality of life of patients with stroke.

PMID:35280372 | PMC:PMC8908138 | DOI:10.21037/atm-22-101

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Use of Polysomnography and CPAP in Children Who Received Adenotonsillectomy, US 2004 to 2018

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1) To determine the prevalence polysomnogram (PSG) and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy use in children who received adenotonsillectomy (AT) for sleep symptoms. 2) To identify health care disparities in these regards.

Study Design

Retrospective database analysis.


This study used data from Optum (Health Services Innovation Company) to identify 92,490 children who received AT for sleep symptoms between 2004 and 2018. Prevalence of preoperative PSG and postoperative PSG and CPAP were described. Clinical and demographic characteristics were compared between children who had preoperative PSG and those who did not. Characteristics of children with trisomy 21 (T21) were compared to assess PSG and CPAP use in a high-risk cohort. Predictive modeling was used to identify patient characteristics associated with postoperative PSG and CPAP use.


Preoperative PSG was obtained in 5.5% of children overall and 33.2% of children with T21. Male sex, obesity, other medical comorbidities, non-White race/ethnicity, and higher parent education were associated with preoperative PSG. Fewer than 3% of children received postoperative PSGs and approximately 3% went on to receive CPAP therapy postoperatively. Multiple logistic regression showed that age at surgery, male sex, obesity, other medical comorbidities, non-White race/ethnicity, and higher parent education were associated with postoperative PSG and CPAP use.

Conclusions and Relevance

This study described the prevalence pre-AT PSG use and post-AT PSG and CPAP use for persistent symptoms and identified sleep health care disparities in these regards. These results show that increased, equitable access to PSG is needed in children, particularly in the workup and treatment persistent symptoms after AT.

Level of Evidence

4 Laryngoscope, 2022

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Omaveloxolone attenuates squamous cell carcinoma growth and disease severity in an Epidermolysis Bullosa mouse model

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Patients with Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) are susceptible to development of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) at sites of chronic inflammation and fibrosis. While triterpenoids such as RTA 408 (Omaveloxolone) have been shown to reduce inflammation and inhibit tumor growth in various cancer models, the utility of this class of drugs in the treatment of SCC has not been investigated. Given the dual anti-inflammatory and anti-neoplastic properties of triterpenoids, we hypothesized RTA 408 would be an effective treatment for SCCs that arise in the chronic inflammatory setting in EB. We tested the effects of topical RTA 408 on a mouse model of non-Herlitz, junctional EB. RTA 408 significantly reduced phenotypic severity in the affected ears of Lamc2jeb mice. In cultures, RTA 408 reduced cell viability in EB-associated SCC cell lines and normal human epidermal keratinocytes. When administered in vivo, RTA 408 inhibited SCC tumor growth in mice without cutaneous or systemic tox icity. These results suggest that RTA 408 can be a promising new therapy to reduce inflammation and inhibit SCC growth in patients with EB.

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Uveal melanoma metastatic at initial diagnosis: a case series

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imageDetectable metastasis at the time of initial diagnosis of uveal melanoma (UM) is rare. The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the characteristics and outcomes in patients with metastatic UM (MUM) at initial diagnosis. An institutional review board-approved retrospective case series analysis was performed in 21 patients that presented for management of MUM at initial diagnosis. Patient, tumor and treatment parameters were recorded, and ophthalmic symptoms, metastasis response and overall survival were assessed. Among 21 patients, median tumor diameter was 18 mm (range, 9.1–35 mm), with 76% classified as a Collaborative Ocular Melanoma Study (COMS) large size. Sites of metastasis included liver (95%), bone (29%) and lung (29%), among others, and were confirmed by biopsy in 95% of patients studied. Symptomatic primary tumors were present in 81%, causing pain (24%) or vision loss (57%). Primary tumor therapy (PTT) was provided upfront for 52% of patients with enucleation (24%) and brachytherapy (29%). Eye pain developed 3–6 months after diagnosis in four of 10 patients who did not receive upfront PTT, whereas it did not occur in any of the 11 patients who received upfront PTT (P = 0.04). PTT palliated pain in all cases. The median overall survival was 11.9 months (range, 2.5–21.1 months). Patients presenting with MUM at initial diagnosis have high-risk tumors and experience survival like patients who develop metastases metachronously. PTT is not associated with survival but may mitigate ophthalmic symptoms, especially in patients with large tumors at risk for causing symptoms.
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Tumor mutational burden and somatic mutation status to predict disease recurrence in advanced melanoma

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imageTumor mutational burden (TMB) has recently been identified as a biomarker of response to immune checkpoint inhibitors in many cancers, including melanoma. Co-assessment of TMB with inflammatory markers and genetic mutations may better predict disease outcomes. The goal of this study was to evaluate the potential for TMB and somatic mutations in combination to predict the recurrence of disease in advanced melanoma. A retrospective review of 85 patients with stage III or IV melanoma whose tumors were analyzed by next-generation sequencing was conducted. Fisher's exact test was used to assess differences in TMB category by somatic mutation status as well as recurrence locations. Kaplan–Meier estimates and Cox-proportional regression model were used for survival analyses. The most frequently detected mutations were TERT (32.9%), CDKN2A (28.2%), KMT2 (25.9%), BRAF V600E (24.7%), and NRAS (24.7%). Patients with TMB-L + BRAFWT status were more likely to have a recurrence [hazard ratio (HR), 3.43; confidence interval (CI), 1.29–9.15; P = 0.01] compared to TMB-H + BRAF WT. Patients with TMB-L + NRASmut were more likely to have a recurrence (HR, 5.29; 95% CI, 1.44–19.45; P = 0.01) compared to TMB-H + NRAS WT. TMB-L tumors were associated with local (P = 0.029) and in-transit (P = 0.004) recurrences. Analysis of TMB alone may be insufficient in understanding the relationship between melanoma's molecular profile and the body's immune system. Classification into BRAFmut, NRASmut, and tumor mutational load groups may aid in identifying patients who are more likely to have disease recurrence in advance d melanoma.
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Efficacy of radiotherapy combined with immune checkpoint inhibitors in patients with melanoma: a systemic review and meta-analysis

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imageThe purpose of this study is to review the efficacy of radiotherapy combined with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) in the treatment of melanoma and systematically evaluate the efficacy and safety of this combined treatment compared with ICIs alone. We searched a number of online databases up to 1 July 2021. Comprehensive Meta-Analysis 2.0 and RevMan 5.0 were used for summary analysis. The overall survival (OS), progression-free survival (PFS), overall response rate (ORR) and treatment adverse effects (AEs) were calculated. In total, 624 patients were included from 12 studies, including nine published studies and the r esults of three clinical trials. Radiotherapy combined with ICIs had a higher ORR compared with ICIs alone (35.00 vs. 20.39%). In terms of survival effect, radiotherapy combined with ICIs had no obvious advantage in OS. There was no statistically significant difference between 6-month and 12-month OS (P = 0.13; P = 0.69). There was no significant difference in PFS at 6 months (P = 0.08), but there was a significant difference in PFS at 12 months (P = 0.005). For patients with melanoma, radiotherapy combined with ICIs can improve the effective rate of treatment. Although there is no obvious OS advantage, it can improve PFS without serious adverse effects. Most of the studies included in this article are retrospective analyses, and there are few randomized controlled studies at present. Therefore, more prospective studies are still needed to explore the efficacy of radiotherapy combined with immunotherapy in melanoma.
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