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Πέμπτη 7 Οκτωβρίου 2021

The value of vestibular function tests combined with high stimulus rate auditory brainstem response in Vestibular Migraine

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We retrospectively analysed the value of vestibular function tests combined with high stimulus rate auditory brainstem response in vestibular migraine. All patients were tested by caloric test, vHIT, and high stimulus rate ABR. The abnormal values of single test including caloric test, vHIT, and high stimulus rate ABR were low. The abnormal values of high stimulus rate ABR combined with vHIT were significantly higher than that of the other two groups. No significant differences among the three combined tests and high stimulus rate ABR combined with vHIT.

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Expression of epithelial membrane protein (EMP) 1, EMP 2, and EMP 3 in thyroid cancer

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Histol Histopathol. 2021 Oct 7:18378. doi: 10.14670/HH-18-378. Online ahead of print.


Purpose Epithelial membrane protein (EMP) 1, EMP2, and EMP3 are expressed in various types of tumors and have been reported to be involved in carcinogenesis. In this study, we aimed to investigate the expression of these proteins in primary and metastatic thyroid cancer and its clinical implication. Methods EMP1, EMP2, and EMP3 immunohistochemistry was performed using tissue microarrays of 545 primary thyroid carcinomas [338 papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC), 111 follicular carcinoma (FC), 69 medullary carcinoma (MC), 23 poorly differentiated carcinoma (PDC), and 4 anaplastic carcinoma (AC)] and 59 recurrent or metastatic PTCs. Results EMP1 showed high expression in AC, PTC, FC (P<0.001), and EMP2 was highly expressed in AC (P<0.001). EMP1 and EMP2 were not expressed in stromal cells. Expression of EMP3 in tumor cells [EMP3 (T)] was hig her in PDC, PTC, and AC (P<0.001), and expression in stromal cells [EMP3 (S)] was observed only in AC and PTC (P=0.001). The expression of EMP1 (P=0.002) and EMP3 (T) (P<0.001) was higher in conventional PTC than in follicular variant PTC. PTC with BRAF V600E mutation showed higher expression of EMP1 (P<0.001), EMP3 (T) (P<0.001), and EMP3 (S) (P=0.012) than PTC without BRAF V600E mutation. In the PTC without BRAF V600E mutation group, expression of EMP3 (S) was associated with shorter disease free survival (P=0.004). Metastatic PTC showed higher EMP2 (3.4% vs. 0%, P=0.022) and lower EMP3 (T) (44.1% vs. 66%, P=0.001) than primary PTC. Conclusions Expression of EMP1, EMP2, and EMP3 is different according to the subtypes of thyroid cancer. Further studies are needed to determine their role as prognostic markers and treatment target in thyroid cancer.

PMID:34617578 | DOI:10.14670/HH-18-378

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Ultrasound Appearance Does Not Improve Thyroid Cancer Risk Predicted by Molecular Testing

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Clinical Thyroidology, Volume 33, Issue 10, Page 437-440, October 2021.
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Hybrid [18F]FDG PET/MR Has High Sensitivity and Specificity in the Detection of Recurrent Differentiated Thyroid Cancer

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Clinical Thyroidology, Volume 33, Issue 10, Page 447-451, October 2021.
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Multiparametric Analysis of Speaking Fundamental Frequency in Genetically Related Speakers Using Different Speech Materials: Some Forensic Implications

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Objective: To assess the speaker-discriminatory potential of a set of fundamental frequency estimates in intraidentical twin pair comparisons and cross-pair comparisons (i.e., among all speakers). Participants: A total of 20 Brazilian Portuguese speakers of the same dialect, namely 10 male identical twin pairs aged between 19 and 35, were recruited. Method: the participants were recorded directly through professional microphones while taking part in a spontaneous dialogue over mobile phones. Acoustic measurements were performed in connected speech samples, and in lengthened vowels, at least 160 ms long produced during spontaneous speech.
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Temporal bone computed tomography checklist-TeSLANO: introduction of a standardized preoperative imaging evaluation for middle ear surgery

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Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2021 Oct 7. doi: 10.1007/s00405-021-07112-w. Online ahead of print.


PURPOSE: Aim of the study was to evaluate if the introduction of the imaging checklist TeSLANO would improve the identification of crucial anatomical findings from temporal bone computed tomography (TBCT) scans among a cohort of Otolaryngology residents.

STUDY DESIGN: Single-blinded prospective cohort study.

SETTING: Tertiary care university hospital and referral center for otology and skull base surgery.

METHODS: The cohort was composed by eight Otorhinolaryngology residents (four junior and four senior) that were individually asked to identify all relevant anatomic findings from preoperative TBCT scans. Supervising surgeon showed to each resident four TBCT scans before and four after the introduction of a systematic checklist evaluation system based on the TeSLANO acronym. Statistical analysis was performed using McNemar's test and results were considered significant with a P value < 0.05.

RESULTS: Introduction of the checklist improved global identification of critical anatomical structures from 48.75 to 89.17% (P < 0.05). The postimplementation identification percentage improved for both the senior and junior groups (P < 0.05).

CONCLUSIONS: The imaging checklist TeSLANO allows a systematic approach to review TBCT scans and significantly improves identification of critical anatomical structures in Otorhinolaryngology residents.

PMID:34618226 | DOI:10.1007/s00405-021-07112-w

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Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com,
Telephone consultation 11855 int 1193,

Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου
