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Τρίτη 12 Ιανουαρίου 2021

A Novel Solution of Using Mixed Reality in Bowel and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Telepresence: 3D Mean Value Cloning algorithm

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Background and aim

Most of the Mixed Reality models used in the surgical telepresence are suffering from the discrepancies in the boundary area and spatial‐temporal inconsistency due to the illumination variation in the video frames. The aim behind this work is to propose a new solution that helps produce the composite video by merging the augmented video of the surgery site and virtual hand of the remote expertise surgeon. The purpose of the proposed solution is to decrease the processing time and enhance the accuracy of merged video by decreasing the overlay and visualization error and removing occlusion and artefacts.


The proposed system enhanced mean value cloning algorithm that helps to maintain the spatial‐temporal consistency of the final composite video. The enhanced algorithm includes the 3D mean value coordinates and improvised mean value interpolant in the image cloning process, which helps to reduce the sawtooth, smudging and discoloration artefacts around the blending region.


The accuracy in terms of overlay error of the proposed solution is improved from 1.01mm to 0.80mm whereas the accuracy in terms of visualization error is improved from 98.8% to 99.4%. The processing time is reduced to 0.173 seconds from 0.211 seconds. The processing time and the accuracy of the proposed solution are enhanced as compared to the state of art solution.


Our solution helps make the object of interest consistent with the light intensity of the target image by adding the space distance that helps maintain the spatial consistency in the final merged video.

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Neuroprotectin D1 Attenuates Blast Overpressure Induced Reactive Microglial Cells in the Cochlea

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We examined a neuroinflammatory response associated with glial activation in the cochlea exposed to blast overpressure and evaluated the potential therapeutic efficacy of specialized pro‐resolving mediators such as neuroprotectin D1, NPD1; (10R, 17S‐dihydroxy‐4Z, 7Z, 11E, 13E, 15Z, 19Z‐docosahexaenoic acid) in a rodent blast‐induced auditory injury model.

Study Design

Animal Research.


A compressed‐air driven shock tube was used to expose anesthetized adult male Long‐Evan rats to shock waves simulating an open‐field blast exposure. Approximately 30 minutes after blast exposure, rats were treated with NPD1 (100 ng/kg body wt.) or vehicle delivered intravenously via tail vein injection. Rats were then euthanized 48 hours after blast exposure. Unexposed rats were included as controls. Tissue sections containing both middle and inner ear were prepared with hematoxylin–eosin staining to elucidate histopathological changes associated with blast exposure. Cochlear tissues were evaluated for relative expression of ionized calcium‐binding adaptor 1 (Iba1), as an indicator of microglial activation by immunohistochemistry and western blot analyses.


Our animal model resulted in an acute injury mechanism manifested by damage to the tympanic membrane, hemorrhage, infiltration of inflammatory cells, and increased expression of Iba1 protein. Moreover, therapeutic intervention with NPD1 significantly reduced Iba1 expression in the cochlea, suggesting a reduction of a neuroinflammatory response caused by blast overpressure.


Blast overpressure resulted in an increased expression of proteins involved in gliosis within the auditory system, which were reduced by NPD1. Treatment of NPD1 suggests an effective strategy to reduce or halt auditory microglial cell activation due to primary blast exposure.

Level of Evidence

N/A Laryngoscope, 2021

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Longitudinal Assessment of Frailty and Quality of Life in Patients Undergoing Head and Neck Surgery

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To understand changes in frailty and quality of life (QOL) in frail versus non‐frail patients undergoing surgery for head and neck cancer (HNC).


Prospective cohort study of patients (median age 67 (50, 88)) with HNC undergoing surgery from December 2011 to April 2014. Fried's Frailty Index, Vulnerable Elders Survey (VES‐13), and comprehensive QOL assessments (EORTC QLQ‐C30 and HN35) were completed at baseline and 3, 6, and 12‐month post‐operative visits. Change in frailty and QOL over time was compared between frailty groups (non‐frail (score 0), pre‐frail (score 1–2), and frail (score 3–5)) using a mixed effects model. Predictors of long‐term elevated frailty (12 months > baseline) were analyzed using logistic regression.


The study had 108 patients classified as non‐frail (47%), 104 pre‐frail (mean (SD) 1.3 (0.4), 45%), and 17 frail (3.4 (0.6); 7%). Frailty score decreased significantly for frail patients 3 months post‐operatively (2.1 (1.0); P = .002) and remained significantly lower than baseline at 6 and 12 months (2.1 (1.4); P = .0008 and 2.2 (1.5); P = .005, respectively) while frailty score increased for non‐frail patients at 3 months (1.1 (1.0); P < .001) and then decreased. Forty‐eight patients (21%) had long‐term elevated frailty, with baseline frailty and marital status identified as predictors on univariate analysis. The frail population had significantly worse QOL scores at baseline, which persisted 12 months post‐operatively.


Frail patients demonstrate a decrease in frailty score following surgical treatment of HNC. Frail patients have significantly worse QOL scores on longitudinal assessment and would benefit from supportive services throughout their care.

Level of Evidence

3 Laryngoscope, 2021

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Postoperative Disposition Following Pediatric Sistrunk Procedures: A National Database Query

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Variability exists in the postoperative disposition of children following Sistrunk procedures. Management options include discharge home versus overnight observation, with the latter allowing monitoring for immediate postoperative complications, presumably reducing the need for subsequent readmission. This study investigates the association between overnight observation and ambulatory management of children undergoing Sistrunk procedures and relevant postoperative complication and revisit rates to clarify best practice for these patients.


This was a retrospective database review using the Pediatric Health Information System database from 2007 to 2016.


The cited dataset identified 6,434 qualifying patients, categorized into ambulatory versus overnight observation cohorts. The overall 30‐day revisit rate was 4.9%; the revisit rate with overnight observation (6.1%) was higher than for ambulatory patients (3.8%, adjusted odds ratio (OR) 1.60; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.21, 2.12). Revisit rates were significantly higher in patients 2 years of age or younger compared to older patients (6.7% vs. 4.3%). The rates of return to the operating room for the observation versus ambulatory groups were 1.8% and 0.5%, respectively. Cervical fluid collection and neck swelling were among the most common revisit indications in both groups, with a mean time to presentation of 9 days.


This study demonstrates that ambulatory management following a Sistrunk procedure is not associated with increased rates of common postoperative complications, readmission, or need for secondary surgical intervention. A Sistrunk procedure may be safely performed on an ambulatory basis in select cases.

Level of Evidence

IV Laryngoscope, 2021

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Platelet-Rich Plasma for Vocal Fold Scar: A Preliminary Report of Concept

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Vocal fold atrophy and scar can lead to loss of normal superficial lamina propria, negatively affecting the vibratory function of the vocal fold. These changes can lead to dysphonia, vocal fatigue, decreased volume, and altered pitch. Treatment options for these conditions are limited. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) consists of platelets, growth factors, and cytokines derived from the patient's own blood and is believed to activate tissue regeneration. The purpose of this study was to review the technical aspects of collecting PRP and injecting it into the vocal fold injection – based on our initial experience with this procedure.
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Epitheliale Speicheldrüsentumoren – monozentrische retrospektive Erhebung für den Süden Sachsen-Anhalts

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DOI: 10.1055/a-1337-3126

Zielsetzung Es war das Ziel dieser Untersuchung, Daten zu epithelialen Speicheldrüsentumoren im Rahmen einer umfassenden monozentrischen und retrospektiven Analyse zu erheben. Material und Methoden Analysiert wurden Patienten mit einer epithelialen Speicheldrüsenneoplasie, welche zwischen 1993 und 2017 entweder die Klinik für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie (MKG) des Universitätsklinikums Halle (UKH) aufsuchten oder/und am Institut für Pathologie (IPA) des UKH diese Diagnose erhielten oder/und deren Diagnose zwischen 2000 und 2017 dem Statistischen Landesamt Sachsen-Anhalt gemeldet wurde. Folgende Parameter wurden erhoben: demografische Daten, Tumorlokalisation, Tumorentität, Klinik, Therapieverfahren und Verlauf. Die Daten wurden in einer Datenbank im Format SPSS 21.5 erfasst und statistisch analysiert. Ergebnisse Im Beobachtungszeitraum wurden unter Verwendung der Datenbanken der MKG sowie des IPA des UKH 382 Patienten mit einer epithelialen Speicheldrüsenneoplasie registriert. Die häufigste Tumorlokalisation entfiel auf die Gl. parotis mit 71 % (n = 271), während 15 % der Tumoren in den kleinen Speicheldrüsen auftraten (n = 57). Der Anteil benigner Speicheldrüsentumoren betrug 80 % (n = 307). Im genannten Zeitraum waren in Sachsen-Anhalt 5586 Patienten mit epithelialen Speicheldrüsentumoren gemeldet worden. Schlussfolgerung Unserer Kenntnis nach ist dies die erste epidemiologische Analyse zur Evaluation von Häufigkeit, Dignität und Therapie von epithelialen Speicheldrüsenneoplasien in Sachsen-Anhalt. Das pleomorphe Adenom mit der Vorzugslokalisation Ohrspeicheldrüse ist in unserer Analyse die häufigste Entität. Unter den malignen Pathologien dominiert das adenoid-zystische Karzinom, welches in der Regel von den kleinen Speicheldrüsen seinen Ausgang nimmt.

Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany

Article in Thieme eJournals:
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Möglichkeiten der Vorhersage des Erfolgs einer Hörgeräteversorgung mittels des APHAB-Fragebogens

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DOI: 10.1055/a-1337-3325

Hintergrund Die subjektive Bewertung einer Hörminderung durch Patienten erfolgt durch Fragebögen, z. B. den APHAB. Kumulierte Werte (Gesamtnutzen, Verbesserungsquotient) konnten bisher nicht individuell interpretiert werden, da es keine entsprechenden Daten gab. Diese zu schaffen und die Klärung der Frage, ob eine Perzentiltreue vor und nach einer HGV besteht, waren die Ziele der Studie. Methode Aufgrund von 6861 Datensätzen von Patienten mit abgeschlossener HGV aus einer APHAB-Datenbank wurden für verschiedene Alters- sowie Perzentilgruppen der Gesamtnutzen und der Verbesserungsquotient berechnet und eine Heatmap erzeugt. Die Perzentiltreue der Individuen vor und nach einer HGV wurde mittels des Rangkoeffizienten nach Spearman ermittelt. Ergebnisse Der Mittelwert des Verbesserungsquotienten lag bei 41,01 %. Jüngere Probanden (Durchschnitt 72,26 Jahre ± 11,86) hatten einen signifikant besseren Verbesserungsquotienten (44,36 %) als ältere (37,66 %). Der durchschnittliche Verbesserungsquotient nahm mit kleinerem APHAB-Score vor einer HGV in Bezug auf die Perzentilgruppen ab (23,22–52,07 %). Der Spearman-Korrelationskoeffizient für den APHAB-Nutzen war 0,285, die Effektstärke nach Cohen war klein. Der Gesamtnutzen korrelierte mit 0,582 und der Verbesserungsquotient mit 0,270 mit dem APHAB-Score vor einer HGV. Schlussfolgerung Eine Perzentiltreue von Probanden vor und nach einer HGV war nicht nachweisbar. Es lassen sich aber Aussagen zum durchschnittlichen Erfolg nach dem Verbesserungsquotienten in Abhängigkeit von Perzentilgruppen und dem Lebensalter vom APHAB vor einer HGV erkennen. Alte Patienten mit einem geringen subjektiven Hörverlust profitierten am geringsten, junge mit einem hohen subjektiven Hörverlust am meisten von einer HGV.

Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany

Article in Thieme eJournals:
Table of contents  |  Abstract  |  open access Full text

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Itch intensity in prurigo nodularis is closely related with dermal interleukin‐31, oncostatin M, IL‐31 receptor alpha, and oncostatin M receptor beta

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Prurigo nodularis (PN) is a chronic skin dermatosis with hyperkeratotic and intensely pruritic nodules. Managing PN‐associated itch is difficult because its etiology is still unknown. This study aimed to investigate the correlation between itch intensity in PN and the expression of a pruritogenic cytokine interleukin (IL)‐31, its receptor complex components IL‐31 receptor a (IL31RA) and oncostatin M receptor b (OSMRb), and oncostatin M (OSM), which is a ligand of OSMRb, through immunofluorescence staining examination. Itch intensity in PN was closely correlated with the number of dermal IL‐31(+) cells (Spearman's r = 0.551, p < 0.05), dermal IL‐31RA(+) cells(r = 0.475, p < 0.05), and dermal OSM(+) cells (r = 0.505, p < 0.05). In addition, the number of dermal OSMRb(+) cells was increased in PN (t‐test, p < 0.05), despite not being correlated with itch intensity (Spearman's r = 0.375, p > 0.05). Major cellular sources of dermal IL‐31 were T cells (2 7.0% of total IL‐31‐expressing cells) and macrophages (35.0%), while those of OSM were mainly T cells (49.8%) and mast cells (26.8%). IL‐31RA expressing dermal cells were mostly mast cells (49.3%) and macrophages (36.6%), and OSMRb were mainly expressed by macrophages (51.8%) in the dermis. These findings indicate that IL‐31 (mainly from macrophages and T cells) and OSM (principally from T cells and mast cells) stimulate dermal cells expressing IL‐31RA and OSMRb (e.g. macrophages), which may further promote itch and inflammation in PN. This complex dermal milieu of cell/cytokine/receptor network can be a therapeutic target for PN‐associated itch.

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PET/CT Poorly Predicts AJCC 8th Edition Pathologic Staging in HPV‐Related Oropharyngeal Cancer

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The American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) 8th edition introduced distinct clinical and pathological staging paradigms for human papilloma virus positive (HPV+) oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC). Treatment planning for OPSCC often utilizes positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) to assess clinical stage. We hypothesize that PET/CT will accurately predict final pathologic AJCC 8th edition staging in patients with HPV+ OPSCC.


All patients with primary HPV+ OPSCC with preoperative PET/CT who underwent transoral robotic surgery and neck dissection between 2011 and 2017 were identified. Data were collected via chart review. Two neuroradiologists performed blinded re‐evaluation of all scans. Primary tumor size and cervical nodal disease characteristics were recorded and TNM staging was extrapolated. Cohen's kappa statistic was used to assess interrater reliability. Test for symmetry was performed to analyze discordance between radiologic and pathologic staging.


Forty‐nine patients met inclusion criteria. Interrater reliability was substantial between radiologists for nodal (N) and overall staging (OS) (κ = 0.715 and 0.715). Radiologist A review resulted in identical OS for 67% of patients, overstaging for 31%, and understaging for 2%. Radiologist B review resulted in 61% identical OS, 39% overstaging, and 0% understaging. In misclassified cases, the test of symmetry shows strong bias toward overstaging N stage and OS (P < .001). Radiologic interpretation of extracapsular extension showed poor interrater reliability (κ = 0.403) and poor accuracy.


PET/CT predicts a higher nodal and overall stage than pathologic staging. PET/CT should not be relied upon for initial tumor staging, as increased FDG uptake is not specific for nodal metastases. PET/CT is shown to be a poor predictor of ECE.

Level of Evidence

4 Laryngoscope, 2021

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Transnasal endoscopic skull base and brain surgery: Surgical anatomy and its applications. Aldo C. Stamm Joao Mangussi‐Gomes New York, NY: Thieme, 2019, 690 pp., $229.99.

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The importance of smoking status at diagnosis in human papillomavirus‐associated oropharyngeal cancer

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Smoking status at point of diagnosis is not used in defining risk groups for human papillomavirus (HPV)‐associated oropharyngeal cancer (OPC) despite its prognostic value in head and neck cancer.


Retrospective analysis of consecutive patients treated with chemoradiotherapy between January 2005 and July 2017 was performed with multivariable analysis to explore the impact of smoking status at diagnosis (current/former/never) on overall survival (OS), cancer‐specific survival (CSS) and progression‐free survival (PFS).


Median follow‐up was 61 months. Four hundred and four patients were included. Current smokers had inferior OS versus never and former smokers [adjusted HR 2.37 (95% CI 1.26–4.45, p < 0.01) and 2.58 (95% CI 1.40–4.73, p < 0.01), respectively] and inferior PFS versus never smokers [adjusted HR 1.83 (95% CI 1.00–3.35, p = 0.04)]. Smoking status did not predict for CSS.


Detailed smoking behavior should be considered in refining risk groups in HPV‐associated OPC treated with radiotherapy and in future trial design eligibility and stratification.

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Association of early‐life gut microbiome and lifestyle factors in the development of eczema in Hong Kong infants

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Childhood eczema is common but its prevalence is variable in different regions of the world. In this study, we explore the associations of various risk factors such as the microbiome, environment, lifestyle, diet and maternal stress with the development of eczema among infants in Hong Kong. Upon enrolment in the study, the infants' parents provided demographic data by self‐reporting. At enrolment and 1 year after birth, the infants' allergic conditions, lifestyles and dietary factors and the degree of maternal stress were assessed using various questionnaires. The infants' gut microbiomes were analysed by 16S RNA sequencing, and the longitudinal changes in various bacterial strains were compared between control and eczema‐affected groups. Multivariate analyses (after adjustment for other significant factors) revealed that the changes in the abundance of Hungatella hathewayi in the gut were significantly associated with the development of eczema (p = 0.005). In conclusion, the increased abundance of Hungatella hathewayi was associated with an increased risk of developing eczema by 1 year of age. This study thus explored the potential risk factors for the development of eczema in Hong Kong infants, and sheds light on the possible association between early‐life gut microbiome and other environmental factors.

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