Πέμπτη 30 Ιανουαρίου 2020

Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,00306932607174,alsfakia@gmail.com, Telephone consultation 11855 int 1193,

49 journals
1ay5w0-v67gt.htmlGenes & Nutrition, Vol. 14, Issue 1 - New Issue Alert.eml2a1q9c-lvc3s.htmlAin-Shams Journal of Anesthesiology, Vol. 11, Issue 1 - New Issue Alert.eml3awbvn-xy8gm.htmlJournal of the Egyptian Public Health Association, Vol. 94, Issue 1 - New Issue Alert.eml4a850y-lsvz8.htmlUsing Capnography to Titrate CPAP.eml5amcj6-91iau.htmlH. pylori Treatment in Familial Gastric Cancer_Hormone Therapy for Postmenopausal Women.eml6aqhhe-rc796.htmlThe Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
 International Journal of Molecular SciencesIJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 919: Metabolic Profiling in Blastocoel Fluid and Blood Plasma of Diabetic RabbitsIJMS, Vol. 21, Pages 919: Metabolic Profiling in Blastocoel Fluid and Blood Plasma of Diabetic Rabbits International Journal of Molecular Sciences doi: 10.3390/ijms21030919 Authors: Schindler Pendzialek Grybel Seeling Navarrete Santos Metabolic disorders of the mother adversely affect early embryo development, causing changes in maternal metabolism and...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
 AtmosphereAtmosphere, Vol. 11, Pages 151: Aqueous-Phase Production of Secondary Organic Aerosols from Oxidation of Dibenzothiophene (DBT)Atmosphere, Vol. 11, Pages 151: Aqueous-Phase Production of Secondary Organic Aerosols from Oxidation of Dibenzothiophene (DBT) Atmosphere doi: 10.3390/atmos11020151 Authors: Liu Lu Chen Liu Ye Ge Intermediate-volatility organic compounds (IVOCs) have been recognized as an important contributor to the secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation via gas-phase reactions....
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Antioxidant potential of Sargassum horneri extract against urban particulate matter-induced oxidation
Antioxidant potential of Sargassum horneri extract against urban particulate matter-induced oxidation: AbstractParticulate matter is a major contribution of air pollution and detrimental to human health. The in vitro antioxidant activities of a brown seaweed, Sargassum horneri ethanol extract (SHE) against particulate matter-induced oxidative stress were investigated by measuring 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free-radical scavenging activity, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) scavenging activity, superoxide...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Tuberculous Retropharyngeal Abscess
A Timely Burst: Tuberculous Retropharyngeal Abscess: We describe an immunocompetent teenager who has her tuberculous retropharyngeal abscess ruptured and then diagnosis confirmed by the presence of acid-fast bacilli from the gastric lavage. (Source: Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery)
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Opioids and Cannabinoids for Osteoarthritis: Either, Both, or Neither
Opioids and Cannabinoids for Osteoarthritis: Either, Both, or Neither: AbstractPurpose of the reviewPain is a prevailing symptom in osteoarthritis (OA) and greatly impacts quality of life. Pain-relieving strategies over thousands of years have included opioids and cannabinoids but require critical evaluation of efficacy and risks in this twenty-first century. This review will examine the most up-to-date evidence for use of these two categories of drugs.Recent findingsContrary to the previous concept...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Risk factors for sepsis and associated mortality and A case study of new approaches to address health inequalities
Risk factors for sepsis and associated mortality and A case study of new approaches to address health inequalities: These important subjects have full free online access. In addition, as usual, the Bulletin has a section to celebrate its amazing archive, (see end of 'In this Issue'). The BMB has been further developing its website and now has a fascinating section on the Nobel Prize winners who wrote for the Bulletin and went on to win the accolade. As you will see at the end, I have just found another...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Microbiome Composition in Pediatric Populations from Birth to Adolescence: Impact of Diet and Prebiotic and Probiotic Interventions
Microbiome Composition in Pediatric Populations from Birth to Adolescence: Impact of Diet and Prebiotic and Probiotic Interventions: AbstractDiet is a key regulator of microbiome structure and function across the lifespan. Microbial colonization in the first year of life has been actively researched; however, studies during childhood are sparse. Herein, the impact of dietary intake and pre- and probiotic interventions on microbiome composition of healthy infants and children from birth to adolescence...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
In vivo MRS measurement of 2‐hydroxyglutarate in patient‐derived IDH‐mutant xenograft mouse models versus glioma patients
In vivo MRS measurement of 2‐hydroxyglutarate in patient‐derived IDH‐mutant xenograft mouse models versus glioma patients: PurposeTo generate a preclinical model of isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) mutant gliomas from glioma patients and design a MRS method to test the compatibility of 2‐hydroxyglutarate (2HG) production between the preclinical model and patients.MethodsFive patient‐derived xenograft (PDX) mice were generated from two glioma patients with IDH1 R132H mutation. A PRESS sequence was tailored...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Thirty-Day Hospital Readmissions in a Care Transitions Program for High-Risk Older Adults.
Thirty-Day Hospital Readmissions in a Care Transitions Program for High-Risk Older Adults.: Related ArticlesThirty-Day Hospital Readmissions in a Care Transitions Program for High-Risk Older Adults.J Am Geriatr Soc. 2020 Jan 29;:Authors: Ouslander JG, Reyes B, Diaz S, Engstrom GAbstract OBJECTIVES: To describe the causes of 30-day hospital readmissions among high-risk older adults during implementation of a multicomponent care transitions program. DESIGN: Secondary analysis of data...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Mammary Extranodal Rosai-Dorfman Disease With and Without Associated Axillary Lymphadenopathy: Insights for Practitioners of Breast Pathology.
Mammary Extranodal Rosai-Dorfman Disease With and Without Associated Axillary Lymphadenopathy: Insights for Practitioners of Breast Pathology.: Related ArticlesMammary Extranodal Rosai-Dorfman Disease With and Without Associated Axillary Lymphadenopathy: Insights for Practitioners of Breast Pathology.Int J Surg Pathol. 2020 Jan 28;:1066896920901770Authors: Shetty S, Sharma N, Booth CN, Oshilaja O, Downs-Kelly EP, McKenney JK, Sturgis CDAbstract Rosai-Dorfman disease is a rare proliferative...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Oral health-related quality of life in tumour patients treated with patient-specific dental implants.
Oral health-related quality of life in tumour patients treated with patient-specific dental implants.: Related ArticlesOral health-related quality of life in tumour patients treated with patient-specific dental implants.Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2020 Jan 25;:Authors: Jehn P, Spalthoff S, Korn P, Stoetzer M, Gercken M, Gellrich NC, Rahlf BAbstract Dental rehabilitation after surgically acquired bone deficiency related to tumour treatment remains a challenge. The insertion of patient-specific...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Regulation of immune cell metabolism by cancer cell oncogenic mutations.
Regulation of immune cell metabolism by cancer cell oncogenic mutations.: Related ArticlesRegulation of immune cell metabolism by cancer cell oncogenic mutations.Int J Cancer. 2020 Jan 29;:Authors: Madi A, Cui GAbstract In noncancerous tissues, neighboring cells coexist in metabolic harmony. This metabolic harmony is disrupted in cancerous tissues, often accompanied by genetic mutations. Tumor cells fundamentally change the metabolite profiles in the tumor microenvironment to favor their...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Recurrent RET Gene Fusions in Pediatric Spindle Mesenchymal Neoplasms.
Recurrent RET Gene Fusions in Pediatric Spindle Mesenchymal Neoplasms.: Related ArticlesRecurrent RET Gene Fusions in Pediatric Spindle Mesenchymal Neoplasms.Histopathology. 2020 Jan 28;:Authors: Davis JL, Vargas SO, Rudzinski ER, López Marti JM, Janeway K, Forrest S, Winsnes K, Pinto N, Yang SE, VanSandt M, Boyd TK, Corless CL, Liu YJ, Surrey LF, Harris MH, Church A, Al-Ibraheemi AAbstract AIMS: The classification of pediatric spindle mesenchymal tumors is evolving, and the spectrum of so-called...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Elevated levels of tumor apolipoprotein-D independently predict poor outcome in breast cancer patients.
Elevated levels of tumor apolipoprotein-D independently predict poor outcome in breast cancer patients.: Related ArticlesElevated levels of tumor apolipoprotein-D independently predict poor outcome in breast cancer patients.Histopathology. 2020 Jan 28;:Authors: Jankovic-Karasoulos T, Bianco-Miotto T, Butler MS, Butler LM, McNeil CM, O'Toole SA, Millar EKA, Sakko AJ, Ruiz AI, Birrell SN, Sutherland RL, Hickey TE, Tilley WD, Ricciardelli CAbstract BACKGROUND: Apolipoprotein D (ApoD) is an androgen...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Digital pathology for primary diagnosis of screen-detected breast lesions - experimental data, validation and experience from 4 centres.
Digital pathology for primary diagnosis of screen-detected breast lesions - experimental data, validation and experience from 4 centres.: Related ArticlesDigital pathology for primary diagnosis of screen-detected breast lesions - experimental data, validation and experience from 4 centres.Histopathology. 2020 Jan 28;:Authors: Williams B, Hanby A, Millican-Slater R, Verghese E, Nijhawan A, Wilson I, Besusparis J, Clark D, Snead D, Rakha E, Treanor DAbstract AIM: The rate of deployment of digital...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Aberrant von Willebrand Factor Expression of Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells and Quiescence of Hepatic Stellate Cells in Nodular Regenerative Hyperplasia and Obliterative Portal Venopathy.
Aberrant von Willebrand Factor Expression of Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells and Quiescence of Hepatic Stellate Cells in Nodular Regenerative Hyperplasia and Obliterative Portal Venopathy.: Related ArticlesAberrant von Willebrand Factor Expression of Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells and Quiescence of Hepatic Stellate Cells in Nodular Regenerative Hyperplasia and Obliterative Portal Venopathy.Histopathology. 2020 Jan 28;:Authors: Zhang X, Thomas C, Schiano TD, Thung SN, Ward SC, Fiel MIAbstract Nodular...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Molecular basis and restoration of function deficiencies of Kv7.4 variants associated with inherited hearing loss.
Molecular basis and restoration of function deficiencies of Kv7.4 variants associated with inherited hearing loss.: Related ArticlesMolecular basis and restoration of function deficiencies of Kv7.4 variants associated with inherited hearing loss.Hear Res. 2020 Jan 03;388:107884Authors: Xia X, Zhang Q, Jia Y, Shu Y, Yang J, Yang H, Yan ZAbstract Deafness non-syndromic autosomal dominant 2 (DFNA2) is characterized by symmetric, predominantly high-frequency sensorineural hearing loss that is...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Evolutionary repression of chondrogenic genes in the vertebrate osteoblast.
Evolutionary repression of chondrogenic genes in the vertebrate osteoblast.: Related ArticlesEvolutionary repression of chondrogenic genes in the vertebrate osteoblast.FEBS J. 2020 Jan 28;:Authors: Nguyen JKB, Eames BFAbstract Gene expression in extant animals might reveal how skeletal cells have evolved over the past 500 million years. The cells that make up cartilage (chondrocytes) and bone (osteoblasts) express many of the same genes, but they also have important molecular differences...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Protein scaffold involving MSMEG_1285 maintain cell wall organization and mediates penicillin sensitivity in mycobacteria.
Protein scaffold involving MSMEG_1285 maintain cell wall organization and mediates penicillin sensitivity in mycobacteria.: Related ArticlesProtein scaffold involving MSMEG_1285 maintain cell wall organization and mediates penicillin sensitivity in mycobacteria.FEBS J. 2020 Jan 29;:Authors: Veyron-Churlet R, Saliou JM, Locht CAbstract Protein-protein interactions are key in mycobacterial physiology, notably during the biosynthesis of the very peculiar mycobacterial cell wall. In this paper,...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Human proteinase 3 resistance to inhibition extends to alpha-2 macroglobulin.
Human proteinase 3 resistance to inhibition extends to alpha-2 macroglobulin.: Related ArticlesHuman proteinase 3 resistance to inhibition extends to alpha-2 macroglobulin.FEBS J. 2020 Jan 29;:Authors: N'Guessan K, Grzywa R, Seren S, Gabant G, Juliano MA, Moniatte M, van Dorsselaer A, Bieth J, Kellenberger C, Gauthier F, Wysocka M, Lesner A, Sienczyk M, Cadene M, Korkmaz BAbstract Neutrophils contain at least four serine endopeptidases namely elastase (NE), proteinase 3 (PR3), cathepsin G...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
The role of regulatory T cells in allergic rhinitis and their correlation with IL-10, IL-17 and neopterin levels in serum and nasal lavage fluid.
The role of regulatory T cells in allergic rhinitis and their correlation with IL-10, IL-17 and neopterin levels in serum and nasal lavage fluid.: Related ArticlesThe role of regulatory T cells in allergic rhinitis and their correlation with IL-10, IL-17 and neopterin levels in serum and nasal lavage fluid.Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Jan 28;:Authors: Erkan K, Bozkurt MK, Artaç H, Özdemir H, Ünlü A, Korucu EN, Elsürer ÇAbstract PURPOSE: Allergic rhinitis (AR), is an IgE-mediated inflammation...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Videolaryngoscope-assisted coblation of epiglottic cysts.
Videolaryngoscope-assisted coblation of epiglottic cysts.: Related ArticlesVideolaryngoscope-assisted coblation of epiglottic cysts.Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Jan 28;:Authors: Meng X, Wen Q, Gu J, Wang YAbstract PURPOSE: This study aims to investigate the safety and effectiveness of videolaryngoscope-assisted coblation of epiglottic cysts (VACECs) under general anesthesia. METHODS: Twenty-eight consecutive patients with epiglottic cysts (ECs), underwent VACECs in this prospective...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Mid-term evaluation of perioperative i.v. corticosteroid treatment efficacy on overall and audiological outcome following CO2 laser stapedotomy: a retrospective study of 84 cases.
Mid-term evaluation of perioperative i.v. corticosteroid treatment efficacy on overall and audiological outcome following CO2 laser stapedotomy: a retrospective study of 84 cases.: Related ArticlesMid-term evaluation of perioperative i.v. corticosteroid treatment efficacy on overall and audiological outcome following CO2 laser stapedotomy: a retrospective study of 84 cases.Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Jan 28;:Authors: Székely L, Gáborján A, Dános K, Szalóki T, Fent Z, Tamás L, Polony GAbstract...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Lymph node density as a predictive factor for worse outcomes in laryngeal cancer.
Lymph node density as a predictive factor for worse outcomes in laryngeal cancer.: Related ArticlesLymph node density as a predictive factor for worse outcomes in laryngeal cancer.Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Jan 29;:Authors: Petrarolha S, Dedivitis R, Matos L, Ramos D, Kulcsar MAbstract BACKGROUND: The lymph node density (LND) is the number of positive metastatic lymph nodes divided by the total number of dissected lymph nodes. The purpose of this study was to evaluate LND as a prognostic...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Intravenous immunoglobulin for suspected or proven infection in neonates.
Intravenous immunoglobulin for suspected or proven infection in neonates.: Related ArticlesIntravenous immunoglobulin for suspected or proven infection in neonates.Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2020 Jan 29;1:CD001239Authors: Ohlsson A, Lacy JBAbstract BACKGROUND: Neonates are at higher risk of infection due to immuno-incompetence. Maternal transport of immunoglobulins to the fetus mainly occurs after 32 weeks' gestation, and endogenous synthesis begins several months after birth. Administration...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Intravenous immunoglobulin for preventing infection in preterm and/or low birth weight infants.
Intravenous immunoglobulin for preventing infection in preterm and/or low birth weight infants.: Related ArticlesIntravenous immunoglobulin for preventing infection in preterm and/or low birth weight infants.Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2020 Jan 29;1:CD000361Authors: Ohlsson A, Lacy JBAbstract BACKGROUND: Nosocomial infections continue to be a significant cause of morbidity and mortality among preterm and/or low birth weight (LBW) infants. Preterm infants are deficient in immunoglobulin G...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Baricitinib in Patients with Moderate-to-Severe Atopic Dermatitis and Inadequate Response to Topical Corticosteroids: Results from Two Randomised Monotherapy Phase 3 Trials.
Baricitinib in Patients with Moderate-to-Severe Atopic Dermatitis and Inadequate Response to Topical Corticosteroids: Results from Two Randomised Monotherapy Phase 3 Trials.: Related ArticlesBaricitinib in Patients with Moderate-to-Severe Atopic Dermatitis and Inadequate Response to Topical Corticosteroids: Results from Two Randomised Monotherapy Phase 3 Trials.Br J Dermatol. 2020 Jan 29;:Authors: Simpson EL, Lacour JP, Spelman L, Galimberti R, Eichenfield LF, Bissonnette R, King BA, Thyssen JP,...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
The life cycle of cancer-associated fibroblasts within the tumour stroma and its importance in disease outcome.
The life cycle of cancer-associated fibroblasts within the tumour stroma and its importance in disease outcome.: Related ArticlesThe life cycle of cancer-associated fibroblasts within the tumour stroma and its importance in disease outcome.Br J Cancer. 2020 Jan 29;:Authors: D'Arcangelo E, Wu NC, Cadavid JL, McGuigan APAbstract The tumour microenvironment (TME) determines vital aspects of tumour development, such as tumour growth, metastases and response to therapy. Cancer-associated fibroblasts...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
High Neutrophil Count as a Negative Prognostic Factor for Relapse in Patients with Thymic Epithelial Tumor.
High Neutrophil Count as a Negative Prognostic Factor for Relapse in Patients with Thymic Epithelial Tumor.: Related ArticlesHigh Neutrophil Count as a Negative Prognostic Factor for Relapse in Patients with Thymic Epithelial Tumor.Ann Surg Oncol. 2020 Jan 28;:Authors: Okada S, Shimomura M, Tsunezuka H, Ishihara S, Ikebe S, Furuya T, Shimada J, Teramukai S, Inoue MAbstract PURPOSE: Preoperative neutrophil count is reportedly associated with poor prognosis in cancer patients. This study aimed...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Age-related structural alterations of skeletal muscles and associated capillaries.
Age-related structural alterations of skeletal muscles and associated capillaries.: Related ArticlesAge-related structural alterations of skeletal muscles and associated capillaries.Angiogenesis. 2020 Jan 28;:Authors: Fukada K, Kajiya KAbstract Aging is associated with a progressive decline in muscle mass, strength, and quality. We have previously demonstrated the important role of the blood vasculature system in ultraviolet (UV) light-induced changes in skin and its molecular mechanisms....
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Printability of pulp derived crystal, fibril and blend nanocellulose-alginate bioinks for extrusion 3D bioprinting.
Printability of pulp derived crystal, fibril and blend nanocellulose-alginate bioinks for extrusion 3D bioprinting.: Related ArticlesPrintability of pulp derived crystal, fibril and blend nanocellulose-alginate bioinks for extrusion 3D bioprinting.Biofabrication. 2019 07 08;11(4):045006Authors: Jessop ZM, Al-Sabah A, Gao N, Kyle S, Thomas B, Badiei N, Hawkins K, Whitaker ISAbstract BACKGROUND: One of the main challenges for extrusion 3D bioprinting is the identification of non-synthetic...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Nasal septum deviation can be a normal variation and correlates with increasing skull indices.
Nasal septum deviation can be a normal variation and correlates with increasing skull indices.: Related ArticlesNasal septum deviation can be a normal variation and correlates with increasing skull indices.Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2020 Jan 29;:Authors: Miles S, Schwarz TAbstract Nasal septal deviation has been studied in relation to nasal pathology and mass effect in dogs. The purpose of this retrospective, cross-sectional study was to compare the prevalence of nasal septal deviation in dogs...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
New features in the management of labio-maxillo-palatal clefts at the CHUV].
[New features in the management of labio-maxillo-palatal clefts at the CHUV].: Related Articles[New features in the management of labio-maxillo-palatal clefts at the CHUV].Rev Med Suisse. 2020 Jan 29;16(679):237-240Authors: El Ezzi O, Jung C, Herzog G, Medinger L, Despars J, Lauffs C, Fries S, Pasche P, Broome M, De Buys Roessingh AAbstract The labio-maxillofacial cleft (LMFC) penalizes the child from birth by its aesthetic, functional, psychological and social repercussions. The prognosis...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Psychological morbidity among forcibly displaced children-a literature review.
Psychological morbidity among forcibly displaced children-a literature review.: Related ArticlesPsychological morbidity among forcibly displaced children-a literature review.Ir J Med Sci. 2020 Jan 28;:Authors: Cayabyab CR, O'Reilly P, Murphy AM, O'Gorman CAbstract In 2018, nearly 75 million people were displaced from their place of origin of which 20.4 million are considered as refugees. Children constitute over half of this population. A review of the currently available literature regarding...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Effects of chronic low-dose aspirin treatment on tumor prevention
Effects of chronic low-dose aspirin treatment on tumor prevention in three mouse models of intestinal tumorigenesis.: Related ArticlesEffects of chronic low-dose aspirin treatment on tumor prevention in three mouse models of intestinal tumorigenesis.Cancer Med. 2020 Jan 29;:Authors: Rohwer N, Kühl AA, Ostermann AI, Hartung NM, Schebb NH, Zopf D, McDonald FM, Weylandt KHAbstract Although early detection and treatment of colorectal cancer (CRC) have improved, it remains a significant health-care...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Thrombosis among patients with JAK2V617F -mutated myeloproliferative neoplasms: Risk factors and development of a predictive model.
Thrombosis among 1537 patients with JAK2V617F -mutated myeloproliferative neoplasms: Risk factors and development of a predictive model.: Related ArticlesThrombosis among 1537 patients with JAK2V617F -mutated myeloproliferative neoplasms: Risk factors and development of a predictive model.Cancer Med. 2020 Jan 28;:Authors: Zhang Y, Zhou Y, Wang Y, Teng G, Li D, Wang Y, Du C, Chen Y, Zhang H, Li Y, Fu L, Chen K, Bai JAbstract To explore the risk factors of thrombosis in patients with JAK2V617F...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Economics of alternative dosing strategies for pembrolizumab and nivolumab at a single academic cancer center.
Economics of alternative dosing strategies for pembrolizumab and nivolumab at a single academic cancer center.: Related ArticlesEconomics of alternative dosing strategies for pembrolizumab and nivolumab at a single academic cancer center.Cancer Med. 2020 Jan 28;:Authors: Hall E, Zhang J, Kim EJ, Hwang G, Chu G, Bhatia S, Reddy SAbstract BACKGROUND: The FDA initially approved pembrolizumab and nivolumab for doses based on patient weight, but subsequently amended approval to fixed doses. We...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Septicemia after chemotherapy for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia in China: A multicenter study CCCG-ALL-2015.
Septicemia after chemotherapy for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia in China: A multicenter study CCCG-ALL-2015.: Related ArticlesSepticemia after chemotherapy for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia in China: A multicenter study CCCG-ALL-2015.Cancer Med. 2020 Jan 28;:Authors: Zhu Y, Yang R, Cai J, Yu J, Tang Y, Chen Y, Wang N, He H, Wu X, Cheng FWT, Sun L, He Y, Ju X, Tian X, Hu Q, Jin R, Pan K, Fang Y, Zhai X, Jiang H, Li CKAbstract BACKGROUND: Septicemia is an important cause of...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Detection of perilymphatic fistula in labyrinthine windows by virtual endoscopy and variation of reconstruction thresholds on CT scan.
Detection of perilymphatic fistula in labyrinthine windows by virtual endoscopy and variation of reconstruction thresholds on CT scan.: Related ArticlesDetection of perilymphatic fistula in labyrinthine windows by virtual endoscopy and variation of reconstruction thresholds on CT scan.Acta Otolaryngol. 2020 Jan 29;:1-7Authors: Bozorg Grayeli A, Bensimon JL, Guyon M, Aho-Glele S, Toupet MAbstract Background: Perilymphatic fistula (PLF) is a breach in a labyrinthine window. The opening might...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Role of the human papillomavirus in malignant transformation of oral leukoplakia distinct from oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma: A study of 76 patients with internal-control specimens.
Role of the human papillomavirus in malignant transformation of oral leukoplakia distinct from oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma: A study of 76 patients with internal-control specimens.: Related ArticlesRole of the human papillomavirus in malignant transformation of oral leukoplakia distinct from oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma: A study of 76 patients with internal-control specimens.Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2019 Sep;128(3):273-279Authors: Wu W, Wang Z, Zhou ZAbstract...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
The Protective Effect of Echinochrome A on Extracellular Matrix of Vocal Folds in Ovariectomized Rats.
The Protective Effect of Echinochrome A on Extracellular Matrix of Vocal Folds in Ovariectomized Rats.: Related ArticlesThe Protective Effect of Echinochrome A on Extracellular Matrix of Vocal Folds in Ovariectomized Rats.Mar Drugs. 2020 Jan 24;18(2):Authors: Kim JM, Kim JH, Shin SC, Park GC, Kim HS, Kim K, Kim HK, Han J, Mishchenko NP, Vasileva EA, Fedoreyev SA, Stonik VA, Lee BJAbstract Here, we investigated the effects of sex hormones on extracellular matrix (ECM)-related gene expression...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Tools for Analysis of the Microbiome
Tools for Analysis of the Microbiome: AbstractOver the past decade, it has become exceedingly clear that the microbiome is a critical factor in human health and disease and thus should be investigated to develop innovative treatment strategies. The field of metagenomics has come a long way in leveraging the advances of next-generation sequencing technologies resulting in the capability to identify and quantify all microorganisms present in human specimens. However, the field of metagenomics is still...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Retrograde Transvenous Obliteration (RTO): A New Treatment Option for Hepatic Encephalopathy
Retrograde Transvenous Obliteration (RTO): A New Treatment Option for Hepatic Encephalopathy: AbstractHepatic Encephalopathy (HE) is a complication of liver disease, consisting of brain dysfunction often due to portosystemic shunting of blood flow in the liver. HE can range from minimal HE, presenting with normal neurological function, to overt HE, with neurological and neuropsychiatric abnormalities. Various clinical grading systems are used to differentiate HE to provide the appropriate treatments....
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Diet and Gut Microbes Act Coordinately to Enhance Programmed Cell Death and Reduce Colorectal Cancer Risk
Diet and Gut Microbes Act Coordinately to Enhance Programmed Cell Death and Reduce Colorectal Cancer Risk: AbstractDiet is an important risk factor for colorectal cancer (CRC), and several dietary constituents implicated in CRC are modified by gut microbial metabolism. Microbial fermentation of dietary fiber produces short-chain fatty acids, e.g., acetate, propionate, and butyrate. Dietary fiber has been shown to reduce colon tumors in animal models, and, in vitro, butyrate influences cellular pathways...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Microbial-Based and Microbial-Targeted Therapies for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Microbial-Based and Microbial-Targeted Therapies for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: AbstractInflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), including Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, and pouchitis, are chronic, relapsing intestinal inflammatory disorders mediated by dysregulated immune responses to resident microbiota. Current standard therapies that block immune activation with oral immunosuppressives or biologic agents are generally effective, but each therapy induces a sustained remission in only a minority...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Theory and applications of differential scanning fluorimetry in early-stage drug discovery
Theory and applications of differential scanning fluorimetry in early-stage drug discovery: AbstractDifferential scanning fluorimetry (DSF) is an accessible, rapid, and economical biophysical technique that has seen many applications over the years, ranging from protein folding state detection to the identification of ligands that bind to the target protein. In this review, we discuss the theory, applications, and limitations of DSF, including the latest applications of DSF by ourselves and other...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Design and Synthesis of Arf1-Targeting γ-Dipeptides as Potential Agents against Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
Design and Synthesis of Arf1-Targeting γ-Dipeptides as Potential Agents against Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma.: Related ArticlesDesign and Synthesis of Arf1-Targeting γ-Dipeptides as Potential Agents against Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma.Cells. 2020 Jan 24;9(2):Authors: Vo-Hoang Y, Paiva S, He L, Estaran S, Teng YAbstract BACKGROUND: Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths and calls for new druggable targets. We have...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Asiatic Acid, Extracted from Centella asiatica and Induces Apoptosis Pathway through the Phosphorylation p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase in Cisplatin-Resistant Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Cells.
Asiatic Acid, Extracted from Centella asiatica and Induces Apoptosis Pathway through the Phosphorylation p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase in Cisplatin-Resistant Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Cells.: Related ArticlesAsiatic Acid, Extracted from Centella asiatica and Induces Apoptosis Pathway through the Phosphorylation p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase in Cisplatin-Resistant Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Cells.Biomolecules. 2020 Jan 25;10(2):Authors: Liu YT, Chuang YC, Lo YS, Lin CC, Hsi YT, Hsieh MJ,...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Calcium Electroporation -A Novel Cancer Treatment Modality.
A Comprehensive Review of Calcium Electroporation -A Novel Cancer Treatment Modality.: Related ArticlesA Comprehensive Review of Calcium Electroporation -A Novel Cancer Treatment Modality.Cancers (Basel). 2020 Jan 25;12(2):Authors: Frandsen SK, Vissing M, Gehl JAbstract Calcium electroporation is a potential novel anti-cancer treatment where high calcium concentrations are introduced into cells by electroporation, a method where short, high voltage pulses induce transient permeabilisation...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Detection of early adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction by spraying an enzyme-activatable fluorescent probe targeting Dipeptidyl peptidase-IV.
Detection of early adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction by spraying an enzyme-activatable fluorescent probe targeting Dipeptidyl peptidase-IV.: Related ArticlesDetection of early adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction by spraying an enzyme-activatable fluorescent probe targeting Dipeptidyl peptidase-IV.BMC Cancer. 2020 Jan 28;20(1):64Authors: Yamamoto K, Ohnishi S, Mizushima T, Kodaira J, Ono M, Hatanaka Y, Hatanaka KC, Kuriki Y, Kamiya M, Ehira N, Shinada K, Takahashi H, Shimizu...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Deaf patients with bi-allelic and mono-allelic GJB2 mutations.
Molecular epidemiology of Chinese Han deaf patients with bi-allelic and mono-allelic GJB2 mutations.: Related ArticlesMolecular epidemiology of Chinese Han deaf patients with bi-allelic and mono-allelic GJB2 mutations.Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2020 Jan 28;15(1):29Authors: Yu X, Lin Y, Xu J, Che T, Li L, Yang T, Wu HAbstract BACKGROUND: Recessive mutations in GJB2 is the most common cause of genetic hearing loss worldwide. The aim of this study is to determine the spectrum and frequency of GJB2...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Hypoglossal nerve stimulation therapy does not alter tongue protrusion strength and fatigability in obstructive sleep apnea.
Hypoglossal nerve stimulation therapy does not alter tongue protrusion strength and fatigability in obstructive sleep apnea.: Related ArticlesHypoglossal nerve stimulation therapy does not alter tongue protrusion strength and fatigability in obstructive sleep apnea.J Clin Sleep Med. 2020 Jan 13;:Authors: Wirth M, Unterhuber D, von Meyer F, Hofauer B, Ott A, Edenharter G, Eckert DJ, Heiser CAbstract STUDY OBJECTIVES: Hypoglossal nerve stimulation (HNS) is an effective surgical alternative...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
White matter alteration and autonomic impairment in obstructive sleep apnea.
White matter alteration and autonomic impairment in obstructive sleep apnea.: Related ArticlesWhite matter alteration and autonomic impairment in obstructive sleep apnea.J Clin Sleep Med. 2020 Jan 13;:Authors: Chen HL, Huang CC, Lin HC, Lu CH, Chen PC, Chou KH, Su MC, Friedman M, Lin CP, Lin WCAbstract STUDY OBJECTIVES: Autonomic impairment and white matter (WM) alterations have been noted as effects of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This study sought to evaluate the change of WM integrity...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Study Design Considerations for Sleep Disordered Breathing Devices.
Study Design Considerations for Sleep Disordered Breathing Devices.: Related ArticlesStudy Design Considerations for Sleep Disordered Breathing Devices.J Clin Sleep Med. 2020 Jan 14;:Authors: Mann EA, Nandkumar S, Addy N, Demko BG, Freedman NS, Gillespie MB, Headapohl W, Kirsch DB, Phillips BA, Rosen IM, Schneider LD, Stepnowsky CJ, Yaremchuk KL, Eydelman MBAbstract None: In recent years, sleep disordered breathing (SDB) has been recognized as a prevalent but under-diagnosed condition in...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Utility of the modified Mallampati grade and Friedman tongue position in the assessment of obstructive sleep apnea.
Utility of the modified Mallampati grade and Friedman tongue position in the assessment of obstructive sleep apnea.: Related ArticlesUtility of the modified Mallampati grade and Friedman tongue position in the assessment of obstructive sleep apnea.J Clin Sleep Med. 2020 Jan 13;:Authors: Yu JL, Rosen IAbstract STUDY OBJECTIVES: The modified Mallampati (MM) grade and Friedman tongue position (FTP) are commonly used scales that assess the oropharynx during evaluation for obstructive sleep apnea...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
The detection of Cryptococcus in skeletal infection after tooth extraction in an acute myeloid leukemia patient.
The detection of Cryptococcus in skeletal infection after tooth extraction in an acute myeloid leukemia patient.: Related ArticlesThe detection of Cryptococcus in skeletal infection after tooth extraction in an acute myeloid leukemia patient.IDCases. 2020;19:e00700Authors: Inoue H, Motohashi T, Ioku Y, Watanabe M, Nakajima M, Sugitatsu MAbstract Cryptococcus is a mycosis founded in immunocompromised patients. Cryptococcus in the oral cavity is rare and skeletal infection is uncommon. We report...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Developing a virus-microRNA interactome using cytoscape.
Developing a virus-microRNA interactome using cytoscape.: Related ArticlesDeveloping a virus-microRNA interactome using cytoscape.MethodsX. 2020;7:100700Authors: Hill M, Mason D, Monteiro Marques T, Gama Carvalho M, Tran NAbstract It is currently difficult to determine the effect of oncogenic viruses on the global function and regulation of pathways within mammalian cells. A thorough understanding of the molecular pathways and individual genes altered by oncogenic viruses is needed for the...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
The Influence of ACE Inhibition on C1-Inhibitor: A Biomarker for ACE Inhibitor-Induced Angioedema?
The Influence of ACE Inhibition on C1-Inhibitor: A Biomarker for ACE Inhibitor-Induced Angioedema?: Related ArticlesThe Influence of ACE Inhibition on C1-Inhibitor: A Biomarker for ACE Inhibitor-Induced Angioedema?Biomed Hub. 2019 May-Aug;4(2):1-9Authors: Hahn J, Nordmann-Kleiner M, Bönner C, Kojda G, Hoffmann TK, Greve JAbstract Aims: Angioedema is a rare side effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. It remains unclear why it is only induced in a few patients taking ACE...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Cranio-Corpo-Graphy (CCG) is a medical investigation and measurement procedure developed in 1968 by German neurootologist Claus-Frenz Claussen. It documents and evaluates disorders of the equilibrium function measured by investigation procedures such as the Unterberger test, the LOLAVHESLIT test, the NEFERT test, the Romberg's test and the WOFEC test.
Usefulness of Ultrasound-Computer-Craniocorpography in Unilateral Ménière's Disease.: Related ArticlesUsefulness of Ultrasound-Computer-Craniocorpography in Unilateral Ménière's Disease.Biomed Hub. 2019 May-Aug;4(2):1-7Authors: Maihoub S, Tamás L, Molnár A, Szirmai AAbstractBackground: Ménière's disease (MD) is composed of a set of fluctuating symptoms, whereby vertigo is the most unpleasant among them and often accompanied by deterioration of the balance system.Objectives: The purpose of this study...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Usefulness of Ultrasound-Computer-Craniocorpography in Unilateral Ménière's Disease.
Usefulness of Ultrasound-Computer-Craniocorpography in Unilateral Ménière's Disease.: Related ArticlesUsefulness of Ultrasound-Computer-Craniocorpography in Unilateral Ménière's Disease.Biomed Hub. 2019 May-Aug;4(2):1-7Authors: Maihoub S, Tamás L, Molnár A, Szirmai AAbstract Background: Ménière's disease (MD) is composed of a set of fluctuating symptoms, whereby vertigo is the most unpleasant among them and often accompanied by deterioration of the balance system. Objectives: The purpose...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Mid-term evaluation of perioperative i.v. corticosteroid treatment efficacy on overall and audiological outcome following CO2 laser stapedotomy: a retrospective study of 84 cases.
Mid-term evaluation of perioperative i.v. corticosteroid treatment efficacy on overall and audiological outcome following CO2 laser stapedotomy: a retrospective study of 84 cases.: Related ArticlesMid-term evaluation of perioperative i.v. corticosteroid treatment efficacy on overall and audiological outcome following CO2 laser stapedotomy: a retrospective study of 84 cases.Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Jan 28;:Authors: Székely L, Gáborján A, Dános K, Szalóki T, Fent Z, Tamás L, Polony GAbstract...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Lymph node density as a predictive factor for worse outcomes in laryngeal cancer.
Lymph node density as a predictive factor for worse outcomes in laryngeal cancer.: Related ArticlesLymph node density as a predictive factor for worse outcomes in laryngeal cancer.Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Jan 29;:Authors: Petrarolha S, Dedivitis R, Matos L, Ramos D, Kulcsar MAbstract BACKGROUND: The lymph node density (LND) is the number of positive metastatic lymph nodes divided by the total number of dissected lymph nodes. The purpose of this study was to evaluate LND as a prognostic...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
HPV16 is sufficient to induce squamous cell carcinoma specifically in the tongue base in transgenic mice.
HPV16 is sufficient to induce squamous cell carcinoma specifically in the tongue base in transgenic mice.: Related ArticlesHPV16 is sufficient to induce squamous cell carcinoma specifically in the tongue base in transgenic mice.J Pathol. 2020 Jan 28;:Authors: Mestre VF, Medeiros-Fonseca B, Estêvão D, Casaca F, Silva S, Félix A, Silva F, Colaço B, Seixas F, Bastos MMSM, Lopes C, Medeiros R, Oliveira PA, Gil da Costa RMAbstract Head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) associated with...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Stathmin guides personalized therapy in oral squamous cell carcinoma.
Stathmin guides personalized therapy in oral squamous cell carcinoma.: Related ArticlesStathmin guides personalized therapy in oral squamous cell carcinoma.Cancer Sci. 2020 Jan 28;:Authors: Ju WT, Ma HL, Zhao TC, Liang SY, Zhu DW, Wang LZ, Li J, Zhang ZY, Zhou G, Zhong LPAbstract The survival benefit from docetaxel, cisplatin, and 5- fluorouracil (TPF) induction chemotherapy in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) patients is not satisfactory. Previously, we identified stathmin, a microtubule-destabilizing...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Histological characteristics of early-stage oral tongue cancer in young versus older patients: A multicenter matched-pair analysis.
Histological characteristics of early-stage oral tongue cancer in young versus older patients: A multicenter matched-pair analysis.: Related ArticlesHistological characteristics of early-stage oral tongue cancer in young versus older patients: A multicenter matched-pair analysis.Oral Dis. 2020 Jan 29;:Authors: Bello IO, Almangush A, Heikkinen I, Haglund C, Coletta RD, Kowalski LP, Mäkitie AA, Nieminen P, Leivo I, Salo TAbstract The mean age of diagnosis of new oral squamous cell carcinoma...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Multi-Institutional Regional Otolaryngology Bootcamp.
Multi-Institutional Regional Otolaryngology Bootcamp.: Related ArticlesMulti-Institutional Regional Otolaryngology Bootcamp.Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2020 Jan 29;:3489420903067Authors: Cervenka BP, Hsieh TY, Lin S, Bewley AAbstract INTRODUCTION: In order to increase junior resident physician proficiency and improve patient safety, simulation-based procedural training courses, or bootcamps, have been become an emerging educational tool. OBJECTIVES: To compare pre- and post-course confidence...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Are Children Scheduled for Ventilation Tubes Insertion Overweight? A Cohort of Israeli Children.
Are Children Scheduled for Ventilation Tubes Insertion Overweight? A Cohort of Israeli Children.: Related ArticlesAre Children Scheduled for Ventilation Tubes Insertion Overweight? A Cohort of Israeli Children.Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2020 Jan 29;:3489420903336Authors: Klein A, Kraus O, Luria A, Ovnat Tamir S, Marom TAbstract OBJECTIVE: To study the hypothesis that children scheduled for ventilation tube insertion (VTI), a surrogate procedure reflecting otitis media (OM) presence, are overweight...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Cerumen Management: An Updated Clinical Review and Evidence-Based Approach for Primary Care Physicians.
Cerumen Management: An Updated Clinical Review and Evidence-Based Approach for Primary Care Physicians.: Related ArticlesCerumen Management: An Updated Clinical Review and Evidence-Based Approach for Primary Care Physicians.J Prim Care Community Health. 2020 Jan-Dec;11:2150132720904181Authors: Horton GA, Simpson MTW, Beyea MM, Beyea JAAbstract Objective: To provide family physicians with a practical, evidence-based approach to managing patients with cerumen impaction. Methods: MEDLINE, The...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Pou3f4-Expressing Otic Mesenchyme Cells Promote Spiral Ganglion Neuron Survival in the Postnatal Mouse Cochlea.
Pou3f4-Expressing Otic Mesenchyme Cells Promote Spiral Ganglion Neuron Survival in the Postnatal Mouse Cochlea.: Related ArticlesPou3f4-Expressing Otic Mesenchyme Cells Promote Spiral Ganglion Neuron Survival in the Postnatal Mouse Cochlea.J Comp Neurol. 2020 Jan 29;:Authors: Brooks PM, Rose KP, Macrae ML, Rangoussis KM, Gurjar M, Hertzano R, Coate TMAbstract During inner ear development, primary auditory neurons named spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs) are surrounded by otic mesenchyme cells,...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Antibiotic prescription rate for upper respiratory tract infections in general practice - a Croatian study.
Antibiotic prescription rate for upper respiratory tract infections in general practice - a Croatian study.: Related ArticlesAntibiotic prescription rate for upper respiratory tract infections in general practice - a Croatian study.Med Glas (Zenica). 2020 Feb 01;17(1):Authors: Gačina A, Vrca Botica M, Botica I, Horvat Hodžić A, Borovečki Žuti I, Kobaš AAbstract Aim Acute upper respiratory tract infections are the most common indication for antibiotic prescribing in primary care. The frequency...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Effect of Poguntano leaves extract (Picria fel-terrae Merr.) to procalcitonin level in acute bacterial rhinosinusitis model of Wistar mice.
Effect of Poguntano leaves extract (Picria fel-terrae Merr.) to procalcitonin level in acute bacterial rhinosinusitis model of Wistar mice.: Related ArticlesEffect of Poguntano leaves extract (Picria fel-terrae Merr.) to procalcitonin level in acute bacterial rhinosinusitis model of Wistar mice.Med Glas (Zenica). 2020 Feb 01;17(1):Authors: Murni Rambe AY, Munir D, Sembiring RJ, Ilyas SAbstract Aim Acute rhinosinusitis (AR) is of viral aetiology and only 0.5- 2% develop into acute bacterial...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Presentation of Infantile Hemangiopericytoma/Solitary Fibrous Tumor as a Giant Extracranial Temporal Mass.
Presentation of Infantile Hemangiopericytoma/Solitary Fibrous Tumor as a Giant Extracranial Temporal Mass.: Related ArticlesPresentation of Infantile Hemangiopericytoma/Solitary Fibrous Tumor as a Giant Extracranial Temporal Mass.Fetal Pediatr Pathol. 2020 Jan 29;:1-5Authors: Boynuyogun E, Calis M, Kavuncuoglu A, Kosemehmetoglu K, Tuncbilek GAbstract Background: Infantile Hemangiopericytoma (HPC)/Solitary Fibrous Tumor (SFT), a vascular tumor of head and neck region, can be congenital or...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Elucidating Molecular Interactions of Ten Natural Compounds Targeting E6 HPV High Risk Oncoproteins Using Microsecond Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
Elucidating Molecular Interactions of Ten Natural Compounds Targeting E6 HPV High Risk Oncoproteins Using Microsecond Molecular Dynamics Simulations.: Related ArticlesElucidating Molecular Interactions of Ten Natural Compounds Targeting E6 HPV High Risk Oncoproteins Using Microsecond Molecular Dynamics Simulations.Med Chem. 2020 Jan 29;:Authors: Meza-Menchaca T, Lizano-Soberón M, Trigos A, Zepeda RC, Medina ME, Galindo-Murillo RAbstract BACKGROUND: Cervical cancer is a major public health...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Correlation between work impairment, scores of rhinitis severity and asthma using the MASK-air® App.
Correlation between work impairment, scores of rhinitis severity and asthma using the MASK-air® App.: Related ArticlesCorrelation between work impairment, scores of rhinitis severity and asthma using the MASK-air® App.Allergy. 2020 Jan 29;:Authors: Bédard A, Antó JM, Fonseca JA, Arnavielhe S, Bachert C, Bedbrook A, Bindslev-Jensen C, Bosnic-Anticevich S, Cardona V, Cruz AA, Fokkens WJ, Garcia-Aymerich J, Hellings PW, Ivancevich JC, Klimek L, Kuna P, Kvedariene V, Larenas-Linnemann D, Melén E, Monti...
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,
Study of the Expression Transition of Cardiac Myosin Using Polarization-Dependent SHG Microscopy.
Study of the Expression Transition of Cardiac Myosin Using Polarization-Dependent SHG Microscopy.: Related ArticlesStudy of the Expression Transition of Cardiac Myosin Using Polarization-Dependent SHG Microscopy.Biophys J. 2020 Jan 03;:Authors: Yuan C, Zhao X, Wang Z, Borg TK, Ye T, Khalpey ZI, Runyan RB, Shao Y, Gao BZAbstract Detection of the transition between the two myosin isoforms α- and β-myosin in living cardiomyocytes is essential for understanding cardiac physiology and pathology....
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,

Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου
