Τετάρτη 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2020

Comparison of temporomandibular changes in edentulous and dentulous patients using digital panoramic imaging

Comparison of temporomandibular changes in edentulous and dentulous patients using digital panoramic imaging: Nikhil Rajesh Gharge, SR Ashwinirani, Abhijeet Sande

Journal of Oral Research and Review 2020 12(1):17-22

Introduction: Prevalence of TMJ disorder in general population is approximately 50% out of which 3-7% are reported to seek treatment. Various modalities are used to diagnosis TMJ like Panoramic Imaging, Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Cone Beam Computed Tomography. The Present study is to design and analyse TMJ changes in Edentulous and Dentulous using Digital Panoramic Imaging.

Methodology: Retrospective study was carried out using 208 Panoramic Radiographs retrieved from Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology TMJ changes have assessed and Compared between the Dentulous and Edentulous patients.

Results: Out of 208 patients,103 individual were Dentulous and 105 were edentulous (94-Partially, 11-Complete). So in Dentulous patients female were predominately affected by TMJ changes, whereas in edentulous patients males were affected by TMJ changes. In dentulous patients flattening was most common followed by resorption whereas in edentulous resorption was most common followed by osteophyte in tmj region.

Conclusion: In our study in comparison of TMJ changes in edentulous and Dentulous patients showed flattening as most common changes in dentulous patients with female predominately and resorption as most common changes in edentulous patients with male predomiently.

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