Πέμπτη 5 Μαρτίου 2020

Language, Motor, and Cognitive Outcomes of Toddlers Who Were Born Preterm.
Conclusion Assessment of the preterm infant from a biosystems approach allows the speech-language pathologist to take into consideration maternal education, diagnosis at preterm birth, and GA, which were found to impact the language, motor, and cognitive outcomes of children born preterm. Our findings further reinforce the concept of the whole child in that children born preterm who display language delays should be screened for co-occurring motor and/or cognitive delays. PMID: 32130865 [PubMed...
MedWorm Speech Therapy Research
Wed Mar 04, 2020 00:00
Profiling variability and development of spoken discourse in mainstream adolescents.
Authors: Hill E, Claessen M, Whitworth A, Boyes M Abstract Competence in spoken discourse is an important consideration during assessment and intervention planning for adolescents with communication difficulties. Currently, a lack of age-appropriate protocols and reference data against which to interpret performance, are barriers when working with this population, particularly those that assess a range of genre and language features. Using a new assessment tool, the Curtin University Discourse...
MedWorm Speech Therapy Research
Tue Mar 03, 2020 00:00
Prelexical phonetic and early lexical development in German-acquiring infants: canonical babbling and first spoken words.
Authors: Lang S, Willmes K, Marschik PB, Zhang D, Fox-Boyer A Abstract Prelexical phonetic capacities have widely been described to be a precursor for later speech and language development. However, studies so far varied greatly in the measurements used for the detection of canonical babbling onset or the description of infants' phonetic capacities at one or more set time points. The comparability of results is, therefore, questionable. Thus, the aims of this study were to investigate the...
MedWorm Speech Therapy Research
Tue Mar 03, 2020 00:00
Multilingualism and the politics of participation at a Cameroonian wildlife sanctuary
Publication date: May 2020Source: Language & Communication, Volume 72Author(s): Rosalie Edmonds (Source: Language and Communication)MedWorm Message: Have you tried our new medical search engine? More powerful than before. Log on with your social media account. 100% free.
MedWorm Speech Therapy Research
Thu Mar 05, 2020 21:38
Biocompatible thiolate protected copper nanoclusters for an efficient imaging of lung cancer cells
Publication date: Available online 5 March 2020Source: Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: BiologyAuthor(s): Murugan Ramadurai, Ganapathy Rajendran, Thangapandian Sathya Bama, Pandurangan Prabhu, Krishnan Kathiravan (Source: Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology)
MedWorm Speech Therapy Research
Thu Mar 05, 2020 21:38
Dose in Exercise-Based Dysphagia Therapies: A Scoping Review
ConclusionsWe recommend inclusion of at least the frequency, duration, repetition, and intensity components of exercise dose to improve reproducibility, interpretation, and comparison across studies. Further research is required to determine optimal dose ranges for the wide variety of exercise-based dysphagia interventions. (Source: Dysphagia)
MedWorm Speech Therapy Research
Thu Mar 05, 2020 00:00
Effects of Superior Laryngeal Nerve Lesion on Kinematics of Swallowing and Airway Protection in an Infant Pig Model
AbstractThe superior laryngeal nerve provides detailed sensory information from the mucosal surfaces of laryngeal structures superior to the vocal folds, including the valleculae. Injury to this nerve results in airway penetration and aspiration. Furthermore, such injuries might have an impact on the function of multiple structures involved in intraoral transport and swallowing due to connections within the brainstem. We sought to determine the effects of a surgical lesion of the superior laryngeal...
MedWorm Speech Therapy Research
Thu Mar 05, 2020 00:00
Relationship Between Tongue Pressure and Pharyngeal Function Assessed Using High-Resolution Manometry in Older Dysphagia Patients with Sarcopenia: A Pilot Study
AbstractTongue pressure is often used to evaluate swallowing muscle strength in dysphagia patients with sarcopenia. However, the amount of tongue pressure that reflects pharyngeal swallowing function is unclear. The aims of this descriptive study were (1) to assess the association between tongue pressure and swallowing function using high-resolution manometry (HRM), (2) to evaluate whether manometric parameters were related to maximum tongue pressure (MTP) and other sarcopenia-related factors, and...
MedWorm Speech Therapy Research
Thu Mar 05, 2020 00:00
An expanding apraxia of speech (AOS) treatment evidence base: An update of recent developments
. (Source: Aphasiology)
MedWorm Speech Therapy Research
Wed Mar 04, 2020 00:00

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