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Κυριακή 3 Μαΐου 2020


Tumour budding and tumour–stroma ratio in hepatocellular carcinoma
British Journal of Cancer - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Effects of effective stereotactic radiosurgery for brain metastases on the adjacent brain parenchyma
British Journal of Cancer - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Integrated single-cell and bulk gene expression and ATAC-seq reveals heterogeneity and early changes in pathways associated with resistance to cetuximab in HNSCC-sensitive cell lines
British Journal of Cancer - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Increases in arm volume predict lymphoedema and quality of life deficits after axillary surgery: a prospective cohort study
British Journal of Cancer - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Lymphoedema screening: setting the standard
British Journal of Cancer - Issue - nature.com science feeds
Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation for adults with acute myeloid leukemia conducted in Japan during the past quarter century
Abstract Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) represents the most common indication for allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT). This study aimed to address the implementation status of allogeneic HCT for adults with AML in Japan and to provide a comprehensive overview of post-transplant outcomes. For this purpose, we analyzed data of 15,186 patients undergoing allogeneic HCT between 1992 and 2016 who were consecutively reported to the Japanese nationwide transplantation registry....
Latest Results for Annals of Hematology
Sickle cell anemia in the state of Maranhão: a haplotype study
Abstract Sickle cell anemia (SCA) is the most severe form of sickle cell disease caused by homozygosity of the βS-gene (S/S or βSβS) and has worldwide distribution. Six polymorphic sites in the β-globin gene cluster were analyzed from a sample of 56 chromosomes of patients with SCA from the state of Maranhão, northeastern Brazil. PCR-RFLP showed that the CAR haplotype was predominant with a frequency of 64.28%, followed by the BEN haplotype (28.57%). Atypical haplotypes were identified...
Latest Results for Annals of Hematology
Red blood cell consumption in a large cohort of patients with thalassaemia: a retrospective analysis of main predictors
Abstract The phenotype/genotype relationship of patients with transfusion-dependent thalassaemia (TDT) is particularly complex and variable, thus generating different levels of severity and of annual transfusion volume (ATV). In this study, we explored the role and the contribution of several factors potentially involved in determining mean ATV in a cohort of TDT patients which have been followed since long time. We collected data on one-hundred and twenty-seven patients with transfusion-dependent...
Latest Results for Annals of Hematology
IgM-MGUS and associated membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis during IVIG administration
Latest Results for Annals of Hematology
Rectal involvement in pre-early T acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Latest Results for Annals of Hematology
Successful use of venetoclax for treatment of eosinophilic dermatosis of myeloproliferative disease in a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Latest Results for Annals of Hematology
Current IST-free/relapse-free survival as a new endpoint after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Latest Results for Annals of Hematology
Successful treatment of intracranial Rosai-Dorfman disease with cytarabine and dexamethasone: case report and review of literature
Latest Results for Annals of Hematology
A 19-year-old patient with atypical chronic myeloid leukemia
Latest Results for Annals of Hematology
Influence of HLA 1–3-locus mismatch and antithymocyte globulin administration in unrelated bone marrow transplantation
Abstract For patients without an HLA-matched donor, an HLA-mismatched unrelated donor (MMUD) has been considered as an alternative donor in allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (allo-HCT). We conducted a nationwide retrospective study to compare the transplant outcomes among 1-, 2-, and 3-locus (allele/antigen) mismatched unrelated donors (1MMUD n = 2044, 2MMUD n = 492, and 3MMUD n = 73) in allo-HCT and to assess the impact of antithymocyte globulin (ATG) in allo-HCT...
Latest Results for Annals of Hematology
Residual disease by flow cytometry in patients with nucleophosmin-mutated acute myeloblastic leukemia
Latest Results for Annals of Hematology
Targeted next-generation sequencing identified novel mutations associated with hereditary anemias in Brazil
Abstract Hereditary anemias are a group of heterogeneous disorders including hemolytic anemias and hyporegenerative anemias, as congenital dyserythropoietic anemia (CDA). Causative mutations occur in a wide range of genes leading to deficiencies in red cell production, structure, or function. The genetic screening of the main genes is important for timely diagnosis, since routine laboratory tests fail in a percentage of the cases, appropriate treatment decisions, and genetic...
Latest Results for Annals of Hematology
A population-based survey to assess the association between cannabis and quality of life among colorectal cancer survivors
As more states legalize cannabis for medical and recreational use, people increasingly use cannabis to treat medical conditions and associated symptoms. The prevalence and utility of cannabis for cancer-relate...
BMC Cancer - Latest Articles
Design of a randomized controlled trial of a partnership-based, needs-tailored self-management support intervention for post-treatment breast cancer survivors
Self-management is becoming essential for breast cancer survivors, but evidence about the effectiveness of self-management support (SMS) intervention is lacking. To address this issue, we developed a theory-ba...
BMC Cancer - Latest Articles
A phase II study of Osimertinib for patients with radiotherapy-naïve CNS metastasis of non-small cell lung cancer: treatment rationale and protocol design of the OCEAN study (LOGIK 1603/WJOG 9116L)
Patients with activating epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations are highly responsive to EGFR-tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs). However, it has been reported that approximately 15–30% of patients trea...
BMC Cancer - Latest Articles
Quantification of the individual risk of each Gleason pattern, including tertiary Gleason pattern 5, after radical prostatectomy: development of the modified Gleason grade grouping (mGGG) model
While the new Gleason grade grouping (GGG), which started in 2016, has been widely validated in prostate cancer, it does not incorporate the concept of tertiary Gleason pattern 5. Furthermore, no study has “qu...
BMC Cancer - Latest Articles
Germline whole exome sequencing of a family with appendiceal mucinous tumours presenting with pseudomyxoma peritonei
Familial cases of appendiceal mucinous tumours (AMTs) are extremely rare and the underlying genetic aetiology uncertain. We identified potential predisposing germline genetic variants in a father and daughter ...
BMC Cancer - Latest Articles
Moderate to vigorous physical activity participation associated with better quality of life among breast and colorectal cancer survivors in Korea
To investigate the association between physical activity (PA) and quality of life (QoL) among breast and colorectal cancer survivors in Korea.
BMC Cancer - Latest Articles
Identifying opportunities to support patient-centred care for ductal carcinoma in situ: qualitative interviews with clinicians
Women with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) report poor patient-clinician communication, and long-lasting confusion and anxiety about their treatment and prognosis. Research shows that patient-centred care (PCC...
BMC Cancer - Latest Articles
Acral lentiginous melanoma: Clinicopathologic and survival differences according to tumour location
Abstract Background/Objectives Acral lentiginous melanoma (ALM) is a melanoma subtype associated with atypical locations on the hands and feet and advanced disease at diagnosis. There is a limited understanding of whether the survival is similar for nail, non‐nail, lower limb and upper limb ALM patients. We therefore explored clinicopathologic characteristics and melanoma‐specific survival of ALM patients according to tumour location. Methods A prospectively collected cohort study...
Australasian Journal of Dermatology
Screening of agricultural land productivity and returning farmland to forest area for sensitivity to rural labor outward migration in the ecologically fragile Loess Plateau region
Abstract The mechanism of the non-agricultural transfer of rural labor to agricultural production efficiency and their interrelationships is a problem worthy of further discussion at this stage in China. The mediating effect model is constructed, the least square method is used for regression, and the instrumental variable method is used to solve the possible endogeneity problem. Through the investigation of farmers in Loess Plateau region, this paper analyzes the effects of factor...
Latest Results
Use of adsorption-influencing parameters for designing the batch adsorber and neural network–based prediction modelling for the aqueous arsenate removal using combustion synthesised nano-alumina
Abstract Removal of arsenic from water is of utmost priorities on a global scenario due to its ill effects. Therefore, in the present study, aluminium oxide nano-particles (nano-alumina) were synthesised via solution combustion method, which is self-propagating and eco-friendly in nature. Synthesised nano-alumina was further employed for arsenate removal from water. Usually, pre-oxidation of arsenite is performed for better removal of arsenic in its pentavalent form. Thus, arsenate...
Latest Results
Effect of plant hedgerows on agricultural non-point source pollution: a meta-analysis
Abstract Eutrophication has been a critical environmental issue due to soil nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) loss in runoff from agricultural lands. Plant hedgerow is an important measure to prevent soil erosion and reduce agricultural non-point source pollution (NPSP). In the present study, we searched 3683 research papers on plant hedgerows published from 1980 to March 2020. After screening, we used 53 effective papers on plant hedgerows for the meta-analysis by using Stata 15.1....
Latest Results
Ambient air pollution and its influence on human health and welfare: an overview
Abstract Human health is closely related to his environment. The influence of exposure to air pollutants on human health and well-being has been an interesting subject and gained much volume of research over the last 50 years. In general, polluted air is considered one of the major factors leading to many diseases such as cardiovascular and respiratory disease and lung cancer for the people. Besides, air pollution adversely affects the animals and deteriorates the plant environment....
Latest Results
Study of the dissolved organic matter (DOM) of the Auzon cut-off meander (Allier River, France) by spectral and photoreactivity approaches
Abstract Wetlands are recognized for the importance of their hydrological function and biodiversity, and there is now a consensus to protect and restore them as well as to complete the knowledge on their functioning. Here, we studied the dissolved organic matter (DOM) of a wetland composed of the Auzon cut-off meander, the Allier River, the alluvial fluvial flow, and watershed aquifer. Water was sampled at different locations, in spring, summer, and autumn. For each sample, DOM...
Latest Results
Metal concentration and health risk assessment of wild mushrooms collected from the Black Sea region of Turkey
Abstract Mushrooms are rich sources of organic nutrients (especially proteins). However, they can excessively accumulate metals in their fruiting bodies that pose a risk to human health. The aim of this study was the determination of Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn contents, daily intake, and health risk index values of some mushroom species collected from the eastern Black Sea region of Turkey (Arsin, Trabzon). The samples were collected from hazelnut gardens that are free...
Latest Results
Phytoremediation of azo dye methyl red by macroalgae Chara vulgaris L.: kinetic and equilibrium studies
Abstract Phytoremediation is an innovative, eco-friendly, and solar-driven technique, which becomes a well-known alternative solution for remediation of hazardous dyes from wastewater. In present research work, potential of a submerged fresh water macroalgae Chara vulgaris L. (C. vulgaris) examined for removal of acidic azo dye methyl red (MR) in its solution form. A series of experiments were done with C. vulgaris to predict the effects of different parameters viz. contact time,...
Latest Results
Ecological risk assessment (ERA) based on contaminated groundwater to predict potential impacts to a wetland ecosystem
Abstract To assess the ecological risk resulting from an accidental gasoline spill upstream from a wetland, groundwater and sediment sampling was carried out during two campaigns at the 48th and 52nd months after the spill had occurred. In total, 21 groundwater monitoring wells in the affected area were sampled plus an additional reference well located upstream from the accident location. Seven sediment sampling points were selected inside the wetland, plus a reference point upstream...
Latest Results
Pyrolysis of fatty acids derived from hydrolysis of brown grease with biosolids
Abstract The escalating generation of biosolids and increasing regulations regarding their safe handling and disposal have created a great environmental challenge. Recently, biosolids have been incorporated into the hydrolysis step of a two-step thermal lipid conversion process to act as water replacement in the production of renewable chemicals and fuels. Here, the hexane extract recovered from hydrolysis of biosolids, lipids from brown grease hydrolyzed using either water (control)...
Latest Results
Climate disturbance impact assessment in West Africa: evidence from field survey and satellite imagery analysis
Abstract Extreme drought events from climate disturbances are weakening livelihood and limiting agriculture and livestock production in the Sahel region. The lack of relevant information to anticipate coping measures has exacerbated impacts leading to climate adaptation failure in most parts. In this regard, the current research paper has collected important datasets with an objective to assess the impact of extreme drought events on household’s livelihoods for better understanding...
Latest Results
Fuzzy classifier model to know the sustainability of aquatic organisms and to forecast the aqua farmers
Abstract This research work focuses to develop a fuzzy classifier model, to know the sustainability of aquatic animals and/or plants by assessing the aqua pond water quality. This model categorizes the water quality of aqua pond into four levels like as normal, acceptable, abnormal, and dangerous based on the numerical values of physical limits. The developed model is useful to forecast the pond water quality by the aqua farmers to keep up within the acceptable limits at the earliest....
Latest Results
Air pollution, demographic structure, and the current account: an extended life-cycle model
Abstract Air pollution has an important impact on both human health and sustainable economic development. The relationship of the current account, which is an important carrier of international economic activity, with air pollution has rarely been discussed by scholars. This paper aims to investigate how air pollution affects the current account and the mechanism of this effect. We conducted a theoretical analysis of the relationship between air pollution and the current account...
Latest Results
Endosulfan induces endothelial inflammation and dysfunction via IRE1α/NF-κB signaling pathway
Abstract Cardiovascular diseases are related to vascular endothelial cell injury; our previous studies showed that endosulfan could cause hypercoagulation of blood by inducing endothelial cell injury. To clarify the mechanism of it, we treated human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) with 0, 1, 5, and 10 μg/mL endosulfan, while in the inhibition groups, reactive oxygen species (ROS) inhibitor N-acetylcysteine (NAC, 3 mmol) and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress inhibitor...
Latest Results
Association between exposure to ambient fine particulate matter and prevalence of type 2 diabetes in Iran: an ecological study
Abstract Epidemiological evidence for the link between long-term exposure to air particulate matter (PM2.5) and occurrence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) is limited such that little is known about the effect of PM2.5 exposure and adult T2D prevalence. Thus, the aim of this ecological study is to evaluate the contribution of ambient PM2.5 exposure to the adult T2D prevalence in the large population of Iran. The study was conducted based on Iran’s large-scale cross-sectional surveilling...
Latest Results

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