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Τρίτη 22 Ιουνίου 2021

Seborrheic keratosis-like melanoma: a diagnostic challenge

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This article summarizes the main epidemiologic and diagnostic features of seborrheic keratosis-like (SK-like) melanoma. We performed a review of the current literature. The real and current incidence and prevalence of SK-like melanoma are unknown. Many lesions are misdiagnosed and not excised with histo pathologic confirmation, or excised without an appropriate surgical approach due to a benign clinical and dermoscopic appearance. SK-like melanoma presents both melanoma and SK features. SK-like melanoma and SK are often clinically indistinguishable even for experienced dermatologists. Clinically, it develops as a black-dark brown or light slightly elevated, papule, nodule or plaque with rapid growth and a regular or irregular shape. SK-like melanoma presents melanocytic and nonmelanocytic dermoscopic features. Irregular dark-brown dots/globules, a blue-grayish veil, streaks, irregular pigmentation or network and brown lines point to a melanoma diagnosis. Among the nonmelanocytic features, milia-like cysts and comedo-like openings have been highlighted. The association of polarized and nonpolarized dermoscopic techniques is more accurate for studying the dermoscopic features of SK-like melanoma. If the dermoscopic features are unclear, further investigations with reflectance confoca l microscopy (RCM) or biopsy with histologic examination are essential. SK-like melanoma is a dermatologic challenge. Careful clinical and dermoscopic evaluation favor a correct diagnosis. In unclear cases, it is important to perform a biopsy with histologic examination to confirm the correct diagnosis. Received 29 March 2021 Accepted 18 May 2021 Correspondence to Agata Janowska, MD, Department of Dermatology, University of Pisa, Via Roma 67, 56127, Pisa, Italia, Tel: +39 050 992436; fax: +39 050 992556; e-mail: dottoressajanowska@gmail.com Copyright © 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
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