Bull Tokyo Dent Coll. 2021 Sep 8;62(3):163-170. doi: 10.2209/tdcpublication.2020-0058. Epub 2021 Aug 15.
Lip-seal strength is important for articulating bilabials, capturing food during eating, maintaining fluid within the oral cavity before swallowing, and achieving swallowing pressure. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of lip-seal resistance training on lip-seal strength in young adults. The participants comprised 15 young healthy adults aged 26-3 4 years, all with complete dentition. Each was required to perform lip-seal resistance training 5 weekdays a week for 4 weeks with a commercially available instrument for that purpose. The instrument was placed on the midline, left corner, and right corner of the mouth, and pulled forward, leftward, and rightward, respectively. The participants were required to pull the training instrument forcefully while resisting by closing the lips together as strongly as possible until the instrument exited the lips. Lip-seal strength was measured at before and after training using a measurement device. Change in lip-seal strength between before and after training was analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed rank test. The mean lip-seal strength was 8.9±1.5 N before training and 10.4±1.8 N after. A significant difference was observed in lip-seal strength between before and after training (p=0.003), and the mean increase during the training period was 18.1±17.6%. The results showed that lip-seal re sistance training for 4 weeks increased lip-seal strength in young adults. These findings suggest that training that involves pulling not only in a forward direction, but also in bilateral directions strongly stimulates the orbicularis oris muscle, resulting in an increase in lip-seal strength.
PMID:34393145 | DOI:10.2209/tdcpublication.2020-0058
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