Δευτέρα 13 Απριλίου 2020

Maxillofacial Injuries as an Occupational Hazard of Farming

Maxillofacial Injuries as an Occupational Hazard of Farming in Rural and Semi-urban Population: A 3-Year Retrospective Epidemiological Study:



The aim of the retrospective study is to conduct an epidemiological evaluation of farm-based/farm-related maxillofacial injuries to assess the pattern and severity of maxillofacial injuries sustained and to formulate prevention strategies.

Materials & Method

In this analytical retrospective study, records/case sheets of patients presenting with trauma sustained in farm-based settings in a government hospital catering to rural and semi-urban population from January 2014 to Dec 2017 were analyzed to assess the incidence, pattern, etiology and trauma configurations of maxillofacial injuries sustained.


Out of a total of 11,736 trauma cases, 2484 patients suffered injuries in farm-based settings. Out of these, 334 patients had maxillofacial injuries. Mandibular condylar fracture along with parasymphysis fracture was the most common fracture configuration. Injuries while working with non-motorized machinery followed by working around farm livestock were the most common etiological factors in farm-related trauma.


Maxillofacial injuries account for a significant percentage of injuries suffered in a farm-related environment. Through this study, we have identified the patterns of maxillofacial injuries occurring in such an environment, and the data thus obtained can be used to develop various ergonomic and safety interventions in terms of machinery design and handling along with implementation of training programs and enforcing strict safety guidelines to minimize maxillofacial trauma in farm-based settings.

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