Τρίτη 17 Μαρτίου 2020

Ancient hornwort genomes could lead to crop improvement
An international research team illuminates the origin of land plants by analyzing the first hornwort genomes. In this ancient group of land plants, they discovered genes that could help crops grow more efficiently with less synthetic fertilizer.
Evolutionary Biology News -- ScienceDaily
Mon Mar 16, 2020 20:14
Flatness of musculoskeletal systems under functional electrical stimulation
Abstract Control of musculoskeletal yy system through functional electrical stimulation (FES) still remains a complex and a challenging process. Indeed, the used musculoskeletal models are often complex and highly nonlinear, which makes their control and inversion (getting appropriate inputs from a desired outputs) very difficult. On the other hand, the system flatness has been proved to be an efficient method for nonlinear system control, since in this technique, the nonlinear...
Latest Results for Medical
Laser Ablation Versus Radiofrequency Ablation for Benign Non-Functioning Thyroid Nodules: Six-Month Results of a Randomized, Parallel, Open-Label, Trial (LARA Trial)
Thyroid, Ahead of Print.
Tue Mar 17, 2020 09:00
Neurodevelopmental Outcomes at 42 Months After Thyroxine Supplementation in Infants Below 28 Weeks' Gestation: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Thyroid, Ahead of Print.
Tue Mar 17, 2020 09:00
Is There a Difference Between Minimal and Gross Extension into the Strap Muscles for the Risk of Recurrence in Papillary Thyroid Carcinomas?
Thyroid, Ahead of Print.
Tue Mar 17, 2020 09:00
Pathogenesis and Prevention of Worsening Axial Elongation in Pathological Myopia
Clinical Ophthalmology
Letter comments on “Infraorbital groove correction by microfat injection after lower blepharoplasty.”
As the author mentioned in this publication, the correction of infra-orbital groove by microfat injection did increase the postoperative satisfaction of lower blepharoplasty surgery1. In this study, we want to explore whether this procedure can replace the previous fat pad transposition. Months after the microfat injection, we have observed that fat continues to be present but its volume gradually disappears, and, with some, it totally vanishes. With fat pad transposition, the fat volume does not...
Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
Tue Mar 17, 2020 02:00
Risk Factors for Complications and Long-Term Outcomes Following Completion Lymph Node Dissection for Cutaneous Melanoma: A Retrospective Cohort Study
Completion lymph node dissection (CLND) for malignant melanoma is performed for regional cancer control and is associated with a high complication rate. It is unknown whether post-operative complications influence cancer recurrence or survival. Our aim was to evaluate risk factors for short- and long-term complications after CLND, and to determine whether complications affect recurrence or survival.
Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
Tue Mar 17, 2020 02:00
Editorial on the article “Risk of Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma in a Cohort of 3546 Women Prospectively Followed Long Term After Reconstruction with Macro-Textured Breast Implants
Consultant Plastic Surgeon and Chair of the Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgical Expert Advisory Group (PRASEAG) of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
Tue Mar 17, 2020 02:00
Publication rates from BAPRAS meetings; where are we now?
In the UK the BAPRAS (British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons) meetings have always represented the ideal platform for disseminating new information in the field of plastic surgery. Previous studies have suggested the publication rate for these meetings has been falling. Our aim was to re-assess the conversion rates of presented abstracts to publications. All abstracts from BAPRAS meetings between Winter 2014 and Summer 2016 were included. PubMed and Google Scholar databases...
Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
Tue Mar 17, 2020 02:00
Letter comments on published article “Modification of Jumping Man Flap”
Diver and Lewis described a modification of the “Jumping Man Flap”1. In fact, what they have described is a modification of the 5-flap Z-plasty. This was described by Hirschowitz et al.2 It is not a jumping man as it has no body.
Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
Tue Mar 17, 2020 02:00
Freestyle Superficial Femoral Artery perforator (SFAp) free flap combined with a free periosteal medial condyle flap in Gustillo IIb fracture: overkill or ideal treatment?
we find the paper published by Ziegler et al in 2018,1 regarding the anatomical relevance of the descending genicular articular artery (DGA), of great interest. Indeed, reports of the medial thigh as a flap donor site have increased in recent years . Supplied by the DGA, the free medial condyle (FMC) flap can provide vascularised bone and periosteum, and can be raised with a chimeric skin paddle.2 Lately, the superficial femoral artery (SFA) has been demonstrated as an innovative source of reliable...
Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
Tue Mar 17, 2020 02:00
Recell in post-traumatic cases: preliminary results
The generalization of skin grafting in clinical practice has improved the management of patients who experience trauma resulting in significant tissue loss. Skin grafting is currently considered the gold standard in the management of these cases.1 However, there are limits to this technique, particularly in cases of severe trauma. The amount of skin that can be harvested is limited, and a previously healthy body part is damaged in the process. In addition, grafting is a painful post-operative procedure,...
Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
Tue Mar 17, 2020 02:00
Thumb carpometacarpal joint osteoarthritis- is there a role for denervation? A systematic review.
Thumb carpometacarpal osteoarthritis (CMCJ OA) is a common problem. Joint denervation presents a number of theoretical advantages over more traditional surgical options; it is minimally invasive, it does not require a prosthesis or postoperative immobilisation, and does not preclude future surgery. It can be of particular benefit in patients who require good range of motion which other forms of surgery may compromise. Despite these potential advantages, selective denervation of the thumb CMCJ is...
Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
Tue Mar 17, 2020 02:00
Predictors of oncologic outcome in patients with and without flap reconstruction after extremity and truncal soft tissue sarcomas
Soft tissue sarcomas (STS) of the extremities or trunk often require plastic reconstructive transfer of vital tissue for wound closure after resection. Literature on the oncologic outcome of patients receiving flap closure in comparison with patients receiving primary wound closure is very limited.
Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
Tue Mar 17, 2020 02:00
Orbicularis Oculi Muscle Flap Rotation for Correction of Sunken Eyelid in Cosmetic Blepharoplasty
: Attempting traditional cosmetic blepharoplasty in sunken eyelid may cause complications such as multiple folds, irregular or high placement of fold. Additional surgical procedures, such as orbital fat repositioning or free fat grafting, are introduced to correct the sunken appearance. The study sought to introduce a novel orbicularis oculi muscle flap (OOMF) rotation procedure for correction of the sunken eyelid during blepharoplasty.
Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
Tue Mar 17, 2020 02:00
Sequencing in management of in-transit melanoma metastasis: Diphencyprone versus isolate limb infusion
: In-transit metastases (ITMs) in melanoma are associated with poor prognosis, however a significant proportion of these patients survive for extended periods without further disease progression. We routinely use locoregional treatment e.g. Diphencyprone (DPCP) and/or isolated limb infusion (ILI) as long-term palliation. This study aimed to identify correct sequencing of these therapies based on disease burden and progression.
Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
Tue Mar 17, 2020 02:00
The use of MolecuLight i:X device in acute hand trauma
Early diagnosis of wound infections are crucial as they have been shown to increase patient morbidity and mortality. We evaluated the use of Moleculight i:X to identify infections in acute open wounds in hand trauma. Data were collected from patients who attended the hand trauma unit over a 4 week period prior to having surgery. Wounds were inspected for clinical signs of infection and autofluorescence images were taken using the Moleculight i:X device. Wound swabs were taken and results interpreted...
Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
Tue Mar 17, 2020 02:00
Capsular contracture remains a problem following breast implant surgery. Although impact of biofilm and implant surface on capsule formation have been demonstrated, interaction of microorganisms with different surface types has not been clarified yet. We aimed to compare the ability of biofilm formation of implants with different surfaces, under standard conditions and to demonstrate its impact on capsular contracture.
Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
Tue Mar 17, 2020 02:00
Deferoxamine enhance the regenerative potential of diabetic Adipose Derived Stem Cells
Diabetes mellitus remains a significant public health problem, consuming over $400 billion every year. While Diabetes itself can be controlled effectively, impaired wound healing still occurs frequently in diabetic patients. Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ASC) provide an especially appealing source for diabetic wound cell therapy. With autologous approaches, functionality of ASCs largely underlie patient dependent factors. Diabetes is a significant diminishing factor of MSC functionality.
Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
Tue Mar 17, 2020 02:00
Lower donor site morbidity and higher patient satisfaction with epidermal grafting in comparison to split thickness skin grafting: A randomized controlled trial (EPIGRAAFT Trial)
Split thickness skin grafting (SSG) is an important modality for wound coverage, however it leads to donor site morbidity. Epidermal grafting (EG) is a promising option for autologous skin grafting which offers minimal donor site morbidity, though it is not known if EG is an effective clinical alternative for SSG. This study compared the efficacy of EG as an alternative to SSG in terms of wound healing outcomes, donor site morbidity, patient satisfaction and adverse events.
Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
Tue Mar 17, 2020 02:00
Force balance reconstruction of the orbicularis oris in unilateral incomplete cleft lip
To demonstrate a maneuver for achieving optimal force balance of reconstructed orbicularis oris during primary unilateral incomplete cleft lip reconstruction.
Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
Tue Mar 17, 2020 02:00
Long-term outcomes of Gillies and McLaughlin's Dynamic Muscle Support in Irreversible Facial Paralysis – A retrospective single-centre study with 25-year follow-up
The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term outcomes of Gillies and McLaughlin's dynamic muscle support with regard to functional outcomes and assess possible effects of comorbidities on both functional outcomes and reoperation and complication rates.A retrospective single-centre study was conducted of all patients (n=154) who underwent surgical correction of irreversible facial paralysis from 1994-2018. Patients with either Gillies procedure or McLaughlin's dynamic muscle support or a combination...
Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery
Tue Mar 17, 2020 02:00
How to preserve the olfaction in harvesting the nasoseptal flap in endoscopic skull base surgery.
The introduction of nasoseptal flap for the skull base defects reconstruction in endoscopic endonasal approaches represents a revolution that dramatically reduced incidence of the cerebrospinal fluid leaks, however it may be associated with comorbidities like olfactory hypofunction. Objectives: We revise our anatomical knowledge and surgical experience in order to describe an easy and safe technique to avoid olfaction hypofunction. Methods (Surgical technique): A simple anatomical surgical landmark...
Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology
Tue Mar 17, 2020 02:00
The Experience of Being Oneself in Memory: Exploring Sense of Identity via Observer Memory
Abstract Every episodic memory entails a sense of identity, which allows us to mentally travel through time. There is a special way by which the subject who is remembering comes into contact with the self that is embedded in the episodic simulation of memory: we can directly and robustly experience the protagonist in memory as ourselves. This paper explores what constitutes such experience in memory. On the face of it, the issue may seem trivial: of course, we are able to entertain...
Latest Results for Review of Philosophy and Psychology
One of Darwin's evolution theories finally proved
Scientists have proved one of Charles Darwin's theories of evolution for the first time -- nearly 140 years after his death. Researchers discovered mammal subspecies play a more important role in evolution than previously thought. Her research could now be used to predict which species conservationists should focus on protecting.
Evolutionary Biology News -- ScienceDaily
New study reveals early evolution of cortex
Research on the lamprey brain has enabled researchers to push the birth of the cortex back in time by some 300 million years to over 500 million years ago, providing new insights into brain evolution.
Evolutionary Biology News -- ScienceDaily
Mon Mar 16, 2020 20:15
A direct comparison of selective BH3-mimetics reveals BCL-X<sub>L</sub>, BCL-2 and MCL-1 as promising therapeutic targets in neuroblastoma
British Journal of Cancer, Published online: 18 March 2020; doi:10.1038/s41416-020-0795-9A direct comparison of selective BH3-mimetics reveals BCL-XL, BCL-2 and MCL-1 as promising therapeutic targets in neuroblastoma
A direct comparison of selective BH3-mimetics reveals BCL-X<sub>L</sub>, BCL-2 and MCL-1 as promising therapeutic targets in neuroblastoma
AAA, ADA, ASHA Share Resources for Providing Audiology Care Amid COVID-19 Health Emergency
With the school, business, and establishment closures and city lockdowns across the United States—and the world—due to the COVID-19 pandemic, professional groups have released resources for audiologists whose patient population includes a considerable number of older adults.    Apart from highlighting the CDC guidance on protecting oneself, avoiding exposure, and preventing the spread of the virus, the  American Academy of Audiology (AAA), Academy of Doctors of Audiology (ADA), and American Speech-Language-Hearing...
Tue Mar 17, 2020 19:15
New Study Highlights the Stablizing Effects of Sounds
​What people hear and do not hear can have a direct effect on their balance, according to new research from the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai (NYEE). The research, published in the March 12 issue of JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, provides a better understanding of the relationship between hearing loss and why people fall, especially in the elderly population. The findings could lead doctors to screen for hearing loss in patients at high risk for falls, detect hearing...
Mon Mar 16, 2020 16:57
Genetic Adaptations of an Island Pit-Viper to a Unique Sedentary Life with Extreme Seasonal Food Availability
The Shedao pit-viper (Gloydius shedaoensis) exhibits an extreme sedentary lifestyle. The island species exclusively feeds on migratory birds during migratory seasons and experiences prolonged hibernation and aestivation period each year (up to eight months). The sedentary strategy reduces energy expenditure, but may trigger a series of adverse effects and the snakes have likely evolved genetic modifications to alleviate these effects. To investigate the genetic adaptations, we sequenced and compared...
G3: .Genes, Genomes, Genetics Mission - Online First Articles
Tue Mar 17, 2020 22:50
De Novo Genome Assembly of the indica Rice Variety IR64 Using Linked-Read Sequencing and Nanopore Sequencing
IR64 is a rice variety with high-yield that has been widely cultivated around the world. IR64 has been replaced by modern varieties in most growing areas. Given that modern varieties are mostly progenies or relatives of IR64, genetic analysis of IR64 is valuable for rice functional genomics. However, chromosome-level genome sequences of IR64 have not been available previously. Here, we sequenced the IR64 genome using synthetic long reads obtained by linked-read sequencing and ultra-long reads obtained...
G3: .Genes, Genomes, Genetics Mission - Online First Articles
Tue Mar 17, 2020 22:50
Genome-Wide Association Study for Maize Leaf Cuticular Conductance Identifies Candidate Genes Involved in the Regulation of Cuticle Development
The cuticle, a hydrophobic layer of cutin and waxes synthesized by plant epidermal cells, is the major barrier to water loss when stomata are closed at night and under water-limited conditions. Elucidating the genetic architecture of natural variation for leaf cuticular conductance (gc) is important for identifying genes relevant to improving crop productivity in drought-prone environments. To this end, we conducted a genome-wide association study of gc of adult leaves in a maize inbred association...
G3: .Genes, Genomes, Genetics Mission - Online First Articles
Tue Mar 17, 2020 22:50
Adapalene Gel 0.1% versus Ketoconazole Cream 2% and Their Combination in Treatment of Pityriasis Versicolor: A Randomized Clinical Study
Abstract Pityriasis versicolor (PV) is a chronic superficial fungal infection. Management using azole drugs leads to drug resistance. The present study aimed to compare the clinical outcome of 0.1% adapalene gel versus 2% ketoconazole cream and their combination in PV. This randomized double‐blinded study was conducted on 90 PV patients divided into three equal groups. GI was treated with topical ketoconazole 2% cream twice daily and placebo, GII was treated with topical 0.1% adapalene gel twice...
Wiley: Dermatologic Therapy: Table of Contents
Minimal Invasive Chin and Jawline Improvement in Women in their 2nd Half of Life
Wiley: Dermatologic Therapy: Table of Contents
A Case of Nodular Scabies with Atypical Course
Wiley: Dermatologic Therapy: Table of Contents
Hookworm‐related cutaneous larva migrans successfully treated with topical ivermectin 0,1%
Wiley: Dermatologic Therapy: Table of Contents
Combination therapy with acitretin and glycyrrhizin in generalized pustular psoriasis with liver test abnormalities: a case series
Abstract Liver test abnormalities (LTA) are a frequent extracutaneous manifestation in generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP). Due to possible hepatotoxicity of systemic monotherapy, it is challenging to simultaneously achieve clinical remission and LTA normalization. However, evidence for therapy is lacking. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of combination therapy of acitretin and glycyrrhizin in 9 GPP patients with LTA. During the acute phase of GPP, a combination of acitretin...
Wiley: Dermatologic Therapy: Table of Contents

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