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Τετάρτη 15 Ιανουαρίου 2020


Trace elements, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, mineral composition, and FT-IR characterization of unrefined sea and rock salts: environmental interactions
Abstract Unrefined sea salt originates from seawater, typically by natural evaporation. Being minimally processed, it contains the natural minerals and impurities of seawater. Despite the wide applications of salt for culinary and food preservation purposes, the available composition data is particularly limited. Since seawater often contains various harmful substances at a trace or ultra-trace level, their determination in unrefined salt is significant in terms of quality control...
Embryo/larval toxicity and transcriptional effects in zebrafish ( Danio rerio ) exposed to endocrine active riverbed sediments
Abstract Sediment toxicity plays a fundamental role in the health of inland fish communities; however, the assessment of the hazard potential of contaminated sediments is not a common objective in environmental diagnostics or remediation. This study examined the potential of transcriptional endpoints investigated in zebrafish (Danio rerio) exposed to riverbed sediments in ecotoxicity testing. Embryo-larval 10-day tests were conducted on sediment samples collected from five sites...
Influence of graphene oxide nanosheets on the cotransport of cu-tetracycline multi-pollutants in saturated porous media
Abstract Antibiotic-heavy metal multi-pollutants are produced by intensive livestock farming and become an increasingly prominent problem. In this study, the transport behavior of tetracycline (TC) and its chelate with copper ions (Cu-TC) in saturated sand column with and without graphene oxide (GO) prefilled was investigated by laboratory breakthrough experiments. The effects of pH, ionic strength, and the cotransport with GO were studied detailedly. The results showed that the...
Historical evolutions of sediment quality in bays under serious anthropogenic influences in China, basing on fuzzy comprehensive assessment of heavy metals
Abstract Fuzzy comprehensive assessment was applied, for the first time, to investigate the sediment environmental quality and compare the historical variations of heavy metal pollution in Daya Bay and Jiaozhou Bay, which are representative for sub-tropical and temperate zone of China, respectively. Results shown the Daya Bay had undergone three contrasting stages in the past 100 years. Before 1980s, the sediment was not contaminated by metals and its quality generally conformed...
Phosphorus removal from wastewater by waste concrete: influence of P concentration and temperature on the product
Abstract This study investigated the feature of phosphorus uptake by low-cost waste concrete. Adsorption isotherms, metal dissolution, influence of P concentration and temperature, as well as adsorbent regeneration were investigated. Chemical extraction, SEM, XRD, FTIR, and XPS were employed to determine the products of P sequestration. Results demonstrated that phosphate adsorption fitted the Langmuir isotherm model well, with estimated maximum phosphate adsorption capacity of...
Biodegradation of microcystin-RR and nutrient pollutants using Sphingopyxis sp. YF1 immobilized activated carbon fibers-sodium alginate
Abstract A novel biological material named activated carbon fibers-sodium alginate@Sphingopyxis sp. YF1 (ACF-SA@YF1) was synthesized for microcystin-RR (MC-RR) and nutrient pollutant degradation in eutrophic water. The synthesized biomaterial was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Box-Behnken design and response surface methodology (RSM) were utilized for the optimization of conditions during the MC-RR degradation. The degradation of MC-RR and nutrient pollutants...
Does ICT lessen CO 2 emissions for fast-emerging economies? An application of the heterogeneous panel estimations
Abstract This study examines the effects of electricity consumption, financial development, economic growth, trade and ICT on CO2 emissions in the fast-emerging countries, excluding Russia due to the unavailability of data. Cross-sectional dependency was identified using the Pesaran (2004) and Breusch and Pagan CD tests from Breusch and Pagan (1980) using annual data from 1993 to 2014 based on data availability. The second-generation panel unit root test was applied to investigate...
Plastic floating debris along a summer-winter estuarine environmental gradient in a coastal lagoon: how does plastic debris arrive in a conservation unit?
Abstract Improper management of plastic waste is an important contributor to the pollution in water bodies. However, how floating plastic debris is transported to coastal lagoons and marine conservation units is still poorly understood. This work determined the level of contamination due to floating plastic debris in Acaraí Lagoon by establishing density distribution patterns along the lagoon ecocline in the winter and summer. Four areas were chosen that followed the estuarine...
“Modern agriculture” transfers many pesticides to watercourses: a case study of a representative rural catchment of southern Brazil
Abstract The total cultivated area in Brazil reached to 62 million ha in 2018, with the predominance of genetically modified soybean and corn (36 and 17 million ha, respectively) in no-tillage systems. In 2018, 5.3 × 105 Mg of active ingredient of pesticides was applied in cropfields, representing about 7.3 L of commercial product by habitant. However, the monitoring of water courses contamination by pesticides remains scarce and is based on traditional grab sampling systems. In...
Selective metal removal from chromium-containing synthetic effluents using Shewanella xiamenensis biofilm supported on zeolite
Abstract A scheme of selective removal of metal ions from chromium-containing synthetic solutions with the following chemical composition, Cr (VI)-Fe (III), Cr (VI)-Fe (III)-Ni (II), Cr (VI)-Fe (III)-Ni (II)-Zn (II), and Cr (VI)-Fe (III)-Ni (II)-Zn (II)-Cu (II)) by Shewanella xiamenensis biofilm immobilized on a zeolite support, was proposed. Three biological processes, biosorption, bioaccumulation, and longtime bioreduction, were applied for metal removal. The process of Zn (II),...
Interaction effects of salinity, sewage sludge, and earthworms on the fractionations of Zn and Cu, and the metals uptake by the earthworms in a Zn- and Cu-contaminated calcareous soil
Abstract This study assessed the effects of salinity and sewage sludge on the fractionation of Zn and Cu in a soil around a lead-zinc mine as well as their uptake by earthworms (Eisenia fetida) in order to identify novel methods for employing the earthworms in waste management techniques. Eisenia fetida specimens were kept under laboratory conditions for 42 days. The first treatment involved the addition of 0%, 2%, 4%, and 8% (w/w) sewage sludge to contaminated soil. In the second...
Preparation, characterization, and Cd(II) sorption of/on cysteine-montmorillonite composites synthesized at various pH
Abstract Montmorillonite-cysteine could be used as the immobilizer, detector, and detoxifier of heavy metals. To further the understanding and the application, the interaction between the montmorillonite and cysteine and the adsorption of cysteine on montmorillonite and characterization of the composites need to be studied further. In present work, the effects of pH, contact time and initial concentration of cysteine on the adsorption, X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform...
TiO 2 nanoparticles potentiated the cytotoxicity, oxidative stress and apoptosis response of cadmium in two different human cells
Abstract Widespread application of titanium dioxide nanoparticles (nTiO2) and ubiquitous cadmium (Cd) pollution may increase their chance of co-existence in the natural environment. Toxicological information on co-exposure of nTiO2 and Cd in mammalian models is largely lacking. Hence, we studied the combined effects of nTiO2 and Cd in human liver (HepG2) and breast cancer (MCF-7) cells. We observed that nTiO2 did not produce toxicity to HepG2 and MCF-7 cells. However, moderate...
Inhibition effects of some pesticides and heavy metals on carbonic anhydrase enzyme activity purified from horse mackerel ( Trachurus trachurus ) gill tissues
Abstract The gill tissue is the main site of metabolic enzymes or compensation, with the kidney tissue playing a supporting role. At the gill tissue, carbonic anhydrase enzymes (CAs) catalyze the hydration of CO2 to HCO3− and H+ for production to the H2O. In this work, the CA enzyme was purified from horse mackerel (Trachurus trachurus) gill with a specific activity of 21,381.42 EU/mg, purification fold of 150.61, total activity of 2347.68 EU/mL, and a yield of 16.13% using sepharose...
Severe air pollution and characteristics of light-absorbing particles in a typical rural area of the Indo-Gangetic Plain
Abstract Total suspended particles (TSP) were collected in Lumbini from April 2013 to March 2016 to better understand the characteristics of carbonaceous aerosol (CA) concentrations, compositions and sources and their light absorption properties in rural region of severe polluted Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP). Extremely high TSP (203.9 ± 109.6 μg m−3), organic carbon (OC 32.1 ± 21.7 μg m−3), elemental carbon (EC 6.44 ± 3.17 μg m−3) concentrations were observed in Lumbini particularly...
Anaerobic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in tropical bioaugmented zero water exchange aquaculture ponds
Abstract Bioaugmented zero water exchange aquaculture production systems (ZWEAPS) maintained with minimal or no water exchange prevent the ammonia accumulation in the system, leading to environmental sustainability and biosecurity. The microbes in the bioaugmented ZWEAPS plays a major role in maintaining low levels of ammonia through ammonia oxidation and nitrite oxidation. The comprehensive understanding on anammox population in the systems will provide an insight on the environmental...
The detoxifying effect of Polygonum equisetiforme extracts against dichlorvos (DDVP)-induced oxidative stress and neurotoxicity in the commercial clam Ruditapes decussatus
Abstract Effects of Polygonum equisetiforme extracts against dichlorvos were investigated in the commercial clam Ruditapes decussatus. The toxicity of this pesticide was firstly tested in R. decussatus gill and digestive gland tissues using five doses varying from 0.05 to 1 mg/l during 2, 4, and 7 days. Results showed that 0.05 mg/l of DDVP induced oxidative stress and neurotoxicity in R. decussatus after 2 days of exposure. Investigations of the effects of P. equisetiforme extracts...
Impact of green credit on industrial structure in China: theoretical mechanism and empirical analysis
Abstract Chinese industrial structure is characterized by a large proportion of industries with high energy consumption and high pollution, such as coal, steel, and cement production, and with only a small proportion of green and environment protection industries. In order to optimize this structure, the Chinese government has clearly proposed to upgrade the industrial structure by solving funding problems in the field of environmental protection in the 13th 5-year plan. However,...
Environmentally relevant exposures of male mice to carbendazim and thiram cause persistent genotoxicity in male mice
Abstract Carbendazim and thiram are fungicides used in combination to prevent mold destruction of crops. Studies have demonstrated genotoxicity by these agents, but have not used concentrations below their water solubility limits in drinking water to test for persistence of genotoxicity due to chronic exposure. Ten 8-week old male Swiss-Webster mice were exposed to tap water, or nominal concentrations of 20 μM carbendazim, 20 μM thiram or 20 μM of both fungicides for 90 days (total...
Solid wastes from the enzyme production as a potential biosorbent to treat colored effluents containing crystal violet dye
Abstract Sugarcane bagasse, a largely available waste worldwide, was submitted to solid-state fermentation (SSF) using the fungus Metarhizium anisopliae, aiming to produce enzymes. The solid waste generated from SSF was tested as an alternative biosorbent to treat colored effluents containing crystal violet (CV) dye. The biosorbent, here named BW (bagasse waste), was characterized, and experimental tests were performed to verify the influence of pH and dosage on the CV biosorption....
Acute ecotoxicity and genotoxicity assessment of two wastewater treatment units
Abstract Water contamination by discharge of untreated or poorly treated wastewater into water bodies is a current issue that may cause harm to humans. Water quality assessment targets general parameters, which often misleads to underestimation of their implication in the environment. Acute and genotoxicity assays using Daphnia magna is a reliable tool for testing deleterious effects of wastewater exposure. This paper aimed at evaluating acute ecotoxicity as well as genotoxicity...
Salinity modulates biochemical and histopathological changes caused by silver nanoparticles in juvenile Persian sturgeon ( Acipenser persicus )
Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of salinity on the acute and sub-chronic toxicity of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) in Persian sturgeon. This was evaluated by exposing Persian sturgeon to AgNPs in three salinities: freshwater (F: 0.4 ppt), brackish water 1 (B1: 6 ± 0.2 ppt), and brackish water 2 (B2: 12 ± 0.3 ppt) for 14 days, which was followed by analysis of alterations in plasma chemistry and histopathology of the gills, liver, and intestine. Values...
Adaption of green composite in automotive part replacements: discussions on material modification and future patronage
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to discuss the concept of green composite in automotive part replacement. Adaptation of lightweight materials in transport system has been an integral part of weight saving measures in car’s component formation. The continuing rise in ambient temperature is a signal no scientist would ever ignore in the face of global warming and attendant water level surge. Reduction of body system of automobile vehicles has been ongoing for several years...
Modeling the nexus between coal consumption, FDI inflow and economic expansion: does industrialization matter in South Africa?
Abstract This study examines the role of industrialization in the energy-growth-FDI nexus for the case of South Africa using data over the period 1970 to 2018. The empirical exercise was conducted using Pesaran Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bounds testing approach. To accomplish our study objective, we analyze stationarity properties of the series using the unit root test after which we applied Bayer-Hanck (B-H) combined technique to cointegration to assess whether a long-run...
Application of spatial analysis to investigate contribution of VOCs to photochemical ozone creation
Abstract This study was concerned with the temporal analysis of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes (BTEXs), and ozone in Rochester, New York, between 2012 and 2018. Additionally, the influence of ozone precursors (e.g., BTEXs and NO2) and meteorological variables (e.g., relative humidity (RH), temperature along with wind speed) on ozone dispersion was investigated in the eastern half of the USA using the integrated nested Laplace approximation and stochastic partial differential...
Cooperative identification for critical periods and critical source areas of nonpoint source pollution in a typical watershed in China
Abstract Critical periods (CPs) and critical source areas (CSAs) refer to the high-risk periods and areas of nonpoint source (NPS) pollution in a watershed, respectively, and they play a significant role in NPS pollution control. The upstream Daning River Basin is a typical watershed in the Three Gorges Reservoir area. In this study, a Hydrological Simulation Program-Fortran (HSPF) model was used to simulate phosphorus loss in the upstream Daning River Basin. Co-analysis of critical...
Soil labile and recalcitrant carbon and nitrogen dynamics in relation to functional vegetation groups along precipitation gradients in secondary grasslands of South China
Abstract Soil labile and recalcitrant carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) are strongly controlled by plant inputs and climatic conditions. However, the interrelation of labile and recalcitrant pools with changes in plant functional groups (i.e., C3 and C4) along precipitation gradients is not fully understood. Here, we investigated the soil organic C and N (SOC and SON), labile C and N (LC and LN), recalcitrant C and N (RC and RN), and their isotopes (δ13C, and δ15N) in relation to C3...
Assessing heavy metal pollution by biomonitoring honeybee nectar in Córdoba (Spain)
Abstract Nectar of honeybee colonies has been used in order to identify heavy metals and establish the benefit of this type of studies as a tool for environmental management. For these goals, samples of nectar were obtained from Apis mellifera hives placed in the city of Córdoba (Spain) and its surroundings. Five stations (each with two hives) were selected and samples were collected from May to July of 2007, 2009 and 2010. Concentrations of Pb, Cr, Ni and Cd in nectar were determined...
Biological index based on epiphytic diatom assemblages is more restrictive than the physicochemical index in water assessment on an Amazon floodplain, Brazil
Abstract Canadian Water Quality Index (CWQI) provides protection for freshwater life promoting healthy ecosystems and safeguarding human health. Biological Diatom Index (BDI) was developed to indicate the ecological status and water quality of freshwater systems. This paper evaluates the relations between the two different indices. During rising and falling, water samples were taken in the Curuai Floodplain, Brazil. CWQI was calculated using 14 physicochemical parameters and 1...
Transformation of hazardous lead into aluminosilicate ceramics: structure evolution and lead leaching
Abstract This study investigated crystallization mechanisms for the formation of lead aluminosilicate by sintering lead stabilization with kaolin-based precursors. PbAl2Si2O8 was found to be the only stable lead aluminosilicate in low-PbO system and demonstrates its highly intrinsic resistance to acid attack in leaching test. A three-stage PbAl2Si2O8 formation mechanism was supported by the results of the changing temperature in the system. Amorphization of sintered products was...
Exploring the powerful phytoarsenal of white grape marc against bacteria and parasites causing significant diseases
Abstract Natural extracts containing high polyphenolic concentration possess antibacterial, anti-parasitic and fungicidal activities. The present research characterises two extracts based on white grape marc, a winemaking by-product, describing their physicochemical features and antimicrobial capacities. The main components of these extracts are phenolic acids, flavan-3-ols and their gallates and flavonols and their glycosides. As a result of this complex composition, the extracts...
Modelling affected regions by the Iberian Quercus disease with proximity diagrams
Abstract In this work, we propose a mathematical model to determine the potential propagation areas of the Mediterranean Quercus disease commonly referred to as “seca” (Tuser and Sánchez 2004) in specific areas of Extremadura. Although it is a syndrome of complex etiology caused by the action of the different biotic (insects and fungi) and abiotic factors (temperature, orography, soil, etc.), numerous studies suggest that the soil-borne pathogen cinnamomi represents the main responsible...
Impact of an in-situ Cr(VI)-contaminated site remediation on the groundwater
Abstract This study presents the latest results of the groundwater monitoring of a research project, which tested an innovative pump and treat method in combination with an in-situ remediation. This technique was assessed on an abandoned site in Austria, where two hot spots of hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) were located. For the in-situ remediation, a strong reducing agent (sodium dithionite) was injected into the underground to reduce Cr(VI) to Cr(III) by using different injection...
Assessing the economic value of urban green spaces in Kuala Lumpur
Abstract This study assessed the economic value of public urban green spaces (UGSs) in Kuala Lumpur (KL) city by using the hedonic price method (HPM). It involves 1269 house units from eight sub-districts in KL city. Based on the hedonic price method, this study formulates a global and local model. The global model and local model are analyzed using ordinary least square (OLS) regression and geographically weighted regression (GWR). By using the hedonic price method, the house...
Influence of particle size distribution on anaerobic degradation of phenol and analysis of methanogenic microbial community
Abstract Sludge morphology considerably affects the mechanism underlying microbial anaerobic degradation of phenol. Here, we assessed the phenol degradation rate, specific methanogenic activity, electron transport activity, coenzyme F420 concentration, and microbial community structure of five phenol-degrading sludge of varying particle sizes (i.e., < 20, 20–50, 50–100, 100–200, and > 200 μm). The results indicated an increase in phenol degradation rate and microbial community...
Optimal water and land resource allocation in pastoral areas based on a water–land forage–livestock balance: a case study of Otog Front Banner, Inner Mongolia, China
Abstract Natural grasslands provide important land resources in pastoral areas, and greatly contribute to ecological functioning. Overgrazing and other unreasonable exploitations have led to the degradation and desertification of natural grasslands, exacerbating the forage–livestock imbalance. In areas suffering from water shortage, this imbalance gradually evolves into a water–land forage–livestock imbalance. In this study, a water–land forage–livestock balance–based model was...
The modeling and analysis of transesterification reaction conditions in the selection of optimal biodiesel yield and viscosity
Abstract Among alternative fuels, biodiesel has been emphasized as a substantial candidate for diesel engines because of many advantages. However, the main shortcomings preventing more widespread use of biodiesel are high production cost and viscosity. In order to simultaneously overcome both of these shortcomings, the reaction conditions for the transesterification of waste cooking oil (WCO) were optimized using Taguchi and the full factorial design approaches. The analyses of...
Assessment of human health risks and pollution index for heavy metals in farmlands irrigated by effluents of stabilization ponds
Abstract Areas contaminated with heavy metals can pose major risks to human health and ecological environments. The aims of this study are to assess human health risk and pollution index for heavy metals in agricultural soils irrigated by effluents of stabilization ponds in Birjand, Iran. The results revealed that the levels of Cr, Mn, Zn, Fe, Cu, Cd, and Pb were in range of 70.3–149.65, 355–570, 31.15–98.45, 23,925–29,140, 22.75–25.95, 0.17–6.51, and 8.5–23.5 mg/kg in topsoils,...
A review of the catalysts used in the reduction of NO by CO for gas purification
Abstract The reduction of NO by the CO produced by incomplete combustion in the flue gas can remove CO and NO simultaneously and economically. However, there are some problems and challenges in the industrial application which limit the application of this process. In this work, noble metal catalysts and transition metal catalysts used in the reduction of NO by CO in recent years are systematically reviewed, emphasizing the research progress on Ir-based catalysts and Cu-based catalysts...

Development of quantitative structure-property relationship model for predicting the field sampling rate ( R s ) of Chemcatcher passive sampler
Abstract Passive sampling technology has been considered as a promising tool to measure the concentration of environmental contaminants. With this technology, sampling rate (Rs) is an important parameter. However, as experimental methods employed to obtain the Rs value of a given compound were time-consuming, laborious, and expensive. A cost-effective method for deriving Rs is urgent. In addition, considering the great dependence of Rs value on water matrix properties, the laboratory...
Carnauba ( Copernicia prunifera ) palm tree biomass as adsorbent for Pb(II) and Cd(II) from water medium
Abstract Plant-based biomass (CFB (carnauba fruit biomass)) obtained from the fruit exocarp of the species Copernicia prunifera (Mill.) H.E. Moore (carnauba) was evaluated for its viability as an adsorbent of potentially toxic metals in aqueous medium. The CFB was characterized by powder X-ray spectroscopy (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and zeta potential to investigate the morphology of the biosorbent and its interaction...
The influence of processing and clarifier agents on the concentrations of potentially toxic elements (PTEs) in pekmez (a grape molasses-like syrup)
Abstract The changes in some potentially toxic elements (PTEs) including lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), arsenic (As), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu) during pekmez (grape molasses-like syrup) processing and the utilization of various types of clarifiers (white soil, bentonite, and gelatin) in two levels (1.5 and 3% w/w) were analyzed. The average concentrations of Pb, Cd, As, Fe, Zn, and Cu in grape samples were measured as 0.055 ± 0.005, 0.030 ± 0.002, 0.044 ± 0.002, 2.882 ± 0.013,...
From legacy pollutants to emerging contaminants: recent inputs from the 2019 conference of EcoBIM network
Fractionation analysis and health risk assessment of heavy metals in six traditional Chinese medicines
Abstract Traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs) are widely used to treat various diseases in China and some countries, and TCM products are becoming increasingly available and popular worldwide. But TCMs are facing the challenge of heavy metal pollution. In this work, we examined the total contents and fractionations of Pb, Cd, Hg, and Cu in six TCMs (Angelicae Sinensis Radix (ASR), Chuanxiong Rhizoma (CR), Polygonati Rhizoma (PR), Astragali Radix (AR), Carthami Flos (CF), and Paeoniae...
Correction to: Intelligent-activated carbon prepared from pistachio shells precursor for effective adsorption of heavy metals from industrial waste of copper mine
The original publication of this paper contains a mistake.
Achieving environmental sustainability through information technology: “Digital Pakistan” initiative for green development
Abstract The importance of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in environmental resource management opens a new debate for the policy makers in order to promote green technologies to mitigate high mass carbon emissions across the globe. “Digital Pakistan” initiative is taken by the government that aimed to use technology for country’s social welfare, which further be enhance for achieving environmental sustainability over a time horizon. This study examined the long-run...
The role of partisan conflict in environmental sustainability targets of the United States
Abstract The prevailing political atmosphere and partisanship in the United States depict the degree of polarization between the two major political parties of the country. Evidently, the polarization between the Democratic Party (DP) and the Republican Party will expectedly drive the partisan conflict to the higher levels. Considering this motivation, this paper examined the role of partisan conflict in the pollutant emissions in the case of the United States. For sound empirical...
Combined toxicity of imidacloprid, acetochlor, and tebuconazole to zebrafish ( Danio rerio ): acute toxicity and hepatotoxicity assessment
Abstract Compound pollution refers to two or more kinds of pollutants with different properties, a pollutant from different sources, or the simultaneous existence of two or more different types of pollutants in the same environment. In this study, we aimed to investigate the individual and combined toxicity of the insecticide imidacloprid (IMI), the herbicide acetochlor (ACT), and the fungicide tebuconazole (TBZ) to zebrafish. The acute toxicity test results showed that the 96-h...
Environmental policy innovation in China and examining its dynamic relations with air pollution and economic growth using SEM panel data
Abstract Along with monitoring air pollution level and rapid economic growth in China, the government has paid attention to the environmental policy innovation (EPI) capacity of local governments. However, scholarly research has not yet clarified the ability of local governments in EPI and its related drivers and impacts. This study explores the dynamic relations between EPI, air pollution, and the economy for the first time, using the simultaneous equation model (SEM) in China...
Chemical characterization of fine aerosols in respect to water-soluble ions at the eastern Middle Adriatic coast
Abstract Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentrations at the Middle Adriatic coastal site of Croatia were affected by different air-mass inflows and/or local sources and meteorological conditions, and peaked in summer. More polluted continental air-mass inflows mostly affected the area in the winter period, while southern marine pathways had higher impact in spring and summer. Chemical characterization of the water-soluble inorganic and organic ionic constituents is discussed...
Assessment of phytoremediation potential of native plant species naturally growing in a heavy metal-polluted saline–sodic soil
Abstract Many areas throughout the world, mainly arid and semi-arid regions, are simultaneously affected by salinity stress and heavy metal (HM) pollution. Phytoremediation of such environments needs suitable plants surviving under those combined stresses. In the present study, native species naturally growing under an extreme condition, around Qaleh-Zari copper mine located in the eastern part of Iran, with HM-contaminated saline–sodic soil, were identified to find suitable plant...
Drawing the baseline of trace element levels in the vulnerable Mediterranean osprey Pandion haliaetus : variations by breeding location, habitats, and egg components
Abstract Due to its peculiarity to accumulate environmental contaminants, the osprey Pandion haliaetus is a sentinel species for the biomonitoring of contaminants in aquatic ecosystems. Despite this, no information on trace element concentration exists for the Mediterranean area, where relict and vulnerable osprey populations exist. We evaluated the geographical patterns of heavy metals and selenium in osprey eggs from three different populations of the Mediterranean basin (Balearic...
Sugar–alcohol industry: quality of its biotreated washing water for reuse in fertigation
Abstract All processes in agro-industries consume water and generate large volumes of nutrient-rich effluents. To recycle effluents from a sugar–alcohol industry in the Northeastern Brazil (Coruripe, Alagoas), the effect of a daily application of a microbial formulation (containing five indigenous bacteria and two fungi), at the entrance of the two first facultative ponds (D, E) of its treatment plant formed by seven ponds (A–G), was evaluated in the sugarcane harvests of 2014/2015...
Fabrication of Pt-Pd@ITO grown heterogeneous nanocatalyst as efficient remediator for toxic methyl parathion in aqueous media
Abstract In this study, nano-sized ITO supported Pt-Pd bimetallic catalyst was synthesized for the degradation of methyl parathion pesticide, a common extremely toxic contaminant in aqueous solution. On the characterization with different techniques, a beautiful scenario of honeycomb architecture composed of ultra-small nanoneedles or fine hairs was found. Average size of nanocatalyst also confirmed which was in the range of 3–5 nm. High percent degradation (94%) was obtained in...
Ambient air pollution and daily hospital admissions for respiratory system–related diseases in a heavy polluted city in Northeast China
Abstract Respiratory disease admission has been increasing in the recent 5 years due to heavy air pollutions and bad weather conditions in China. We investigated the short-term association of ambient air pollution with daily counts of hospital admissions due to respiratory infection diseases with stratified analysis by age (0–18, 19–65, and > 65 years old), gender (male, female), season (spring, summer, autumn, winter), and disease type (lung infections, asthma, COPD (chronic...
Application of biochar in advanced oxidation processes: supportive, adsorptive, and catalytic role
Abstract The advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), especially sulphate radical (SO4•−)–based AOPs (SR-AOPs), have been considered more effective, selective, and prominent technologies for the removal of highly toxic emerging contaminants (ECs) due to wide operational pH range and relatively higher oxidation potential (2.5–3.1 V). Recently, biochar (BC)-based composite materials have been introduced in AOPs due to the dual benefits of adsorption and catalytic degradation, but the...
Remediation of Cd-contaminated soils by GWC application, evaluated in terms of Cd immobilization, enzyme activities, and pakchoi cabbage uptake
Abstract Compost (mainly composed of cow manure, horse manure, chicken manure, and straw) has turned out to be effective in remediation of heavy metal-contaminated soil. However, in recent years, the effects of green waste compost (GWC) on plant growth and the immobilization of heavy metal cadmium (Cd) in the soil have not been clearly studied. We considered the effects of different GWC ratios on the growth of pakchoi cabbage, soil physical and chemical properties, total and availability...
The effects of deforestation and urbanization on sustainable growth in Asian countries
Abstract This study aims to determine the effects of deforestation, economic growth, and urbanization on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions levels in the South and Southeast Asian (SSEA) regions for the 1990–2014 period. The data was divided into five sub-panels. Three of them are income-based groups (namely low-, middle- and high-income panels), and the remaining two are South and Southeast Asian regions. The Pedroni cointegration test confirms a long-run relationship between deforestation,...
Recent developments in MnO 2 -based photocatalysts for organic dye removal: a review
Abstract The textile industry consumes a large volume of organic dyes and water. These organic dyes, which remained in the effluents, are usually persistent and difficult to degrade by conventional wastewater treatment techniques. If the wastewater is not treated properly and is discharged into water system, it will cause environmental pollution and risk to living organisms. To mitigate these impacts, the photo-driven catalysis process using semiconductor materials emerges as a...

Particulate matter on foliage of Betula pendula , Quercus robur , and Tilia cordata : deposition and ecophysiology
Abstract Trees in urban and industrial areas significantly help to limit the amount of particulate matter (PM) suspended in the air, but PM has a negative impact on their life. The amount of PM gathered on leaves depends on quantity, size, and morphology of leaves and can also be increased by the presence of epicuticular waxes, in which PM can become stuck or immersed. In this study, we determined the ability of PM to accumulate on leaves in relation to the species of tree and...
Protective effects of thymoquinone and diallyl sulphide against malathion-induced toxicity in rats
Abstract Malathion is a potent organophosphate insecticide that inhibits acetylcholinesterase (AChE) enzyme. Our experimental objective was to investigate the beneficial effects of diallyl sulphide (DAS) and thymoquinone (TQ) against malathion-induced oxidative stress in rat cerebral, hepatic, and renal tissues. For 30 days, rats received corn oil alone (negative control) or malathion by intragastric gavage (200 mg/kg daily), either alone (positive control) or combined with oral...
Transcriptional and biochemical biomarker responses in a freshwater mussel ( Anodonta anatina ) under environmentally relevant Cu exposure
Abstract Molecular biomarkers, like gene transcripts or enzyme activities, are potentially powerful tools for early warning assessment of pollution. However, a thorough understanding of response and baseline variation is required to distinguish actual effects from pollution. Here, we assess the freshwater mussel Anodonta anatina as a biomarker model species for freshwater ecosystems, by testing responses of six transcriptional (cat, gst, hsp70, hsp90, mt, and sod) and two biochemical...
Levels and distribution of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in humans and environmental compartments: a comprehensive review of the last five years of research
Abstract Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are a class of brominated flame retardants (BFRs), present in the environment, animals, and humans. Their levels, distribution, and human exposure have been studied extensively, and over the last decade, various legal measures have been taken to prohibit or minimize their production and use due to the increasing amount of evidence of their harmful effects on human and animal health.Our aim here was to make a comprehensive and up-to-date...
Investigating the environmental Kuznets curve for Annex I countries using heterogeneous panel data analysis
Abstract Our paper examines the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) relationship through a heterogeneous panel analysis of 34 Annex I countries for the 1990 to 2016 period. We confirm the long-run equilibrium relationship between carbon emissions, trade openness, fossil fuel usage, and GDP through the panel cointegration tests that is robust to cross-sectional dependence. Overall, our finding is that the empirical results show no consistent evidence of the EKC hypothesis in Annex...
Polycyclic musk fragrances (PMFs) in wastewater and activated sludge: analytical protocol and application to a real case study
Abstract Two different analytical methods for the determination of polycyclic musk fragrances (PMFs) in wastewater and in activated sludge were developed. PMFs in filtered water samples were determined by gas chromatography coupled with a triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer in selected reaction monitoring (SRM) mode. Activated sludge samples were extracted using an ultrasonic bath and analysed using a GC-Ion trap. The developed methods respected a linear model (R2 > 0.995)....
Processes and characteristics of hydrogeochemical variations between unconfined and confined aquifer systems: a case study of the Nakdong River Basin in Busan City, Korea
Abstract This study is to assess the hydrogeochemical characteristics of groundwater at the deltaic region of the Nakdong River Basin in the Busan Metropolitan City of Korea. The study area is covered by the Quaternary sedimentary deposits and the Cretaceous granites associated with unconformity. The thick sedimentary deposits consists of two aquifers, i.e., unconfined and confined aquifers on the basis of clay deposit. Groundwater samples were collected from seven boreholes: two...
Correction to: Investigation of organic material self-heating in oxygen-depleted condition within a coal-waste dump in Upper Silesia Coal Basin, Poland
The original publication of this paper contains a mistake.
Synthesis of CuCe co-modified mesoporous ZSM-5 zeolite for the selective catalytic reduction of NO by NH 3
Abstract Mesoporous ZSM-5 zeolite (MZ) was used as support for Cu and Ce species, and the effects of structure and physical-chemical properties on selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3 (NH3-SCR) were investigated. The characterization and experimental results show that the high activity of the Cu-Ce/MZ catalyst could be due to its high surface area, more and uniformly distributed active sites, and abundant oxidative species. Compared with the conventional ZSM-5 and SBA-15,...
Mathematical modeling and experimental validation for square pyramid solar still
Abstract This study presents a detailed mathematical model of the pyramid solar still which is not performed in most of the previous studies. Computer programs (in Pascal language) are developed for both studying thermal performance of the square pyramid solar still and estimating the hourly variations of the solar intensity incident on the tilted still’s covers. Comparisons between the obtained theoretical results and experimental results (from previous work) are performed to...
Comparative study on the bioaccumulation of lead, cadmium and nickel and their toxic effects on the growth and enzyme defence strategies of a heavy metal accumulator, Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle
Abstract The current hydroponic experiment investigated differences in the uptake, physiological response and defence mechanisms of Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle in response to three representative toxic heavy metals. The results revealed the following: as an excellent heavy metal accumulator, H. verticillata showed an accumulation pattern of Ni > Cd > Pb within experimental scope. Fourteen days (Ni and Cd) and 21 days (Pb) were the time thresholds under the same heavy...
Clean technology for synchronous sequestration of charged organic micro-pollutant onto microwave-assisted hybrid clay materials
Abstract The Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG #6) of the United Nations (UN) is hinged on the provision, availability, and sustainability of water for the global populace by 2030. In a bid to achieve this goal, the quest to seek for ubiquitous and low-cost adsorbents to treat effluents laden with industrial dyes, such as methylene blue (MB), is on the increase in recent years. Acute exposure of humans to (MB) dye causes cyanosis, necrosis, and jaundice and even leads to death....
Comparative study of three different designs of a hybrid PV/T double-pass finned plate solar air heater
Abstract In this paper, three different designs of a hybrid PV/T double-pass finned plate solar air heater (DPFPSAH) are investigated. The PV module is used to produce electricity needed to run the pump and blow the air into the solar collector. In the first design, the PV module is placed on the absorber plate of the air heater. In the second design, the PV module is placed beside the glass cover of the air heater; while, in the third one, the PV module is completely separated...
Influence of eco-friendly phytotoxic metabolites from Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae C1136 on physiological, biochemical, and ultrastructural changes on tested weeds
Abstract In this study, the active metabolites from both the wild strain of Lasiodiplodia pseudotheobromae C1136 and three genetically enhanced strains of C1136 were obtained through random mutagenesis. The effect of the active metabolites from these strains was evaluated in relation to physiological, biochemical, and ultrastructural changes on the leaves of two weeds (Amaranthus hybridus and Echinochloa crus-galli). The phytotoxic metabolites secreted by the genetically enhanced...
Potential source contributions and risk assessment of PAHs in sediments from the tail-reaches of the Yellow River Estuary, China: PCA model, PMF model, and mean ERM quotient analysis
Abstract Principal component analysis (PCA), positive matrix factorization (PMF), and the mean effects range-median quotient (MERM-Q) models were employed to determine occurrence levels, sources, and potential toxicological significance of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in surface sediments of the Yellow River Estuary, China. Due to the grain size of sediments, cumulative effects, and distribution of oil fields, the total concentration of the 16 U.S. Environmental Protection...
Cadmium and chromium levels in water and edible herbs in a risk assessment study of rural residents living in Eastern Iran
Abstract In arid and semi-arid regions of Iran, water is supplied by qanats, underground channels where pollution is suspected, but unestablished. The aim of this study was thus to run a risk assessment study regarding the levels of cadmium (Cd) and chromium (Cr) in qanat water and edible herbs (Adiantum capillus-verenis, Chara globularis and Plantago lanceolata) growing in qanats in 14 villages in South Khorasan Province in Iran between April and August 2018. Samples were collected...
New insight into the removal of Cd(II) from aqueous solution by diatomite
Abstract Diatomite is an economical and environmentally friendly adsorbent, and its use has been applied widely for the treatment of water contaminated by heavy metals. Despite this, the mechanism for the removal of the heavy metal Cd(II) remains unclear. In this work, we explored the adsorption mechanism of Cd(II) by diatomite using batch experiment, and characterized the diatomite using scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive spectrometry, specific surface area, and pore...
A multidisciplinary assessment of the impact of spilled acids on geoecosystems: an overview
Abstract We developed and applied a multidisciplinary approach to the impact of an accidentally spilled acid on the underlying geomedia and subsurface environment, based on the concept of geoecosystem. We used mineralogical, geochemical, microbiological, and ecotoxicological techniques to identify and assess the multiple aspects involved. First, we constructed a conceptual model for the acid interactions with the underlying subsurface environment by introducing the concept of a...
Synergetic effect between adsorption and photodegradation on rGO/TiO 2 /ACF composites for dynamic toluene gaseous removal
Abstract The toluene poses a serious threat to the atmospheric environment and human health. Herein, the reduced graphene oxide (rGO)/TiO2 immobilized on the activated carbon fiber (ACF) are fabricated by ultrasonic assisted sol-gel impregnation method to photodegrade dynamic toluene. Characterizations of rGO/TiO2/ACF composites reveal that the majority of graphene oxide (GO) is reduced to rGO and rGO/TiO2 is evenly loaded onto the ACF surface in the form of a smooth film. Furthermore,...
A simple magnetic solid-phase extraction method based on magnetite/graphene oxide nanocomposite for pre-concentration and determination of melamine by high-performance liquid chromatography
Abstract In this study, a clean and simple magnetic solid-phase extraction (MSPE) procedure using magnetite/graphene oxide nanocomposite as an adsorbent was developed for melamine separation and preconcentration from water and dairy products. After synthesis and characterization of the adsorbent, adsorption isotherms and kinetic studies of the adsorption were carried out. The analyte quantification was performed by reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography after elution...

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