Δευτέρα 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2020

Effectiveness of Bone Conduction Stimulation Applied Directly to the Otic Capsule Measured at Promontory: Assessment in Cadavers.

Effectiveness of Bone Conduction Stimulation Applied Directly to the Otic Capsule Measured at Promontory: Assessment in Cadavers.:

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Effectiveness of Bone Conduction Stimulation Applied Directly to the Otic Capsule Measured at Promontory: Assessment in Cadavers.

Audiol Neurootol. 2020 Jan 31;:1-8

Authors: Niemczyk K, Lachowska M, Kwacz M, Wysocki J, Borkowski P, Małkowska M, Sokołowski J


INTRODUCTION: The aims of this study included: (a) to develop a method of direct acoustic bone conduction (BC) stimulation applied directly to the otic capsule, (b) to investigate the effect of different stimulation sites on the promontory displacement amplitude, and (c) to find the best stimulation site (among 2 located directly on the otic capsule and 1 standard site approved for clinical use) that provides the greatest transmission of vibratory energy.

METHODS: Measurements were performed on 9 cadaveric whole human heads. A commercial scanning laser Doppler vibrometer was used. The promontory displacement was recorded in response to BC stimulation delivered by an implant at 3 sites: BC1 on the squamous part of the temporal bone, BC2 on the ampulla of the lateral semicircular canal, and BC3 between the semicircular canals. The displacement of the promontory was analyzed in detail.

RESULTS: The results show that BC1 caused an overall smaller promontory displacement than both sites BC2 and 3. BC3 stimulation is more efficient than that at BC2.

CONCLUSIONS: BC is an effective method of acoustic stimulus delivery into the inner ear, with the effectiveness increasing when approaching closer to the cochlea. Placing the implant directly on the labyrinth and thus applying vibrations directly to the otic capsule is possible and very effective as proved in this study. The results are encouraging and represent the potential of new stimulation sites that could be introduced in the field of BC hearing rehabilitation as the possible future locations for implantable BC hearing devices.

PMID: 32007994 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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