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Τρίτη 30 Ιουνίου 2020

Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 611: Characterization, Stability, and in Vivo Efficacy Studies of Recombinant Human CNTF and Its Permeation into the Neural Retina in ex Vivo Organotypic Retinal Explant Culture Models
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 611: Characterization, Stability, and in Vivo Efficacy Studies of Recombinant Human CNTF and Its Permeation into the Neural Retina in ex Vivo Organotypic Retinal Explant Culture Models Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12070611 Authors: Jaakko Itkonen Ada Annala Shirin Tavakoli Blanca Arango-Gonzalez Marius Ueffing Elisa Toropainen Marika Ruponen Marco G Casteleijn Arto Urtti Ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) is one of the...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 607: Development of Lipid–Polymer Hybrid Nanoparticles for Improving Oral Absorption of Enoxaparin
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 607: Development of Lipid–Polymer Hybrid Nanoparticles for Improving Oral Absorption of Enoxaparin Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12070607 Authors: Tang Qian Fang Enoxaparin, an anticoagulant that helps prevent the formation of blood clots, is administered parenterally. Here, we report the development and evaluation of lipid–polymer hybrid nanoparticles (LPHNs) for the oral delivery of enoxaparin. The polymer poloxamer 407 (P407)...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 610: In Vitro Bioeffects of Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Microcapsules Post-Loaded with Water-Soluble Cationic Photosensitizer
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 610: In Vitro Bioeffects of Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Microcapsules Post-Loaded with Water-Soluble Cationic Photosensitizer Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12070610 Authors: Alexey V. Ermakov Roman A. Verkhovskii Irina V. Babushkina Daria B. Trushina Olga A. Inozemtseva Evgeny A. Lukyanets Vladimir J. Ulyanov Dmitry A. Gorin Sergei Belyakov Maria N. Antipina Microencapsulation and targeted delivery of cytotoxic and antibacterial...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 608: Tissue Levels of Flurbiprofen in the Rat Plantar Heel after Short-Duration Topical Iontophoresis are Sufficient to Induce Pharmacodynamic Responses to Local Pain Stimuli
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 608: Tissue Levels of Flurbiprofen in the Rat Plantar Heel after Short-Duration Topical Iontophoresis are Sufficient to Induce Pharmacodynamic Responses to Local Pain Stimuli Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12070608 Authors: Yilu Cai Ye Zhou Peiyan Zhang Yogeshvar N. Kalia Tais Gratieri Yong Chen The objective of this study was to investigate the topical iontophoresis of flurbiprofen (FBF) as a means to enhance its local bioavailability...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 609: Development of a Nonwoven Hemostatic Dressing Based on Unbleached Cotton: A De Novo Design Approach
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 609: Development of a Nonwoven Hemostatic Dressing Based on Unbleached Cotton: A De Novo Design Approach Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12070609 Authors: Edwards Graves Prevost Condon Yager Dacorta Bopp Minimally processed greige (unbleached) cotton fibers demonstrate enhanced clotting relative to highly processed United States Pharmacopeia (USP) type 7 bleached cotton gauze. This effect is thought to be due to the material...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 612: Preparation and Characterization of Fenofibrate-Loaded PVP Electrospun Microfibrous Sheets
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 612: Preparation and Characterization of Fenofibrate-Loaded PVP Electrospun Microfibrous Sheets Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12070612 Authors: Emese Sipos Tamás Csatári Adrienn Kazsoki Attila Gergely Enikő Bitay Zoltán-István Szabó Romána Zelkó Fenofibrate-loaded electrospun microfibrous sheets were prepared in an attempt to enhance the dissolution of the poorly soluble antihyperlipidemic agent and to improve its bioavailability....
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 606: Smart Microneedles with Porous Polymer Layer for Glucose-Responsive Insulin Delivery
Pharmaceutics, Vol. 12, Pages 606: Smart Microneedles with Porous Polymer Layer for Glucose-Responsive Insulin Delivery Pharmaceutics doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics12070606 Authors: Asad Ullah Hye Jin Choi Mijin Jang Sanghyun An Gyu Man Kim A closed-loop system imitating the function of pancreatic cells, connected to microneedles (MNs) that automatically “release” insulin in response to the blood glucose (BG) levels would be highly satisfactory for improving...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Pharmacy, Vol. 8, Pages 110: A Descriptive Quantitative Analysis on the Extent of Polypharmacy in Recipients of Ontario Primary Care Team Pharmacist-Led Medication Reviews
Pharmacy, Vol. 8, Pages 110: A Descriptive Quantitative Analysis on the Extent of Polypharmacy in Recipients of Ontario Primary Care Team Pharmacist-Led Medication Reviews Pharmacy doi: 10.3390/pharmacy8030110 Authors: Nichelle Benny Gerard Annalise Mathers Christoph Laeer Eric Lui Tom Kontio Payal Patel Lisa Dolovich Pharmacist-led medication reviews have been shown to improve medication management, reducing the adverse effects of polypharmacy among older adults. This...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Pharmacy, Vol. 8, Pages 109: Introducing Augmented Reality Technology to Enhance Learning in Pharmacy Education: A Pilot Study
Pharmacy, Vol. 8, Pages 109: Introducing Augmented Reality Technology to Enhance Learning in Pharmacy Education: A Pilot Study Pharmacy doi: 10.3390/pharmacy8030109 Authors: Jennifer Schneider Melanie Patfield Hayley Croft Saad Salem Irene Munro There is increasing use of augmented reality (AR) technology, which combines the virtual and real world, in the tertiary education sector. AR enables flexibility in student learning, since this technology may be used in the face to...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 828: The Influence of a Seedling Recruitment Strategy and a Clonal Architecture on a Spatial Genetic Structure of a Salvia brachyodon (Lamiaceae) Population
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 828: The Influence of a Seedling Recruitment Strategy and a Clonal Architecture on a Spatial Genetic Structure of a Salvia brachyodon (Lamiaceae) Population Plants doi: 10.3390/plants9070828 Authors: Ivan Radosavljević Oleg Antonić Dario Hruševar Josip Križan Zlatko Satovic Doroteja Turković Zlatko Liber By performing a high-resolution spatial-genetic analysis of a partially clonal Salvia brachyodon population, we elucidated its clonal architecture...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 824: Ecological Specialization and Rarity of Arable Weeds: Insights from a Comprehensible Survey in France
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 824: Ecological Specialization and Rarity of Arable Weeds: Insights from a Comprehensible Survey in France Plants doi: 10.3390/plants9070824 Authors: François Munoz Guillaume Fried Laura Armengot Bérenger Bourgeois Vincent Bretagnolle Joël Chadoeuf Lucie Mahaut Christine Plumejeaud Jonathan Storkey Cyrille Violle Sabrina Gaba The definition of “arable weeds” remains contentious. Although much attention has been devoted...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 825: Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Application Alleviates Arsenic (As) Toxicity in Soybean Plants by Restricting the Uptake of as and Modulating Key Biochemical Attributes, Antioxidant Enzymes, Ascorbate-Glutathione Cycle and Glyoxalase System
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 825: Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Application Alleviates Arsenic (As) Toxicity in Soybean Plants by Restricting the Uptake of as and Modulating Key Biochemical Attributes, Antioxidant Enzymes, Ascorbate-Glutathione Cycle and Glyoxalase System Plants doi: 10.3390/plants9070825 Authors: Parvaiz Ahmad Mohammed Nasser Alyemeni Asma A. Al-Huqail Moneerah A. Alqahtani Leonard Wijaya Muhammad Ashraf Cengiz Kaya Andrzej Bajguz Accumulation of arsenic (As)...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 826: First Report of Root Rot Caused by Phytophthora bilorbang on Olea europaea in Italy
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 826: First Report of Root Rot Caused by Phytophthora bilorbang on Olea europaea in Italy Plants doi: 10.3390/plants9070826 Authors: Elena Santilli Mario Riolo Federico La Spada Antonella Pane Santa Olga Cacciola Leaf chlorosis, severe defoliation and wilt associated with root rot were observed on mature olive trees cv. Nera di Gonnos in an experimental orchard at Mirto Crosia (Calabria, southern Italy). An oomycete was consistently isolated from rotten...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 823: The Characteristics of the Growth and the Active Compounds of Angelica gigas Nakai in Cultivation Sites
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 823: The Characteristics of the Growth and the Active Compounds of Angelica gigas Nakai in Cultivation Sites Plants doi: 10.3390/plants9070823 Authors: Park Park Jeong Sim Kim Park Jeon Um Kim The active compounds of medicinal plants vary in composition and content depending on environmental factors, such as light, temperature, and soil. According to the Korean Pharmacopoeia standards for herbal medicine, the sum of nodakenin, decursin,...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 827: The Effect of Single and Combined Use of Gamma Radiation and Ethylmethane Sulfonate on Early Growth Parameters in Sorghum
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 827: The Effect of Single and Combined Use of Gamma Radiation and Ethylmethane Sulfonate on Early Growth Parameters in Sorghum Plants doi: 10.3390/plants9070827 Authors: Maliata Athon Wanga Hussein Shimelis Lydia N. Horn Fatma Sarsu Success in inducing genetic variation through mutagenic agents is dependent on the source and dose of application. The objective of this study was to determine the optimum doses of a single and combined use of gamma radiation...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 821: Heterologous Expression of the Constitutive Disease Resistance 2 and 8 Genes from Poncirus trifoliata Restored the Hypersensitive Response and Resistance of Arabidopsis cdr1 Mutant to Bacterial Pathogen Pseudomonas syringae
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 821: Heterologous Expression of the Constitutive Disease Resistance 2 and 8 Genes from Poncirus trifoliata Restored the Hypersensitive Response and Resistance of Arabidopsis cdr1 Mutant to Bacterial Pathogen Pseudomonas syringae Plants doi: 10.3390/plants9070821 Authors: Ying Redfern Gmitter Deng Huanglongbing (HLB), also known as citrus greening, is the most destructive disease of citrus worldwide. In the United States, this disease is associated with...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 822: The Essential Oil Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of Liquidambar formosana Oleoresin
Plants, Vol. 9, Pages 822: The Essential Oil Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of Liquidambar formosana Oleoresin Plants doi: 10.3390/plants9070822 Authors: Anjanette DeCarlo Tao Zeng Noura S. Dosoky Prabodh Satyal William N. Setzer The oleoresin essential oils of Liquidambar formosana have potential therapeutic benefits. However, current research on L. formosana oleoresin essential oil is still in its early stages, and its chemotypic characterization is undefined. For...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Plasma, Vol. 3, Pages 92-102: Electrical Properties of Reversed-Polarity Ball Plasmoid Discharges
Plasma, Vol. 3, Pages 92-102: Electrical Properties of Reversed-Polarity Ball Plasmoid Discharges Plasma doi: 10.3390/plasma3030008 Authors: Scott E. Dubowsky Amber N. Rose Nick G. Glumac Benjamin J. McCall Ball plasmoid discharges are a unique type of atmospheric-pressure plasma discharge with a lifetime on the order of a hundred milliseconds without attachment to a power source. These discharges are generated by a moderate current pulse over the surface of an aqueous electrolyte,...
Mon Jun 29, 2020 03:00
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 324: The Funerary Rites of Won Buddhism in Korea
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 324: The Funerary Rites of Won Buddhism in Korea Religions doi: 10.3390/rel11070324 Authors: Kwangsoo Park Won Buddhism, established in 1916 by Founding Master Sot’aesan (少太山, 1891–1943), is one of the most active new religious movements in South Korea. When Korean society experienced a revolution in terms of values together with a swift transformation at the societal and national levels during the late 19th century, many novel religious...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 325: Creating Interstitial Spaces: Muslim Network Organizations in the United Kingdom
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 325: Creating Interstitial Spaces: Muslim Network Organizations in the United Kingdom Religions doi: 10.3390/rel11070325 Authors: Alison Scott-Baumann Shenaz Bunglawala This contribution describes the origin and activities of three organizations in the United Kingdom: the British Association for Islamic Studies (BRAIS), the Muslims in Britain Research Network (MBRN) and Muslim Engagement and Development (MEND), discussing them against the backdrop of a dominant...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 320: The Accra Confession as Dangerous Memory: Reformed Ecclesiology, the Ecological Crisis, and the Problem of Catholicity
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 320: The Accra Confession as Dangerous Memory: Reformed Ecclesiology, the Ecological Crisis, and the Problem of Catholicity Religions doi: 10.3390/rel11070320 Authors: Henry S. Kuo This study presents the Accra Confession as a theological response to the ecological crisis from a Reformed perspective while also addressing its critical weakness, namely the problem of universality in both Reformed ecclesiology and global approaches to ecological destruction. Because...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 322: Conversion as Negotiation. Converts as Actors of Civil Society
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 322: Conversion as Negotiation. Converts as Actors of Civil Society Religions doi: 10.3390/rel11070322 Authors: Katrin This article focuses on the religious movement of the Ahmadiyya and its civil society organization, Humanity First, in West-Africa and in Europe. Particular attention is paid to the place of converts within these two institutions. Conversions to an Islamic minority and the actions of this minority are studied through the prism of social commitment....
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 323: Mama, Keep Walking for Peace and Justice: Gender Violence and Liberian Mothers’ Interreligious Peace Movement
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 323: Mama, Keep Walking for Peace and Justice: Gender Violence and Liberian Mothers’ Interreligious Peace Movement Religions doi: 10.3390/rel11070323 Authors: Wonchul Shin Focusing on the understudied area of women, religion, and peacebuilding, this essay offers the case study of Liberian mothers’ actions in the interreligious peace movement to address multiple forms of violence in the midst and aftermath of Liberian civil wars. This essay examines...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 321: The Divine Gaps between the Usuli and Akhbaris in Bahrain: Causes and Repercussions
Religions, Vol. 11, Pages 321: The Divine Gaps between the Usuli and Akhbaris in Bahrain: Causes and Repercussions Religions doi: 10.3390/rel11070321 Authors: Alrasheed In any analysis of Bahrain’s political structure, it is fundamental to understand the relationship between the Usili, Akhbaris, and authority. This analysis includes an assessment of the implications of the differences between the Usili and Akhbaris, thus shedding light on the dynamic interaction between these...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Resources, Vol. 9, Pages 81: Lovage (Levisticum Officinale W.D.J. Koch) Roots: A Source of Bioactive Compounds Towards a Circular Economy
Resources, Vol. 9, Pages 81: Lovage (Levisticum Officinale W.D.J. Koch) Roots: A Source of Bioactive Compounds Towards a Circular Economy Resources doi: 10.3390/resources9070081 Authors: Rafael Mascoloti Spréa Ângela Fernandes Tiane C. Finimundy Carla Pereira Maria José Alves Ricardo C. Calhelha Cristiane Canan Lillian Barros Joana S. Amaral Isabel C.F.R. Ferreira Lovage (Levisticum officinale W.D.J. Koch) is an aromatic plant from the Apiaceae (Umbelliferae)...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Robotics, Vol. 9, Pages 50: Kineto-Elasto-Static Design of Underactuated Chopstick-Type Gripper Mechanism for Meal-Assistance Robot
Robotics, Vol. 9, Pages 50: Kineto-Elasto-Static Design of Underactuated Chopstick-Type Gripper Mechanism for Meal-Assistance Robot Robotics doi: 10.3390/robotics9030050 Authors: Tomohiro Oka Jorge Solis Ann-Louise Lindborg Daisuke Matsuura Yusuke Sugahara Yukio Takeda Our research aims at developing a meal-assistance robot with vision system and multi-gripper that enables frail elderly to live more independently. This paper presents a development of a chopstick-type gripper...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Social Sciences, Vol. 9, Pages 111: Social Investment in Aotearoa/New Zealand: Meaning and Implications
Social Sciences, Vol. 9, Pages 111: Social Investment in Aotearoa/New Zealand: Meaning and Implications Social Sciences doi: 10.3390/socsci9070111 Authors: Michael O’Brien Social investment has been the leit motif for the development of a range of social service provisions in Aotearoa/New Zealand for the last decade. It involves a particular approach, using data to target decisions and inform directions for such key areas as social security, care and protection of children and delivery...
Social Sciences
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Societies, Vol. 10, Pages 48: Man Robbery—A Gender Signifier in Convict Australia 1827–1836
Societies, Vol. 10, Pages 48: Man Robbery—A Gender Signifier in Convict Australia 1827–1836 Societies doi: 10.3390/soc10030048 Authors: Carol Liston Kathrine M. Reynolds This paper investigates the use of the anomalous term ‘man robbery’ in historical records relating to convict women in New South Wales. We question its accuracy as a criminal offence and conclude that its use in the 1830s was an administrative code that summarized an assessment not only of the...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Sports, Vol. 8, Pages 95: Verifying Physiological and Biomechanical Parameters during Continuous Swimming at Speed Corresponding to Lactate Threshold
Sports, Vol. 8, Pages 95: Verifying Physiological and Biomechanical Parameters during Continuous Swimming at Speed Corresponding to Lactate Threshold Sports doi: 10.3390/sports8070095 Authors: Gavriil G. Arsoniadis Ioannis S. Nikitakis Petros G. Botonis Ioannis Malliaros Argyris G. Toubekis The purpose of this study was to verify the physiological responses and biomechanical parameters measured during 30 min of continuous swimming (T30) at intensity corresponding to lactate...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Sports, Vol. 8, Pages 94: The Reliability and Validity of Current Technologies for Measuring Barbell Velocity in the Free-Weight Back Squat and Power Clean
Sports, Vol. 8, Pages 94: The Reliability and Validity of Current Technologies for Measuring Barbell Velocity in the Free-Weight Back Squat and Power Clean Sports doi: 10.3390/sports8070094 Authors: Steve W. Thompson David Rogerson Harry F. Dorrell Alan Ruddock Andrew Barnes This study investigated the inter-day and intra-device reliability, and criterion validity of six devices for measuring barbell velocity in the free-weight back squat and power clean. In total, 10 competitive...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Stats, Vol. 3, Pages 166-184: A Family of Correlated Observations: From Independent to Strongly Interrelated Ones
Stats, Vol. 3, Pages 166-184: A Family of Correlated Observations: From Independent to Strongly Interrelated Ones Stats doi: 10.3390/stats3030014 Authors: Griffith This paper proposes a new classification of correlated data types based upon the relative number of direct connections among observations, producing a family of correlated observations embracing seven categories, one whose empirical counterpart currently is unknown, and ranging from independent (i.e., no links) to approaching...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Toxins, Vol. 12, Pages 431: Genomics of Maize Resistance to Fusarium Ear Rot and Fumonisin Contamination
Toxins, Vol. 12, Pages 431: Genomics of Maize Resistance to Fusarium Ear Rot and Fumonisin Contamination Toxins doi: 10.3390/toxins12070431 Authors: Rogelio Santiago Ana Cao Rosa Ana Malvar Ana Butrón Food contamination with mycotoxins is a worldwide concern, because these toxins produced by several fungal species have detrimental effects on animal and/or human health. In maize, fumonisins are among the toxins with the highest threatening potential because they are mainly produced...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Vaccines, Vol. 8, Pages 349: Mutations at the Serine Hydroxymethyltransferase Impact its Interaction with a Soluble NSF Attachment Protein and a Pathogenesis-Related Protein in Soybean
Vaccines, Vol. 8, Pages 349: Mutations at the Serine Hydroxymethyltransferase Impact its Interaction with a Soluble NSF Attachment Protein and a Pathogenesis-Related Protein in Soybean Vaccines doi: 10.3390/vaccines8030349 Authors: Naoufal Lakhssassi Sarbottam Piya Dounya Knizia Abdelhalim El Baze Mallory A. Cullen Jonas Meksem Aicha Lakhssassi Tarek Hewezi Khalid Meksem Resistance to soybean cyst nematodes (SCN) in “Peking-type” resistance...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Vaccines, Vol. 8, Pages 350: A Canine-Directed Chimeric Multi-Epitope Vaccine Induced Protective Immune Responses in BALB/c Mice Infected with Leishmania infantum
Vaccines, Vol. 8, Pages 350: A Canine-Directed Chimeric Multi-Epitope Vaccine Induced Protective Immune Responses in BALB/c Mice Infected with Leishmania infantum Vaccines doi: 10.3390/vaccines8030350 Authors: Maria Agallou Maritsa Margaroni Stathis D. Kotsakis Evdokia Karagouni Leishmaniases are complex vector-borne diseases caused by intracellular parasites of the genus Leishmania. The visceral form of the disease affects both humans and canids in tropical, subtropical, and...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Vaccines, Vol. 8, Pages 348: Duration of Cellular and Humoral Responses after Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in Healthy Female Adults with or without Prior Type 16 and/or 18 Exposure
Vaccines, Vol. 8, Pages 348: Duration of Cellular and Humoral Responses after Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in Healthy Female Adults with or without Prior Type 16 and/or 18 Exposure Vaccines doi: 10.3390/vaccines8030348 Authors: Lilin Lai Kevin Ault Nadine Rouphael Allison Beck Briyana Domjahn Yongxian Xu Evan J. Anderson Andrew Cheng Aya Nakamura Rebecca J. Hoagland Colleen Kelley Srilatha Edupuganti Karen Mask Mirjana Nesin Elizabeth...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Vaccines, Vol. 8, Pages 347: Lagging Immune Response to Haemophilus influenzae Serotype b (Hib) Conjugate Vaccine after the Primary Vaccination with Hib of Infants in The Netherlands
Vaccines, Vol. 8, Pages 347: Lagging Immune Response to Haemophilus influenzae Serotype b (Hib) Conjugate Vaccine after the Primary Vaccination with Hib of Infants in The Netherlands Vaccines doi: 10.3390/vaccines8030347 Authors: Leo Schouls Corrie Schot Richarda M. de Voer Fiona van der Klis Mirjam Knol Irina Tcherniaeva Guy Berbers In 1993, a Haemophilus influenzae serotype b (Hib) conjugate vaccine was introduced in the Dutch national immunization program, resulting...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Veterinary Sciences, Vol. 7, Pages 82: Surveillance for Borrelia spp. in Upland Game Birds in Pennsylvania, USA
Veterinary Sciences, Vol. 7, Pages 82: Surveillance for Borrelia spp. in Upland Game Birds in Pennsylvania, USA Veterinary Sciences doi: 10.3390/vetsci7030082 Authors: Christopher A. Cleveland Liandrie Swanepoel Justin D. Brown Mary Jo Casalena Lisa Williams Michael J. Yabsley The Borrelia genus contains two major clades, the Lyme borreliosis group, which includes the causative agents of Lyme disease/borreliosis (B. burgdorferi sensu stricto and other related B. burgdorferi...
Veterinary Sciences
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Veterinary Sciences, Vol. 7, Pages 81: Longitudinal Study of Mycobacterium avium Subsp. paratuberculosis Antibody Kinetics in Dairy Cattle Using Sera and Milk Throughout the Lactation Period
Veterinary Sciences, Vol. 7, Pages 81: Longitudinal Study of Mycobacterium avium Subsp. paratuberculosis Antibody Kinetics in Dairy Cattle Using Sera and Milk Throughout the Lactation Period Veterinary Sciences doi: 10.3390/vetsci7030081 Authors: Md. Shohel Al Faruk Young-hoon Jung Tai-young Hur Sang-suk Lee Yong-il Cho Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) is the causative agent of Johne’s disease in dairy cattle populations around the world. The objective...
Veterinary Sciences
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Veterinary Sciences, Vol. 7, Pages 80: An Assessment of the Level of Protection Against Colibacillosis Conferred by Several Autogenous and/or Commercial Vaccination Programs in Conventional Pullets upon Experimental Challenge
Veterinary Sciences, Vol. 7, Pages 80: An Assessment of the Level of Protection Against Colibacillosis Conferred by Several Autogenous and/or Commercial Vaccination Programs in Conventional Pullets upon Experimental Challenge Veterinary Sciences doi: 10.3390/vetsci7030080 Authors: Dimitris Koutsianos Hubert Gantelet Giovanni Franzo Mathilde Lecoupeur Eric Thibault Mattia Cecchinato Konstantinos C. Koutoulis The prevention of avian colibacillosis has historically been...
Veterinary Sciences
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 712: Correction: Lalani, S. and Poh, C.L. Flavonoids as Antiviral Agents for Enterovirus A71 (EV-A71). Viruses 2020, 12, 184
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 712: Correction: Lalani, S. and Poh, C.L. Flavonoids as Antiviral Agents for Enterovirus A71 (EV-A71). Viruses 2020, 12, 184 Viruses doi: 10.3390/v12070712 Authors: Lalani Poh We have recently been made aware by Mr. Saravanan (National University of Singapore) thatthe structure of prunin flavonoid used in their study was different to the one that we reported [...]
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 711: HIV-1 Persistence and Chronic Induction of Innate Immune Responses in Macrophages
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 711: HIV-1 Persistence and Chronic Induction of Innate Immune Responses in Macrophages Viruses doi: 10.3390/v12070711 Authors: Hisashi Akiyama Suryaram Gummuluru A hallmark of HIV-1 infection is chronic inflammation, which plays a significant role in disease pathogenesis. Acute HIV infection induces robust inflammatory responses, which are insufficient to prevent or eliminate virus in mucosal tissues. While establishment of viral set-point is coincident with...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 707: Conserved Oligomeric Golgi (COG) Complex Proteins Facilitate Orthopoxvirus Entry, Fusion and Spread
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 707: Conserved Oligomeric Golgi (COG) Complex Proteins Facilitate Orthopoxvirus Entry, Fusion and Spread Viruses doi: 10.3390/v12070707 Authors: Susan Realegeno Lalita Priyamvada Amrita Kumar Jessica B. Blackburn Claire Hartloge Andreas S. Puschnik Suryaprakash Sambhara Victoria A. Olson Jan E. Carette Vladimir Lupashin Panayampalli Subbian Satheshkumar Although orthopoxviruses (OPXV) are known to encode a majority of the genes required...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 709: Amino Acid at Position 166 of NS2A in Japanese Encephalitis Virus (JEV) is Associated with In Vitro Growth Characteristics of JEV
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 709: Amino Acid at Position 166 of NS2A in Japanese Encephalitis Virus (JEV) is Associated with In Vitro Growth Characteristics of JEV Viruses doi: 10.3390/v12070709 Authors: Shigeru Tajima Satoshi Taniguchi Eri Nakayama Takahiro Maeki Takuya Inagaki Chang-Kweng Lim Masayuki Saijo We previously showed that the growth ability of the Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) genotype V (GV) strain Muar is clearly lower than that of the genotype I (GI)...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 704: Replication of a Dog-Origin H6N1 Influenza Virus in Cell Culture and Mice
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 704: Replication of a Dog-Origin H6N1 Influenza Virus in Cell Culture and Mice Viruses doi: 10.3390/v12070704 Authors: Tsai Shih Chang Teng Hsu Lin Lin Huang Chen Wang The world’s first natural avian-origin H6N1 influenza A virus infection case in dogs was confirmed in Taiwan in 2014. The H6N1 virus in chickens has been endemic in Taiwan since 1972. Whether the dog H6N1 virus has interspecies transmission potential...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 708: Early Phase of the COVID-19 Outbreak in Hungary and Post-Lockdown Scenarios
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 708: Early Phase of the COVID-19 Outbreak in Hungary and Post-Lockdown Scenarios Viruses doi: 10.3390/v12070708 Authors: Gergely Röst Ferenc A. Bartha Norbert Bogya Péter Boldog Attila Dénes Tamás Ferenci Krisztina J. Horváth Attila Juhász Csilla Nagy Tamás Tekeli Zsolt Vizi Beatrix Oroszi COVID-19 epidemic has been suppressed in Hungary due to timely non-pharmaceutical interventions, prompting a considerable reduction in the number...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 706: Recombination Analysis of Non-Poliovirus Members of the Enterovirus C Species; Restriction of Recombination Events to Members of the Same 3DPol Cluster
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 706: Recombination Analysis of Non-Poliovirus Members of the Enterovirus C Species; Restriction of Recombination Events to Members of the Same 3DPol Cluster Viruses doi: 10.3390/v12070706 Authors: Lieke Brouwer Kimberley S.M. Benschop Dung Nguyen Everlyn Kamau Dasja Pajkrt Peter Simmonds Katja C. Wolthers Enteroviruses (EVs) are highly prevalent viruses worldwide. Recombination is known to occur frequently in EVs belonging to species Enterovirus...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 705: Repurposing Therapeutics for Potential Treatment of SARS-CoV-2: A Review
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 705: Repurposing Therapeutics for Potential Treatment of SARS-CoV-2: A Review Viruses doi: 10.3390/v12070705 Authors: Jennifer Santos Stephanie Brierley Mohit J. Gandhi Michael A. Cohen Phillip C. Moschella Arwen B. L. Declan The need for proven disease-specific treatments for the novel pandemic coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 necessitates a worldwide search for therapeutic options. Since the SARS-CoV-2 virus shares extensive homology with SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV,...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 710: Bioinformatics Pipeline for Human Papillomavirus Short Read Genomic Sequences Classification Using Support Vector Machine
Viruses, Vol. 12, Pages 710: Bioinformatics Pipeline for Human Papillomavirus Short Read Genomic Sequences Classification Using Support Vector Machine Viruses doi: 10.3390/v12070710 Authors: Alexandre Lomsadze Tengguo Li Mangalathu S. Rajeevan Elizabeth R. Unger Mark Borodovsky We recently developed a test based on the Agilent SureSelect target enrichment system capturing genomic fragments from 191 human papillomaviruses (HPV) types for Illumina sequencing. This enriched...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1878: Water and Energy Demand Management in Pressurized Irrigation Networks
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1878: Water and Energy Demand Management in Pressurized Irrigation Networks Water doi: 10.3390/w12071878 Authors: Miguel Ángel Pardo Adrián J. Riquelme Antonio Jodar-Abellan Joaquín Melgarejo Minimizing energy expenditure is one of the main purposes of the managers of pressurized irrigation systems. From the energy consumption standpoint, they can reduce energy consumption by supplying a constant flow into the system (a scheme different from urban water...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1876: Numerical Modeling of Microbial Fate and Transport in Natural Waters: Review and Implications for Normal and Extreme Storm Events
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1876: Numerical Modeling of Microbial Fate and Transport in Natural Waters: Review and Implications for Normal and Extreme Storm Events Water doi: 10.3390/w12071876 Authors: Chelsea J. Weiskerger Mantha S. Phanikumar Degradation of water quality in recreational areas can be a substantial public health concern. Models can help beach managers make contemporaneous decisions to protect public health at recreational areas, via the use of microbial fate and transport...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1877: Water from the Perspective of Education for Sustainable Development: An Exploratory Study in the Spanish Secondary Education Curriculum
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1877: Water from the Perspective of Education for Sustainable Development: An Exploratory Study in the Spanish Secondary Education Curriculum Water doi: 10.3390/w12071877 Authors: Guadalupe Martínez-Borreguero Jesús Maestre-Jiménez Milagros Mateos-Núñez Francisco Luis Naranjo-Correa Current educational curricula in Spain contain few references to sustainability topics, so there is insufficient coverage of these issues in the classroom. Notably, there is...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1875: Bed-Load Collision Sound Filtering through Separation of Pipe Hydrophone Frequency Bands
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1875: Bed-Load Collision Sound Filtering through Separation of Pipe Hydrophone Frequency Bands Water doi: 10.3390/w12071875 Authors: Jong-Ho Choi Kye-Won Jun Chang-Deok Jang Bed-load discharge of a river can be monitored by indirectly measuring the acoustic pulses generated when the bed load collides with a steel pipe installed on the riverbed (i.e., pipe hydrophone measurement). However, existing methods used for filtering pulses from acoustic signals reflect...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1874: Macro-Turbulent Flow and Its Impacts on Sediment Transport Potential of a Subarctic River during Ice-Covered and Open-Channel Conditions
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1874: Macro-Turbulent Flow and Its Impacts on Sediment Transport Potential of a Subarctic River during Ice-Covered and Open-Channel Conditions Water doi: 10.3390/w12071874 Authors: Eliisa Lotsari Michael Dietze Maria Kämäri Petteri Alho Elina Kasvi Macro-turbulent flows (i.e., coherent flow structures reaching through the whole water column), have not been studied widely in northern seasonally frozen rivers during both open-channel and ice-covered flow...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1873: An Improved Meshless Divergence-Free PBF Framework for Ocean Wave Modeling in Marine Simulator
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1873: An Improved Meshless Divergence-Free PBF Framework for Ocean Wave Modeling in Marine Simulator Water doi: 10.3390/w12071873 Authors: Haijiang Li Hongxiang Ren Xingfeng Duan Chang Wang It is a challenging work to simulate wind and waves in virtual scenes of marine simulators. In this paper, a divergence-free position based fluid (DFPBF) framework is introduced for ocean wave modeling in marine simulators. We introduce a set of constant density constraints...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1871: Comparative Study on Numerical Calculation of 2-D Random Sea Surface Based on Fractal Method and Monte Carlo Method
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1871: Comparative Study on Numerical Calculation of 2-D Random Sea Surface Based on Fractal Method and Monte Carlo Method Water doi: 10.3390/w12071871 Authors: Gengkun Wu Chuanxi Liu Yongquan Liang Based on fifty one groups of data on direction distribution measured from buoy sites, several important spectrum parameters including distribution characteristics of the measured data’s spectrum, the Wen’s direction spectrum and the Donelan function...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1872: The Blue Water Footprint of the Spanish Wine Industry: 1935–2015
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1872: The Blue Water Footprint of the Spanish Wine Industry: 1935–2015 Water doi: 10.3390/w12071872 Authors: María-Isabel Ayuda Encarna Esteban Miguel Martín-Retortillo Vicente Pinilla The impact of economic growth on natural resources and the environment constitutes a fundamental topic in current research. In particular, water, a fundamental resource for human beings, has been subject to intense pressure in recent decades. Within this context, this article...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1870: Rapid Urbanization Impact on the Hydrological Processes in Zhengzhou, China
Water, Vol. 12, Pages 1870: Rapid Urbanization Impact on the Hydrological Processes in Zhengzhou, China Water doi: 10.3390/w12071870 Authors: Jingyi Wang Caihong Hu Bingyan Ma Xiaoling Mu Changes in the hydrological process caused by urbanization lead to frequent flooding in cities. For fast-growing urban areas, the impact of urbanization on the hydrological process needs to be systematically analyzed. This study takes Zhengzhou as an example to analyze the impact of urbanization...
Tue Jun 30, 2020 03:00

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