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Πέμπτη 16 Ιανουαρίου 2020

[Defect coverage after severe soft tissue infections: when and how?]

[Defect coverage after severe soft tissue infections: when and how?]:

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[Defect coverage after severe soft tissue infections: when and how?]

Chirurg. 2020 Jan 15;:

Authors: Möllhoff N, Ehrl D, Giunta RE


Severe infections frequently cause large soft tissue defects which require early defect coverage by plastic surgeons. A number of reconstructive treatment options are available, ranging from local flaps to microvascular free flap reconstructions. In this respect it is important that the selection of the optimal reconstructive technique is made based on individual patient characteristics and in a timely manner. Weeks of inpatient treatment with vacuum dressings often delay defect coverage and should be avoided as they burden both the patient and the healthcare system. Therefore, it is in the best interest of patients to receive early treatment by plastic surgeons. This manuscript presents the essential reconstructive treatment approaches based on highly informative case reports of patients from the plastic surgical practice at a university hospital.

PMID: 31940068 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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