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Πέμπτη 16 Ιανουαρίου 2020

pubmed nutr j [jour]

Association between healthy lifestyle score and breast cancer.
Related ArticlesAssociation between healthy lifestyle score and breast cancer. Nutr J. 2020 Jan 14;19(1):4 Authors: Ghosn B, Benisi-Kohansal S, Ebrahimpour-Koujan S, Azadbakht L, Esmaillzadeh A Abstract BACKGROUND: Majority of earlier studies have assessed the association between individual lifestyle factors and the risk of breast cancer (BC); however, limited information is available linking the whole lifestyle factors to BC. We aimed to examine the...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Associations between dietary patterns and blood pressure in a sample of Australian adults.
Related ArticlesAssociations between dietary patterns and blood pressure in a sample of Australian adults. Nutr J. 2020 Jan 14;19(1):5 Authors: Margerison C, Riddell LJ, McNaughton SA, Nowson CA Abstract BACKGROUND: Investigating effects of whole diets on blood pressure (BP) can contribute to development of diet-based recommendations for health. Our aim was to assess the relationship between dietary patterns and BP in a sample of free-living Australian...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Evaluation of sex differences in dietary behaviours and their relationship with cardiovascular risk factors: a cross-sectional study of nationally representative surveys in seven low- and middle-income countries.
Related ArticlesEvaluation of sex differences in dietary behaviours and their relationship with cardiovascular risk factors: a cross-sectional study of nationally representative surveys in seven low- and middle-income countries. Nutr J. 2020 Jan 13;19(1):3 Authors: McKenzie BL, Santos JA, Geldsetzer P, Davies J, Manne-Goehler J, Gurung MS, Sturua L, Gathecha G, Aryal KK, Tsabedze L, Andall-Brereton G, Bärnighausen T, Atun R, Vollmer S, Woodward M, Jaacks LM, Webster J...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Associations between diet and mental health using the 12-item General Health Questionnaire: cross-sectional and prospective analyses from the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort Study.
Related ArticlesAssociations between diet and mental health using the 12-item General Health Questionnaire: cross-sectional and prospective analyses from the Japan Multi-Institutional Collaborative Cohort Study. Nutr J. 2020 Jan 09;19(1):2 Authors: Choda N, Wakai K, Naito M, Imaeda N, Goto C, Maruyama K, Kadomatsu Y, Tsukamoto M, Sasakabe T, Kubo Y, Okada R, Kawai S, Tamura T, Hishida A, Takeuchi K, Mori A, Hamajima N Abstract BACKGROUND: Mental health...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Effects of cinnamon supplementation on expression of systemic inflammation factors, NF-kB and Sirtuin-1 (SIRT1) in type 2 diabetes: a randomized, double blind, and controlled clinical trial.
Effects of cinnamon supplementation on expression of systemic inflammation factors, NF-kB and Sirtuin-1 (SIRT1) in type 2 diabetes: a randomized, double blind, and controlled clinical trial. Nutr J. 2020 Jan 04;19(1):1 Authors: Davari M, Hashemi R, Mirmiran P, Hedayati M, Sahranavard S, Bahreini S, Tavakoly R, Talaei B Abstract BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: NF-kB, SIRT1 and systemic inflammation factors including hs-CRP, IL-6 and TNF-α accelerate atherosclerosis...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Association between egg consumption and elevated fasting glucose prevalence in relation to dietary patterns in selected group of Polish adults.
Related ArticlesAssociation between egg consumption and elevated fasting glucose prevalence in relation to dietary patterns in selected group of Polish adults. Nutr J. 2019 Dec 30;18(1):90 Authors: Czekajło-Kozłowska A, Różańska D, Zatońska K, Szuba A, Regulska-Ilow B Abstract BACKGROUND: The safety of high egg intake in view of its impact on glucose metabolism remains inconclusive. The aim of the study was to assess the relationship between egg intake,...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Malnutrition impairs mitochondrial function and leukocyte activation.
Related ArticlesMalnutrition impairs mitochondrial function and leukocyte activation. Nutr J. 2019 Dec 26;18(1):89 Authors: Bañuls C, de Marañon AM, Veses S, Castro-Vega I, López-Domènech S, Salom-Vendrell C, Orden S, Álvarez Á, Rocha M, Víctor VM, Hernández-Mijares A Abstract BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate markers of inflammation, oxidative stress and endothelial function in a disease-related malnutrition (DRM) outpatient population....
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Empirically derived dietary patterns and constipation among a middle-aged population from China, 2016-2018.
Related ArticlesEmpirically derived dietary patterns and constipation among a middle-aged population from China, 2016-2018. Nutr J. 2019 Dec 26;18(1):88 Authors: Li L, Huang AP, Wang LQ, Yu XL Abstract BACKGROUND: The association of dietary patterns with constipation is not well established, particularly in Chinese population. Therefore, the present study aimed to determine the relationship between dietary patterns and the risk of constipation in a middle-aged...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Adherence to low carbohydrate diet and prevalence of psychological disorders in adults.
Related ArticlesAdherence to low carbohydrate diet and prevalence of psychological disorders in adults. Nutr J. 2019 Dec 23;18(1):87 Authors: Ebrahimpour-Koujan S, Keshteli AH, Afshar H, Esmaillzadeh A, Adibi P Abstract BACKGROUND: Although individual macronutrients were studied in relation to mental health, no information exist about the association between adherence to low carbohydrate diet and psychological disorders. This study was conducted to investigate...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Adherence to the low carbohydrate diet and the risk of breast Cancer in Iran.
Related ArticlesAdherence to the low carbohydrate diet and the risk of breast Cancer in Iran. Nutr J. 2019 Dec 12;18(1):86 Authors: Sasanfar B, Toorang F, Esmaillzadeh A, Zendehdel K Abstract BACKGROUND: Previous studies on the link between macronutrients and breast cancer have mostly focused on individual macronutrients rather than their combination. This study investigates the association between adherence to a low carbohydrate diet and odds of breast...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Dec 2019
Nutritionally adequate food baskets optimised for cultural acceptability as basis for dietary guidelines for low-income Czech families.
Related ArticlesNutritionally adequate food baskets optimised for cultural acceptability as basis for dietary guidelines for low-income Czech families. Nutr J. 2019 Dec 06;18(1):84 Authors: Faksová K, Brázdová ZD, Robertson A, Parlesak A Abstract BACKGROUND: Czech nutrition recommendations prioritize health aspects without considering affordability. Low socio-economic groups have the highest risk of nutrition-related noncommunicable diseases and cost...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Dec 2019
Do dietary intakes influence the rate of decline in anti-Mullerian hormone among eumenorrheic women? A population-based prospective investigation.
Related ArticlesDo dietary intakes influence the rate of decline in anti-Mullerian hormone among eumenorrheic women? A population-based prospective investigation. Nutr J. 2019 Dec 02;18(1):83 Authors: Moslehi N, Mirmiran P, Azizi F, Tehrani FR Abstract BACKGROUND: Dietary intakes are suggested to affect age at menopause but associations between dietary factors and ovarian reserve reduction have not yet been investigated. We aimed to examine dietary intakes...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Dec 2019
Assessing the nutritional needs of men with prostate cancer.
Related ArticlesAssessing the nutritional needs of men with prostate cancer. Nutr J. 2019 Dec 02;18(1):81 Authors: McLaughlin K, Hedden L, Pollock P, Higano C, Murphy RA Abstract BACKGROUND: Nutrition is important for prostate cancer (PC) survivorship care to help achieve a healthy weight, reduce treatment side effects and reduce the risk of developing other chronic diseases. We aimed to advance the understanding of the nutritional needs of men with...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Dec 2019
Effect of vitamin D fortified foods on bone markers and muscle strength in women of Pakistani and Danish origin living in Denmark: a randomised controlled trial.
Related ArticlesEffect of vitamin D fortified foods on bone markers and muscle strength in women of Pakistani and Danish origin living in Denmark: a randomised controlled trial. Nutr J. 2019 Dec 02;18(1):82 Authors: Grønborg IM, Tetens I, Andersen EW, Kristensen M, Larsen REK, Tran TLL, Andersen R Abstract BACKGROUND: Deficient and insufficient vitamin D status (defined as serum 25(OH)D < 30 nmol/L and > 50 nmol/L) is prevalent worldwide and associated...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Dec 2019
Association between micronutrient deficiency and acute respiratory infections in healthy adults: a systematic review of observational studies.
Related ArticlesAssociation between micronutrient deficiency and acute respiratory infections in healthy adults: a systematic review of observational studies. Nutr J. 2019 Nov 30;18(1):80 Authors: Wang MX, Koh J, Pang J Abstract BACKGROUND: Acute respiratory infections (ARI), including the common cold causes significant morbidity and economical losses globally. Micronutrient deficiency may increase ARI incidence risk and its associated duration and severity...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Dec 2019
Cooking frequency and hypertension with gender as a modifier.
Related ArticlesCooking frequency and hypertension with gender as a modifier. Nutr J. 2019 Nov 29;18(1):79 Authors: Zhang Y, Tang T, Tang K Abstract BACKGROUND: The effect of cooking frequency on hypertension is understudied. This study aimed to examine the effect of cooking on hypertension with a particular focus on gender differences. METHODS: The present study utilized cross-sectional data from China Kadoorie Biobank with a 512,891-population...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Dec 2019
Concurrent validity of skin carotenoid status as a concentration biomarker of vegetable and fruit intake compared to multiple 24-h recalls and plasma carotenoid concentrations across one year: a cohort study.
Related ArticlesConcurrent validity of skin carotenoid status as a concentration biomarker of vegetable and fruit intake compared to multiple 24-h recalls and plasma carotenoid concentrations across one year: a cohort study. Nutr J. 2019 Nov 21;18(1):78 Authors: Jahns L, Johnson LK, Conrad Z, Bukowski M, Raatz SK, Jilcott Pitts S, Wang Y, Ermakov IV, Gellermann W Abstract BACKGROUND: Biological markers of vegetable and fruit (VF) intake are needed both...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Nov 2019
Time trends (1995-2008) in dietary habits among adolescents in relation to the Norwegian school fruit scheme: the HUNT study.
Related ArticlesTime trends (1995-2008) in dietary habits among adolescents in relation to the Norwegian school fruit scheme: the HUNT study. Nutr J. 2019 Nov 20;18(1):77 Authors: Hovdenak IM, Bere E, Stea TH Abstract INTRODUCTION: The importance of healthy eating in adolescence is well established. The present study examined possible effects of the free Norwegian School Fruit Scheme (NSFS), changes in dietary habits between 1995 and 2008, and whether...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Nov 2019
Parent-child cooking meal together may relate to parental concerns about the diets of their toddlers and preschoolers: a cross-sectional analysis in Japan.
Related ArticlesParent-child cooking meal together may relate to parental concerns about the diets of their toddlers and preschoolers: a cross-sectional analysis in Japan. Nutr J. 2019 Nov 18;18(1):76 Authors: Ishikawa M, Eto K, Miyoshi M, Yokoyama T, Haraikawa M, Yoshiike N Abstract BACKGROUND: Parents often have concerns about the food habits of their young children. Cooking is a frequent behavior related to dietary activities at home. We hypothesized...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Nov 2019
Gender difference in the association of dietary patterns and metabolic parameters with obesity in young and middle-aged adults with dyslipidemia and abnormal fasting plasma glucose in Taiwan.
Related ArticlesGender difference in the association of dietary patterns and metabolic parameters with obesity in young and middle-aged adults with dyslipidemia and abnormal fasting plasma glucose in Taiwan. Nutr J. 2019 Nov 16;18(1):75 Authors: Lin LY, Hsu CY, Lee HA, Tinkov AA, Skalny AV, Wang WH, Chao JC Abstract BACKGROUND: The increasing prevalence of obesity has become a pandemic problem, and dietary patterns are one of the important factors causing...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Nov 2019
Omega-3 fatty acids to prevent preterm birth: Australian pregnant women's preterm birth awareness and intentions to increase omega-3 fatty acid intake.
Related ArticlesOmega-3 fatty acids to prevent preterm birth: Australian pregnant women's preterm birth awareness and intentions to increase omega-3 fatty acid intake. Nutr J. 2019 Nov 14;18(1):74 Authors: de Seymour JV, Simmonds LA, Gould J, Makrides M, Middleton P Abstract BACKGROUND: Preterm birth is the leading cause of death in children under five. A recent Cochrane review found a 42% reduction in early preterm birth (< 34 weeks' gestation) and...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Nov 2019
The relationship between vitamin D and risk of atrial fibrillation: a dose-response analysis of observational studies.
Related ArticlesThe relationship between vitamin D and risk of atrial fibrillation: a dose-response analysis of observational studies. Nutr J. 2019 Nov 14;18(1):73 Authors: Liu X, Wang W, Tan Z, Zhu X, Liu M, Wan R, Hong K Abstract BACKGROUND: The relationship between serum vitamin D and atrial fibrillation (AF) or postoperative atrial fibrillation (POAF) in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) is still debated. It is also unclear...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Nov 2019
Daily tea drinking is not associated with newly diagnosed non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in Chinese adults: the Tianjin chronic low-grade systemic inflammation and health cohort study.
Related ArticlesDaily tea drinking is not associated with newly diagnosed non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in Chinese adults: the Tianjin chronic low-grade systemic inflammation and health cohort study. Nutr J. 2019 Nov 11;18(1):71 Authors: Xia Y, Wang X, Zhang S, Zhang Q, Liu L, Meng G, Wu H, Bao X, Gu Y, Sun S, Wang X, Zhou M, Jia Q, Song K, Wu Q, Niu K, Zhao Y Abstract BACKGROUND: Previous studies have reported that tea extract supplementation has...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Nov 2019
Evaluating adherence to recommended diets in adults 1991-2015: revised China dietary guidelines index.
Related ArticlesEvaluating adherence to recommended diets in adults 1991-2015: revised China dietary guidelines index. Nutr J. 2019 Nov 11;18(1):70 Authors: Huang F, Wang Z, Wang L, Wang H, Zhang J, Du W, Su C, Jia X, Ouyang Y, Wang Y, Li L, Jiang H, Zhang B Abstract BACKGROUND: The China Dietary Guidelines Index (CDGI) is a diet quality evaluation index that can present the overall diet quality and is comparable between individuals. The aim of this...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Nov 2019
Adherence to the pro-inflammatory diet in relation to prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome.
Related ArticlesAdherence to the pro-inflammatory diet in relation to prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome. Nutr J. 2019 Nov 11;18(1):72 Authors: Salari-Moghaddam A, Keshteli AH, Esmaillzadeh A, Adibi P Abstract OBJECTIVE: There is no prior study that examined the association between nutrient-based dietary inflammatory index (DII) and odds of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). We examined the association between DII score and odds of IBS and its severity...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Nov 2019
Comparing the cost of essential nutrients from different food sources in the American diet using NHANES 2011-2014.
Related ArticlesComparing the cost of essential nutrients from different food sources in the American diet using NHANES 2011-2014. Nutr J. 2019 Nov 09;18(1):68 Authors: Hess JM, Cifelli CJ, Agarwal S, Fulgoni VL Abstract BACKGROUND: One reason that some Americans do not meet nutrient needs from healthy eating patterns is cost. Food cost affects how people eat, and healthy diets tend to be more expensive. Cost is also important for diet sustainability....
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Nov 2019
A randomized cross-over trial to determine the effect of a protein vs. carbohydrate preload on energy balance in ad libitum settings.
Related ArticlesA randomized cross-over trial to determine the effect of a protein vs. carbohydrate preload on energy balance in ad libitum settings. Nutr J. 2019 Nov 09;18(1):69 Authors: Gibson MJ, Dawson JA, Wijayatunga NN, Ironuma B, Chatindiara I, Ovalle F, Allison DB, Dhurandhar EJ Abstract BACKGROUND: Although high protein diets have been tested in controlled environments for applications to weight management, it is not understood if adding high...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Nov 2019
Education and lifestyle predict change in dietary patterns and diet quality of adults 55 years and over.
Related ArticlesEducation and lifestyle predict change in dietary patterns and diet quality of adults 55 years and over. Nutr J. 2019 Nov 07;18(1):67 Authors: Thorpe MG, Milte CM, Crawford D, McNaughton SA Abstract BACKGROUND: Diet is a key risk factor for chronic disease, and an increasing concern among older adults. We aim to examine the changes in dietary patterns using principal component analysis and a diet quality index among older adults and examine...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Nov 2019
Time trends in nutrient intake and dietary patterns among five birth cohorts of 70-year-olds examined 1971-2016: results from the Gothenburg H70 birth cohort studies, Sweden.
Related ArticlesTime trends in nutrient intake and dietary patterns among five birth cohorts of 70-year-olds examined 1971-2016: results from the Gothenburg H70 birth cohort studies, Sweden. Nutr J. 2019 Nov 06;18(1):66 Authors: Samuelsson J, Rothenberg E, Lissner L, Eiben G, Zettergren A, Skoog I Abstract BACKGROUND: Nutrition is a key factor in healthy ageing but there are still gaps in knowledge about risk- and protective factors linking diet and...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Nov 2019
Does the inflammatory potential of diet affect disease activity in patients with inflammatory bowel disease?
Related ArticlesDoes the inflammatory potential of diet affect disease activity in patients with inflammatory bowel disease? Nutr J. 2019 Nov 04;18(1):65 Authors: Mirmiran P, Moslehi N, Morshedzadeh N, Shivappa N, Hébert JR, Farsi F, Daryani NE Abstract BACKGROUND: Diet is an important modulator of inflammation, which is associated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). In this study, we examined whether the inflammatory properties of diets are associated...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Nov 2019
Iodine status of 8 to 10 years old children within 20 years following compulsory salt iodization policy in Shanghai, China.
Related ArticlesIodine status of 8 to 10 years old children within 20 years following compulsory salt iodization policy in Shanghai, China. Nutr J. 2019 Nov 02;18(1):63 Authors: Wang Z, Zang J, Shi Z, Zhu Z, Song J, Zou S, Jin W, Jia X, Guo C, Liu S Abstract BACKGROUND: In 1996, Shanghai implemented universal salt iodization and has became the last provincial unit in China to carry out this intervention. In this study, we summarized achievements in past...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Nov 2019
Determinants of infant feeding practices among mothers living with HIV attending prevention of mother to child transmission Clinic at Kiambu Level 4 hospital, Kenya: a cross-sectional study.
Related ArticlesDeterminants of infant feeding practices among mothers living with HIV attending prevention of mother to child transmission Clinic at Kiambu Level 4 hospital, Kenya: a cross-sectional study. Nutr J. 2019 Nov 02;18(1):64 Authors: Andare N, Ochola S, Chege P Abstract BACKGROUND: Human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immune deficiency syndrome is global pandemic with around 150,000 children infected with HIV in 2015. In Kenya,...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Nov 2019
Validation and reproducibility of a new iodine specific food frequency questionnaire for assessing iodine intake in Norwegian pregnant women.
Related ArticlesValidation and reproducibility of a new iodine specific food frequency questionnaire for assessing iodine intake in Norwegian pregnant women. Nutr J. 2019 Oct 29;18(1):62 Authors: Næss S, Aakre I, Kjellevold M, Dahl L, Nerhus I, Midtbø LK, Markhus MW Abstract BACKGROUND: Iodized salt is not mandatory in Norway, and the permitted level of iodine in table salt is low (5 μg/g). Thus, milk and dairy products, fish and eggs are the main dietary...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Oct 2019
Association of 25-hydroxyvitamin D with cardiometabolic risk factors and metabolic syndrome: a mendelian randomization study.
Related ArticlesAssociation of 25-hydroxyvitamin D with cardiometabolic risk factors and metabolic syndrome: a mendelian randomization study. Nutr J. 2019 Oct 28;18(1):61 Authors: Chen C, Chen Y, Weng P, Xia F, Li Q, Zhai H, Wang N, Lu Y Abstract BACKGROUND: Low circulating vitamin D levels have been associated with increased risk of metabolic syndrome (MS) and cardiometabolic risk factors in multiple epidemiology studies. However, whether this association...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Oct 2019
Beverage consumption and energy intake among Canadians: analyses of 2004 and 2015 national dietary intake data.
Related ArticlesBeverage consumption and energy intake among Canadians: analyses of 2004 and 2015 national dietary intake data. Nutr J. 2019 Oct 18;18(1):60 Authors: Jones AC, Kirkpatrick SI, Hammond D Abstract BACKGROUND: Among adults and children consuming Western diets, beverages are significant sources of free sugars, saturated fats, excess calories, and alcohol, with relevance to chronic disease risk. The impact of recent healthy eating policies...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Oct 2019
Food sources, energy and nutrient intakes of adults: 2013 Philippines National Nutrition Survey.
Related ArticlesFood sources, energy and nutrient intakes of adults: 2013 Philippines National Nutrition Survey. Nutr J. 2019 Oct 10;18(1):59 Authors: Angeles-Agdeppa I, Sun Y, Denney L, Tanda KV, Octavio RAD, Carriquiry A, Capanzana MV Abstract BACKGROUND: Comprehensive assessment of dietary intakes of foods and nutrients in Filipino adults are lacking. This study evaluated energy and nutrient intakes and food sources of key nutrients consumed by Filipino...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Oct 2019
Dietary seaweed intake and depressive symptoms in Japanese adults: a prospective cohort study.
Related ArticlesDietary seaweed intake and depressive symptoms in Japanese adults: a prospective cohort study. Nutr J. 2019 Oct 07;18(1):58 Authors: Guo F, Huang C, Cui Y, Momma H, Niu K, Nagatomi R Abstract BACKGROUND: This prospective cohort study aimed to investigate the association between daily seaweed intake and depressive symptoms. METHODS: In a prospective study conducted between 2008 and 2011, 500 Japanese adult employees aged 20-74 years...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Oct 2019
Adolescent wine consumption is inversely associated with long-term weight gain: results from follow-up of 20 or 22 years.
Related ArticlesAdolescent wine consumption is inversely associated with long-term weight gain: results from follow-up of 20 or 22 years. Nutr J. 2019 Sep 10;18(1):56 Authors: Poudel P, Ismailova K, Andersen LB, Larsen SC, Heitmann BL Abstract BACKGROUND: Several studies have suggested a link between the type of alcoholic beverage consumption and body weight. However, results from longitudinal studies have been inconsistent, and the association between...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Sep 2019
Head and neck cancer survivors' preferences for and evaluations of a post-treatment dietary intervention.
Related ArticlesHead and neck cancer survivors' preferences for and evaluations of a post-treatment dietary intervention. Nutr J. 2019 Sep 10;18(1):57 Authors: Crowder SL, Douglas KG, Frugé AD, Carroll WR, Spencer SA, Locher JL, Demark-Wahnefried W, Rogers LQ, Arthur AE Abstract BACKGROUND: Dietary preferences vary depending on cancer type. The purpose of this study was to report dietary intervention preferences and a study program evaluation from post-treatment...
pubmed nutr j [jour]
Sep 2019

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