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Πέμπτη 16 Ιανουαρίου 2020

Vocal Parameters in Individuals with Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: A Systematic Review.

Vocal Parameters in Individuals with Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: A Systematic Review.:

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Vocal Parameters in Individuals with Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: A Systematic Review.

J Voice. 2020 Jan 11;:

Authors: Rodrigues FO, Frois CA, Mello MSMS, Mangilli LD


OBJECTIVE: To analyze and assess studies on the topic and to describe the vocal parameters of patients with traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) based on the literature.

METHOD: Studies were identified and selected by searching for articles on the subject published in any journal, using pre-established descriptors: "spinal cord injury," "speech," "lang$," "speech-lang$," and "voice" ("traumatismos da medula espinal," "fala," "fona$," "fonoaud$," and "voz" in Brazilian Portuguese). All the phases of the study were conducted independently by the researchers and in the event of disagreement, a final decision was reached by consensus. The articles selected were critically assessed based on their objectives, treatment, and assessment criteria and methods, results and conclusions, as well their level of scientific evidence.

RESULTS: A total of 70 scientific articles were identified, eight of which were considered valid based on the inclusion criteria. Research on the contribution of speech therapy to patients with SCI is scarce, particularly regarding voice assessment and treatment. Descriptive and observational studies predominated, with a small sample. Data collection was predominated cross-sectional, which made it possible to identify evaluation and intervention techniques, but the methodologies described preclude generalizations. The results indicated that the parameters of the respiratory function and vocal production in patients with traumatic SCI were reduced lung capacity, presence of voice problems, presence of perceived voice problems, and altered activation of accessory respiratory muscle.

CONCLUSION: The vocal parameters of the patients with traumatic SCI can be described, considering the lack of information available. Disorders related to speech therapy vary in accordance with the type and level of injury. It is important to increase scientific production in this area, particularly randomized trials, in order to establish assessment criteria and treatment techniques and improve levels of evidence.

PMID: 31937482 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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