Perioperatively Acquired Weakness
Anesthesia & Analgesia: February 2020 - Volume 130 - Issue 2 - p 341-351
doi: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000004068
Skeletal muscle failure in critical illness (intensive care unit-acquired weakness) is a well-known complication developing early during intensive care unit stay. However, muscle weakness during the perioperative setting has not yet been investigated.METHODS:
We performed a subgroup investigation of a prospective observational trial to investigate perioperative muscle weakness. Eighty-nine patients aged 65 years or older were assessed for handgrip strength preoperatively, on the first postoperative day, at intensive care unit discharge, at hospital discharge, and at 3-month follow-up. Functional status was evaluated perioperatively via Barthel index, instrumental activities of daily living, Timed Up and Go test, and functional independence measure. After exclusion of patients with intensive care unit-acquired weakness or intensive care unit stay of ≥72 hours, 59 patients were included into our analyses. Of these, 14 patients had additional pulmonary function tests preoperatively and on postoperative day 1. Blood glucose was measured intraoperatively every 20 minutes.RESULTS:
Handgrip strength significantly decreased after surgery on postoperative day 1 by 16.4% (P < .001). Postoperative pulmonary function significantly decreased by 13.1% for vital capacity (P = .022) and 12.6% for forced expiratory volume in 1 second (P = .001) on postoperative day 1. Handgrip strength remained significantly reduced at hospital discharge (P = .016) and at the 3-month follow-up (P = .012). Perioperative glucose levels showed no statistically significant impact on muscle weakness. Instrumental activities of daily living (P < .001) and functional independence measure (P < .001) were decreased at hospital discharge, while instrumental activities of daily living remained decreased at the 3-month follow-up (P = .026) compared to preoperative assessments.CONCLUSIONS:
Perioperatively acquired weakness occurred, indicated by a postoperatively decreased handgrip strength, decreased respiratory muscle function, and impaired functional status, which partly remained up to 3 months.KEY POINTS
- Question: Does a clinically measurable “perioperatively acquired weakness” occur?
- Findings: Postoperative muscle strength, pulmonary function, and functional status significantly decreased after surgery.
- Meaning: Perioperatively acquired weakness is a relevant perioperative comorbidity. A standardized assessment should identify patients with perioperatively acquired weakness and enable initiation of an adequate follow-up care.
Intensive care unit-acquired weakness is a common complication in intensive care resulting in increased intensive care unit and hospital length of stay, increased morbidity and mortality, and an impaired long-term outcome.1–3 Survivors suffer from significant physical impairments, delayed return to the workforce, and substantially reduced quality of life.4,5 Importantly, handgrip strength was independently associated with poor hospital outcome.2 Intensive care unit-acquired weakness develops early during the intensive care unit stay and is frequently seen in mechanically ventilated patients suffering from sepsis and multiple organ failure.6–9 Risk factors of intensive care unit-acquired weakness include sedation, immobilization, and hyperglycemia, whereas the impact of neuromuscular blocking agents and corticosteroids remains controversial.9 Patients undergoing surgical procedures in general anesthesia are exposed to a similar setting, including sedation, immobilization, mechanical ventilation, and glycemic variability, as well as a severe surgically induced inflammatory response.10 Dysglycemia is associated with muscle degradation and impaired outcome in the intensive care unit setting.11–13 Crucially, weakness and induction of muscle protein degradation of the diaphragm were shown to take place after only 2 hours of mechanical ventilation.14 We hypothesize that, due to the similarities in setting and muscular pathology, a relevant muscular functional deficit may develop in the perioperative period and not exclusively in the intensive care unit setting.
Weakness is known as a negative predictor for outcome, leading to insufficient mobility and impaired respiratory function3 and possibly hindering postoperative physiotherapeutic interventions. Early mobility and physiotherapy are established preventive measures to reduce postoperative complications.15–17 Weakness and the inability to partake in preventive interventions render patients vulnerable for postoperative complications, such as hospital-acquired pneumonia. As a result, a perioperatively acquired weakness may create the basis for short- and long-term postoperative sequelae18 both for intensive care unit and for non-intensive care unit surgical patients. However, the impact of surgical procedures on muscle weakness has not yet been investigated.
Our primary objective was to determine whether clinically measurable peripheral weakness or functional decline occur during the perioperative period. Secondary objectives included the evaluation of respiratory muscle function in the perioperative period, as well as any association between perioperative muscle weakness and surgical time, intraoperative glucose metabolism, or inflammatory markers.
Study Participants and Data Acquisition
Table 1. - Timeline of Measurements
Preoperative | Postoperative Day 1 | Intensive Care Unit Discharge | Hospital Discharge | 3-mo Follow-up | |
Handgrip strength test | X | X | (X) | X | X |
Medical Research Council score | X | X | (X) | X | |
Barthel index | X | X | X | ||
Instrumental activities of daily living | X | X | X | ||
Timed Up and Go test | X | X | X | ||
Functional independence measure | X | X | |||
Pulmonary function test | X | X |
, measured in all patients; (X), measured in only ICU patients.
This is a subgroup investigation of the prospective, observational Biomarker Development for Postoperative Cognitive Impairment in the Elderly study (www.biocog.eu), which aims to identify neuroimaging and molecular biomarkers for postoperative delirium and postoperative cognitive deficits.19 Inclusion criteria were age ≥65 years and elective surgery with at least 60 minutes expected surgical time. Although Biomarker Development for Postoperative Cognitive Impairment in the Elderly is a large multicenter study, this subgroup investigation included only patients from the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. A subgroup of 89 patients with a clinical indication for the placement of an arterial catheter during anesthesia was evaluated according to our study protocol (Table 1). All patients received guideline-based anesthesiological and surgical treatment according to our standard operating procedures.20 In order to avoid bias due to postoperative intensive care unit complications, we focused on patients who proceeded to a normal ward after the recovery room stay, as well as patients with short intensive care unit stays, intermediate care unit or postanesthesia care unit for observation purposes. Therefore, we excluded all patients with a postoperative intensive care unit stay of ≥72 hours or with positive intensive care unit-acquired weakness diagnosis (Medical Research Council score ≤48, according to the study by De Jonghe et al1), as well as non-intensive care unit patients who were subsequently transferred to an intensive care unit before discharge. For the purposes of this analysis, the term “ICU patients” includes those treated in an intensive care unit, intermediate care unit, or postanesthesia care unit. The institutional review board provided ethics approval (Ethikkommission der Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, EA2/092/14). This clinical trial meets the requirements set out by the International Council for Harmonisation Good Clinical Practice Guidelines and Declaration of Helsinki. Written informed consent was obtained from all patients. The trial was registered before patient enrolment at clinicaltrials.gov (NCT02265263; principal investigator, Prof. Claudia Spies, date of registration: September 23, 2014).
Peripheral Muscle Strength
Handgrip strength was measured via dynamometer (SAEHAN SH5002; SAEHAN Corp, Changwon, Korea), using the best of 3 trials of the dominant hand, and the data were calculated as percentages of patients’ expected age- and gender-matched standard values.21 Muscle strength was measured using the Medical Research Council score for muscle strength according to the study by De Jonghe et al,1 assessing 12 predefined muscle groups (3 muscle groups in each of the upper and lower limbs). If an Medical Research Council score could not be evaluated at single muscle groups due to clinical reasons, results of the contralateral muscle group were used to calculate the sum score.22 For the purpose of a daily longitudinal observation, a subset of 7 patients received daily measurements of handgrip strength and muscle strength scoring from the day before surgery until postoperative day 7. For correlation analyses, decreases in handgrip strength and muscle strength by Medical Research Council score were defined as relative change between preoperative and first postoperative age- and gender-adjusted measurements. Results of muscle strength are shown as mean Medical Research Council of the sum Medical Research Council score for all patients.
Functional Measurements
Timed Up and Go test,23 Barthel index,24 instrumental activities of daily living,25 and functional independence measure26 questionnaires were used for assessment of functional status. For correlation analyses, a decrease or increase in the scores was defined as a relative change between preoperative and postoperative values at hospital discharge.
Respiratory Muscle Function
A subset of 14 patients received pulmonary function tests by spirometry (Pneumotrac Model 6800; Vitalograph, Ennis, Ireland). Vital capacity and forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) were measured and presented as percentages of patients’ expected age- and gender-matched standard values. For correlation analyses, vital capacity and FEV1 decreases were defined as relative change between preoperative- and postoperative age- and gender-adjusted measurements.
Intraoperative Glucose Metabolism
Intraoperative arterial blood gas analyses, including blood glucose measurement, were performed by ABL800 FLEX Radiometer (Radiometer Medical ApS, Brønshøj, Denmark) immediately after the establishment of an arterial catheter before each surgical procedure and then regularly every 20 minutes until the end of anesthesia. If it did not exceed 60 minutes, the first glucose measurement after extubation was considered in the analysis. Intraoperative mean, minimum, and maximum blood glucose, as well as blood glucose variability given by the SD, were determined. Dysglycemia was defined according to current recommendations27: severe hypoglycemia (<40 mg/dL), mild hypoglycemia (levels between 40 and 79 mg/dL), mild hyperglycemia (levels between 150 and 179 mg/dL), and severe hyperglycemia (≥180 mg/dL).
Perioperative Inflammation
By using chart reviews of blood samples measured within clinical routine, we reviewed C-reactive protein (CRP) values and leukocyte concentrations, both preoperatively and on postoperative day 1, in order to determine whether a perioperative immune response is associated with perioperative weakness.
Statistical Analysis
Data were expressed according to their scaling as median (with the limits of the interquartile range) or frequencies (%). Since the majority of the outcome variables were not normally distributed, only nonparametric testing was performed. Nonparametric Friedman test was used for global testing of handgrip strength, Medical Research Council score, and the functional scores over all measured time points. In a second step, a post hoc analysis of our data used Wilcoxon signed-rank tests for pairwise comparison of different time points (longitudinal analysis) within 1 patient group. Moreover, nonparametric Mann–Whitney U test and Kruskal–Wallis test were used for cross-sectional comparisons between different patient subgroups (total intravenous versus volatile anesthesia, rocuronium versus cisatracurium, epidural catheter versus no epidural catheter, intraabdominal/intrathoracic versus other surgeries, comparisons among different subspecialties). Nonparametric Spearman’s correlations were performed to assess correlations between duration of surgery, glucose metabolism and inflammatory response on handgrip strength, a Medical Research Council score, and vital capacity and FEV1 decreases. A 2-tailed P < .05 was considered statistically significant. All P values constitute exploratory data analysis without adjustment for multiple comparisons. Since several tests were performed within the investigation, adjustment of multiple testing within the several outcomes analyzed does not ensure that the overall type 1 error is 5% or less. All P values of statistical tests are to be understood as exploratory and interpreted with caution and with no confirmatory generalization of the results.28,29
No sample size calculation was done a priori for this exploratory subgroup analysis, but a sample size of 60 would have 80% power to detect a standardized effect size of 0.368 using a paired t-test with a 0.050 two-sided significance level (nQuery Advisor 7.0; Statistical Solutions Ltd, Cork, Ireland). When (very conservatively) assuming that SD of the change in handgrip strength of perioperatively acquired weakness patients would be as high as in patients suffering from intensive care unit-acquired weakness (Patsaki et al30 report an average decrease of 38% with 24% SD), this effect size estimate would correspond to a detectable difference in handgrip strength of 0.088 (9%), which is about the 10% change that we would consider clinically relevant. Numerical calculations were performed with IBM SPSS Statistics (IBM Corp, Armonk, NY), version 25.
Study Population and Patient Characteristics
Table 2. - Patient Characteristics, Intraoperative Data, and Outcome Parameters
Measured (n = 89) | Analyzed (n = 59) | Analyzed 3-mo Follow-up (n = 23) | |
Age (y) | 74 (69–77) | 74 (69–77) | 72 (69–76) |
Male gender, n (%) | 44 (49.4) | 33 (55.9) | 12 (52.2) |
Body mass index (kg/m2) | 26.5 (22.6–29.6) | 26.8 (24.0–30.1) | 29.8 (26.4–32.1) |
Diabetes, n (%) | 28 (31.5) | 22 (37.3) | 6 (26.1) |
ASA physical status II/III (n) | 42/47 | 30/29 | 12/11 |
Hypertension, n (%) | 71 (79.8) | 45 (76.3) | 19 (82.6) |
Diabetes, n (%) | 28 (31.5) | 22 (37.3) | 6 (26.1) |
Coronary and/or chronic heart disease, n (%) | 30 (33.7) | 17 (28.8) | 6 (26.1) |
Renal insufficiency, n (%) | 22 (24.7) | 16 (27.1) | 4 (17.4) |
Liver cirrhosis, n (%) | 6 (6.7) | 5 (8.5) | 1 (4.3) |
Cancer, n (%) | 62 (69.7) | 40 (67.8) | 14 (60.9) |
Type of surgery, n (%)a | |||
Intrathoracic | 9 (10.1) | 7 (11.9) | 4 (17.4) |
Intraabdominal | 63 (70.8) | 38 (64.4) | 13 (56.5) |
Other | 17 (19.1) | 14 (23.7) | 6 (26.1) |
Duration of surgery (min) | 219 (131–360) | 166 (116–256) | 166 (108–290) |
Total intravenous/volatile anesthesia (n) | 16/73 | 11/48 | 5/18 |
Rocuronium/cisatracurium for intraoperative muscular blocking (n) | 59/30 | 39/20 | 15/8 |
Intraoperative glucose maximum (mg/dL) | 153 (133–184) | 149 (127–183) | 149 (121–181) |
Intraoperative glucose mean (mg/dL) | 131 (117–155) | 129 (115–158) | 129 (112–151) |
Pain numeric rating scale on postoperative day 1 | 0 (0–3) | 0 (0–3) | 0 (0–5) |
Epidural catheter, n (%) | 42 (47.2) | 27 (45.8) | 10 (43.5) |
Intensive care unit duration (h) | 23 (0–103) | 4 (0–23) | 18 [0–26) |
Hospital length of stay (d)b | 9 (6–20) | 8 (5–10) | 7 (5–9) |
In-hospital death, n (%) | 12 (13.5) | 1 (1.7) | 0 |
ata are presented in frequencies (%) or median (interquartile range). Patient characteristics were recorded upon enrollment.
bbreviation: ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists.
See Supplemental Digital Content 6, Table 2, http://links.lww.com/AA/C741, for full list of types of surgeries.
Calculated after exclusion of the deceased patients.
Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials diagram. As a part of the BIOCOG project, a subgroup of 89 patients received tight intraoperative blood glucose measurement, as well as a preoperative and postoperative weakness assessment. The term “ICU patients” includes those treated in an ICU, IMC or PACU. BIOCOG indicates Biomarker Development for Postoperative Cognitive Impairment in the Elderly; ICU, intensive care unit; ICUAW, ICU-acquired weakness; IMC, intermediate care unit; MRC, Medical Research Council; PACU, postanesthesia care unit.
From our subgroup investigation cohort of 89 patients, 9 patients were diagnosed with intensive care unit-acquired weakness at intensive care unit discharge, 19 additional patients had an extensive intensive care unit stay (≥72 hours), and 2 non-intensive care unit patients had to be subsequently admitted to the intensive care unit during the postoperative period. Therefore, the final analysis included a total of 59 patients (Figure 1). All patients were placed under general anesthesia. With 1 exception, all patients were extubated immediately after surgery. The patient who remained intubated (due to hypothermia) was extubated in the intensive care unit 5 hours after the end of surgery. In addition, a single patient required neostigmine for reversal of a residual muscular block, while no other patients required any reversal agents. Patient characteristics and outcome parameters are shown in Table 2, including data from the original 89 patients for transparency. The 3-month follow-up rate was only 39.0%.
Peripheral Muscle Function
Preoperatively, the handgrip strength of our patients corresponded to their expected normal values, adjusted for age and gender 97.9% (84.3%–114.6%) (expected values: 32.2 kg [23.5–39.1 kg]; measured values: 29.0 kg [21.5–38.5 kg]). The preoperative median Medical Research Council score was 60 (59–60), ie, no preoperative weakness was observed.
Considering all measured time points, handgrip strength showed significant differences (Friedman test, P = .006), whereas no differences occurred for Medical Research Council scores. The first postoperative handgrip strength was significantly decreased for all patients (median decrease 16.4% [0.0%–22.7%]; Wilcoxon test, P < .001). Handgrip strength remained reduced at intensive care unit discharge (median decrease compared to baseline 18.9% [1.4%–27.9%]; Wilcoxon test, P < .001). At hospital discharge, handgrip strength was still significantly reduced compared to preoperative levels (median decrease, 3.6% [2.1%–11.7%]; Wilcoxon test, P = .016). At the 3-month follow-up, levels of handgrip strength (median decrease, 11.1% [0.0%–20.5%]; Wilcoxon test, P = .012) were significantly lower compared to preoperative measurement. Trends of handgrip strength and Medical Research Council score are shown in Figure 2. Absolute values of handgrip strength are shown in Supplemental Digital Content 5, Table 1, http://links.lww.com/AA/C740.
(Left) Handgrip strength left over different time points. Fifty-one patients were measured preoperatively. Of these, 47 patients were postoperatively measured on POD1, 29 patients at ICU discharge, 45 patients at hospital discharge, and 23 patients at the 3-month follow-up. Box plots with additional mean (scattered line). (Right) MRC score over all time points. Fifty-two patients were measured preoperatively. Of these, 50 patients were additionally measured on POD1, 27 patients at ICU discharge, and 12 patients at the 3-month follow-up. Box plots with additional mean (scattered line), Friedman test over all time points with pairwise post hoc comparison using Wilcoxon signed-rank tests. ICU indicates intensive care unit; MRC, Medical Research Council; POD, postoperative day.
In the 7 patients with daily handgrip strength measurements, from postoperative day 1 until postoperative day 7, peak of weakness was seen on postoperative day 1, with a slight recovery until postoperative day 7 (see Supplemental Digital Content 1, Figure 1, http://links.lww.com/AA/C736). Similarly, the 7-patient group with daily Medical Research Council scores is shown in Supplemental Digital Content 2, Figure 2, http://links.lww.com/AA/C737. Overall, the duration of surgery correlated weakly with decreases of handgrip strength (r = 0.294; P = .053). Neither mode of general anesthesia (total intravenous versus volatile anesthesia) nor choice of intraoperative muscular blocking agents (rocuronium versus cisatracurium) had an influence on handgrip strength (Mann-Whitney U test, P = .490 and P = .562) or Medical Research Council decrease (Mann-Whitney U test, P = .602 and P = .181).
To avoid selection bias, course of handgrip strength was calculated for all 89 measured patients, including intensive care unit-acquired weakness and intensive care unit patients (stay ≥72 hours), showing similar results (see Supplemental Digital Content 3, Figure 3, http://links.lww.com/AA/C738). In addition, we found a significant correlation of surgical time and a decrease in handgrip strength (r = 0.331; P = .006) in this cohort. To analyze the influence of pain, we correlated the numeric rating scale at postoperative day 1 with handgrip strength decrease and found no correlation (r = 0.003; P = .985). Furthermore, no significant difference in handgrip strength decrease was found between patients with and without epidural catheter (Mann-Whitney U test, P = .424). Of note, no significant differences in handgrip strength were seen between different specialties (Kruskal–Wallis test, P = .118; see Supplemental Digital Content 6, Table 2, http://links.lww.com/AA/C741) and also not between intraabdominal/intrathoracic and other types of surgery (Mann–Whitney U test, P = .808).
Respiratory Muscle Function
Basic patient characteristics and outcome parameters of this cohort are shown in Supplemental Digital Content 7, Table 3, http://links.lww.com/AA/C742. The preoperative pulmonary test results of our patients were low compared to their expected age- and gender-adjusted values, with vital capacity at 87.5% (66.5%–98.3%; expected value, 3.7 L [2.4–4.1 L]; measured value, 2.7 L [2.1–3.5 L], P = .03) and FEV1 at 85.0% (79.0%–104.0%; expected value, 2.7 L [1.9–3.0 L], measured value, 2.1 L [1.7–2.4 L]; Wilcoxon test, P = .095).
VC and FEV1 preoperatively and postoperatively. Fourteen patients were assessed preoperatively. Of them, 12 patients were additionally measured on POD1. Box plots with additional mean (scattered line), Wilcoxon signed-rank test. FEV1 indicates forced expiratory volume in 1 second; POD, postoperative day; VC, vital capacity.
After surgery, vital capacity (median decrease 13.1% [2.7%–21.3%]; Wilcoxon test, P = .022) and FEV1 (median decrease, 12.6% [10.7%–21.7%]; Wilcoxon test, P = .001) decreased significantly (Figure 3), whereas the FEV1/vital capacity ratio remained unchanged (preoperatively, 76.0% [69.3%–86.8%]; postoperatively, 77.0% [68.4%–82.6%]; Wilcoxon test, P = .470). Duration of surgery correlated significantly with FEV1 decrease (r = 0.583; P = .029), but no correlation with vital capacity (r = 0.031; P = .917) could be observed. Neither mode of general anesthesia (total intravenous versus volatile anesthesia) nor choice of intraoperative muscular blocking agents (rocuronium versus cisatracurium) were significantly associated with vital capacity (Mann–Whitney U test, P = .659 and P = .659) or FEV1 (P = .198 and P = 1.000) decrease.
Functional Measurements
Functional scores before surgery, at hospital discharge, and at the 3-month follow-up. Before surgery, 58 patients were assessed for Barthel index, 59 patients for IADL, 43 patients for Timed Up and Go test, and 53 patients for FIM. At hospital discharge, 51 patients were evaluated for Barthel index, 50 patients for IADL, 38 patients for Timed Up and Go test, and 44 patients for FIM. At the 3-month follow-up, 28 patients were tested for Barthel index and IADL and 20 patients for Timed Up and Go test. Box plots with additional mean (scattered line). Barthel index, IADL, and Timed Up and Go test: Friedman test over all three time points with pairwise post hoc comparison using Wilcoxon signed-rank tests (only IADL); FIM: Wilcoxon signed-rank test. FIM indicates functional independence measure; IADL, instrumental activities of daily living.
Preoperatively, we saw patients with good functional status indicated by normal values for Barthel index 100 (95–100), activity status (instrumental activities of daily living, 8 [8–8]), motor function (Timed Up and Go test, 8.0 s [6.8–9.6 s]), and functional independence (functional independence measure, 125 [122–126]), all corresponding to a healthy population. This status deteriorated during the hospital stay. From overall measured time points, we observed significant differences for instrumental activities of daily living (Friedman test, P = .004), but not for Barthel index (Friedman test, P = .358) and Timed Up and Go test (Friedman test, P = .174). At hospital discharge, instrumental activities of daily living (Wilcoxon test, P < .001) and functional independent measure (Wilcoxon test, P < .001) were decreased compared to baseline. In particular, the functional part of functional independence measure significantly decreased after surgery (Wilcoxon test, P < .001), whereas the cognitive part remained stable. At the 3-month follow–up, instrumental activities of daily living remained significantly reduced compared to baseline (Wilcoxon test, P = .026). Courses of functional scores are shown in Figure 4.
Intraoperative Glucose Metabolism
Of the 59 patients, 57 received a total of 510 blood glucose measurements (11 [8–16] per patient). Blood glucose concentration was overall 128.6 mg/dL [115.2–157.6 mg/dL] with a SD of 11.8 mg/dL [6.2–16.5 mg/dL]. Of the 57 patients intraoperatively, mild hyperglycemia was identified in 12 patients and severe hyperglycemia in 16 patients, as well as 1 patient with mild hypoglycemia (75 mg/dL). Intraoperative mean and minimum and maximum blood glucose did not correlate with decreases in handgrip strength, Medical Research Council score, vital capacity, or FEV1, nor did intraoperative blood glucose variability, as indicated by SD (for detailed results, see Supplemental Digital Content 4, Text 1, http://links.lww.com/AA/C739).
Perioperative Inflammation
The CRP values of 31 patients were measured before surgery, and 52 patients had postoperative measurements on postoperative day 1. Leukocytes were measured for 59 patients prior and for 51 patients after surgery on postoperative day 1. Preoperative values were low and showed no incidence of inflammation (CRP levels, 5.8 g/dL [2.1–16.1 g/dL], leukocytes 6.7/nL [5.6–8.0/nL]). As expected, a perioperative immune response was observed, indicated by a postoperative increase in CRP levels (72.1 g/dL [39.0–97.5 g/dL]) and leukocyte levels (10.3/nL [8.7–12.6/nL]). Taken together, we observed preoperatively a normal immune activity, while all patients had normal values of handgrip strength. Postoperatively, the patients showed an inflammatory induction, while handgrip strength decreased accordingly. However, we did not find a relevant correlation between postoperative CRP and decreases in handgrip strength (r = 0.180; P = .273), Medical Research Council score (r = −0.005; P = .975), vital capacity (r = 0.345; P = .298), or FEV1 (r = 0.064; P = .853). Postoperative leukocytes were also not correlated with decreases in handgrip strength (r = −0.126; P = .446), Medical Research Council score (r = −0.153; P = .327), vital capacity (r = 0.176; P = .627), or FEV1 (r = 0.079; P = .829).
For the first time, we present evidence that muscular dysfunction is a problem not only for intensive care unit survivors—as previously assumed—but also for patients undergoing a surgical procedure in general anesthesia. A perioperatively acquired weakness was observed in non-intensive care unit or short intensive care unit (≤72 hours) stays (thus independently of intensive care unit-acquired weakness). Our exploratory data analyses showed that reduced muscle function, indicated by lower handgrip strength and lower respiratory muscle strength on postoperative day 1, was associated with reduced short- and long-term muscle function in general, indicating that risk factors during the perioperative setting are sufficient to induce muscular dysfunction.
Aside from a clear decline in handgrip strength of about 16% compared to preoperative levels, preoperative and postoperative pulmonary function testing showed the impact of the surgical procedure on the respiratory muscle function. Indeed, a reduction in vital capacity and FEV1 was within the same range as the reduction of handgrip strength, indicating that this perioperative muscle weakness affects both limb and respiratory muscles. This would be in line with the data on intensive care unit-acquired weakness. Vital capacity and FEV1 are good indicators for respiratory muscle strength, and an unchanged FEV1/vital capacity ratio renders obstructive causes unlikely.
The effects of short- and long-term impaired muscle function may be more relevant than muscle strength, so we also analyzed potential short- and long-term effects within the perioperative setting using clinically established scoring systems and functional testing. It was shown that reduced functional outcome can severely impair quality of life,31 highlighting the clinical relevance of a postoperative muscle weakness and associated impaired muscle function. In our patients, perioperatively acquired weakness appears to primarily impact short-term outcomes, as instrumental activities of daily living and functional independent measure were still reduced at hospital discharge in comparison to preoperative values. Further studies should investigate whether skeletal and respiratory muscular weakness can aggravate clinical complications in the perioperative setting, leading to reduced quality of life, longer hospitalization periods, and an overall deterioration of outcome in surgical patients. Strategies to prevent intensive care unit-acquired weakness focus on early mobilization, physiotherapy, and muscle activating measures,32 and as there is now evidence that perioperatively acquired weakness occurs, as well as its association with a short-term functional impairment, similar strategies should be considered to improve the outcome of surgical patients. In time, protocols with preventive strategies to avoid or reduce perioperatively acquired weakness should be developed. Independent from our trial, there is an ongoing research focusing on preoperative training to improve postoperative outcome.33
Quite important at this point is to differentiate frailty from perioperatively acquired weakness. While preoperative frailty can predispose patients for postoperative complications, our sequential measurements show that the muscle strength of our patients corresponds to that of a healthy population, with no indication for preoperative prefrailty or frailty. We interpret perioperatively acquired weakness as a direct complication in the perioperative setting. Systemic inflammation and immobilization may play a key role, which would be in line with knowledge in the pathophysiology of intensive care unit-acquired weakness.9,34 Our data show a clear inflammatory immune response following the surgical procedure, as described by others.10 We could not observe a direct correlation between the measured immune response markers and the degree of weakness developed. This is not unexpected, as leukocytes and CRP are general immune response markers and are known to be influenced by many factors during and after surgery. It would be very interesting to investigate the impact of perioperative cytokine release, such as IL-6 and TNF-α, on the development of perioperatively acquired weakness. The half-life of these cytokines are much shorter, and they have been shown to promote skeletal muscle atrophy in mice by inducing protein degradation via the ubiquitin proteasome system.34 This mechanism was described by Welvaar et al14 for protein degradation in the diaphragm after 2 hours of mechanical ventilation, and we reported these effects on skeletal muscle during early stage in intensive care unit-acquired weakness.6
In a case series from 1990, Petersson et al35 analyzed percutaneous muscle biopsies from 10 patients undergoing elective cholecystectomy and found that elective abdominal surgery suppresses muscle protein synthesis and increases subjective fatigue for over 30 days. Although the authors described that the suppression of protein synthesis persisted up to 1 month after surgery, handgrip strength did not decrease postoperatively and even increased significantly at postoperative day 10. Cohort size was only 10 patients within this trial, and surgical duration had a mean of 89 minutes. Although they could not find a clinically measurable decrease in muscle strength, the described pathophysiological mechanisms are in line with current knowledge regarding decreased protein synthesis in intensive care unit-acquired weakness.6 When combining our data with the description by Petersson et al, a relationship to perioperatively acquired weakness is conceivable.
Henriksen et al36 analyzed 48 abdominal surgical patients and investigated the effects of preoperative oral carbohydrates and peptides on postoperative mobilization, endocrine response, nutrition, and muscle function. In agreement with our results, they found a significant decrease in quadriceps muscle strength of approximately 16% in the control group, which persisted for 1 month after surgery before recovering. In line with our findings, they also described an FEV1 and vital capacity reduction on the third postoperative day, indicating a compromised respiratory muscle function.
Since glycemic control is known to influence neuromuscular function,37,38 and impaired glucose uptake is associated with muscle weakness,11 we conducted frequent blood glucose measurements during the operation, so as to identify any abnormalities. Interestingly, we could not find an association between intraoperative blood glucose levels and perioperatively acquired weakness.
Our study has some limitations. Within this setting, a differentiation between surgical and anesthesiological problems could not be made, although both anesthesiological and surgical procedures may have an impact on muscle weakness.38 We did not analyze the impact of inflammation by TNF-α and IL-6, which may be superior markers for acute inflammation than CRP and leukocytes. Furthermore, the arterial catheter is generally kept in place for patients transferred to the intensive care unit after surgery, which could have influenced handgrip strength when placed at the dominant hand. The same could be true for intravenous lines in all patients. Although our analyses were repeated separately for each hand, yielding the same significant results (data not shown), this could have nonetheless influenced our results. An additional confounder might be pain. All of our patients received guideline-conform pain management, as evinced by numeric rating scale of 0 (0–3) at the postoperative day 1, and 46% of patients had an epidural catheter in place, while no differences in handgrip strength decrease was seen after correlation with postoperative pain and between patients with and without epidural catheter. Therefore, an influence of pain in our analyses is unlikely to be significant. A high loss to follow-up was observed in this collective, possibly due to an elaborate in-hospital investigation at follow-up. Reasons included refusal of further participation by the participants, inability to reach patients, scheduling conflicts, transfers of care, deteriorating health, and even death. Finally, only patients aged ≥65 years from a single center were included in the analyses, so that our results cannot be generalized to all settings or age groups.
It is important to note that these are preliminary findings and that larger and more focused investigations are required to appropriately describe the incidence and the ramifications of perioperatively acquired weakness. Future investigations should consider all inclusion and exclusion criteria described in this investigation, as well as establish a proper stratification of patients according to surgical risk, duration, and discipline. Any deviation from guideline recommendations in pain management, as well as numeric rating scale values at evaluation time points, should be appropriately described.
In conclusion, perioperatively acquired weakness occurred, as indicated by a decreased handgrip strength and decreased respiratory muscle strength. Muscle weakness is prevalent in postoperative patients, independent of an intensive care unit admission, causing short-term functional impairment. The deterioration of instrumental activities of daily living and functional independent measure underline the clinical relevance of reduced postoperative muscle strength on functional outcome, while decreased handgrip strength and instrumental activities of daily living were still present at the 3-month follow-up. Muscle weakness is a relevant perioperative comorbidity, and a standardized assessment should identify patients with perioperatively acquired weakness and enable initiation of an adequate follow-up care. Hyperglycemia, a known risk factor for intensive care unit-acquired weakness, appears to have no impact on perioperatively acquired weakness, while proinflammatory immune response and longer surgical time were associated with perioperatively acquired weakness. Further studies should focus on underlying pathophysiological mechanism, clinical relevance, and preventive strategies.
We are grateful to Victoria Windmann and Julius Grunow for their help with the manuscript and data acquisition.
Name: Gunnar Lachmann, MD.
Contribution: This author helped conceive, design, and perform experiments, analyze the data, and write the manuscript.
Name: Rudolf Mörgeli, MD.
Contribution: This author helped perform the experiments, analyze the data, and write the manuscript.
Name: Sophia Kuenz, MD.
Contribution: This author helped perform the experiments, analyze the data, and write the manuscript.
Name: Sophie K. Piper, PhD.
Contribution: This author helped analyze the data and write the manuscript.
Name: Claudia Spies, MD.
Contribution: This author helped conceive and design the experiments.
Name: Maryam Kurpanik.
Contribution: This author helped perform the experiments and analyze the data.
Name: Steffen Weber-Carstens, MD.
Contribution: This author helped conceive and design the experiments.
Name: Tobias Wollersheim, MD.
Contribution: This author helped conceive, design, and perform the experiments, analyze the data, and write the manuscript.
This manuscript was handled by: Tong J. Gan, MD.
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3. Hermans G, Van Mechelen H, Clerckx B, et al. Acute outcomes and 1-year mortality of intensive care unit-acquired weakness. A cohort study and propensity-matched analysis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2014;190:410–420.
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