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Δευτέρα 30 Μαρτίου 2020

Automatic Spinal Cord Gray Matter Quantification: A Novel Approach
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Currently, accurate and reproducible spinal cord GM segmentation remains challenging and a noninvasive broadly accepted reference standard for spinal cord GM measurements is still a matter of ongoing discussion. Our aim was to assess the reproducibility and accuracy of cervical spinal cord GM and WM cross-sectional area measurements using averaged magnetization inversion recovery acquisitions images and a fully-automatic postprocessing segmentation algorithm. MATERIALS AND...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Vascular endothelial growth factor biology for regenerative angiogenesis
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
New developments in the field of mastocytosis and mast cell activation syndromes: a summary of the Annual Meeting of the European Competence Network on Mastocytosis (ECNM) 2019
Mastocytosis are a group of hematologic neoplasms characterized by an accumulation of atypical mast cells in one or several organs/tissues, often accompanied by mast cell activation. Whereas in children the disease manifestations are mostly limited to the skin, in adults the disease is usually systemic (systemic mastocytosis; SM) and involves the bone marrow and/or other internal organs. Several variants of SM have been defined. Whereas most patients have indolent SM, some patients have advanced...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Dynamics and genomic landscape of CD8; +; T cells undergoing hepatic priming
The responses of CD8; +; T cells to hepatotropic viruses such as hepatitis B range from dysfunction to differentiation into effector cells, but the mechanisms that underlie these distinct outcomes remain poorly understood. Here we show that priming by Kupffer cells, which are not natural targets of hepatitis B, leads to differentiation of CD8; +; T cells into effector cells that form dense, extravascular clusters of immotile cells scattered throughout the liver. By contrast, priming by hepatocytes,...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
3D Electron Diffraction: The Nanocrystallography Revolution
Crystallography of nanocrystalline materials has witnessed a true revolution in the past 10 years, thanks to the introduction of protocols for 3D acquisition and analysis of electron diffraction data. This method provides single-crystal data of structure solution and refinement quality, allowing the atomic structure determination of those materials that remained hitherto unknown because of their limited crystallinity. Several experimental protocols exist, which share the common idea of sampling a...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
2D Crystal Engineering of Nanosheets Assembled from Helical Peptide Building Blocks
The successful integration of 2D nanomaterials into functional devices hinges on developing fabrication methods that afford hierarchical control across length scales of the entire assembly. We demonstrate structural control over a class of crystalline 2D nanosheets assembled from collagen triple helices. By lengthening the triple helix unit through sequential additions of Pro-Hyp-Gly triads, we achieved sub-angstrom tuning over the 2D lattice. These subtle changes influence the overall nanosheet...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Reducing dynamical electron scattering reveals hydrogen atoms
Compared with X-rays, electron diffraction faces a crucial challenge: dynamical electron scattering compromises structure solution and its effects can only be modelled in specific cases. Dynamical scattering can be reduced experimentally by decreasing crystal size but not without a penalty, as it also reduces the overall diffracted intensity. In this article it is shown that nanometre-sized crystals from organic pharmaceuticals allow positional refinement of the hydrogen atoms, even whilst ignoring...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Supramolecular architectures of molecularly thin yet robust free-standing layers
Stable, single-nanometer thin, and free-standing two-dimensional layers with controlled molecular architectures are desired for several applications ranging from (opto-)electronic devices to nanoparticle and single-biomolecule characterization. It is, however, challenging to construct these stable single molecular layers via self-assembly, as the cohesion of those systems is ensured only by in-plane bonds. We herein demonstrate that relatively weak noncovalent bonds of limited directionality such...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Seeded Heteroepitaxial Growth of Crystallizable Collagen Triple Helices: Engineering Multifunctional Two-Dimensional Core-Shell Nanostructures
Engineering free-standing 2D nanomaterials with compositional, spatial, and functional control across size regimes from the nano- to mesoscale represents a significant challenge. Herein, we demonstrate a straightforward strategy for the thermodynamically controlled fabrication of multicomponent sectored nanosheets in which each sector can be chemically and spatially addressed independently and orthogonally. Collagen triple helices, comprising collagen-mimetic peptides (CMPs), are employed as molecularly...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Distinct functions and temporal regulation of methylated histone H3 during early embryogenesis
During the first hours of embryogenesis, formation of higher-order heterochromatin coincides with the loss of developmental potential. Here, we examine the relationship between these two events, and we probe the processes that contribute to the timing of their onset. Mutations that disrupt histone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9) methyltransferases reveal that the methyltransferase MET-2 helps terminate developmental plasticity, through mono- and di-methylation of H3K9 (me1/me2), and promotes heterochromatin formation,...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
The wild-type flagellar filament of the Firmicute Kurthia at 2.8 Å resolution in vivo
Bacteria swim and swarm by rotating the micrometers long, helical filaments of their flagella. They change direction by reversing their flagellar rotation, which switches the handedness of the filament's supercoil. So far, all studied functional filaments are composed of a mixture of L- and R-state flagellin monomers. Here we show in a study of the wild type Firmicute Kurthia sp., that curved, functional filaments can adopt a conformation in vivo that is closely related to a uniform, all-L-state....
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
How Reproducible are Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopic Data for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells?
Dye-sensitized solar cell (DSC) technology has been broadly investigated over the past few decades. The sandwich-type structure of the DSC makes the manufacturing undemanding under laboratory conditions but results in the need for reproducible measurements for acceptable DSC characterization. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) o ers the possibility to study complex electronic systems and is commonly used for solar cells. There is a tendency in the literature to present impedance data only...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Rimonabant, a potent CB1 cannabinoid receptor antagonist, is a Gα; i/o; protein inhibitor
Rimonabant is a potent and selective cannabinoid CB1 receptor antagonist widely used in animal and clinical studies. Besides its antagonistic properties, numerous studies have shown that, at micromolar concentrations rimonabant behaves as an inverse agonist at CB1 receptors. The mechanism underpinning this activity is unclear. Here we show that micromolar concentrations of rimonabant inhibited Gα; i/o; -type G proteins, resulting in a receptor-independent block of G protein signaling. Accordingly,...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Love and Time
The connection between romantic love and time has always fascinated lovers, who ask themselves if their love will endure always and forever. And if it does, will it be the same as it is now? This chapter argues that romantic love can indeed endure for a long time without necessarily declining into something like friendship or companionate love. In order to show this, it provides various conceptual tools that can help to understand enduring emotions in general and enduring romantic love in particular,...
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
edoc: No conditions. Results ordered -Date Deposited.
Acute experimental infection of bats and ferrets with Hendra virus: Insights into the early host response of the reservoir host and susceptible model species
by Amanda P. Woon, Victoria Boyd, Shawn Todd, Ina Smith, Reuben Klein, Isaac B. Woodhouse, Sarah Riddell, Gary Crameri, John Bingham, Lin-Fa Wang, Anthony W. Purcell, Deborah Middleton, Michelle L. Baker Bats are the natural reservoir host for a number of zoonotic viruses, including Hendra virus (HeV) which causes severe clinical disease in humans and other susceptible hosts. Our understanding of the ability of bats to avoid clinical disease following infection with viruses such as HeV has come...
PLOS Pathogens: New Articles
Role of Hepatitis B Virus Capsid Phosphorylation in Nucleocapsid Disassembly and Covalently Closed Circular DNA Formation
by Jun Luo, Ji Xi, Lu Gao, Jianming Hu Hepatitis B virus (HBV) delivers a partially double-stranded, relaxed circular (RC) DNA genome in complete virions to the host cell nucleus for conversion to the covalently closed circular (CCC) DNA, which establishes and sustains viral infection. An overlength pregenomic RNA (pgRNA) is then transcribed from CCC DNA and packaged into immature nucleocapsids (NCs) by the viral core (HBc) protein. pgRNA is reverse transcribed to produce RC DNA in mature NCs,...
PLOS Pathogens: New Articles
An improved animal model for herpesvirus encephalitis in humans
by Julia Sehl, Julia E. Hölper, Barbara G. Klupp, Christina Baumbach, Jens P. Teifke, Thomas C. Mettenleiter Herpesviral encephalitis caused by Herpes Simplex Virus 1 (HSV-1) is one of the most devastating diseases in humans. Patients present with fever, mental status changes or seizures and when untreated, sequelae can be fatal. Herpes Simplex Encephalitis (HSE) is characterized by mainly unilateral necrotizing inflammation effacing the frontal and mesiotemporal lobes with rare involvement...
PLOS Pathogens: New Articles
Combination immunotherapy with anti-PD-L1 antibody and depletion of regulatory T cells during acute viral infections results in improved virus control but lethal immunopathology
by Paul David, Malgorzata Drabczyk-Pluta, Eva Pastille, Torben Knuschke, Tanja Werner, Nadine Honke, Dominik A. Megger, Ilseyar Akhmetzyanova, Namir Shaabani, Annette Eyking-Singer, Elke Cario, Olivia Kershaw, Achim D. Gruber, Matthias Tenbusch, Kirsten K. Dietze, Mirko Trilling, Jia Liu, Dirk Schadendorf, Hendrik Streeck, Karl S. Lang, Youhua Xie, Lisa Zimmer, Barbara Sitek, Annette Paschen, Astrid M. Westendorf, Ulf Dittmer, Gennadiy Zelinskyy Combination immunotherapy (CIT) is currently applied...
PLOS Pathogens: New Articles
Inter domain interactions influence the substrate affinity and hydrolysis product specificity of xylanase from Streptomyces chartreusis L1105
Abstract Purpose This study investigated the influence of inter-domain interactions on the substrate affinity and hydrolysis product specificity of xylanase. Methods Genes encoding a GH10 endo-xylanase from Streptomyces chartreusis L1105 xynA and its truncated derivative were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The catalytic activities...
Annals of Microbiology
Chemosensors, Vol. 8, Pages 25: Development of A New Analytical Method for Determination of Veterinary Drug Oxyclozanide by Electrochemical Sensor and its Application to Pharmaceutical Formulation
Chemosensors, Vol. 8, Pages 25: Development of A New Analytical Method for Determination of Veterinary Drug Oxyclozanide by Electrochemical Sensor and its Application to Pharmaceutical Formulation Chemosensors doi: 10.3390/chemosensors8020025 Authors: Demir Silah A novel highly selective, sensitive and simple analytical technique was recommended for the investigation of anthelmintic veterinary drug oxyclozanide based on square wave anodic stripping voltammetry (SWASV) by using a...
Chemosensors, Vol. 8, Pages 24: Multiple Zones Modification of Open Off-Stoichiometry Thiol-ene Microchannel by Aptamers: A Methodological Study & A Proof of Concept
Chemosensors, Vol. 8, Pages 24: Multiple Zones Modification of Open Off-Stoichiometry Thiol-ene Microchannel by Aptamers: A Methodological Study & A Proof of Concept Chemosensors doi: 10.3390/chemosensors8020024 Authors: Bourg d’Orlyé Griveau Bedioui Fracassi da Silva Varenne Off-stoichiometry thiol-ene polymer (OSTE) is an emerging thermoset with interesting properties for the development of lab-on-a-chip (LOAC), such as easy microfabrication process, suitable...
On the chronology of a proposed mechanism for the association of takotsubo syndrome and spontaneous coronary artery dissection
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions
Italian Society of Interventional Cardiology (GISE) Position Paper for Cath lab‐specific Preparedness Recommendations for Healthcare providers in case of suspected, probable or confirmed cases of COVID‐19
Non‐structured abstract COVID‐19 pandemic raised the issue to guarantee the proper level of care to patients with acute cardiovascular diseases and concomitant suspected or confirmed COVID‐19 and, in the meantime safety and protection of healthcare providers. The aim of this position paper is to provide standards to healthcare facilities and healthcare providers on infection prevention and control measures during the management of suspected and confirmed cases of 2019‐nCoV infection accessing...
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions
Comment on ‘Diagnosis and treatment of basal cell carcinoma: European consensus-based interdisciplinary guidelines’
Publication date: Available online 30 March 2020Source: European Journal of CancerAuthor(s): Ketty Peris, Maria C. Fargnoli, Claus Garbe, Roland Kaufmann, Lars Bastholt, Nicole B. Seguin, Veronique Bataille, Veronique del Marmol, Reinhard Dummer, Catherine A. Harwood, Axel Hauschild, Christoph Höller, Merete Haedersdal, Josep Malvehy, Mark R. Middleton, Colin A. Morton, Eduardo Nagore, Alexander J. Stratigos, Rolf-Markus Szeimies, Luca Tagliaferri
European Journal of Cancer
Antidopaminergic treatment is associated with reduced chorea and irritability but impaired cognition in Huntingtons disease (Enroll-HD)
ObjectivesAlterations in dopamine neurotransmission underlie some of the clinical features of Huntington’s disease (HD) and as such are a target for therapeutic intervention, especially for the treatment of chorea and some behavioural problems. However, justification for such an intervention is mainly based on case reports and small open label studies and the effects these drugs have on cognition in HD remain unclear.MethodsIn this study, we used the Enroll-HD observational database to assess the...
JNNP Online First
Relative contributions of hospital versus skilled nursing facility quality on patient outcomes
BackgroundHospitals and health systems worldwide have adopted value-based payment to improve quality and reduce costs. In the USA, skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) are now financially penalised for higher-than-expected readmission rates. However, the extent to which SNFs contribute to, and should thus be held accountable for, readmission rates is unknown. To compare the relative contributions of hospital and SNF quality on readmission rates while controlling for unobserved patient characteristics.MethodsRetrospective...
BMJ Quality & Safety Online First
Resilience and regulation, an odd couple? Consequences of Safety-II on governmental regulation of healthcare quality
IntroductionThe concept of resilience, or Safety-II, is finding its way into national patient safety policies. In the Netherlands, for example, hospital, professional and patient federations have named Safety-II as one of the three pillars for the new national patient safety strategy.1 In July 2019, National Health Service (NHS) England and NHS Improvement published the NHS Patient Safety Strategy which also strives to embed Safety-II principles in the national policy.2 National policies of any kind...
BMJ Quality & Safety Online First
Evaluating the influence of data collector training for predictive risk of death models: an observational study
BackgroundSeverity-of-illness scoring systems are widely used for quality assurance and research. Although validated by trained data collectors, there is little data on the accuracy of real-world data collection practices.ObjectiveTo evaluate the influence of formal data collection training on the accuracy of scoring system data in intensive care units (ICUs).Study design and methodsQuality assurance audit conducted using survey methodology principles. Between June and December 2018, an electronic...
BMJ Quality & Safety Online First
Optimizing the Trade-off Between Learning and Doing in the COVID-19 Pandemic
This Viewpoint discusses the tensions between evaluating treatments (learning) and just treating patients (doing) during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, and proposes actions the clinical research and practice communities can take to support each other’s imperatives so that both can “learn from doing” in a more integrated patient care approach.
JAMA Online First
Older Clinicians and the Surge in Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Hospitalization
This Viewpoint summarizes the distribution of physicians and registered nurses aged 55 years and older in US cities caring for COVID-19 patients and proposes roles they can play in health systems that preserve their ability to apply their experience over the long-term course of the pandemic.
JAMA Online First
Using advance care planning for end-of-life care in heart failure improves outcomes
Commentary on: Schichtel M, Wee B, Perera R, Onakpoya I. The effect of advance care planning on heart failure: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Gen Internal Med 2019. Epub ahead of print 12 November. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11606-019-05482-w.Implications for practice and researchNurses are well equipped to have key roles in facilitating advanced care planning (ACP) for patients and families.Future research of ACP in heart failure (HF) should encompass multiple key components and multidisciplinary...
Evidence-Based Nursing Online First
Estimating the burden of road traffic crashes in Uganda using police and health sector data sources
BackgroundIn many low-income countries, estimates of road injury burden are derived from police reports, and may not represent the complete picture of the burden in these countries. As a result, WHO and the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries and Risk Factors Project often use complex models to generate country-specific estimates. Although such estimates inform prevention targets, they may be limited by the incompleteness of the data and the assumptions used in the models. In this cross-sectional...
Injury Prevention Online First
Evaluating the impact of penalising the use of mobile phones while driving on road traffic fatalities, serious injuries and mobile phone use: a systematic review
BackgroundA vast literature has demonstrated that using mobile phones while driving increases the risk of road traffic crashes. In response, policy-makers have introduced bans and harsher penalties on using mobile phones while driving. Even though emerging evidence suggests that such measures may reduce mobile phone use and crashes, the literature has not been systematically reviewed and synthesised.ObjectiveTo evaluate the impact of penalising mobile phone use while driving on road traffic fatalities,...
Injury Prevention Online First
High-resolution ultrasound features of greater auricular nerve in leprosy
A 42-yr-male presented with left foot drop of 2 months duration. General examination showed enlarged greater auricular nerve (GAN) and hypoanesthetic patch over dorsum of left leg (figure 1A,B). Neurological examination showed thickened left common peroneal nerve (CPN) at fibular neck and weak dorsiflexors of left leg. Electrophysiological study showed left CPN involvement. High-resolution ultrasound (HRUS) of nerves was done with 15–7 MHz hockey-stick transducer on Philips HD15 machine. GAN was...
Postgraduate Medical Journal Online First
Augmented reality in surgical training: a systematic review
The aim of this systematic review is to provide an update on the current state of augmented reality (AR) in surgical training and to further report on any described benefits compared with traditional techniques. A PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome) strategy was adopted to formulate an appropriate research question and define strict search terms to be entered into MEDLINE, CENTRAL and Google Scholar. The search was returned on 12/09/2019. All returned results were screened first...
Postgraduate Medical Journal Online First
Social media for rapid knowledge dissemination: early experience from the COVID‐19 pandemic
Abstract The current COVID‐19 pandemic is threatening global health. Rates of infection outside of China are rapidly increasing, with confirmed cases reported in over 160 countries as of 19 March 2020 [1]. During the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) epidemic, 21% of the global cumulative case total were healthcare workers [2], while a recent study from Wuhan, China reported that 1716 healthcare workers were infected with COVID‐19, representing 3.8% of confirmed cases [3]. During the SARS...
Modeling of pathogenic variants of mitochondrial DNA polymerase: insight into the replication defects and implication for human disease
Publication date: Available online 29 March 2020Source: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General SubjectsAuthor(s): Nallely Hoyos-Gonzalez, Carlos H. Trasviña-Arenas, Andrea Degiorgi, Atzimaba Y. Castro-Lara, Antolín Peralta-Castro, Pedro Jimenez-Sandoval, Corina Diaz-Quezada, Tiziana Lodi, Enrico Baruffini, Luis G. Brieba
ScienceDirect Publication: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects
Braincase anatomy of Almadasuchus figarii (Archosauria, Crocodylomorpha) and a review of the cranial pneumaticity in the origins of Crocodylomorpha
We describe the anatomy (external and internal) of a basal crocodylomorph, Almadasuchus figarii. Almadasuchus displays a high degree of pneumatization in its braincase, and its comparison with other taxa allowed us to study the evolution of this trait during the origins of Crocodyliformes. Our results indicate that derived crocodylomorphs have a well developed pneumaticity in the quadrates and dorsal and ventral elements of the braincase. Abstract Almadasuchus figarii is a basal crocodylomorph...
Journal of Anatomy

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