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Δευτέρα 30 Μαρτίου 2020

Hold the Salt: History of Salt Restriction as a First-line Therapy for Menière's Disease.
Related ArticlesHold the Salt: History of Salt Restriction as a First-line Therapy for Menière's Disease. Otol Neurotol. 2020 Mar 19;: Authors: Shim T, Strum DP, Mudry A, Monfared A Abstract OBJECTIVES: To determine the historical origins of the usage of the salt restriction diet as an intervention for Menière's disease (MD). METHODS: Articles on MD and salt restriction were identified using Pubmed and Google scholar. Original manuscripts...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Changes in Wide-band Tympanometry Absorbance Following Cochlear Implantation.
Related ArticlesChanges in Wide-band Tympanometry Absorbance Following Cochlear Implantation. Otol Neurotol. 2020 Mar 19;: Authors: Saoji AA, Shapiro SB, Finley CC, Koka K, Cassis AM Abstract OBJECTIVE: Determine if changes in middle ear absorbance measured with wide-band tympanometry (WBT) occur following hearing-preservation cochlear implantation (CI). Such measures may provide insight into the mechanisms of acoustic hearing loss postimplantation....
AA pubmed: head and neck
Unusual Locations of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo: Rare Entity or Regular Occurrence?
Related ArticlesUnusual Locations of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo: Rare Entity or Regular Occurrence? Otol Neurotol. 2020 Mar 19;: Authors: Fath L, Vuong-Chaney H, Rohmer D, Lamy M, Baumgartner D, Simon F, Debry C, Charpiot A Abstract INTRODUCTION: According to the literature and our recent experience, even if patients present with symptoms strongly suggestive of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), the observed positional nystagmus...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Foot Pedal Operation in Otologic/Neurotologic Surgery.
Related ArticlesFoot Pedal Operation in Otologic/Neurotologic Surgery. Otol Neurotol. 2020 Mar 19;: Authors: Sataloff RT PMID: 32221108 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
AA pubmed: head and neck
Primary hepatic ectopic pregnancy in a patient with polycystic ovary syndrome: A case report.
Related ArticlesPrimary hepatic ectopic pregnancy in a patient with polycystic ovary syndrome: A case report. Medicine (Baltimore). 2020 Mar;99(13):e19649 Authors: Zhang N, Yang L, Wang Y, Li X, Zhang C, Xu J Abstract RATIONALE: Hepatic ectopic pregnancy is an extremely rare ectopic pregnancy. This study aimed to report a case of primary hepatic pregnancy in a patient with polycystic syndrome. PATIENT CONCERNS: A 30-year-old woman presented...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit alpha 3 presents a cancer promotive function in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma via regulating epithelial-mesenchymal transition.
Related ArticlesProlyl 4-hydroxylase subunit alpha 3 presents a cancer promotive function in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma via regulating epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Arch Oral Biol. 2020 Mar 19;113:104711 Authors: Wang T, Wang YX, Dong YQ, Yu YL, Ma K Abstract OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to explore the prognostic value and functional role of Prolyl 4-Hydroxylase Subunit Alpha 3 (P4HA3) in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. ...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Technical note: How to manage Calcified vessels for head and neck microsurgical reconstruction.
Related ArticlesTechnical note: How to manage Calcified vessels for head and neck microsurgical reconstruction. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2020 Mar 24;: Authors: Bouaoud J, Honart JF, Bennis Y, Leymarie N Abstract Head and neck reconstructive microsurgery in patients with calcified vessels (atherosclerosis or radiotherapy) is challenging. Preoperative reconstruction planning should meticulously evaluate the pedicle length and caliber aiming...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Observer preference for a dedicated medical display vs a standard screen in the detection of dental radioanatomic features.
Related ArticlesObserver preference for a dedicated medical display vs a standard screen in the detection of dental radioanatomic features. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2020 Mar 25;: Authors: Shujaat S, Letelier C, De Grauwe A, de Faria Vasconcelos K, Celikten B, Jacobs R Abstract OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess observers' preference for a dentomaxillofacial dedicated medical display (MD) vs a general-purpose standard...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Development of a rapidly made, easily personalized drug-eluting polymer film on the electrode array of a cochlear implant during surgery.
Related ArticlesDevelopment of a rapidly made, easily personalized drug-eluting polymer film on the electrode array of a cochlear implant during surgery. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2020 Mar 24;: Authors: Yu H, Tan H, Huang Y, Pan J, Yao J, Liang M, Yang J, Jia H Abstract OBJECTIVE: To develop a drug-eluting polymer film which can be easily personalized and rapidly made on the electrode array of a cochlear implant during surgery. METHODS:...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinoma in the US.
Related ArticlesWolf in Sheep's Clothing: Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinoma in the US. J Am Coll Surg. 2020 Apr;230(4):484-491 Authors: Al-Qurayshi Z, Nilubol N, Tufano RP, Kandil E Abstract BACKGROUND: The presumptive overdiagnosis of papillary thyroid microcarcinoma (PTMC) has led to an emerging trend of less-extensive operation and an inclination toward active surveillance when possible. In this study, we aimed to examine the risk of advanced PTMC...
AA pubmed: head and neck
Clinicopathologic Aspects of Vocal Fold Leukoplakia in Smokers and Nonsmokers.
Related ArticlesClinicopathologic Aspects of Vocal Fold Leukoplakia in Smokers and Nonsmokers. J Voice. 2020 Mar 24;: Authors: Rutt AL, Wang C, Li Z Abstract BACKGROUND: We aimed to investigate possible causes of leukoplakia and squamous cell carcinoma. We particularly sought to characterize the effect of smoking history because leukoplakia has been observed in nonsmokers. METHODS: We retrospectively identified patients with a diagnosis...
AA pubmed: head and neck
<b><i>NOS3</i></b> Gene rs1799983 and rs2070744 Polymorphisms in Patients with Unstable Angina
Acute coronary syndrome occurs when the heart muscle does not receive adequate oxygen and nutrients in a timely manner. Acute coronary syndromes are primarily due to atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, i.e., coronary heart disease. Nitric oxide (NO) is synthesised from L-arginine in endothelial cells by the constitutive calcium-calmodulin-dependent enzyme, nitric oxide synthase (NOS), which mediates endothelium-dependent vasodilatation. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) is predominantly...
JVR : Last 20 articles
Genomic characterization of antibiotic resistance-encoding genes in clinical isolates of Vibrio cholerae non-O1/non-O139 strains from Kolkata, India; Generation of novel types of genomic islands containing plural antibiotic resistance genes.
Related ArticlesGenomic characterization of antibiotic resistance-encoding genes in clinical isolates of Vibrio cholerae non-O1/non-O139 strains from Kolkata, India; Generation of novel types of genomic islands containing plural antibiotic resistance genes. Microbiol Immunol. 2020 Mar 28;: Authors: Morita D, Takahashi E, Morita M, Ohnishi M, Mizuno T, Miyoshi SI, Dutta D, Ramamurthy T, Chowdhury G, Mukhopadhyay AK, Okamoto K Abstract Non-O1/non-O139...
pubmed: health technology
Improving patient outcomes with regenerative medicine: How Regenerative Medicine Manufacturing Society plans to move the needle forward in cell manufacturing, standards, 3D bioprinting, artificial intelligence-enabled automation, education, and training.
Related ArticlesImproving patient outcomes with regenerative medicine: How Regenerative Medicine Manufacturing Society plans to move the needle forward in cell manufacturing, standards, 3D bioprinting, artificial intelligence-enabled automation, education, and training. Stem Cells Transl Med. 2020 Mar 28;: Authors: Hunsberger J, Simon C, Zylberberg C, Ramamoorthy P, Tubon T, Bedi R, Gielen K, Hansen C, Fischer L, Johnson J, Baraniak P, Mahdavi B, Pereira T, Hadjisavas...
pubmed: health technology
Local-Migrant Gaps in Healthcare Utilization Between Older Migrants and Local Residents in China.
Related ArticlesLocal-Migrant Gaps in Healthcare Utilization Between Older Migrants and Local Residents in China. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2020 Mar 28;: Authors: Xi S, Song Y, Li X, Li M, Lu Z, Yang Y, Wang Y Abstract BACKGROUND: Older migrants in China without local resident registration (hukou) are a vulnerable population and face barriers to receiving local healthcare. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to quantify the disparities in healthcare utilization between...
pubmed: health technology
Improving Pediatric Endocrinology Trainees' Knowledge about Insulin Pumps and Continuous Glucose Monitors with Online Spaced Education: Technology Knowledge Optimization in T1D (TeKnO T1D).
Related ArticlesImproving Pediatric Endocrinology Trainees' Knowledge about Insulin Pumps and Continuous Glucose Monitors with Online Spaced Education: Technology Knowledge Optimization in T1D (TeKnO T1D). Pediatr Diabetes. 2020 Mar 28;: Authors: Marks BE, Waldman G, Reardon K, Terrio S, Kumar A, Stafford DEJ, Garvey KC, Wolfsdorf JI Abstract OBJECTIVE: We explored the impact of TeKnO T1D, an online, case-based, spaced education curriculum about insulin...
pubmed: health technology
Novel processing techniques and spinach juice: Quality and safety improvements.
Related ArticlesNovel processing techniques and spinach juice: Quality and safety improvements. J Food Sci. 2020 Mar 28;: Authors: Manzoor MF, Ahmed Z, Ahmad N, Aadil RM, Rahaman A, Roobab U, Rehman A, Siddique R, Zeng XA, Siddeeg A Abstract In this study, the combined effect of ultrasound (US) and pulsed electric field (PEF) techniques was analyzed for the quality improvement and microbial safety of spinach juice. The spinach juice was treated with...
pubmed: health technology
Cognitive processing speed in multiple sclerosis clinical practice: association with patient-reported outcomes, employment, and MRI metrics.
Related ArticlesCognitive processing speed in multiple sclerosis clinical practice: association with patient-reported outcomes, employment, and MRI metrics. Eur J Neurol. 2020 Mar 28;: Authors: Macaron G, Baldassari LE, Nakamura K, Rao SM, McGinley MP, Moss BP, Li H, Miller DM, Jones SE, Bermel RA, Cohen JA, Ontaneda D, Conway DS Abstract OBJECTIVE: To analyze the relationship between cognitive processing speed, patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs),...
pubmed: health technology
Identified opportunities for gamification in the elective primary fast-track total hip and knee arthroplasty journey: Secondary analysis of healthcare professionals' interviews.
Related ArticlesIdentified opportunities for gamification in the elective primary fast-track total hip and knee arthroplasty journey: Secondary analysis of healthcare professionals' interviews. J Clin Nurs. 2020 Mar 27;: Authors: Jansson M, Koivisto J, Pikkarainen M Abstract AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To identify opportunities for gamification in the elective primary fast-track total hip and knee arthroplasty journey in order to support patients' health-related...
pubmed: health technology
Establishment of a Standardized Vaccine Protocol for the Analysis of Protective Immune Responses During Experimental Trypanosome Infections in Mice.
Related ArticlesEstablishment of a Standardized Vaccine Protocol for the Analysis of Protective Immune Responses During Experimental Trypanosome Infections in Mice. Methods Mol Biol. 2020;2116:721-738 Authors: Radwanska M, Nguyen HTT, Moon S, Obishakin E, Magez S Abstract To date, trypanosomosis control in humans and animals is achieved by a combination of parasitological screening and treatment. While this approach has successfully brought down the...
pubmed: health technology
Feasibility of an interprofessional collaborative osteoporosis screening programme in Malaysia.
Related ArticlesFeasibility of an interprofessional collaborative osteoporosis screening programme in Malaysia. Int J Clin Pharm. 2020 Mar 27;: Authors: Toh LS, Lai PSM, Low BY, Wong KT, Anderson C Abstract Background Population screening for osteoporosis using bone mineral density scan is not feasible in Malaysia as this test is costly. Hence, there is a need to develop a more efficient method to screen for osteoporosis.Objectives To determine the feasibility...
pubmed: health technology
An EQ-5D-5L Value Set for Vietnam.
Related ArticlesAn EQ-5D-5L Value Set for Vietnam. Qual Life Res. 2020 Mar 27;: Authors: Mai VQ, Sun S, Minh HV, Luo N, Giang KB, Lindholm L, Sahlen KG Abstract PURPOSE: The objective of this study was to develop an EQ-5D-5L value set based on the health preferences of the general adult population of Vietnam. METHODS: The EQ-VT protocol version 2.1 was applied. Multi-stage stratified cluster sampling was employed to recruit a nationally representative...
pubmed: health technology
The growth and development conditions in mouse offspring derived from ovarian tissue cryopreservation and orthotopic transplantation.
Related ArticlesThe growth and development conditions in mouse offspring derived from ovarian tissue cryopreservation and orthotopic transplantation. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2020 Mar 27;: Authors: Yan Z, Li Q, Zhang L, Kang B, Fan W, Deng T, Zhu J, Wang Y Abstract PURPOSE: To investigate the potential development or metabolic risk in offspring derived from mice with transplanted frozen-thawed ovarian tissue. METHODS: Mice ovaries were intervened...
pubmed: health technology
Usability study of a new tool for nutritional and glycemic management in adult intensive care: Glucosafe 2.
Related ArticlesUsability study of a new tool for nutritional and glycemic management in adult intensive care: Glucosafe 2. J Clin Monit Comput. 2020 Mar 27;: Authors: de Watteville A, Pielmeier U, Graf S, Siegenthaler N, Plockyn B, Andreassen S, Heidegger CP Abstract The new decision support tool Glucosafe 2 (GS2) is based on a mathematical model of glucose and insulin dynamics, designed to assist caregivers in blood glucose control and nutrition. This...
pubmed: health technology
Nec-1 Attenuates Neurotoxicity Induced by Titanium Dioxide Nanomaterials on Sh-Sy5y Cells Through RIP1.
Related ArticlesNec-1 Attenuates Neurotoxicity Induced by Titanium Dioxide Nanomaterials on Sh-Sy5y Cells Through RIP1. Nanoscale Res Lett. 2020 Mar 27;15(1):65 Authors: Zhou T, Huang WK, Xu QY, Zhou X, Wang Y, Yue ZH, Song B Abstract Titanium dioxide nanomaterials are applied in numerous fields due to their splendid physicochemical characteristics, which in turn poses a potential threat to human health. Recently, numerous in vivo studies have revealed...
pubmed: health technology
Does hand hygiene reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission?
Related ArticlesDoes hand hygiene reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission? Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2020 Mar 27;: Authors: Yang C PMID: 32221693 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]
pubmed: health technology
CRISPR/Cas9-mediated SlAN2 mutants reveal various regulatory models of anthocyanin biosynthesis in tomato plant.
Related ArticlesCRISPR/Cas9-mediated SlAN2 mutants reveal various regulatory models of anthocyanin biosynthesis in tomato plant. Plant Cell Rep. 2020 Mar 27;: Authors: Zhi J, Liu X, Li D, Huang Y, Yan S, Cao B, Qiu Z Abstract KEY MESSAGE: Combining phenotype and gene expression analysis of the CRISPR/Cas9-induced SlAN2 mutants, we revealed that SlAN2 specifically regulated anthocyanin accumulation in vegetative tissues in purple tomato cultivar 'Indigo...
pubmed: health technology
Diabetes through a 3D lens: organoid models.
Related ArticlesDiabetes through a 3D lens: organoid models. Diabetologia. 2020 Mar 27;: Authors: Tsakmaki A, Fonseca Pedro P, Bewick GA Abstract Diabetes is one of the most challenging health concerns facing society. Available drugs treat the symptoms but there is no cure. This presents an urgent need to better understand human diabetes in order to develop improved treatments or target remission. New disease models need to be developed that more accurately...
pubmed: health technology
Total Polyphenol Intake Is Inversely Associated with a Pro/Anti-Inflammatory Biomarker Ratio in European Adolescents of the HELENA Study.
Related ArticlesTotal Polyphenol Intake Is Inversely Associated with a Pro/Anti-Inflammatory Biomarker Ratio in European Adolescents of the HELENA Study. J Nutr. 2020 Mar 28;: Authors: Wisnuwardani RW, De Henauw S, Ferrari M, Forsner M, Gottrand F, Huybrechts I, Kafatos AG, Kersting M, Knaze V, Manios Y, Marcos A, Molnár D, Rothwell JA, Rupérez AI, Scalbert A, Widhalm K, Moreno LA, Michels N Abstract BACKGROUND: Although high dietary polyphenol intake...
pubmed: health technology
Regional and oyster microenvironmental scale heterogeneity in the Pacific oyster bacterial community.
Related ArticlesRegional and oyster microenvironmental scale heterogeneity in the Pacific oyster bacterial community. FEMS Microbiol Ecol. 2020 Mar 28;: Authors: King WL, Siboni N, Kahlke T, Dove M, O'Connor W, Mahbub KR, Jenkins C, Seymour JR, Labbate M Abstract Different organs of a host represent distinct microenvironments resulting in the establishment of multiple discrete bacterial communities within a host. These discrete bacterial communities...
pubmed: health technology
Reproducibility of Salmonella Thermal Resistance Measurements via Multilaboratory Isothermal Inactivation Experiments.
Related ArticlesReproducibility of Salmonella Thermal Resistance Measurements via Multilaboratory Isothermal Inactivation Experiments. J Food Prot. 2020 Apr 01;83(4):609-614 Authors: Hildebrandt IM, Marks BP, Anderson NM, Grasso-Kelley EM Abstract ABSTRACT: Isothermal inactivation experiments often are used to investigate the thermal resistance of pathogens, such as Salmonella, in foods; however, little is known about the reproducibility of such experimental...
pubmed: health technology
Antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 in patients of novel coronavirus disease 2019.
Related ArticlesAntibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 in patients of novel coronavirus disease 2019. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 Mar 28;: Authors: Zhao J, Yuan Q, Wang H, Liu W, Liao X, Su Y, Wang X, Yuan J, Li T, Li J, Qian S, Hong C, Wang F, Liu Y, Wang Z, He Q, Li Z, He B, Zhang T, Fu Y, Ge S, Liu L, Zhang J, Xia N, Zhang Z Abstract BACKGROUND: The novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is a newly emerging virus. The antibody response in infected patient remains largely...
pubmed: health technology
Multi-responsive hydrogel structures from patterned droplet networks.
Related ArticlesMulti-responsive hydrogel structures from patterned droplet networks. Nat Chem. 2020 Mar 27;: Authors: Downs FG, Lunn DJ, Booth MJ, Sauer JB, Ramsay WJ, Klemperer RG, Hawker CJ, Bayley H Abstract Responsive hydrogels that undergo controlled shape changes in response to a range of stimuli are of interest for microscale soft robotic and biomedical devices. However, these applications require fabrication methods capable of preparing complex,...
pubmed: health technology
Exploring the cost-effectiveness of child dental caries prevention programmes. Are we comparing apples and oranges?
Related ArticlesExploring the cost-effectiveness of child dental caries prevention programmes. Are we comparing apples and oranges? Evid Based Dent. 2020 Mar;21(1):5-7 Authors: Anopa Y, Conway DI Abstract Data sources The following seven databases were searched: PubMed, EMBASE, DARE, NHSEED, HTA, Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Registry and Paediatric Economic Database Evaluation (PEDE).Study selection The review included trial and model-based economic evaluation...
pubmed: health technology
Rapid exome sequencing in PICU patients with new-onset metabolic or neurological disorders.
Related ArticlesRapid exome sequencing in PICU patients with new-onset metabolic or neurological disorders. Pediatr Res. 2020 Mar 27;: Authors: Carey AS, Schacht JP, Umandap C, Fasel D, Weng C, Cappell J, Chung WK, Kernie SG Abstract BACKGROUND: Genomic assessment previously took months to result and was unable to impact clinical care in the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). The advent of rapid exome sequencing potentially changes this. We investigated...
pubmed: health technology
Targeted assemblies of cas1 suggest CRISPR-Cas's response to soil warming.
Related ArticlesTargeted assemblies of cas1 suggest CRISPR-Cas's response to soil warming. ISME J. 2020 Mar 27;: Authors: Wu R, Chai B, Cole JR, Gunturu SK, Guo X, Tian R, Gu JD, Zhou J, Tiedje JM Abstract There is an increasing interest in the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats CRISPR-associated protein (CRISPR-Cas) system to reveal potential virus-host dynamics. The universal and most conserved Cas protein, cas1 is an ideal marker...
pubmed: health technology
Drug misuse, tobacco smoking, alcohol and other social determinants of tuberculosis in UK-born adults in England: a community-based case-control study.
Related ArticlesDrug misuse, tobacco smoking, alcohol and other social determinants of tuberculosis in UK-born adults in England: a community-based case-control study. Sci Rep. 2020 Mar 27;10(1):5639 Authors: Nguipdop-Djomo P, Rodrigues LC, Smith PG, Abubakar I, Mangtani P Abstract Addressing social determinants of tuberculosis (TB) is essential to achieve elimination, including in low-incidence settings. We measured the association between socio-economic...
pubmed: health technology
3'-Sialyllactose prebiotics prevents skin inflammation via regulatory T cell differentiation in atopic dermatitis mouse models.
Related Articles3'-Sialyllactose prebiotics prevents skin inflammation via regulatory T cell differentiation in atopic dermatitis mouse models. Sci Rep. 2020 Mar 27;10(1):5603 Authors: Kang LJ, Oh E, Cho C, Kwon H, Lee CG, Jeon J, Lee H, Choi S, Han SJ, Nam J, Song CU, Jung H, Kim HY, Park EJ, Choi EJ, Kim J, Eyun SI, Yang S Abstract 3'-Sialyllactose (3'-SL), a natural prebiotic, maintains immune homeostasis and exerts anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic...
pubmed: health technology
The relationship of human tissue microRNAs with those from body fluids.
Related ArticlesThe relationship of human tissue microRNAs with those from body fluids. Sci Rep. 2020 Mar 27;10(1):5644 Authors: Cui C, Cui Q Abstract It is known that many microRNAs (miRNAs) stably exist in various body fluids, however, the relationship of body fluids miRNAs (BF-miRNAs) with those from tissues (T-miRNAs) remains largely unclear but is important for understanding the potential of BF-miRNAs to be biomarkers of specific diseases. Here...
pubmed: health technology

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