Δευτέρα 6 Απριλίου 2020

Electrophysiological parameters that contribute to the pathogenesis of familial amyloid polyneuropathy caused by transthyretin mutations.

Electrophysiological parameters that contribute to the pathogenesis of familial amyloid polyneuropathy caused by transthyretin mutations.:

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Electrophysiological parameters that contribute to the pathogenesis of familial amyloid polyneuropathy caused by transthyretin mutations.

J Neurol Sci. 2020 Mar 30;413:116810

Authors: Lai HJ, Lai WT, Jin L, Kuo KT, Lee MJ


Familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP) is a rare, hereditary peripheral neuropathy commonly caused by mutations in human transthyretin (TTR) gene. Clinically, FAP caused by TTR mutations (TTR-FAP) involves both large and small nerve fibers. Details of early electrophysiological features in TTR-FAP remain unclear. To address this issue, we evaluated nerve excitability (NET) results in motor axons of control mice and two transgenic mouse models carrying V30M (TTRV30M) or A97S (TTRA97S) mutations that simulate clinical features of TTR-FAP. Transgenic TTRV30M and TTRA97S mice demonstrated significant increases in latency in hindlimb withdraw tests, as well as, poor rotarod test performance, compared to TTRORF mice. NET evaluation showed reduced S2 accommodation, and increased TEdundershoot during threshold electrotonus (TE) in motor axons of both TTRV30M and TTRA97S mice, indicating that axonal membranes were in a depolarized state. Decreased rheobase combined with increased refractoriness in the transgenic mice suggested that there were reduced sodium currents. Further immunohistochemical study of the sciatic nerves revealed the significantly decrease of voltage-gated sodium channel expression in the transgenic mice. Moreover, superexcitability during the recovery cycle is significantly increased in transgenic mice compared with control mice, which is attributed to increased internodal capacitance. Finally, the electron microscopy demonstrated the reduced g-ratio in TTRA97S mice may correlate with an atrophic change of axons and/or increase of myelin thickness. In summary, we evaluated NET results in transgenic mice which modeled the clinical features presented in TTR-FAP patients. Reduced sodium channel expression and increased internodal capacitance are factors contributing to the electrophysiological changes in TTR-FAP.

PMID: 32247966 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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