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Δευτέρα 6 Απριλίου 2020

Multiple osteochondromas of the cervical spine, a potential cause of radiculopathy in the elderly: A case report and review of literature.

Multiple osteochondromas of the cervical spine, a potential cause of radiculopathy in the elderly: A case report and review of literature.:

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Multiple osteochondromas of the cervical spine, a potential cause of radiculopathy in the elderly: A case report and review of literature.

Int J Surg Case Rep. 2020 Mar 28;69:13-19

Authors: Yudistira A, Fujiwara Y, Sukmajaya WP, Pandiangan RAH, Abduh M


INTRODUCTION: Osteochondroma is the most prevalent type of bone tumour, often arising in the long bones. Most are found in the third decade of life, and rarely in the axial skeleton of elderly patients. This case report aims to highlight the possibility of this differential diagnosis in an elderly patient with symptoms of radiculopathy, aside from degenerative cause.

PRESENTATION OF CASE: A 76-years-old woman presented to the authors' hospital with complaints of pain and numbness of the left suboccipital and preauricular region. There was hypoesthesia of left C2 and C3 dermatome without any signs of myelopathy. CT-scan and MRI showed an expansile bone lesion from the posterior arch of C1 and lamina of C2. The patient underwent laminectomy of C1 and hemilaminectomy of C2. Postoperative histopathologic examination showed the features of osteochondroma. Radiologic follow-up after nine months showed no sign of recurrence. After eighteen months, the patient was ambulatory with complaints of fingers numbness and moderate neck pain.

DISCUSSION: Osteochondroma usually arises in long bone metaphysis. This lesion normally ceases to grow with growth plate closure, but other findings suggest it may continue to grow beyond skeletal maturity. About 29.5% of all osteochondroma of the spine would cause radiculopathy, and 27% would cause myelopathy. The cervical spine osteochondroma is usually treated by en bloc resection through posterior approach.

CONCLUSION: Osteochondroma of the cervical spine in the elderly is rare. However, this diagnosis could be considered as a possible cause of radiculopathy in this age group aside from other degenerative causes.

PMID: 32248010 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]

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