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Δευτέρα 20 Απριλίου 2020


Variable Load Demand Scheme for Hybrid AC/DC Nanogrid
This paper addresses the use of nanogrid technology in resolving the issue of blanket load shedding for domestic consumers. This is accomplished by using different load management techniques and load classification and utilizing maximum solar energy. The inclusion of DC-based load in basic load and DC inverter load in regular load and scheduling of the burst load during the hours of maximum solar PV generation bring novelty in this work. The term “nanogrid” as a power structure remains ambiguous...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
The Difference in Repeatability of Automated Superficial Retinal Vessel Density according to the Measurement Area Using OCT Angiography
Purpose. To evaluate the difference in the repeatability of automated superficial retinal vessel density and foveal avascular zone (FAZ) metrics according to the measurement area of optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA). Methods. A total of 127 normal eyes from 127 healthy subjects were included. Macular angiography images were acquired from all subjects using the Zeiss Cirrus 5000 with AngioPlex™ OCTA software. Scans of 3 × 3 mm and 6 × 6 mm were each performed twice in a randomly arranged...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Bound State Solutions of Three-Dimensional Klein-Gordon Equation for Two Model Potentials by NU Method
In this study, we investigate the relativistic Klein-Gordon equation analytically for the Deng-Fan potential and Hulthen plus Eckart potential under the equal vector and scalar potential conditions. Accordingly, we obtain the energy eigenvalues of the molecular systems in different states as well as the normalized wave function in terms of the generalized Laguerre polynomials function through the NU method, which is an effective method for the exact solution of second-order linear differential equations.
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Poincaré Map Approach to Global Dynamics of the Integrated Pest Management Prey-Predator Model
An integrated pest management prey-predator model with ratio-dependent and impulsive feedback control is investigated in this paper. Firstly, we determine the Poincaré map which is defined on the phase set and discuss its main properties including monotonicity, continuity, and discontinuity. Secondly, the existence and stability of the boundary order-one periodic solution are proved by the method of Poincaré map. According to the Poincaré map and related differential equation theory, the conditions...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Utilisation Efficiency of Construction Land in China’s Coastal Cities Based on Debt Level
Optimising the allocation of population, land, and capital production resources is crucial for promoting an efficient urbanisation and solving the urban land financial problem. This study uses a panel threshold model to identify the response boundary of urban construction land use efficiency to government debt level for 51 postfinancial crisis Chinese coastal cities. The results indicate that the threshold of economic development level and provincial gross domestic product (per capita gross domestic...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Change in Atrial Fibrillation Burden over Time in Patients with Nonpermanent Atrial Fibrillation
Introduction. The natural course of atrial fibrillation (AF) is not well defined. We aimed to investigate the change in AF burden over time and its associated risk factors among AF patients. Methods. Fifty-four participants with recently documented paroxysmal or persistent AF were enrolled. Main exclusion criteria were permanent AF or previous catheter ablation for AF. AF burden was calculated as time in AF divided by total recording time using yearly continuous 7-day Holter-ECG recordings. A relative...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
A Novel Angular-Guided Particle Swarm Optimizer for Many-Objective Optimization Problems
Most multiobjective particle swarm optimizers (MOPSOs) often face the challenges of keeping diversity and achieving convergence on tackling many-objective optimization problems (MaOPs), as they usually use the nondominated sorting method or decomposition-based method to select the local or best particles, which is not so effective in high-dimensional objective space. To better solve MaOPs, this paper presents a novel angular-guided particle swarm optimizer (called AGPSO). A novel velocity update...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Antiepithelial-Mesenchymal Transition of Herbal Active Substance in Tumor Cells via Different Signaling
Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a biological process through which epithelial cells differentiate into mesenchymal cells. EMT plays an important role in embryonic development and wound healing; however, EMT also contributes to some pathological processes, such as tumor metastasis and fibrosis. EMT mechanisms, including gene mutation and transcription factor regulation, are complicated and not yet well understood. In this review, we introduce some herbal active substances that exert antitumor...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Rational Solutions and Their Interaction Solutions of the ()-Dimensional Jimbo-Miwa Equation
In this paper, we gave a form of rational solution and their interaction solution to a nonlinear evolution equation. The rational solution contained lump solution, general lump solution, high-order lump solution, lump-type solution, etc. Their interaction solution contained the classical interaction solution, such as the lump-kink solution and the lump-soliton solution. As the example, by using the generalized bilinear method and symbolic computation Maple, we obtained abundant high-order lump-type...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Prevalence of Asymptomatic Bacteriuria and Antibiotic Susceptibility Patterns of Bacterial Isolates among Cancer Patients and Healthy Blood Donors at the University of Gondar Specialized Hospital
Background. Urinary tract infections are the common types of infections in the community and health care settings. Despite the widespread availability of antibiotics, urinary tract infection remains a worldwide therapeutic problem. It is a continuous and significant problem in cancer patients. Methods. A hospital-based comparative cross-sectional study was conducted on 240 study participants from January to June 2019. Sociodemographic data were collected by a predesigned questionnaire and midstream...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Severe Generalized Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex in Two Hong Kong Children due to De Novo Variants in KRT14 and KRT5
We report two Hong Kong children with severe generalized epidermolysis bullosa simplex (EBS), the most severe form of EBS, without a family history of EBS. EBS is a rare genodermatosis usually inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion although rare autosomal recessive cases have been reported. Genetic studies in these patients showed that the first case was due to a novel de novo heterozygous variant, c.377T>G (NM_000526.5 (c.377T>G, p.Leu126Arg)) in the KRT14 gene and the second case was...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Dynamical Analysis of Dual Product Information Diffusion considering Preference in Complex Networks
With the development of science and technology, products are being updated more and more quickly. Therefore, the diffusion of product information can make people better choose products. It is very meaningful to study the competition and diffusion of multiple product information. In this paper, the dual product information diffusion model with preference was proposed based on the mean-field equation in complex networks. The dynamic of the model was analyzed by the analysis of Markov chains. According...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Alpha Power Transformed Log-Logistic Distribution with Application to Breaking Stress Data
In this paper, a new three-parameter lifetime distribution is introduced; the new model is a generalization of the log-logistic (LL) model, and it is called the alpha power transformed log-logistic (APTLL) distribution. The APTLL distribution is more flexible than some generalizations of log-logistic distribution. We derived some mathematical properties including moments, moment-generating function, quantile function, Rényi entropy, and order statistics of the new model. The model parameters are...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Serum Neuropeptide Y Levels Are Associated with TNF-α Levels and Disease Activity in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Background. Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a sympathetic neurotransmitter with effects on the regulation of inflammatory cells. The role of NPY on autoimmune inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is not completely understood. Therefore, we evaluate if NPY levels are markers of disease activity in RA and if there is a correlation between NPY levels and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), leptin, and interleukin 6 (IL-6) levels. Methods. Cross-sectional design, including 108 women with...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
The Role of Rho GTPases in VEGF Signaling in Cancer Cells
Vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFs) consist of five molecules (VEGFA through D as well as placental growth factor) which are crucial for regulating key cellular and tissue functions. The role of VEGF and its intracellular signaling and downstream molecular pathways have been thoroughly studied. Activation of VEGF signal transduction can be initiated by the molecules’ binding to two classes of transmembrane receptors: (1) the VEGF tyrosine kinase receptors (VEGF receptors 1 through 3) and...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Morphological and Transcriptome Analyses Provide Insights into Growth Inhibition of Trichophyton rubrum Caused by Laser Irradiation
Trichophyton rubrum is one of the most common types of dermatophyte, causing superficial skin mycosis in human populations. Although laser treatment of onychomycosis has been proven to be effective in the clinic, the underlying mechanism of the effect of the laser on fungal growth is not clear. The objective of the present study was to observe the ultrastructural changes of Trichophyton rubrum following laser irradiation and compare the transcriptome differences between the laser irradiation group...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Development of an Ensemble Intelligent Model for Assessing the Strength of Cemented Paste Backfill
Cemented paste backfill (CPB) is an eco-friendly composite containing mine waste or tailings and has been widely used as construction materials in underground stopes. In the field, the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of CPB is critical as it is closely related to the stability of stopes. Predicting the UCS of CPB using traditional mathematical models is far from being satisfactory due to the highly nonlinear relationships between the UCS and a large number of influencing variables. To solve this...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Disease Specific to Chronic Lymphedema and Class III Obesity
Elephantiasis nostras verrucosa (ENV) is a unique, chronic condition found in patients with obesity and chronic secondary lymphedema. It develops due to chronic inflammation and recurrent infection, most commonly on gravity-dependent sites. Progressive tissue enlargement, deformity, and disability necessitate intervention. First, clinicians should explore the etiology of patients’ secondary lymphedema, as this is paramount in determining treatment for ENV. The fundamental goal is alleviating lymphatic...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Determinants of Low Birth Weight among Newborns Delivered at Public Hospitals in Sidama Zone, South Ethiopia: Unmatched Case-Control Study
Low birth weight is a global public health problem having various severe and life-threatening health effects. The World Health Organization is working to reduce the prevalence of low birth weight to 30% by the year 2025. Pinpointing the determinants of low birth weight at different scenarios is crucial to reduce the rate of low birth weight in low-income countries which consist of 96.5% of global low birth weight newborns. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess determinants of low birth weight...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
FDA-MIMO Beampattern Synthesis with Hamming Window Weighted Linear Frequency Increments
By utilizing a tiny frequency increment across the array elements, frequency diverse array (FDA) generates a beampattern possessing the property of range-angle-dependent. However, the beampattern of the conventional FDA is “S”-shaped, which means it is coupled in range-angle domains, resulting in low target indication accuracy and poor jamming suppression ability. In this paper, taking advantage of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technique and multiple matched filters, a new FDA framework using...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Experimental and Optimization Study on the Sliding Force Monitoring and Early Warning System for High and Steep Slopes
A series of high and steep slopes have been formed due to the deep exploitation of resources in open-pit mines across China. The stability of these high and steep slopes has become an essential factor affecting the efficient, safe, and sustainable development of deep mineral resources. Due to numerous problems such as constant resistance fluctuation and pipe jamming of the original sliding force monitoring system, leading to system failure, a series of improvements on the current monitoring systems...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Improved Strategies for BeiDou Ultrarapid Satellites’ Clock Bias Prediction Using BDS-2 and BDS-3 Integrated Processing
GNSS ultrarapid clock biases are key inputs of rapid high-accuracy applications, especially for its prediction parts. With the fast development of the BeiDou system (BDS), the system performances are mainly represented by orbit and clock products. However, it is suggested that the BDS-predicted clock biases cannot meet the requirement of real-time or near real-time services. In this research, the BDS satellite-predicted ultrarapid clock bias products are optimized with three methods, namely, one-step...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
The Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology: A Cytohistological Study
Introduction. The Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology (TBSRTC) is a significant step to standardize the reporting of thyroid fine needle aspiration (FNA). It has high predictive value, reproducibility, and improved clinical significance. Aim. The study was aimed to evaluate the diagnostic utility and reproducibility of “TBSRTC” at our institute. Methods and Material. The study included 646 thyroid FNAs which were reviewed by three pathologists and classified according to TBSRTC. Cytohistological...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Study on the Influence of Baseline Control System on the Fragility of Large-Scale Wind Turbine considering Seismic-Aerodynamic Combination
The purpose of this paper is to explore the effect of the baseline control system (BCS) on the fragility of large-scale wind turbine when seismic and wind actions are considered simultaneously. The BCS is used to control the power output by regulating rotor speed and blade-pitch angle in real time. In this study, the fragility analysis was performed and compared between two models using different peak ground acceleration, wind speeds, and specified critical levels. The fragility curves with different...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Parameter Estimations of Fuzzy Forced Duffing Equation: Numerical Performances by the Extended Runge-Kutta Method
In this work, the forced Duffing equation with secondary resonance will be considered our subject by assuming that the initial values has uncertainty in terms of a fuzzy number. The resulted fuzzy models will be studied by three fuzzy differential approaches, namely, Hukuhara differential and its generalization and fuzzy differential inclusion. Applications of fuzzy arithmetics to the models lead to a set of alpha-cut deterministic systems with some additional equations. These systems are then solved...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Enhanced Gray Matter Volume Compensates for Decreased Brain Activity in the Ocular Motor Area in Children with Anisometropic Amblyopia
Purpose.Anisometropic amblyopia usually occurs during early childhood and results in monocular visual deficit. Recent neuroimaging studies have demonstrated structural and functional alterations in pediatric anisometropic amblyopia (PAA) patients. However, the relationship between structural and functional alterations remains largely unknown. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between structural and functional alterations in PAA patients. Materials and Methods. Eighteen PAA...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Paediatric Posttraumatic Cyst-Like Lesions: A Report of Two Cases and Review of the Literature
Posttraumatic cyst-like lesions are a rare finding after greenstick fractures in children. These asymptomatic, cystic lesions become radiologically apparent 2-4 months after the initial trauma. Conventional radiographs typically show nonexpansile, well-circumscribed lesions in the cortex, proximal to the fracture site. It is important to recognize them as benign to prevent unnecessary concern and additional imaging or invasive diagnostic procedures. No treatment is indicated, as they eventually resolve...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Decreased Plasma Maresin 1 Concentration Is Associated with Diabetic Foot Ulcer
Aims. To assess the maresin 1 (MaR1) contents in type 2 diabetic patients with or without diabetic foot ulcer and to analyze the association of MaR1 concentrations with several metabolism-related parameters. Methods. Plasma MaR1 concentrations were analyzed in 96 subjects with normal glucose tolerant (NC, ), type 2 diabetes (T2DM, ), or diabetic foot ulcer (DFU, ). The intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT) and biochemical parameters were measured in all participants. Results. Plasma MaR1 concentrations...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Impact of Age on Short- and Long-Term Outcomes after Pancreatoduodenectomy for Periampullary Neoplasms
Background. Although mortality and morbidity of pancreatoduodenectomy (PD) have improved significantly over the past years, the impact of age for patients undergoing PD is still debated. This study is aimed at analyzing short- and long-term outcomes of PD in elderly patients. Methods. 124 consecutive patients who have undergone PD for pancreas neoplasms in our center between 2012 and 2017 were analyzed. Patients were divided into two groups: group I (
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Hyaluronic Acid-IR780 Nanoparticles for Photothermal Ablation in Orthotopic Renal Cancer
Renal cancer is one of the most common malignancies in urological tumors; it is necessary to develop a noninvasive and highly targeted thermal ablation method for the treatment of renal tumors. IR780 has been shown to be an effective photothermal agent for tumor thermal ablation. This study was designed to explore the feasibility of applying hyaluronic acid-IR780 nanoparticles (HA-IR780 NPs) for targeted thermal ablation of renal tumors using an in situ renal tumor model. The size of the nanoparticles...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Three-Dimensional Generalized Dynamics of Soft-Matter Quasicrystals
The three-dimensional generalized dynamics of soft-matter quasicrystals was investigated, in which the governing equations of the dynamics are derived for observed 12-fold symmetry quasicrystals and possibly observed 8- and 10-fold symmetry ones in soft matter. The solving methods, possible solutions for some initial- and boundary-value problems of the equations, and possible applications are discussed as well.
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Effect of Extraction Methods on Antioxidant Activity of Papery Skin Extracts and Fractions of Maja Cipanas Onion (Allium cepa L. var. ascalonicum)
Extraction can be carried out at ambient temperature or high temperature to accelerate the extraction process of secondary metabolites from simplicia. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of extraction methods on antioxidant activity of secondary metabolites of papery skin extracts and fractions of Maja Cipanas onion (Allium cepa L. var. ascalonicum). Extraction methods were maceration, percolation, reflux, and Soxhlet method, and then, concentrated extracts were fractionated by liquid-liquid...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Exploring University Students’ Attitudes towards Primary Care: Evidence from a Cross-Sectional Study
The general practitioner (GP) has a significant role in primary care, being more than a gatekeeper to health services access. In Italy, if a citizen moves for studies for at least 3 months, he/she can choose temporarily another GP in the new city (the so-called “Healthcare Domicile” (HD)). The aims were to estimate the university students’ knowledge about the HD, evaluate the frequency of the transition to another GP, and assess the university students’ attitudes towards the primary care services....
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
A Review of the Health Implications of Heavy Metals in Food Chain in Nigeria
Heavy metals such as Zn, Pb, Fe, and Cu are abundant in the environment and contribute largely to the sustainability and equilibrium of ecosystem processes. However, because of their bioaccumulation, nondegradability, and the excessive amounts in which they exist, these metals contaminate the food chain and subsequently become a source of toxicity to human beings and the entire ecological function. This is a major issue of concern within the study of environmental science and geochemistry. Although...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
In Vitro Micropropagation of Aloe adigratana Reynolds Using Offshoot Cuttings
This study aimed at developing a suitable and reproducible protocol for in vitro micropropagation of Aloe adigratana Reynolds using explants from offshoots with the help of the most commonly used plant growth regulators (PGRs). Explants were initiated in full-strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) media enriched with 0.2 mg/L benzylaminopurine (BAP) + 0.2 mg/L naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). Shooting experiment was conducted in full-strength MS media enriched with 0/0, 0.5/0.5, 1.0/0.5, 1.5/0.5, and 2.0/0.5 mg/L...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Existence Results for Nonlinear Multiorder Fractional Differential Equations with Integral and Antiperiodic Boundary Conditions
In this paper, we study the solvability of a class of nonlinear multiorder Caputo fractional differential equations with integral and antiperiodic boundary conditions. By using some fixed point theorems including the Banach contraction mapping principle and Schaefer’s fixed point theorem, we obtain new existence and uniqueness results for our given problem. Also, we give some examples to illustrate our main results.
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Identification of Pancreaticoduodenectomy Resection for Pancreatic Head Adenocarcinoma: A Preliminary Study of Radiomics
Background. In a pathological examination of pancreaticoduodenectomy for pancreatic head adenocarcinoma, a resection margin without cancer cells in 1 mm is recognized as R0; a resection margin with cancer cells in 1 mm is recognized as R1. The preoperative identification of R0 and R1 is of great significance for surgical decision and prognosis. We conducted a preliminary radiomics study based on preoperative CT (computer tomography) images to evaluate a resection margin which was R0 or R1. Methods....
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Dynamic Behavior and Fatigue Damage Evolution of Sandstone under Uniaxial Cyclic Loading
The mechanical response characteristics of sandstone specimens under different stress amplitudes and loading frequencies were tested by a TAW-2000 rock triaxial testing machine. The characteristics of the stress-strain curve and the evolution process of strain damage under cyclic loading are analyzed. Based on creep theory and the disturbance state concept, a theoretical model between the axial compressive strain, axial compressive stress, and cycle number is established. The results show that there...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
PCR Detection of HHV8 DNA in the Saliva of Removable Denture Wearers Compared to Dentate Cases in Shiraz, South of Iran
Background and aim. Removable dentures may act as reservoir for pathogens that can cause serious infections. Human herpesvirus 8 (HHV8) is an oncogenic virus that was found in the saliva more than genital secretions. Thus, this study was designed to evaluate HHV8 in the saliva of patients with removable dentures. Method and material. In this cross-sectional study from March-July 2019, saliva samples were collected from 50 denture wearers as a case group and 50 ages and gender matched dentate subjects...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation

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